Why leftist submit to terror


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Behavioral scientist Gad Saad explains how leftists have contracted Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome – the most dangerous mental virus in the world.

Why Leftists Submit to Terror

If anybody understands what is going on here this guy does and has had great insight into the bs going on around the world including the US.



The PC media are referring to the latest terrorist (London) as British-born. Clearly, it must be fish & chips that "radicalized" him. The suicidal obfuscation is soul crushing. The [redacted] are referred to as "youths," "Asian," and countless other appellations to somehow temper a reality that is as clear as gravity. Slowly we inch toward the abyss of infinite darkness...

The current suicidal lunacy being exhibited by the West is the singular greatest collective rejection of the most fundamental evolutionary instinct of all living creatures: Survival. Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome is truly a devastating virus of the human mind that rewires one's neuronal circuitry to seek its own demise. It is disheartening and soul crushing. Let us hope that those not afflicted with OPS will save the day otherwise this might end up being the most astonishing collective suicide known to humanity.

Ostrich Logic of the suicidal castrati: Don't fuel the flames of hatred by being angry about yet another terror attack. Sit idly & die. Imagine the extent of one's damaged mind when those who are indignant about genocidal acts are the "real culprits." It is soul crushing. One grotesque affront to human decency attacked me on Twitter for "creating division" (by commenting about the London attack). Yes, I'm the "real problem" here.
Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome - Graham Hancock Official Website
It's out of fear, which only emboldens the enemy. That is exactly what they want.
Whee, it is you 'Conservatives' that are shitting your pants and running around in circles. Any one of us is in far less danger from terrorists that we are from the daily traffic we face. Or even from the guns that our unstable neighbor owns.
Whee, it is you 'Conservatives' that are shitting your pants and running around in circles. Any one of us is in far less danger from terrorists that we are from the daily traffic we face. Or even from the guns that our unstable neighbor owns.

You know, you're right. But, scaring people is a really easy way to deflect their attention to something else. I've been bouncing between the various cable channels for the past couple of weeks to compare FOX, CNN and MSNBC. Guess what? On MSNBC and CNN (the "lamestream media" or the liberal media), they are talking mostly about what Trump has done and the latest revelations in the Russia scandal.

On FOX? Well, it seems that they are taking off with the Manchester bombings, and on several occasions, they have brought on "experts" who are telling the audience that a terror attack is imminent on this country and we should all be very afraid. There is very little about Trump and his scandals, and when they do report on it, they tell you that there is nothing there and it is all made up.
Whee, it is you 'Conservatives' that are shitting your pants and running around in circles. Any one of us is in far less danger from terrorists that we are from the daily traffic we face. Or even from the guns that our unstable neighbor owns.
Last time I checked, cars and guns can have beneficial effects creating a risk/reward condition, therefore, you must see a benefit in terrorism. That means you're a terrorist.
Because most , if not all, is made up.
Whee, it is you 'Conservatives' that are shitting your pants and running around in circles. Any one of us is in far less danger from terrorists that we are from the daily traffic we face. Or even from the guns that our unstable neighbor owns.

You know, you're right. But, scaring people is a really easy way to deflect their attention to something else. I've been bouncing between the various cable channels for the past couple of weeks to compare FOX, CNN and MSNBC. Guess what? On MSNBC and CNN (the "lamestream media" or the liberal media), they are talking mostly about what Trump has done and the latest revelations in the Russia scandal.

On FOX? Well, it seems that they are taking off with the Manchester bombings, and on several occasions, they have brought on "experts" who are telling the audience that a terror attack is imminent on this country and we should all be very afraid. There is very little about Trump and his scandals, and when they do report on it, they tell you that there is nothing there and it is all made up.
Whee, it is you 'Conservatives' that are shitting your pants and running around in circles. Any one of us is in far less danger from terrorists that we are from the daily traffic we face. Or even from the guns that our unstable neighbor owns.
Last time I checked, cars and guns can have beneficial effects creating a risk/reward condition, therefore, you must see a benefit in terrorism. That means you're a terrorist.
For some they must seem to think there will be a benefit in it as it seems to be a part of their programming to think people will submit or else.
ISIS has stated that their goal is to make the people of the west terrified, and to make the west hate moderate Muslims. The exact same goals as the GOP.
Whee, it is you 'Conservatives' that are shitting your pants and running around in circles. Any one of us is in far less danger from terrorists that we are from the daily traffic we face. Or even from the guns that our unstable neighbor owns.
Last time I checked, cars and guns can have beneficial effects creating a risk/reward condition, therefore, you must see a benefit in terrorism. That means you're a terrorist.
Such a post means that you are a dumb fuck. Life is a game of chance. And you look at the numbers to see where the danger is. Over the years, there is a very small chance of being killed by a terrorist, either of the right or left, as compared to the chance of dying in an accident or being killed by a gun.
ISIS has stated that their goal is to make the people of the west terrified, and to make the west hate moderate Muslims. The exact same goals as the GOP.
Yes, and the 'Conservatives' here do all they can to help them. Terrorism, whether from ISIS or Sovereign Citizens, is a very minor danger for most of us. Yes, it does happen. So does being struck by lightning. But our 'Conservatives' must make a super big deal out of terrorism to support their bigotry.
Whee, it is you 'Conservatives' that are shitting your pants and running around in circles. Any one of us is in far less danger from terrorists that we are from the daily traffic we face. Or even from the guns that our unstable neighbor owns.
Last time I checked, cars and guns can have beneficial effects creating a risk/reward condition, therefore, you must see a benefit in terrorism. That means you're a terrorist.
Such a post means that you are a dumb fuck. Life is a game of chance. And you look at the numbers to see where the danger is. Over the years, there is a very small chance of being killed by a terrorist, either of the right or left, as compared to the chance of dying in an accident or being killed by a gun.
Again, you equate guns and cars with terrorists. Now it's up to you to figure this one out on your own.
Terrorism has existed for centuries, it's root cause is a disaffected population easily manipulated by demagogues, charlatan's and many times the clergy. We can't kill them all, as the brand of terrorism in the ME is generational, and nurtured by the west's addiction to oil.

The best way to convert a suicide bomber is to give him or her a reason to live. The best way to create a suicide bomber is to keep doing what we are doing and expect a different result.
Terrorism has existed for centuries, it's root cause is a disaffected population easily manipulated by demagogues, charlatan's and many times the clergy. We can't kill them all, as the brand of terrorism in the ME is generational, and nurtured by the west's addiction to oil.

The best way to convert a suicide bomber is to give him or her a reason to live. The best way to create a suicide bomber is to keep doing what we are doing and expect a different result.
This particular terrorism is specifically Muslim and is a result of anti-zionist Muslim bigotry. It has become acute only in the previous forty years or so. Are you a Muslim terrorist? You post like one.
Terrorism has existed for centuries, it's root cause is a disaffected population easily manipulated by demagogues, charlatan's and many times the clergy. We can't kill them all, as the brand of terrorism in the ME is generational, and nurtured by the west's addiction to oil.

The best way to convert a suicide bomber is to give him or her a reason to live. The best way to create a suicide bomber is to keep doing what we are doing and expect a different result.

This particular terrorism is specifically Muslim and is a result of anti-zionist Muslim bigotry. It has become acute only in the previous forty years or so. Are you a Muslim terrorist? You post like one.

Nope, sorry to disappoint, my dog tag noted what I am: RCNP (Roman Catholic Non Practicing).
Terrorism has existed for centuries, it's root cause is a disaffected population easily manipulated by demagogues, charlatan's and many times the clergy. We can't kill them all, as the brand of terrorism in the ME is generational, and nurtured by the west's addiction to oil.

The best way to convert a suicide bomber is to give him or her a reason to live. The best way to create a suicide bomber is to keep doing what we are doing and expect a different result.

This particular terrorism is specifically Muslim and is a result of anti-zionist Muslim bigotry. It has become acute only in the previous forty years or so. Are you a Muslim terrorist? You post like one.

Nope, sorry to disappoint, my dog tag noted what I am: RCNP (Roman Catholic Non Practicing).
You're now an honorary member of ISIS.

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