Why people don't watch the news anymore!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I was watching ABC's David Muir tonite.
From this statement By President Trump...
"We're getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody's ever seen before," the president said. "And they're the bad ones. And it's a military operation."

ABC,et.al. I'm sure led the evening news declaring Trump calls immigration a "military operation"!

GEEZ... unbelievable!
Is it NO wonder that the VAST majority of Americans are turning off the news!

Trump never said the military was involved. The people attest there is no military.
YET the idiot MSM take two words and conflate them into "military operation"!

Way to go MSM. ME and the average joe understood what Trump was saying. It was being done methodically. Just like a military operation is. With directness.

I turned the TV off and once and for all can not believe a word anymore of the MSM!
These are the SAME idiot people that forget that simple adjective "illegal" ! Trump is married to an immigrant! My daughter-in-law is an "immigrant!"
Both legal just as 40+ million are legal! But this biased, evil MSM forgets that adjective!

How destructive they have become and frankly I am very morose in seeing and light at the end of the tunnel.

Until more and more people ignore the MSM .....
Ummm . Trump said "military operation" while describing immigration policy .

So what's incorrect on abc's part? An exact quote by the anchor would Also be helpful .
Democrat Fake News. I called it that long before it became fashionable. I haven't watched Network Nightly News in many years. It's all such Democrat Bullshite.
Um.........hate to tell you, but Trump DID call it a military operation. Here's a direct quote.................

After saying Kelly had been "unbelievable at the border," Trump said the U.S. is "getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody's ever seen before.""And it's a military operation, because what has been allowed to come into our country, when you see gang violence that you've read about like never before, and all of the things — much of that is people that are here illegally. And they're rough and they're tough, but they' not tough like our people," he said. "So we're getting them out."

Trump Described Deportations as a 'Military Operation'

However, when the news agencies quoted him directly and he heard how it sounded, he revised his statement and said that what he meant was that deportation is running with the smoothness of a military operation.

As far as news sources? I listen to the nightly news, the local news, BBC, and VICE News on HBO. VICE News is a pretty good source, because the reporters keep all of their commentary out of it, just who, what, where, when, and how. They leave the why out of it and let you make up your own mind.
Um.........hate to tell you, but Trump DID call it a military operation. Here's a direct quote.................

After saying Kelly had been "unbelievable at the border," Trump said the U.S. is "getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody's ever seen before.""And it's a military operation, because what has been allowed to come into our country, when you see gang violence that you've read about like never before, and all of the things — much of that is people that are here illegally. And they're rough and they're tough, but they' not tough like our people," he said. "So we're getting them out."

Trump Described Deportations as a 'Military Operation'

However, when the news agencies quoted him directly and he heard how it sounded, he revised his statement and said that what he meant was that deportation is running with the smoothness of a military operation.

As far as news sources? I listen to the nightly news, the local news, BBC, and VICE News on HBO. VICE News is a pretty good source, because the reporters keep all of their commentary out of it, just who, what, where, when, and how. They leave the why out of it and let you make up your own mind.

This is exactly what I started this thread with:
From this statement By President Trump...
"We're getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody's ever seen before," the president said. "And they're the bad ones. And it's a military operation."
Go back and read the first one I posted so you don't have to "hate to tell you" I knew it!
That was my point!
They took the statement "military operation" and ran with that!

Fairly objective news sources as you say keep it to the 5 Ws!
Um.........hate to tell you, but Trump DID call it a military operation. Here's a direct quote.................

After saying Kelly had been "unbelievable at the border," Trump said the U.S. is "getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody's ever seen before.""And it's a military operation, because what has been allowed to come into our country, when you see gang violence that you've read about like never before, and all of the things — much of that is people that are here illegally. And they're rough and they're tough, but they' not tough like our people," he said. "So we're getting them out."

Trump Described Deportations as a 'Military Operation'

However, when the news agencies quoted him directly and he heard how it sounded, he revised his statement and said that what he meant was that deportation is running with the smoothness of a military operation.

As far as news sources? I listen to the nightly news, the local news, BBC, and VICE News on HBO. VICE News is a pretty good source, because the reporters keep all of their commentary out of it, just who, what, where, when, and how. They leave the why out of it and let you make up your own mind.

This is exactly what I started this thread with:
From this statement By President Trump...
"We're getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody's ever seen before," the president said. "And they're the bad ones. And it's a military operation."
Go back and read the first one I posted so you don't have to "hate to tell you" I knew it!
That was my point!
They took the statement "military operation" and ran with that!

Fairly objective news sources as you say keep it to the 5 Ws!

If Trump were more careful with his words then he should have said "it's an operation that is being ran with military precision", and nobody would have said squat. But, he couldn't do that, because everything he does has to be bigger, better and badder than anything anyone else has done, which is why he said "military operation". Unfortunately, he still doesn't realize that he's president of the USA and that his words have weight and meaning. Doesn't he realize that as POTUS he can order military operations? The rest of the world sure as hell does.
Um.........hate to tell you, but Trump DID call it a military operation. Here's a direct quote.................

After saying Kelly had been "unbelievable at the border," Trump said the U.S. is "getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody's ever seen before.""And it's a military operation, because what has been allowed to come into our country, when you see gang violence that you've read about like never before, and all of the things — much of that is people that are here illegally. And they're rough and they're tough, but they' not tough like our people," he said. "So we're getting them out."

Trump Described Deportations as a 'Military Operation'

However, when the news agencies quoted him directly and he heard how it sounded, he revised his statement and said that what he meant was that deportation is running with the smoothness of a military operation.

As far as news sources? I listen to the nightly news, the local news, BBC, and VICE News on HBO. VICE News is a pretty good source, because the reporters keep all of their commentary out of it, just who, what, where, when, and how. They leave the why out of it and let you make up your own mind.

This is exactly what I started this thread with:
From this statement By President Trump...
"We're getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody's ever seen before," the president said. "And they're the bad ones. And it's a military operation."
Go back and read the first one I posted so you don't have to "hate to tell you" I knew it!
That was my point!
They took the statement "military operation" and ran with that!

Fairly objective news sources as you say keep it to the 5 Ws!

If Trump were more careful with his words then he should have said "it's an operation that is being ran with military precision", and nobody would have said squat. But, he couldn't do that, because everything he does has to be bigger, better and badder than anything anyone else has done, which is why he said "military operation". Unfortunately, he still doesn't realize that he's president of the USA and that his words have weight and meaning. Doesn't he realize that as POTUS he can order military operations? The rest of the world sure as hell does.

Right. Did the MSM make a big deal out of these GAFFES by Obama???
See you don't seem to be bothered nor was the MSM when Obama said these things!!

1) Obama made a more elementary flub when, during the 2008 campaign, he said: “I’ve now been in 57 states-I think one left to go.”
2) "A comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously.”
Wrong hero.
3) President Obama signed the guest book and dated it 24 May 2008. Oops. It was 2011.
4) “Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas Obama’s home state of Illinois, and not Arkansas, shares a border with Kentucky.
5) “I don’t know what the term is in Austrian” for “wheeling and dealing.” Oops, Mr. President. There is no Austrian language.
6) ”In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died-an entire town destroyed.” He was only off by 9,988 as the twister
killed 12 people.
7) In his remarks, Obama made a reference to daughter Malia, saying she was 13 years old, when at the time she was 12.
8) "No, no. I have been practicing. … I bowled a 129. It’s like-it was like Special Olympics, or something.”
9) What I was suggesting-you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith
10) And that really famous gaffe.."while in Kansas City, Missouri, Aug. 25, 2008. Navy Corpse-Man Christian Brossard." –mispronouncing "Corpsman"! Geez!
NO... because the MSM was too busy gushing!!!
Remember this is the same guy that those rough and tough "journalists" declared :
Evan Thomas "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Chris Matthews' "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."

Where was the MSM when Obama said these tremendous GAFFES
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Updated - The Obameter: Cut the cost of a typical family's health insurance premium by up to $2,500 a year
No the difference between Trump and Obama is skin color!
The MSM and other idiots just couldn't admit they were racists...racists being they were AFRAID they'd be called "racist" if they didn't support Obama!
Because Obama had absolutely NO experiences in running the country. At LEAST Trump had 30 years of really hard business experiences!
Um.........hate to tell you, but Trump DID call it a military operation. Here's a direct quote.................

After saying Kelly had been "unbelievable at the border," Trump said the U.S. is "getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody's ever seen before.""And it's a military operation, because what has been allowed to come into our country, when you see gang violence that you've read about like never before, and all of the things — much of that is people that are here illegally. And they're rough and they're tough, but they' not tough like our people," he said. "So we're getting them out."

Trump Described Deportations as a 'Military Operation'

However, when the news agencies quoted him directly and he heard how it sounded, he revised his statement and said that what he meant was that deportation is running with the smoothness of a military operation.

As far as news sources? I listen to the nightly news, the local news, BBC, and VICE News on HBO. VICE News is a pretty good source, because the reporters keep all of their commentary out of it, just who, what, where, when, and how. They leave the why out of it and let you make up your own mind.

This is exactly what I started this thread with:
From this statement By President Trump...
"We're getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody's ever seen before," the president said. "And they're the bad ones. And it's a military operation."
Go back and read the first one I posted so you don't have to "hate to tell you" I knew it!
That was my point!
They took the statement "military operation" and ran with that!

Fairly objective news sources as you say keep it to the 5 Ws!

If Trump were more careful with his words then he should have said "it's an operation that is being ran with military precision", and nobody would have said squat. But, he couldn't do that, because everything he does has to be bigger, better and badder than anything anyone else has done, which is why he said "military operation". Unfortunately, he still doesn't realize that he's president of the USA and that his words have weight and meaning. Doesn't he realize that as POTUS he can order military operations? The rest of the world sure as hell does.

Right. Did the MSM make a big deal out of these GAFFES by Obama???
See you don't seem to be bothered nor was the MSM when Obama said these things!!

1) Obama made a more elementary flub when, during the 2008 campaign, he said: “I’ve now been in 57 states-I think one left to go.”
2) "A comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously.”
Wrong hero.
3) President Obama signed the guest book and dated it 24 May 2008. Oops. It was 2011.
4) “Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas Obama’s home state of Illinois, and not Arkansas, shares a border with Kentucky.
5) “I don’t know what the term is in Austrian” for “wheeling and dealing.” Oops, Mr. President. There is no Austrian language.
6) ”In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died-an entire town destroyed.” He was only off by 9,988 as the twister
killed 12 people.
7) In his remarks, Obama made a reference to daughter Malia, saying she was 13 years old, when at the time she was 12.
8) "No, no. I have been practicing. … I bowled a 129. It’s like-it was like Special Olympics, or something.”
9) What I was suggesting-you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith
10) And that really famous gaffe.."while in Kansas City, Missouri, Aug. 25, 2008. Navy Corpse-Man Christian Brossard." –mispronouncing "Corpsman"! Geez!
NO... because the MSM was too busy gushing!!!
Remember this is the same guy that those rough and tough "journalists" declared :
Evan Thomas "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Chris Matthews' "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."

Where was the MSM when Obama said these tremendous GAFFES
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Updated - The Obameter: Cut the cost of a typical family's health insurance premium by up to $2,500 a year

Just what I thought...........when asked about Trump's behavior, you duck the question and deflect to Obama (or Hillary, or Bill, or whatever other Dem is the goat du jour) and refuse to answer the question.

Were you trained by Kelly Anne Conway to be able to do that, or is it just the way the conservative hive mind works?
I was watching ABC's David Muir tonite.
From this statement By President Trump...
"We're getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody's ever seen before," the president said. "And they're the bad ones. And it's a military operation."

ABC,et.al. I'm sure led the evening news declaring Trump calls immigration a "military operation"!

GEEZ... unbelievable!
Is it NO wonder that the VAST majority of Americans are turning off the news!

Trump never said the military was involved. The people attest there is no military.
YET the idiot MSM take two words and conflate them into "military operation"!

Way to go MSM. ME and the average joe understood what Trump was saying. It was being done methodically. Just like a military operation is. With directness.

I turned the TV off and once and for all can not believe a word anymore of the MSM!

I'll never forget watching the Trump inauguration. I was watching it on MSNBC Heehaw and the announcer said the crowd looked like it was mostly "vanilla".

Can anyone imagine saying that Obama's crowd looked like Chocolate? What a bunch of hypocritical racists that constantly attack Trump as a racist.

I was watching ABC's David Muir tonite.
From this statement By President Trump...
"We're getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody's ever seen before," the president said. "And they're the bad ones. And it's a military operation."

ABC,et.al. I'm sure led the evening news declaring Trump calls immigration a "military operation"!

GEEZ... unbelievable!
Is it NO wonder that the VAST majority of Americans are turning off the news!

Trump never said the military was involved. The people attest there is no military.
YET the idiot MSM take two words and conflate them into "military operation"!

Way to go MSM. ME and the average joe understood what Trump was saying. It was being done methodically. Just like a military operation is. With directness.

I turned the TV off and once and for all can not believe a word anymore of the MSM!

I'll never forget watching the Trump inauguration. I was watching it on MSNBC Heehaw and the announcer said the crowd looked like it was mostly "vanilla".

Can anyone imagine saying that Obama's crowd looked like Chocolate? What a bunch of hypocritical racists that constantly attack Trump as a racist.


Got a link for that quote? I'd like to see it.
I was watching ABC's David Muir tonite.
From this statement By President Trump...
"We're getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody's ever seen before," the president said. "And they're the bad ones. And it's a military operation."

ABC,et.al. I'm sure led the evening news declaring Trump calls immigration a "military operation"!

GEEZ... unbelievable!
Is it NO wonder that the VAST majority of Americans are turning off the news!

Trump never said the military was involved. The people attest there is no military.
YET the idiot MSM take two words and conflate them into "military operation"!

Way to go MSM. ME and the average joe understood what Trump was saying. It was being done methodically. Just like a military operation is. With directness.

I turned the TV off and once and for all can not believe a word anymore of the MSM!

I'll never forget watching the Trump inauguration. I was watching it on MSNBC Heehaw and the announcer said the crowd looked like it was mostly "vanilla".

Can anyone imagine saying that Obama's crowd looked like Chocolate? What a bunch of hypocritical racists that constantly attack Trump as a racist.


Got a link for that quote? I'd like to see it.

How about "hearing" it as I can't find the written transcript..
Full Episode: Thursday, Feb. 23, 2017 from World News Tonight with David Muir

But where was the leading news on ABC, et.al. When these people said these inflammatory comments:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"
This Harvard study to have increased violence by 10%...

Where was the SAME news explaining how our troops were terrorists,or war is lost...
The same excitement trembling newscaster saying Trump used "military operations"?
Last edited:
I was watching ABC's David Muir tonite.
From this statement By President Trump...
"We're getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody's ever seen before," the president said. "And they're the bad ones. And it's a military operation."

ABC,et.al. I'm sure led the evening news declaring Trump calls immigration a "military operation"!

GEEZ... unbelievable!
Is it NO wonder that the VAST majority of Americans are turning off the news!

Trump never said the military was involved. The people attest there is no military.
YET the idiot MSM take two words and conflate them into "military operation"!

Way to go MSM. ME and the average joe understood what Trump was saying. It was being done methodically. Just like a military operation is. With directness.

I turned the TV off and once and for all can not believe a word anymore of the MSM!
You have to watch what you say in politics when you are Commander in Chief of the military.

We have a Posse Comitatus Act.
These are the exact same news people that got so excited about this!

The Trump administration is considering a proposal to mobilize as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up unauthorized immigrants, including millions living nowhere near the Mexico border, according to a draft memo obtained by The Associated Press.

The 11-page document calls for the unprecedented militarization of immigration enforcement as far north as Portland, Oregon, and as far east as New Orleans, Louisiana.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer, however, called the AP report “100 percent not true.”

“It is false. It is irresponsible to be saying this,” Spicer told reporters on Air Force One Friday. “There is no effort to utilize the national guard to round up immigrants.”

He added that the draft memo “is not a White House document.”

AP: Trump admin considers using 100,000 National Guard troops for immigration raids
These are the exact same news people that got so excited about this!

The Trump administration is considering a proposal to mobilize as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up unauthorized immigrants, including millions living nowhere near the Mexico border, according to a draft memo obtained by The Associated Press.

The 11-page document calls for the unprecedented militarization of immigration enforcement as far north as Portland, Oregon, and as far east as New Orleans, Louisiana.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer, however, called the AP report “100 percent not true.”

“It is false. It is irresponsible to be saying this,” Spicer told reporters on Air Force One Friday. “There is no effort to utilize the national guard to round up immigrants.”

He added that the draft memo “is not a White House document.”

AP: Trump admin considers using 100,000 National Guard troops for immigration raids
It's all liberal fake news....

It's fun watching the freak out....:lol:

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