Why Islam Is More Violent Than Christianity


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY

How long must I endure the apologists, the secular liars, trying to compare the horrific murderers and savages, the Islamists, to other groups, usually Christians?

When will Liberals run out of lies?

Tracinski does his usual masterful job in explaining the .....dichotomy.

1. "The Charlie Hebdo massacre once again has politicians and the media dancing around the question of whether there might be something a little bit special about this one particular religion, Islam, that causes its adherents to go around killing people.

2. It is not considered acceptable in polite company to entertain this possibility. Instead, it is necessary to insist, as a New York Times article does, that “Islam is no more inherently violent than other religions.”

3. .... all major religions have had violent periods, or periods in which the religion has coexisted with violence. Even those mellow pacifist Buddhists. ...

.... But in today’s context, it’s absurd to equate Islam and Christianity.

4. Pointing to the Spanish Inquisition tends to undermine the point rather than confirm it: if you have to look back three hundred years to find atrocities, it’s because there are so few of them today. The mass crimes committed under the name of Islam, by contrast, are fresh and openly boasted about.

5. As an atheist, I have no god in this fight, so to speak. I don’t think the differences between religions make one more valid than another. But as the Charlie Hedbo attack reminds us, there is a big practical difference between them.

6..... the best argument against the equivalence of Christianity and Islam is that no one acts even remotely as if this were true. We feel free to criticize and offend Christians without a second thought....but antagonizing Muslims takes courage.
More courage than a lot of secular types in the West can usually muster.

7. What are its root causes?

... the main danger posed by any religion to its dissenters and unbelievers lies in the rejection of reason, which cuts off the possibility of discussion and debate, leaving coercion as an acceptable substitute.... But all religions are different and have different doctrines which are shaped over their history—and as we shall see, that includes different views on precisely such core issues as the role of reason and persuasion.

8.....there are a number of big, widely documented differences between Christianity and Islam that can be seen in the traditions established by their history and in the actual content of their religious doctrines.

9. The life of Christ versus the life of Mohammed.
Mohammed was a conqueror who gained worldly political power in his lifetime and used it to persecute opponents and impose his religion. He also fully enjoyed the worldly perks of being a tyrant, including multiple wives.

Jesus, by contrast, was basically a pacifist whose whole purpose on earth was to allow himself to be tortured to death.

10. He even explicitly forbade his followers to use force to defend him. Here’s John,Chapter 18: “Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear…. Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?”
Why Islam Is More Violent Than Christianity
Jesus went to the cross to save us from being tortured for all eternity. (hell) Those who will receive Him and live in Him have been pardoned from that fate and await a great reward in heaven.

Anyone outside of Christ cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven and that includes Muslims. (although they are not alone) So the right course of action is to pray for them to come to a saving knowledge in Jesus Christ. There is no hope for them outside of Jesus Christ. What a horrifying thought that upon leaving this earth they would expect to see a brothel in paradise only to find themselves in hell with not even a drop of water. All because they rejected Jesus Christ and took the word of a man over the Word of God.

Truly - that must grieve the heart of God.
Radicals are violent. Radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical Jews, radical Hindus.

If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence.

Radical Christians burn crosses, lynch folks not to their peculiar liking and pervert the icons and teachings of Christianity to their own purposes. They call themselves the knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They are not examples of Christianity, but a political hate group and a criminal organization.

But they are a distinct minority in Christendom.

Can they be fairly compared to radical Islamists? Absolutely and quite fairly.
Christianity in its sum total has been more violent than Islam. Christianity found its way out of its centuries long violent phase as secularism began assert more influence over Christian cultures.
I love these "our history of violence is better because we are good people" arguments
Think about the unthinkable. What if God exists and is in fact a violent angry God intolerant of non-believers, heretics, and blasphemers?
It's not liberals who are the apologists, but the illiberal, useful idiot portion of the left. They do seem to dominate on discussion boards, but I encounter few in real live. Maybe it is just my age, but NONE of my liberal friends sound like the fifth column types that post here. Of course, I tend to hang out with more intelligent people, so that may color my observations.

Unintelligent people who have predetermined that they absolutely MUST defend Islam at all costs are not acting from a position of intellectual honesty any more than those who who would say "kill 'em all and let God sort it out". They have decided on their conclusion first -- a conclusion born of an excessive need to conform -- and so then go about the business of whipping up various Tu Quoque arguments attempting to justify all the mayhem based upon false comparisons.

Islam and Christianity are not the same and neither are Muslims and Christians. Anybody who attempts to equate the two are simply too stupid and too fearful to understand much of anything at all. Mainstream Islam as it is practiced is much more conservative than mainstream Christianity. Devout Muslims show a greater propensity towards violence to protect their religion than devout Christians. What would be considered mainstream for Christianity would be considered extremely liberal for Islam, and what is considered extremely conservative for Christianity would be considered mainstream in Islam.

People who are intellectually honest do not cloud their mind with rigid preconceptions. The rigid preconceptions result in sophistry and the sophistry reveals an incredible degree of hypocrisy at times. The same numb nuts who rail against Christians give a free pass to Muslims -- and for much more egregious and widespread behavior. It's what they do. It's what they are EXPECTED to do as they line up like little lemmings to parrot the prevailing orthodoxy.
Radical Christians are not violent, Nosmos. The lukewarm and carnal resort to violence and are in rebellion against God. Such as the KKK who hate those they can see yet claim they love God who they cannot see. The bible is clear they are deceived.

Not all Muslims are violent. I agree with you. A small percentage - according to experts approximately 7% of the Muslim population believe in waging jihad. How do we get the number 7%?

According to the Pew Research Center which published in 2007 the largest most comprehensive study of Muslim American opinions ever done, involving an interview of sixty thousand Muslim Americans conducted in English, Arabic, Farsi, and Urdu - the question was did they believe suicide bombings against civilians was ever justified? Some 13 percent indicated they believed suicide bombings were justified sometimes (7 percent) often (1 percent) or rarely but not never ( 5 percent ) the younger Muslims between ages of eighteen and twenty nine were more religious and more radical in their beliefs. Of that group 7 percent favored Al Qaeda and 15 percent felt that suicide bombings were sometimes or OFTEN justified.

More polling was conducted throughout Europe and over there it was found that 15 percent of the Muslim population ( approx. 16 million Muslims in Europe in 07') 15 percent said sometimes or often justified - suicide bombings - in the UK.. 16 percent said sometimes or often justified - in France and 7 percent in Germany said sometimes or often justified.

Forty percent in Great Britain felt Iran should have nuclear weapons.

The poll did extend to Muslims coming from 35 different nations that are either Islamic or large Muslim populations.

So in closing this is what the polls, questionaire revealed - remember - after surveying 90% of a sample representing more than 90 percent of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims - from 35 nations which were predominantly Muslim - also add in Europe and USA - and the findings were........... 93 percent of the Muslims in the world are defined as non violent and traditionally religious but unlikely to pose a threat.

That is good news.

Here is the bad news:

7 percent were classified as Radical Muslims. This group found 9/11 to be completely justified and view the USA unfavorably. If you do the math on 7 percent of the Worlds Muslim population at 1.3 billion you are faced with the fact that there are 91 Million Radical Muslims in the world today.
91 Million radical Muslims is going by the 2007 report estimating 1.3 billion Muslims. If you go by their claim of 1.5 billion Muslims the number of radical Muslims is higher. That is what the world is facing today, Nosmos.

Thanks for reading.
Jesus went to the cross to save us from being tortured for all eternity. (hell) Those who will receive Him and live in Him have been pardoned from that fate and await a great reward in heaven.

Anyone outside of Christ cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven and that includes Muslims. (although they are not alone) So the right course of action is to pray for them to come to a saving knowledge in Jesus Christ. There is no hope for them outside of Jesus Christ. What a horrifying thought that upon leaving this earth they would expect to see a brothel in paradise only to find themselves in hell with not even a drop of water. All because they rejected Jesus Christ and took the word of a man over the Word of God.

Truly - that must grieve the heart of God.
You mean Jews will never get to Heaven? I know there has been stories of people going to Heaven without a physical death before Jesus was born. Do they have to go back to square one?

Here is a little challenge to the profoundly unintelligent individuals who always defend Islam by attacking Christianity, instead. Please provide a map that details all the Christian countries with apostasy laws on the books similar to these.
Radicals are violent. Radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical Jews, radical Hindus.

If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence.

Radical Christians burn crosses, lynch folks not to their peculiar liking and pervert the icons and teachings of Christianity to their own purposes. They call themselves the knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They are not examples of Christianity, but a political hate group and a criminal organization.

But they are a distinct minority in Christendom.

Can they be fairly compared to radical Islamists? Absolutely and quite fairly.

What brings you scurrying out?

Oh...I see: I mentioned "the secular liars."

Your post is EXACTLY what I had in mind when I came across the essay.
I see you recognized it, as well.

Stay tuned: an unassailable case will be made that you endorse the most absurd of explanations for the violence that threatens the civilized world today.

And, apologists like you facilitate same.

Here is a little challenge to the profoundly unintelligent individuals who always defend Islam by attacking Christianity, instead. Please provide a map that details all the Christian countries with apostasy laws on the books similar to these.

Question: Relevance?
Jesus went to the cross to save us from being tortured for all eternity. (hell) Those who will receive Him and live in Him have been pardoned from that fate and await a great reward in heaven.

Anyone outside of Christ cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven and that includes Muslims. (although they are not alone) So the right course of action is to pray for them to come to a saving knowledge in Jesus Christ. There is no hope for them outside of Jesus Christ. What a horrifying thought that upon leaving this earth they would expect to see a brothel in paradise only to find themselves in hell with not even a drop of water. All because they rejected Jesus Christ and took the word of a man over the Word of God.

Truly - that must grieve the heart of God.
You mean Jews will never get to Heaven? I know there has been stories of people going to Heaven without a physical death before Jesus was born. Do they have to go back to square one?

When heaven was opened. Paradise - which was within view of hell - see the story of Abraham and Lazarus and the rich man in hell who asked for a drop of water (Paradise had water - hell had none) and realize the story Jesus told about that was not a parable but a true story - when Jesus went to the cross he went to hell and took the keys but he also preached to those in Paradise and they received the promise - which is why Jesus didn't say to the thief on the cross - today you shall be with me in heaven. Instead he said today you shall be with me in Paradise. Why? That is where Jesus was going and so the thief joined those awaiting the promise in Paradise. Then Paradise was emptied and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets and all who received the promise entered into heaven. Hell enlarged itself because Paradise was emptied and no longer needed. When Jesus ascended into heaven and was seated at the right hand of the Father - heaven was opened.

Radicals are violent. Radical Muslims, radical Christians, radical Jews, radical Hindus.

If all Muslims were inherently violent and dangerous, the faith would quickly burn out under the weight of all that violence.

Radical Christians burn crosses, lynch folks not to their peculiar liking and pervert the icons and teachings of Christianity to their own purposes. They call themselves the knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They are not examples of Christianity, but a political hate group and a criminal organization.

But they are a distinct minority in Christendom.

Can they be fairly compared to radical Islamists? Absolutely and quite fairly.

What brings you scurrying out?

Oh...I see: I mentioned "the secular liars."

Your post is EXACTLY what I had in mind when I came across the essay.
I see you recognized it, as well.

Stay tuned: an unassailable case will be made that you endorse the most absurd of explanations for the violence that threatens the civilized world today.

And, apologists like you facilitate same.
I reject the label of "secular liar" as I am neither. It's merely a ham handed attempt on your part to throw up a rhetorical road block and cheap invective.

Nothing you present is unassailable. Any case that attempts to paint all adherents to any faith as holding the same political objectives (and that is what the radicalization of faiths is about) fails to understand the greater theology of that faith. Simplistic arguments always fail. An un-nuanced outlook leads to greater ignorance.
Think about the unthinkable. What if God exists and is in fact a violent angry God intolerant of non-believers, heretics, and blasphemers?

Think about the truth instead. That Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and that no man can come to the Father except through Him. Think about the truth that God said no murderer, no adulterer, no idolater, no homosexual, no liar, no thief, no sorcerer.......can enter the kingdom of heaven. Think about the truth of what Jesus taught and the commandment - thou shalt not kill - think about the truth that those who reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior cannot enter the kingdom of heaven and when you are finished thinking about that consider that no where in the bible did Jesus ever command his followers to murder in his name. To do jihad, to loot, to take sex slaves - and then consider that the one you have been following is Satan and not God.

Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Baal Allah cannot save you. Mohammad cannot save you. He could not even save himself and today he is in hell. Wake up.
Think about the unthinkable. What if God exists and is in fact a violent angry God intolerant of non-believers, heretics, and blasphemers?

Think about the truth instead. That Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and that no man can come to the Father except through Him. Think about the truth that God said no murderer, no adulterer, no idolater, no homosexual, no liar, no thief, no sorcerer.......can enter the kingdom of heaven. Think about the truth of what Jesus taught and the commandment - thou shalt not kill - think about the truth that those who reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior cannot enter the kingdom of heaven and when you are finished thinking about that consider that no where in the bible did Jesus ever command his followers to murder in his name. To do jihad, to loot, to take sex slaves - and then consider that the one you have been following is Satan and not God.

Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Baal Allah cannot save you. Mohammad cannot save you. He could not even save himself and today he is in hell. Wake up.
Assuming there is a Heaven and a Hell of course.

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