Why Obamacare


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
I want to remind everyone why the dems and libs are pushing for single payer healthcare and using the ACA as the first step toward that end.

Vladimir Lenin: “Socialized Medicine is the Keystone to the Arch of the Socialist State.”

Lenin and all socialists knew that once the state controlled healthcare that socialism would become easy.

The American people need to think seriously about this, we are standing on the edge of the cliff. Do you want individual freedom or do you want to be a ward of the state?
I want to remind everyone why the dems and libs are pushing for single payer healthcare and using the ACA as the first step toward that end.

Vladimir Lenin: “Socialized Medicine is the Keystone to the Arch of the Socialist State.”

Lenin and all socialists knew that once the state controlled healthcare that socialism would become easy.

The American people need to think seriously about this, we are standing on the edge of the cliff. Do you want individual freedom or do you want to be a ward of the state?

They refuse to see they are being led to slaughter, they are the superior party........ABC and CNN told them that and they believe it.
It's over.

The GOP has dropped the anti-obamacare crusade, they're talking about budget cuts now.

This was the final line in the sand, and yet again, you guys lost. Just move on please.
It's over.

The GOP has dropped the anti-obamacare crusade, they're talking about budget cuts now.

This was the final line in the sand, and yet again, you guys lost. Just move on please.

So your choice is to become a ward of the state, so noted. Please report to your local DMV to have your serial number tattooed to the inside of your lip.
Obamacare was a solution to a manufactured "problem". Pelosi the bitch and her fellow scumbags were all over the TV proclaiming a "healthcare crisis" that did not exist/ Bullshit invented stories of people going bankrupt over medical bills, yada, yada, yada.

And as the OP pointed out, it is a mere stepping stone for single payer government insurance (not healthcare) and total control over all of us, including the flaming idiot retards on the left who are too stupid to understand that they support the demise of their own personal sovereignty.
Obamacare was a solution to a manufactured "problem". Pelosi the bitch and her fellow scumbags were all over the TV proclaiming a "healthcare crisis" that did not exist/ Bullshit invented stories of people going bankrupt over medical bills, yada, yada, yada.

And as the OP pointed out, it is a mere stepping stone for single payer government insurance (not healthcare) and total control over all of us, including the flaming idiot retards on the left who are too stupid to understand that they support the demise of their own personal sovereignty.

well said, and totally correct.:clap2:
It's over.

The GOP has dropped the anti-obamacare crusade, they're talking about budget cuts now.

This was the final line in the sand, and yet again, you guys lost. Just move on please.

I want to remind everyone why the dems and libs are pushing for single payer healthcare and using the ACA as the first step toward that end.

Vladimir Lenin: “Socialized Medicine is the Keystone to the Arch of the Socialist State.”

Lenin and all socialists knew that once the state controlled healthcare that socialism would become easy.

The American people need to think seriously about this, we are standing on the edge of the cliff. Do you want individual freedom or do you want to be a ward of the state?

Explain please, how does paying for one's own insurance make ObamaCare "socialist"?
It's about redistribution, and controll. These Obama types know that as the op clearly stated: once they controll health care, that spearheads them into all facets of our lives. To put the IRS in charge of coersion, pain, and punishment while it is itself under federal investigation is very telling.

Obama no doubt wants socialism for the USA. Too many brave men, and women have sacrifised too much for freedom to let this ideologue subjugate us - we need to fight this shit with all we have.

We should not raise the debt limit - let the shit hit the fan while we still have one. Let the default be his if he does not choose to prioritize. His supporters need to feel the pain of his mission now instead of it all crashing down on all of us. Fuck Obamacare!
I want to remind everyone why the dems and libs are pushing for single payer healthcare and using the ACA as the first step toward that end.

Vladimir Lenin: “Socialized Medicine is the Keystone to the Arch of the Socialist State.”

Lenin and all socialists knew that once the state controlled healthcare that socialism would become easy.

The American people need to think seriously about this, we are standing on the edge of the cliff. Do you want individual freedom or do you want to be a ward of the state?

Sure, but as previously pointed out, this is as much a republican initiative as it is a democrat initiative. The GOP will only oppose it to the extent they appease their base, they will not defeat it. Once again, PPACA was written by insurance for insurance, and the GOP, is all about business.
It's about redistribution, and controll. These Obama types know that as the op clearly stated: once they controll health care, that spearheads them into all facets of our lives. To put the IRS in charge of coersion, pain, and punishment while it is itself under federal investigation is very telling.

Obama no doubt wants socialism for the USA. Too many brave men, and women have sacrifised too much for freedom to let this ideologue subjugate us - we need to fight this shit with all we have.

We should not raise the debt limit - let the shit hit the fan while we still have one. Let the default be his if he does not choose to prioritize. His supporters need to feel the pain of his mission now instead of it all crashing down on all of us. Fuck Obamacare!

It was a brave fight to stop it, put tons of effort into it I must say. In the end ACA is going to be the way forward and nothing can stop that now. It will not be perfect on day 1, but it will lead to bigger and better things in the future.
I want to remind everyone why the dems and libs are pushing for single payer healthcare and using the ACA as the first step toward that end.

Vladimir Lenin: “Socialized Medicine is the Keystone to the Arch of the Socialist State.”

Lenin and all socialists knew that once the state controlled healthcare that socialism would become easy.

The American people need to think seriously about this, we are standing on the edge of the cliff. Do you want individual freedom or do you want to be a ward of the state?

Explain please, how does paying for one's own insurance make ObamaCare "socialist"?

Being FORCED to buy it is socialist. And since you missed the point of the OP, thats only step one.
It's about redistribution, and controll. These Obama types know that as the op clearly stated: once they controll health care, that spearheads them into all facets of our lives. To put the IRS in charge of coersion, pain, and punishment while it is itself under federal investigation is very telling.

Obama no doubt wants socialism for the USA. Too many brave men, and women have sacrifised too much for freedom to let this ideologue subjugate us - we need to fight this shit with all we have.

We should not raise the debt limit - let the shit hit the fan while we still have one. Let the default be his if he does not choose to prioritize. His supporters need to feel the pain of his mission now instead of it all crashing down on all of us. Fuck Obamacare!

It was a brave fight to stop it, put tons of effort into it I must say. In the end ACA is going to be the way forward and nothing can stop that now. It will not be perfect on day 1, but it will lead to bigger and better things in the future.

I forgot, in addition to the lip tattoo, you will also have a tracking chip inserted onto the back of your neck. It will record and report your thoughts to central control. After all, we cannot allow anyone to have unauthorized thoughts or ideas.:eusa_shhh:
It's about redistribution, and controll. These Obama types know that as the op clearly stated: once they controll health care, that spearheads them into all facets of our lives. To put the IRS in charge of coersion, pain, and punishment while it is itself under federal investigation is very telling.

Obama no doubt wants socialism for the USA. Too many brave men, and women have sacrifised too much for freedom to let this ideologue subjugate us - we need to fight this shit with all we have.

We should not raise the debt limit - let the shit hit the fan while we still have one. Let the default be his if he does not choose to prioritize. His supporters need to feel the pain of his mission now instead of it all crashing down on all of us. Fuck Obamacare!

It was a brave fight to stop it, put tons of effort into it I must say. In the end ACA is going to be the way forward and nothing can stop that now. It will not be perfect on day 1, but it will lead to bigger and better things in the future.

Then why not fix it first? why not remove stupid stuff like real estate taxes and taxes on medical devices? why not add tort reform and interstate competition of insurance? Why not allow people to opt out and take personal responsibility for their medical care?

everyone knows that the law is terribly written, why not fix it before implementing it?
I want to remind everyone why the dems and libs are pushing for single payer healthcare and using the ACA as the first step toward that end.

Vladimir Lenin: “Socialized Medicine is the Keystone to the Arch of the Socialist State.”

Lenin and all socialists knew that once the state controlled healthcare that socialism would become easy.

The American people need to think seriously about this, we are standing on the edge of the cliff. Do you want individual freedom or do you want to be a ward of the state?

Sure, but as previously pointed out, this is as much a republican initiative as it is a democrat initiative. The GOP will only oppose it to the extent they appease their base, they will not defeat it. Once again, PPACA was written by insurance for insurance, and the GOP, is all about business.

No it isn't, it is totally opposite of what Republicans want for Health Care.

If it was as much of a Republican initiative there would have been some Republicans voting for it. Not one did.
It's over.

The GOP has dropped the anti-obamacare crusade, they're talking about budget cuts now.

This was the final line in the sand, and yet again, you guys lost. Just move on please.
Of course idiots like you love socialism so much. MOVE TO RUSSIA PUKE!!!!
It's over.

The GOP has dropped the anti-obamacare crusade, they're talking about budget cuts now.

This was the final line in the sand, and yet again, you guys lost. Just move on please.
Of course idiots like you love socialism so much. MOVE TO RUSSIA PUKE!!!!

It's a time of transition for the United States, this is pretty much a meager starting point. People will be happy with it, no more denying insurance to people with pre-existing conditions, free preventive care, health care accessible to lower income individuals and families.

I think it's going to be a living embryo for a much larger transformation in the future, but we're off to a great start in Jan 2014!
It's about redistribution, and controll. These Obama types know that as the op clearly stated: once they controll health care, that spearheads them into all facets of our lives. To put the IRS in charge of coersion, pain, and punishment while it is itself under federal investigation is very telling.

Obama no doubt wants socialism for the USA. Too many brave men, and women have sacrifised too much for freedom to let this ideologue subjugate us - we need to fight this shit with all we have.

We should not raise the debt limit - let the shit hit the fan while we still have one. Let the default be his if he does not choose to prioritize. His supporters need to feel the pain of his mission now instead of it all crashing down on all of us. Fuck Obamacare!

It was a brave fight to stop it, put tons of effort into it I must say. In the end ACA is going to be the way forward and nothing can stop that now. It will not be perfect on day 1, but it will lead to bigger and better things in the future.
Your a sheep who wants to be led. I wish you would explain what bigger, and better thing means. You must be refering to socialism.
Obamacare was a solution to a manufactured "problem". Pelosi the bitch and her fellow scumbags were all over the TV proclaiming a "healthcare crisis" that did not exist/ Bullshit invented stories of people going bankrupt over medical bills, yada, yada, yada.

And as the OP pointed out, it is a mere stepping stone for single payer government insurance (not healthcare) and total control over all of us, including the flaming idiot retards on the left who are too stupid to understand that they support the demise of their own personal sovereignty.


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