Why is Trump getting involved in Venezuela?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Because they have oil. Oil is still valuable.

I was watching Marco Rubio and other Republicans talking about keeping Venezuela democratic and talking about protecting voting rights and having a government that works for the people.

And I nearly spewed.

Remember, Republicans indulge in voter suppression all across the country.

Republicans have been fingered in Election Fraud.

Republicans are racist. That can't be denied.

Republicans work for billionaires, not for the good of the country.

So when Republicans give reasons like freedom and voting rights and so on, right away, you have to understand they are lying. Because they don't believe in any of those things.

How do we know? They tell us. While they lie all the time, they don't lie every time. Sometimes, if it fits in with their character, you can figure out when they are telling the truth and when they aren't telling the truth.

Here is a Republican telling the truth:

So the question becomes, Why exactly are Republicans getting involved in Venezuela?
Because they have oil. Oil is still valuable.

I was watching Marco Rubio and other Republicans talking about keeping Venezuela democratic and talking about protecting voting rights and having a government that works for the people.

And I nearly spewed.

Remember, Republicans indulge in voter suppression all across the country.

Republicans have been fingered in Election Fraud.

Republicans are racist. That can't be denied.

Republicans work for billionaires, not for the good of the country.

So when Republicans give reasons like freedom and voting rights and so on, right away, you have to understand they are lying. Because they don't believe in any of those things.

How do we know? They tell us. While they lie all the time, they don't lie every time. Sometimes, if it fits in with their character, you can figure out when they are telling the truth and when they aren't telling the truth.

Here is a Republican telling the truth:

So the question becomes, Why exactly are Republicans getting involved in Venezuela?
Obama was deceptive about things that mattered.

The current Leftist fashion is to take every misstatement or memory lapse or optimistic estimate or example of harmless hyperbole of the President's as a lie.

This programs the shum dits to falsely believe DJT is a liar about important things.

And they falsely accuse Trump of lying in order to cover for the REAL lies and the self serving lies and the lies by Barack Obama which helped him gain the presidency and push his policies on us under false pretenses.

Obama really told lies which were personally helpful to him and genuinely harmful to America or Americans.

Obama SHOULD have been stopped at several stages before being sworn in.

THAT is why it was important to stop him no matter what.

And our nation is STILL paying for his deceptions.

Obama is behind ALL OF THIS bull crap against Trump.


Because if Hillary is indicted, it will lead directly to an indictment of Obama for at least one of the felonies she would be indicted for.

Obama is behind all of this.

All of it.

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Because they have oil. Oil is still valuable.

I was watching Marco Rubio and other Republicans talking about keeping Venezuela democratic and talking about protecting voting rights and having a government that works for the people.

And I nearly spewed.

Remember, Republicans indulge in voter suppression all across the country.

Republicans have been fingered in Election Fraud.

Republicans are racist. That can't be denied.

Republicans work for billionaires, not for the good of the country.

So when Republicans give reasons like freedom and voting rights and so on, right away, you have to understand they are lying. Because they don't believe in any of those things.

How do we know? They tell us. While they lie all the time, they don't lie every time. Sometimes, if it fits in with their character, you can figure out when they are telling the truth and when they aren't telling the truth.

Here is a Republican telling the truth:

So the question becomes, Why exactly are Republicans getting involved in Venezuela?
Venezuela! Ah, the poster-country of Democratic Socialism.
Since the fall of the USSR Venezuela is one of the few sanctuaries the left thas left. They dont want it messed with. They raise the minimum wage twice a month and they have free health care!

Venezuela Socialist Shit Hole with peoples starving, no medical facilities OR fucking TOILET PAPER. Venezuela needs Regime Change, Maduro needs removing either breathing or feet first in box.

Latin America now needs Operation Condor II the final saving of from Socialism, Neo-Marxism. Fuck Commies. Get the Helicopter Rides ready.
Because they have oil. Oil is still valuable.

I was watching Marco Rubio and other Republicans talking about keeping Venezuela democratic and talking about protecting voting rights and having a government that works for the people.

And I nearly spewed.

Remember, Republicans indulge in voter suppression all across the country.

Republicans have been fingered in Election Fraud.

Republicans are racist. That can't be denied.

Republicans work for billionaires, not for the good of the country.

So when Republicans give reasons like freedom and voting rights and so on, right away, you have to understand they are lying. Because they don't believe in any of those things.

How do we know? They tell us. While they lie all the time, they don't lie every time. Sometimes, if it fits in with their character, you can figure out when they are telling the truth and when they aren't telling the truth.

Here is a Republican telling the truth:

So the question becomes, Why exactly are Republicans getting involved in Venezuela?

Because they have oil. Oil is still valuable.

I was watching Marco Rubio and other Republicans talking about keeping Venezuela democratic and talking about protecting voting rights and having a government that works for the people.

And I nearly spewed.

Remember, Republicans indulge in voter suppression all across the country.

Republicans have been fingered in Election Fraud.

Republicans are racist. That can't be denied.

Republicans work for billionaires, not for the good of the country.

So when Republicans give reasons like freedom and voting rights and so on, right away, you have to understand they are lying. Because they don't believe in any of those things.

How do we know? They tell us. While they lie all the time, they don't lie every time. Sometimes, if it fits in with their character, you can figure out when they are telling the truth and when they aren't telling the truth.

Here is a Republican telling the truth:

So the question becomes, Why exactly are Republicans getting involved in Venezuela?

Remember, Republicans indulge in voter suppression all across the country.

Link to judgments for this crime, please. Case # and date, please.
Republicans have been fingered in Election Fraud.

Link to judgments for this crime, please, Case # and date, please.
Republicans are racist. That can't be denied.

Link to judgments for this crime, please, Case # and date, please.
Republicans work for billionaires, not for the good of the country.

Link to judgments for this crime, please, Case # and date, please.

Because they have oil. Oil is still valuable.

I was watching Marco Rubio and other Republicans talking about keeping Venezuela democratic and talking about protecting voting rights and having a government that works for the people.

And I nearly spewed.

Remember, Republicans indulge in voter suppression all across the country.

Republicans have been fingered in Election Fraud.

Republicans are racist. That can't be denied.

Republicans work for billionaires, not for the good of the country.

So when Republicans give reasons like freedom and voting rights and so on, right away, you have to understand they are lying. Because they don't believe in any of those things.

How do we know? They tell us. While they lie all the time, they don't lie every time. Sometimes, if it fits in with their character, you can figure out when they are telling the truth and when they aren't telling the truth.

Here is a Republican telling the truth:

So the question becomes, Why exactly are Republicans getting involved in Venezuela?
Trump is also trying to deflect attention from his legal problems and political failures.
I am very against the whole "Regime-Change" thing because to my knowledge it has never really been successful.

In this instance I find my self supporting it more than not.:(

Those people are suffering, and Maduro is a total dickwad.
Because they have oil. Oil is still valuable.

I was watching Marco Rubio and other Republicans talking about keeping Venezuela democratic and talking about protecting voting rights and having a government that works for the people.

And I nearly spewed.

Remember, Republicans indulge in voter suppression all across the country.

Republicans have been fingered in Election Fraud.

Republicans are racist. That can't be denied.

Republicans work for billionaires, not for the good of the country.

So when Republicans give reasons like freedom and voting rights and so on, right away, you have to understand they are lying. Because they don't believe in any of those things.

How do we know? They tell us. While they lie all the time, they don't lie every time. Sometimes, if it fits in with their character, you can figure out when they are telling the truth and when they aren't telling the truth.

Here is a Republican telling the truth:

So the question becomes, Why exactly are Republicans getting involved in Venezuela?

What's your problem?

You want all of South America and Mexico to freely come into our country because they can't run their own country and aren't as rich as our nation. Now you don't want to help a country where people are starving due to their bad choice of government.
Why is Trump getting involved in Venezuela?

Why was Obama involved in Venezuela?

Remember, Republicans indulge in voter suppression all across the country.
Is that why democrats employ Black Panthers and Antifa to harass polling places and Trump supporters and 15 recounts with 150 lawyers?

Republicans have been fingered in Election Fraud.
Was that when Hillary and the DNC were caught sabotaging Bernie's campaign or when Hillary was caught working behind the scenes with CNN to give her the debate questions in advance?

Republicans are racist. That can't be denied.
Is that why democrats are the leading backers of the KKK, and opponents to conservative Blacks, conservative women groups, christian organizations, the military, not to mention all the times they are caught on camera slurring and patronizing racial leaders just to get their votes?

Republicans work for billionaires, not for the good of the country.
Is that why liberals on average earn 6% more? You go work for a poor person, I'd rather work for someone who knows how to make a buck. And if billionaires are "bad" for the country, then you must believe the poor are GOOD for the country! :badgrin: The poorer the better.

So when Republicans give reasons like freedom and voting rights and so on, right away, you have to understand they are lying. Because they don't believe in any of those things.
What do Democrats believe in? Each election they tell me the same things, yet after controlling the government for years, we end up farther from having it than ever!

How do we know? They tell us. While they lie all the time, they don't lie every time. Sometimes, if it fits in with their character, you can figure out when they are telling the truth and when they aren't telling the truth.
How do we know? Leftards tell us. They lie ALL the time. It fits with their character.
Because they have oil. Oil is still valuable.

I was watching Marco Rubio and other Republicans talking about keeping Venezuela democratic and talking about protecting voting rights and having a government that works for the people.

And I nearly spewed.

Remember, Republicans indulge in voter suppression all across the country.

Republicans have been fingered in Election Fraud.

Republicans are racist. That can't be denied.

Republicans work for billionaires, not for the good of the country.

So when Republicans give reasons like freedom and voting rights and so on, right away, you have to understand they are lying. Because they don't believe in any of those things.

How do we know? They tell us. While they lie all the time, they don't lie every time. Sometimes, if it fits in with their character, you can figure out when they are telling the truth and when they aren't telling the truth.

Here is a Republican telling the truth:

So the question becomes, Why exactly are Republicans getting involved in Venezuela?
Trump is also trying to deflect attention from his legal problems and political failures.
I am very against the whole "Regime-Change" thing because to my knowledge it has never really been successful.

In this instance I find my self supporting it more than not.:(

Those people are suffering, and Maduro is a total dickwad.

It is worse than you know. I know. I work with them every day. I get invoices with hammer and sickle on them. I get memos telling me to delete the latest purge victims from my address book and who the new thug is I am to contact.

Deanard , sharblu faggot that he is, is a communist. That other people suffer and die is ok because it is for the cause. It has always been so.
To piss off the Russians. P.P. Tapes coming soon.

Joking. Actually I think other people in the administration are pushing for it, like Pence and Mustache Madman, perhaps Pompeo as well.
Because they have oil. Oil is still valuable.

I was watching Marco Rubio and other Republicans talking about keeping Venezuela democratic and talking about protecting voting rights and having a government that works for the people.

And I nearly spewed.

Remember, Republicans indulge in voter suppression all across the country.

Republicans have been fingered in Election Fraud.

Republicans are racist. That can't be denied.

Republicans work for billionaires, not for the good of the country.

So when Republicans give reasons like freedom and voting rights and so on, right away, you have to understand they are lying. Because they don't believe in any of those things.

How do we know? They tell us. While they lie all the time, they don't lie every time. Sometimes, if it fits in with their character, you can figure out when they are telling the truth and when they aren't telling the truth.

Here is a Republican telling the truth:

So the question becomes, Why exactly are Republicans getting involved in Venezuela?

To stop more refugees coming from South America.

By the way, Russia isn’t happy about our involvement, but I though President Trump was “Putin’s puppet”? Looks like in this case you are Putin’s puppet. Care to explain?
So the question becomes, Why exactly are Republicans getting involved in Venezuela?

The case, of course, gains some salience considering they made one Elliott Abrams, of "naw, them massacres down there weren't all that bad" and "Iran-Contra" fame, special envoy to Venezuela.

I'm sure Venezuelans can't wait to experience what that man has in store for them.


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Okay, I found one assertion in that posting that actually might be true.
So the question becomes, Why exactly are Republicans getting involved in Venezuela?

Okay, I guess I figured that one out.

What Mr. Guaidó has done is, he declared the recent presidential election a fraud, un-elected Maduro, made himself (acting) President.

Republicans, smart critters they are, don't want to go into the election in 2020 with that clown and his ornamental furniture at the helm, for that portends electoral catastrophe. So, they endorsed Mr. Guaidó's strategy in order to send Pelosi - next in line to the Presidency - a message and a hint how to rid the country of the Trumppestilence.

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