Why isn't Comey under investigation?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton before the investigation was even over.

What the hell is that all about?
Conservatives are the most uninformed, misinformed, and manipulated group of people in the USA. The OP's post proves that. How can someone be so utterly convinced of a crime, yet despite after a thorough investigation, it was determined that there was no wrongdoing there? What makes the conservative brain so perpetually confused?

Answer: Right wing hate media. It's a fucking virus of the mind.
Several news agencies reported on the newly released document showing how Comey drafted his announcement exonerating Hillary in April, before the investigation was over.

They then played the video of Comey under oath testifying before Congress, when he was asked point-blank if he had made the decision to exonerate Hillary before or after the investigation was over.

He declared 'After', thereby committing Perjury.

Comey was asked to comment on these two pieces of evidence. He has refused to do so.

No matter how hard Democrats want or try to spin this, they can't.

Muh Russia!

Because Obama controls the DOJ, State Department, IRS & FBI.

Sessions is a pussy and recused himself and Obama still has 800 holdovers running things.

Lynch Rice Powers Brennen Clapper Clinton and Obama all still have their security clearances.
The FBI has always had the reputation of being incorruptible. Apparently, those days are over.
Conservatives are the most uninformed, misinformed, and manipulated group of people in the USA. The OP's post proves that. How can someone be so utterly convinced of a crime, yet despite after a thorough investigation, it was determined that there was no wrongdoing there? What makes the conservative brain so perpetually confused?

Answer: Right wing hate media. It's a fucking virus of the mind.
. And liberals are the innocent ones right ? ROTFLMBO... So what makes the liberal mind so perpetually confused ?
I don't know.

The O. P. poses a question every Republican Senator should be screaming about as soon as they get back from their "Vacation".

But, it seems that the Republicans are Pussies. I think they must be terrified that the New York Press will take notice of them.

They are more afraid that the New York Press will single them out as a Racist or some other of Mrs. Clinton's Deplorables...more afraid of that than they are that their own Heartland Voters will figure out that they are Pussies.

Back to your question.

James Comey needs to be investigated. Loretta Lynch needs to be investigated.

The F.B.I.'s investigation of the Clinton e-mail Scandal needs to be investigated.

Listen folks. When you depose the Target of the Investigation (Mrs. Clinton), and you don't even have a stenographer present to take down what is said....then you have what is known as a SHAM.

I agree with the general principal of government: that you do not want to have precedents set that Candidates wind up in Jail. It leads down the road to a Banana Republic. That's why they pardoned Nixon even though he deserved to be in jail.

For that reason, though I loathe her, I would not want to see Hillary Clinton in jail for her e-mail offenses alone*.

{*Assuming she didn't also commit a worse crime....like taking a massive kickback to the The Clinton Foundation for using her authority as Secretary of State to approve a sale of uranium to the Russians.}

But Clinton's behavior is an entirely different thing from having our CHIEF LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY---CORRUPTED.

That very Agency which has just insulted the intelligence of millions and millions of Americans by saying they would not produce information on the Clinton E-mail Investigation---because there was "insufficient public interest".

All that MUST be investigated, the Whole FBI and JUSTICE Dept...starting with Loretta Lynch and James Comey...and any Republican in Congress who doesn't demand it----is a Pussy who should be "Primaried" next election.
Several news agencies reported on the newly released document showing how Comey drafted his announcement exonerating Hillary in April, before the investigation was over.

They then played the video of Comey under oath testifying before Congress, when he was asked point-blank if he had made the decision to exonerate Hillary before or after the investigation was over.

He declared 'After', thereby committing Perjury.

Comey was asked to comment on these two pieces of evidence. He has refused to do so.

No matter how hard Democrats want or try to spin this, they can't.

There is nothing to spin. Comey apparently wrote a draft letter before the interviews. A draft that could have been changed had they found something. If Comey was in the tank for Clinton then why did he tell Congress about new Clinton emails the weekend before the election? That certainly did not help her.
Conservatives are the most uninformed, misinformed, and manipulated group of people in the USA. The OP's post proves that. How can someone be so utterly convinced of a crime, yet despite after a thorough investigation, it was determined that there was no wrongdoing there? What makes the conservative brain so perpetually confused?

Answer: Right wing hate media. It's a fucking virus of the mind.
Blackrock and his merry band of knownothings love to prove how little they know each and every day on this forum.
The FBI has always had the reputation of being incorruptible. Apparently, those days are over.
You are obligated to say that being a trump whore.
You take it your duty to slime every person, government agency etc that speaks the truth about your liar in chief.
There is nothing to spin. Comey apparently wrote a draft letter before the interviews. A draft that could have been changed had they found something.

Oh yes, it completely makes sense that the head of the FBI, whose wife had received money from the Clinton Foundayion, wrote a draft letter exonerating Hillary of her crimes MONTHS before the investigation had finished. Nothing fishy about that at all.

Good grief, I have never seen people more WILLING to be lied to, to voluntarily be sheep, in all my damn life!

Not turning in official documents, whether intentionally or by accident, is a violation of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act. This is not in question.
- Hillary knew this. She signed govt documents acknowledging this. She sent an e-mail to her State Drpartment employees warning them about that....

...and then she went on to break those laws more than 15,000 (fifteen THOUSAND) times.

What do snowflakes say?
- 'HONEST MISTAKE' (From Hillary :p Guess what? She still broke the laws.)

It is illegal to give anyone who does not have a security clearance or a high enough security clearance access to classified info.
- Hillary gave access to Top Secret info to HER MAID and to an IT company who did not have the proper security clearances. THESE ARE F*ING crimes.

There are laws governing the storage and destruction of classified information - Hillary broke them both.
- Her Top Secret server was stored in the unsecured BATHROOM of an IT company that did not have the proper security clearance needed to posses / maintain / store it.
- Her trusted staff destroyed devices with hammers...in violation of those laws.

When the FBI directed her to turn over her server, all devices, and all documents she destroyed thousands of records / files, used BleachBit on her server in an attempt to eliminate potential evidence, destroyed several devices, refused to turn over several devices, and those devices she did turn over were missing their sim cards.
- This is OBSTRUCTION. These are CRIMES.

Snowflakes attack Trump for not turning over his tax returns, and he is not even legally required to do so. Hillary WAS LEGALLY REQUIRED to turn over EVERYTHING, not just what SHE decided the FBI should have, and BROKE THE LAW by not doing it...

And willful idiots like you continue to make excuses, attempt to justify, and flat out lie for this criminal bitch!

This is one of THE most open and shut cases ever.

Comey, an intelligent man and expert in the law, testified laws were broken - period.

He went on to try to say Hillary should not be indicted because HE saw no 'INTENT'.
- His job was not to be Judge and Jury but to find evidence of crimes, which he testified he DID

Comey lied about 'intent', as well:
- Hillary created a private server and e-mail to keep her activities secret.
- She intentionally refused to hand over documents.
- She intentionally defied FBI orders to turn over everything, intentionally tried to wipe her server, intentionally destroyed devices, intentionally withheld devices and sim cards, etc

Comey claimed Hillary was not guilty of espionage / breaking the law because she was too stupid to know she was beeaking the law / ignorant of the law
- Comey should damn-well know that according to the law ignorance of the law is NOT a legally accepted defense
- Comey, in coming to this conclussion, had to ignore the traIning Hillary received, the refresher training she was given, and the numerous SIGNED documents where Hillary acknowledged she KNEW the law.

And yet snowflakes like yourself make yourselves willing DUPES, buying their BS and parroting it like mindless idiots in defense of this criminal who never once gave a damn about you.

Gruber was right about Democrats - they are stupid.

Good freakin' grief....
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Can you imagine if Trump had done ANY of what Hillary had done, if Mueller found Trump had violated FOIA, had refused to comply with FBI orders and had detroyed / withheld info, devices, and sim cards?

Trump's Impeachment would already be under way!

Muh Russia!

Because Obama controls the DOJ, State Department, IRS & FBI.

Sessions is a pussy and recused himself and Obama still has 800 holdovers running things.

Lynch Rice Powers Brennen Clapper Clinton and Obama all still have their security clearances.
Great point...just like with Hillary, once you are no longer serving in an official capacity where you have no more 'need to know' you are 'read-out' of classified programs. Your clearance might still exist, but it is not active. They are no longer legally capable of accessing / possessing that classified info.
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Conservatives are the most uninformed, misinformed, and manipulated group of people in the USA. The OP's post proves that. How can someone be so utterly convinced of a crime, yet despite after a thorough investigation, it was determined that there was no wrongdoing there? What makes the conservative brain so perpetually confused?

Answer: Right wing hate media. It's a fucking virus of the mind.
Blackrock and his merry band of knownothings love to prove how little they know each and every day on this forum.
. Matters not what you or any of your merry band of so called intellects say anymore, because your groups crazies have placed you all in a non-intelectual position. No one takes you people serious anymore, because you all allow to much idiocy to co-opt your everyday lives in representation of your positions on the issues as they are being debated by citizens over dinner in everyday average working class America now. Many groups have got to abandon the crazies in order to become relevant again.

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