Why Is This Fact Not Taught In Churches?

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A lot of facts are not taught in Churches, b/c the church and synagogue's are all owned by Caesar, (the state.) According to the U.S. Constitution, none of them are required to file 501c status, they don't NEED to in order to be tax free, they just need not incorporate, they do that so that individual's working for them cannot be held liable for mistakes.

It is their obligation to call out corruption in the government.

It is the greatest deception on the nation, when our spiritual life was taken over by the government. They no longer keep the corrupt rotting soul of the state in check.

It's in violation of the Constitution and the Book.

No they do not accept the New Testament because they don't believe Jesus is the messiah.
It was the followers of Jesus, his disciples who wrote the New Testament and founded the 1st Churches.
There is no proof the disciples wrote the NT or even existed for that matter. Its unclear exactly who wrote them.

Yes there is proof and yes they existed.
Link? Heres mine.

These 12 Men Shaped Christianity—But Were They Real?
No they do not accept the New Testament because they don't believe Jesus is the messiah.
It was the followers of Jesus, his disciples who wrote the New Testament and founded the 1st Churches.
There is no proof the disciples wrote the NT or even existed for that matter. Its unclear exactly who wrote them.

Yes there is proof and yes they existed.
Link? Heres mine.

These 12 Men Shaped Christianity—But Were They Real?

What evidence is there that the apostles died for their faith? | Evidence for Christianity
Your own link admits it made a mistake.

"The only apostle whose death is specifically described by non-Christian
sources is James."

Then they correct their mistake.

"Note: Author’s correction!!! It is the martyrdom of James, the Brother
of Jesus
which is recorded in Josephus XX, not James, the son of Zebedee.
James the brother of Jesus was killed in AD 62, while James “the elder”
was executed in AD 44. Only the former execution is reported by Josephus."

Yes that's correct.
And so?
The point is there is archaeological and written history that has proof of their existence.
There is no proof the disciples wrote the NT or even existed for that matter. Its unclear exactly who wrote them.

Yes there is proof and yes they existed.
Link? Heres mine.

These 12 Men Shaped Christianity—But Were They Real?
There is no proof the disciples wrote the NT or even existed for that matter. Its unclear exactly who wrote them.

Yes there is proof and yes they existed.
Link? Heres mine.

These 12 Men Shaped Christianity—But Were They Real?

What evidence is there that the apostles died for their faith? | Evidence for Christianity
Your own link admits it made a mistake.

"The only apostle whose death is specifically described by non-Christian
sources is James."

Then they correct their mistake.

"Note: Author’s correction!!! It is the martyrdom of James, the Brother
of Jesus
which is recorded in Josephus XX, not James, the son of Zebedee.
James the brother of Jesus was killed in AD 62, while James “the elder”
was executed in AD 44. Only the former execution is reported by Josephus."

Yes that's correct.
And so?
The point is there is archaeological and written history that has proof of their existence.
Thats why I asked you to present it. Instead your link basically admitted there was no proof.
Was doing some research on the bible and was reading Genesis 2:11-13. The first 2 nations that are mentioned in the bible are Black nations. The first nation listed is Havilah. Havilah is the son of Kush and it was located in East Africa. The second nation is of course Kush. Kush is the son of Ham and it was also located in east Africa. It is known today as Ethiopia.

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 2:11-13 - English Standard Version

11 The name of the first is the Pishon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 And the gold of that land is good; bdellium and onyx stone are there. 13 The name of the second river is the Gihon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Cush.

Two little problems here:

1.) This is an early chapter in Genesis giving the account of Creation and describing the Garden of Eden. The only person who existed at this point in the narrative is Adam. However, the lands mentioned here - Havilah and Kush - are supposedly named after descendants of Noah. Problem is, Adam being the only person alive at this point, Noah himself hadn't been born yet, much less his descendants.

2.) The English Standard Version you cite from mentions the rivers in the past tense; "...that flowed around...". The original Hebrew text does not use the past tense when describing these rivers. The original Hebrew text reads thus:

"The name of the first is Pishon; that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; and the gold of that land is good; there is bdellium and the onyx stone. And the name of the second river is Gihon; the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Cush."

I have no idea if these were black nations or not but these inconsistencies need to be bore in mind.
At this point Adam was just created. Yes these are descendants of Noah but more importantly they are closer descendants of Ham and Kush respectively. Why you see that as "a problem" needs explaining.

Because Ham and Kush were born even later. How could these lands be named after people who did not yet exist?

People tell stories using past or present tenses all the time. All this tells me is that the Hebrew rendition was obviously the original and the christian one was written later after something had changed.

Two problems with this:

1.) One does not transcribe and translate an historic text by changing meanings and timelines. That's not translation, that's interpretation.

2.) By changing passages to the past tense, it appears that the original author was speaking in the past tense when he was not.

These are definitely Black nations. Havilah as I pointed out is a son of Kush and Kush is a son of Ham. These were all Black people.

Easy. God is telling the writer the location by speaking about the people of those lands.

The prevailing Christian and Jewish thought is that Moses wrote most of the Old Testament, including Genesis and Deuteronomy. But Moses' death is told at the end of Deuteronomy.

Correct. The version that was translated uses past tense. The Torah uses present tense. Regardless they say the exact same thing which doesnt change the location.

No, they do not. The location may not be changed but the timeline is. To say that the river Gihon "...compasseth the whole land of Cush" or "...winds through the entire land of Cush" (as in the New International Version) means that the river flowed through Cush at the time the text was written. To say the river "...flowed through..." indicates that, when the text was written, it no longer did.
So if the OT shows that the Garden of Eden was in East Africa why do some white people dispute that Adam and Eve were Black?

Why does it matter? If that's what your focus is I think you're missing the entire point of Christianity.
Was doing some research on the bible and was reading Genesis 2:11-13. The first 2 nations that are mentioned in the bible are Black nations. The first nation listed is Havilah. Havilah is the son of Kush and it was located in East Africa. The second nation is of course Kush. Kush is the son of Ham and it was also located in east Africa. It is known today as Ethiopia.

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 2:11-13 - English Standard Version

11 The name of the first is the Pishon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 And the gold of that land is good; bdellium and onyx stone are there. 13 The name of the second river is the Gihon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Cush.

It's certainly taught in Synagogues.
So if the OT shows that the Garden of Eden was in East Africa why do some white people dispute that Adam and Eve were Black?

Because we came from apes not Adam and Eve. Grow up.
Was doing some research on the bible and was reading Genesis 2:11-13. The first 2 nations that are mentioned in the bible are Black nations. The first nation listed is Havilah. Havilah is the son of Kush and it was located in East Africa. The second nation is of course Kush. Kush is the son of Ham and it was also located in east Africa. It is known today as Ethiopia.

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 2:11-13 - English Standard Version

11 The name of the first is the Pishon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 And the gold of that land is good; bdellium and onyx stone are there. 13 The name of the second river is the Gihon. It is the one that flowed around the whole land of Cush.

It's certainly taught in Synagogues.
So if the OT shows that the Garden of Eden was in East Africa why do some white people dispute that Adam and Eve were Black?
Turkey is in East Africa?
Are you retarded?
Avraham traveled South West to get to Egypt.
You really are a desperate racist.
So if the OT shows that the Garden of Eden was in East Africa why do some white people dispute that Adam and Eve were Black?

Why does it matter? If that's what your focus is I think you're missing the entire point of Christianity.

You have a definite point. Most Christians really aren't parsing the words for geographical and anthropological trivia. We generally go with, "Jews in the Middle East", and then move the heck on with what REALLY matters, which would be the moral and spiritual lessons.
So if the OT shows that the Garden of Eden was in East Africa why do some white people dispute that Adam and Eve were Black?

Why does it matter? If that's what your focus is I think you're missing the entire point of Christianity.

You have a definite point. Most Christians really aren't parsing the words for geographical and anthropological trivia. We generally go with, "Jews in the Middle East", and then move the heck on with what REALLY matters, which would be the moral and spiritual lessons.

Nor do they care what the characters may have looked like.
So if the OT shows that the Garden of Eden was in East Africa why do some white people dispute that Adam and Eve were Black?

Why does it matter? If that's what your focus is I think you're missing the entire point of Christianity.

You have a definite point. Most Christians really aren't parsing the words for geographical and anthropological trivia. We generally go with, "Jews in the Middle East", and then move the heck on with what REALLY matters, which would be the moral and spiritual lessons.

Nor do they care what the characters may have looked like.

As if we even have any way of knowing. Everyone I know assumes they looked more or less like Middle Eastern Jews now, since that's really the only point of reference we have to go on, to the extent that we give it any thought.

For it to be at all relevant, we would have to be nitpicking racists like your average leftist is, and no one I know happens to be like that.
Your own link admits it made a mistake.

"The only apostle whose death is specifically described by non-Christian
sources is James."

Then they correct their mistake.

"Note: Author’s correction!!! It is the martyrdom of James, the Brother
of Jesus
which is recorded in Josephus XX, not James, the son of Zebedee.
James the brother of Jesus was killed in AD 62, while James “the elder”
was executed in AD 44. Only the former execution is reported by Josephus."

Yes that's correct.
And so?
The point is there is archaeological and written history that has proof of their existence.
Thats why I asked you to present it. Instead your link basically admitted there was no proof.
Your own link admits it made a mistake.

"The only apostle whose death is specifically described by non-Christian
sources is James."

Then they correct their mistake.

"Note: Author’s correction!!! It is the martyrdom of James, the Brother
of Jesus
which is recorded in Josephus XX, not James, the son of Zebedee.
James the brother of Jesus was killed in AD 62, while James “the elder”
was executed in AD 44. Only the former execution is reported by Josephus."

Yes that's correct.
And so?
The point is there is archaeological and written history that has proof of their existence.
Thats why I asked you to present it. Instead your link basically admitted there was no proof.

Yes it did.
Add in everything and there is.
But that's not what Christianity is all about.
It's about believing and following a good life.
Caring and loving others, knowing good from evil.
Loving the Father of us all.
So if the OT shows that the Garden of Eden was in East Africa why do some white people dispute that Adam and Eve were Black?

Why does it matter? If that's what your focus is I think you're missing the entire point of Christianity.
Truth always matters."thou shalt not bear false witness" If it didnt matter then why are white people so dead set that Hebrews were white when they are clearly identified as Black in the bible?
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So if the OT shows that the Garden of Eden was in East Africa why do some white people dispute that Adam and Eve were Black?

Why does it matter? If that's what your focus is I think you're missing the entire point of Christianity.
Truth always matters."thou shalt not bear false witness" If it didnt matter then why are white people so dead set that Hebrews were white when they are clearly identified as Black in the bible?

Hebrews are clearly identified as 'not black' in the bible. Black persons are identified as black
So if the OT shows that the Garden of Eden was in East Africa why do some white people dispute that Adam and Eve were Black?

Why does it matter? If that's what your focus is I think you're missing the entire point of Christianity.
Truth always matters."thou shalt not bear false witness" If it didnt matter then why are white people so dead set that Hebrews were white when they are clearly identified as Black in the bible?

You care a lot more than they do.
So if the OT shows that the Garden of Eden was in East Africa why do some white people dispute that Adam and Eve were Black?

Why does it matter? If that's what your focus is I think you're missing the entire point of Christianity.
Truth always matters."thou shalt not bear false witness" If it didnt matter then why are white people so dead set that Hebrews were white when they are clearly identified as Black in the bible?

Hebrews are clearly identified as 'not black' in the bible. Black persons are identified as black
Show us if you can.
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So if the OT shows that the Garden of Eden was in East Africa why do some white people dispute that Adam and Eve were Black?

Why does it matter? If that's what your focus is I think you're missing the entire point of Christianity.
Truth always matters."thou shalt not bear false witness" If it didnt matter then why are white people so dead set that Hebrews were white when they are clearly identified as Black in the bible?

You care a lot more than they do.
Yes I care about the truth more than most whites I agree.
So if the OT shows that the Garden of Eden was in East Africa why do some white people dispute that Adam and Eve were Black?

Why does it matter? If that's what your focus is I think you're missing the entire point of Christianity.
Truth always matters."thou shalt not bear false witness" If it didnt matter then why are white people so dead set that Hebrews were white when they are clearly identified as Black in the bible?

Hebrews are clearly identified as 'not black' in the bible. Black persons are identified as black
Show us if you can.

show us what? a copy of the bible?
So if the OT shows that the Garden of Eden was in East Africa why do some white people dispute that Adam and Eve were Black?

Why does it matter? If that's what your focus is I think you're missing the entire point of Christianity.
Truth always matters."thou shalt not bear false witness" If it didnt matter then why are white people so dead set that Hebrews were white when they are clearly identified as Black in the bible?

Hebrews are clearly identified as 'not black' in the bible. Black persons are identified as black
Show us if you can.

show us what? a copy of the bible?
Show us where in the bible the Hebrews were clearly identified as "not Black". Please link to your sources.
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