Pelosi Offers Obvious Bribe To Voters "If You Give Congress Back To Us"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
An obvious bribe....this woman is not only crazy....but she's dangerously stupid.


“House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday vowed to take up a $15 minimum wage in the first 100 hours of the next Congress if Democrats take back the chamber next year.

Pelosi offered the commitment while appearing alongside fellow Democratic leaders and advocates to release new legislation raising the minimum wage to $15. Her comments offer an early view at Democrats’ potential agenda for the House if they can regain control in 2018, a long-shot prospect that some in the party think could grow increasingly more realistic given President Donald Trump and the GOP’s recent struggles.

If “we win the election,” Pelosi told the gathered audience, “in the first 100 hours we will pass a $15 minimum wage.”
…Pelosi endorsed a $15 minimum wage in 2015, aligning with Bernie Sanders on an issue that became a foundation of the Vermont independent senator’s unsuccessful bid for last year’s Democratic presidential nomination. The broad Democratic support for Thursday’s minimum wage hike illustrates the extent of Sanders’ influence on the agenda of the party whose leadership he has joined — without formally becoming a Democrat.”

You have to hand it to Democrats. Despite the fact that the party’s leadership is made up nearly 100 percent of wealthy old, white people from the coasts …Pelosi, Clintons, Sanders, Warren, etc… they somehow manage to hang onto the fake perception that they’re the party of the little people out there in middle America.
These Democrat millionaires didn’t get to be Democrat millionaires by being stupid. Of course they’re well aware what the devastating affects of forcing business to pay $15/hour for unskilled labor will be and know the effects such a minimum wage would have on the very people to whom they’re pandering — the minimum wage holders. More automation, more layoffs, increased prices for lower-end commodities and foods. They know all of this but view it as an acceptable trade off for the restoration of their power.

Pelosi offers ABSURD deal to America: Give us back Congress and we'll...
They won't get it back until they get rid of their thugs unless the Republicans keep screwing people over with their same ole commerce for a few scams.
One thing that bothers me about these beltway swamp critters. They think the whole country is built on the same money exchange as in their area.
IN the major cities where these politicians are usually from, the wages are higher then say depressed areas like small rural or southern towns. Therefore in thinking $15 is nothing, it can crush a business or lose employers over that "NOT MUCH" figure in the eyes of an elitist who thinks all America has the same value on the dollar.
In depressed areas they can't charge $5-10 for coffee or $50 for a meal like they can in major cities. Politicians need to get out in the real world, as they think they are doing people a favor by not giving states or areas their own choice anount of Min. wage they are actually crushing already suffering ma and pa businesses & towns.
Without allowing towns to remain cheaper to live, there is no retirement worthy places to settle to where your money goes further as you hoard where the pay is greatest(big city) but rerire & take it to these quaint reasonable towns for more bang for your buck upon retirement. Take that away and you'll have what England is going through, people expatriating to cheaper countries like Bulgaria.
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She also knows much of her district deals with illegal help, and thus won't affect it.
Until this bankrupt corporate entity lamely disguised as a "government" owned by it's creditors (the IMF) addresses as to why this fiat, debt based currency system of slavery is simply that? You could raise it to 50 an hour and it would not help. Raising minimum wage is sticking a wad of gum on the Titanic hoping to keep it from sinking.
And like the good little liberal that she is, she promises more handouts.

This Memorial weekend, please consider speaking to your representative lawmakers that the country needs a new annual holiday.
Trump promised universal healthcare, now 23,000,000 will lose their healthcare.
Obama promised Universal health care and all we got was fake health insurance and the biggest tax increase in US history.

Oh, and the imaginary 23 million you speak of is made up. The ACA doesn't even cover 20 million.
Not to mention most of the people that signed up for Obamacare were shifted to Medicaid.
Oh.....and millions of these folks are illegals or refugees.

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