Why is the media ignoring Israel's alliance with al-Qaeda?

I said that like you, he is a lying Nazi slug. You find that confusing?
Not at all. You resort to name calling because you don't have a valid argument to use as a rebuttal.

They are not names ... just facts (and far more honest than anything you have ever posted).
That anyone must prove to you that PBel's "Jew media" claim is bogus illustrates just how far gone you are, Adolph, but thanks for playing
Svwwwiiing andamiss. One ball, one strike. Nothing in my on-topic comments about assassinating "leaders of sovereign nations"..
Oh, c'mon! Then WTF did you mean by this comment...
Maybe a little cat/mouse going on before Israel tosses in with Assad and let's him live.

"...let's him live."

What other way can you take that? Metaphorically speaking, if I don't let you live, what did I just do?

This thread is all about the juvenile level of propaganda required to keep you tools sharp. Like this comical ALQueada /IDF connection.
Israel helping the rebels, is not propaganda. Army spokesmen have already confirmed this.

BUTTTTT --- if you are referring to militant leaders of Hamas who have supported or directed attacks on Israeli citizens --- Yup . It's their season for martyrdom..
Nationals of an occupying power, living in the area that is occupied, are legal targets.

Well that's an unfortunate misunderstanding about "let him live".. What I was referring to was the virtually neutrality of Israel towards this gangbang in Syria. And toying with Assad before stepping and doing the right thing and AIDING him in sustaining his job.

Instead of Assad ending up on ISIS/Al Queda crucifix.

Any person that believes Israel wants Syria to become the same VACUUM of power that we've created in Iraq, or Libya is a loco nutjob.

((Show of hands??? )))

Especially if that VACUUM of power in Syria brings the new caliphate closer to Israel and Jordan and Lebanon. Eventually, Israel, Jordan and Egypt and other threatened parties are gonna start mutually assisting to limit the carnage. And Assad might keep his job as the lesser of the evils.

Not a chance in Timbuktu that the fantasy of this thread is true. There's just a whole lot of loco nutjobs with hi -speed connections to their favorite conspiracy sites.
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More of your lies. The IDF did not confirm that "Zionist control of the Mass Media is complete" as PBel claimed. All you haters ever do is lie.
You should spend a little more time figuring out someone's point, before shooting your mouth off.

The Israeli army confirmed they are helping the rebels, dumbass!

Could you just help me with that assertion you've made many times? I'm a bit slow because of all of the laughing at this thread..

Got one CREDIBLE source that says the IDF acknowleges "helping Al Queada"? Or even acknowledges anything other than humanitarian aid?

Are you telling me that Israelis are as stupid as our dear Leader who believes he's helping angels and ends up supporting terrorists? AND at the same time -- makes nice with Iran who is fighting the rebels in Syria that the US is backing?

Guess the question is -- WHO ISNT on BOTH sides of this gangbang? Looks more like the scuffle in Spain BEFORE the last "big one"..

Trying to make propaganda out of an EXTREMELY complicated situation isn't real useful.

THIS COVERAGE is for people who realize how complex and serious the situation in the Golan actually is...

Al Qaeda a lesser evil Syria War Pulls U.S. Israel Apart - WSJ
You're lying again. There is no alliance as you claim. What is confirmed is that Israel has treated the wounded who have crossed into Israel from Syria and had they not you'd be screaming about Israeli inhumanity. As always you are a lying, 2-faced, Nazi slug, Bubba. Sieg Heil.
Israel helped the rebels. They don't help average Syrian citizens.

How about a LINK that states just that, that Israel is not helping the average Syrian citizen.

I just posted a WSJournal article link discussing a Syrian boy that wasn't just treated and released, but taken into Israel for a prosthesis for the hand that he lost. There's the one that invalids the assertion. Not many "citizens" living in the Golan combat zone.
You're lying again. There is no alliance as you claim. What is confirmed is that Israel has treated the wounded who have crossed into Israel from Syria and had they not you'd be screaming about Israeli inhumanity. As always you are a lying, 2-faced, Nazi slug, Bubba. Sieg Heil.
Israel helped the rebels. They don't help average Syrian citizens.
Israeli hospital cares for Syrian children - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East
Small little rebel he is.
What side is Israel on that gangbang in Syria?
You need a program to figure out who the "opposition" is.. Even the US State Dept is not sure. (or should I say not surprisingly).

"handing over two small boxes to the opposition forces". Well one is Halavah (pkgd of course on ice so that it doesn't melt the chocolate coating) and the other contains the door-knocker from the Bin Laden compound that was recovered by the Mossad during demolition. Most certainly contains the DNA of key AlQueda messengers and every pizza delivery boy in town...

Priceless. The "mainstream media" didn't virtually ignore this story". They couldn't FIND this story.

So is AQ bragging about their "support" from Israel? And how come they haven't sent a wounded fighter to blow up some Israelis?

Israel has provided food and treated the injured that reach the border.
As for politics, they neither support Assad or ISIS. Both are a threat to Israel. If anything Israel supports the people of syria and the chance of an interim government till new election, free and fair, can be held.
ISIS is mostly outsiders invading Iraq and Syria.

But if Israel wasn't providing aid to injured Syrians coming to the border, people would criticize them for not being humanitarian enough. .

Agreed. Fanger's "story" and its claim of "alliance" is only real in the mind of the hater.
Fanger, PBrain and Pene all fit that description.

"the mind of the hater...Fanger, PBrain and Pene all fit that description."

...and more !
The Israeli army confirmed they are helping the rebels, dumbass!
Could you just help me with that assertion you've made many times? I'm a bit slow because of all of the laughing at this thread... Got one CREDIBLE source that says the IDF acknowleges "helping Al Queada"? Or even acknowledges anything other than humanitarian aid?

I take it your question is rhetorical ... you know he has nothing. He postulates that Israel grows oranges and as everyone knows, Syrian rebels drink OJ every morning, therefore they must be allies. Brilliant detective work, eh?
Billo subscribes to the old tell-the-lies-loudly-&-often system employed by his forebears in Germany:
"In fact, as the lie continues to be repeated and reinforced they will believe it ..." - Joseph Goebbels
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If only Islamic Republics and Dictatorships valued hospitals and humanity more than they value Jihad.. Imagine they didn't view hospitals as the ideal place to locate your command/control center.. They too could be sitting out a war for once and just caring for the wounded.
Well that's an unfortunate misunderstanding about "let him live".. What I was referring to was the virtually neutrality of Israel towards this gangbang in Syria. And toying with Assad before stepping and doing the right thing and AIDING him in sustaining his job.

Instead of Assad ending up on ISIS/Al Queda crucifix.

Any person that believes Israel wants Syria to become the same VACUUM of power that we've created in Iraq, or Libya is a loco nutjob.

((Show of hands??? )))
Israel isn't neutral! They've already bombed Syria about a half dozen times to exacerbate the situation.

Especially if that VACUUM of power in Syria brings the new caliphate closer to Israel and Jordan and Lebanon. Eventually, Israel, Jordan and Egypt and other threatened parties are gonna start mutually assisting to limit the carnage. And Assad might keep his job as the lesser of the evils.
Syria hasn't threatened Israel. WTF are you talking about?

Not a chance in Timbuktu that the fantasy of this thread is true. There's just a whole lot of loco nutjobs with hi -speed connections to their favorite conspiracy sites.
Oh really?

Israeli army admits aiding al-Qaeda in Syria

An under-noticed news report last week confirmed previously-held suspicions and strong implications that Israeli troops are aiding the Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's official Syrian affiliate.

Speaking to Israeli occupation troops last week, a Wall Street Journal reporter on the ground in Mount Bental (part of the occupied Golan Heights)
found that Israeli troops receive wounded al-Qaeda fighters, treat them in Israeli hospitals and send them back to continue fighting against the government in Syria.
Even Israel's psycho PM Netanfuckyou came to one of the hospitals to shake the terrorists hand.

I take it your question is rhetorical ... you know he has nothing. He postulates that Israel grows oranges and as everyone knows, Syrian rebels drink OJ every morning, therefore they must be allies. Brilliant detective work, eh?
Billo subscribes to the old tell-the-lies-loudly-&-often system employed by his forebears in Germany:
"In fact, as the lie continues to be repeated and reinforced they will believe it ..." - Joseph Goebbels
You're such a douche bag! All you do, is trash people. So fuck you!

As far as Israeli oranges go...

For several years now there have been propaganda reports in the Israeli press about how Israel is supposedly playing a purely “humanitarian” role in the Syrian war, by treating civilians and sending them back. But this has now been exposed as propaganda. If that were really the case, Israel would be treating combatants from all sides in the Syrian war and furthermore it would arrest suspected al-Qaeda militants. But in reality, all reports confirm that the Israelis are treating only the “rebel” side, including the al-Qaeda militants that lead the armed opposition in that area of Syria (as indeed they do in much of the country). The key difference that disproves the propaganda line, and proves an active Israel-al-Qaeda alliance is that, after treatment, instead of arresting them, the al-Qaeda fighters are sent back to fight in Syria. There is no chance at all that, in the event that Israel captures injured Hamas, Hizballah or Iranian combatants alive, it would send them back to Gaza or Syria to “go on their way”, as the unnamed Israeli official put it.

Israel has also provided air cover for the al Qaeda rebels...

Israeli forces in that area have, during the course of the war, made several air-strikes on what they claimed were Hizballah targets in Syria. If Israel were genuinely opposed to al-Qaeda, it would hit their positions too. But it seems that Israel prefers al-Qaeda over Hizballah and Iran.
Now go back under your rock, bitch.
They are not names ... just facts (and far more honest than anything you have ever posted). That anyone must prove to you that PBel's "Jew media" claim is bogus illustrates just how far gone you are, Adolph, but thanks for playing
"...lying Nazi slug..." is not a name?

Nope ... it's an accurate description. What I don't get is your denials. I mean, you're an obvious goosestepper and you seem quite proud of it. Why the lame denials? It's not like they fool anyone.
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I take it your question is rhetorical ... you know he has nothing. He postulates that Israel grows oranges and as everyone knows, Syrian rebels drink OJ every morning, therefore they must be allies. Brilliant detective work, eh?
Billo subscribes to the old tell-the-lies-loudly-&-often system employed by his forebears in Germany:
"In fact, as the lie continues to be repeated and reinforced they will believe it ..." - Joseph Goebbels
You're such a douche bag! All you do, is trash people. So fuck you!

As far as Israeli oranges go...

For several years now there have been propaganda reports in the Israeli press about how Israel is supposedly playing a purely “humanitarian” role in the Syrian war, by treating civilians and sending them back. But this has now been exposed as propaganda. If that were really the case, Israel would be treating combatants from all sides in the Syrian war and furthermore it would arrest suspected al-Qaeda militants. But in reality, all reports confirm that the Israelis are treating only the “rebel” side, including the al-Qaeda militants that lead the armed opposition in that area of Syria (as indeed they do in much of the country). The key difference that disproves the propaganda line, and proves an active Israel-al-Qaeda alliance is that, after treatment, instead of arresting them, the al-Qaeda fighters are sent back to fight in Syria. There is no chance at all that, in the event that Israel captures injured Hamas, Hizballah or Iranian combatants alive, it would send them back to Gaza or Syria to “go on their way”, as the unnamed Israeli official put it.

Israel has also provided air cover for the al Qaeda rebels...

Israeli forces in that area have, during the course of the war, made several air-strikes on what they claimed were Hizballah targets in Syria. If Israel were genuinely opposed to al-Qaeda, it would hit their positions too. But it seems that Israel prefers al-Qaeda over Hizballah and Iran.
Now go back under your rock, bitch.

Global Research? So you are reduced to quoting opinion pieces from Nazi websites to make your bones? And you really believe your actions don't once again prove my point about you, NaziBoy?

How Israeli doctors rebuilt man s face - BBC News

Israeli hospital cares for Syrian children - Al-Monitor the Pulse of the Middle East

Israeli hospital treats Syrian war-wounded - BBC News
So Billo is pissed that Israel is using this grand opportunity to cross some Hesbollah off of their "to-do" list? And mad that they don't have a "fairness" quota about balancing that with an equal number of dead Al Queada?

Clearly Billo has access to all the intelligience and why Israel selected those targets and not the ones that Billo wanted.

And that pic of Netanyahu? Couldn't have been injured construction worker on a military base for all we know. Means nothing except Billo saw it on the ONLY SITE that these nidgets have to make this claim.

Yes Billo -- Israel is treating the wounded. And they are following closely any threat that IRAN or Hesbollah might be using this opportunity to have a forward base of operations against Israel. Israel doesn't need to do anything while they are all killing each other quite well. Except maybe speed things up with a few tactical adjustments to the players on the ground.

If you had 4 enemies killing each other quite nicely --- what would you do?
So Billo is pissed that Israel is using this grand opportunity to cross some Hesbollah off of their "to-do" list? And mad that they don't have a "fairness" quota about balancing that with an equal number of dead Al Queada?

Clearly Billo has access to all the intelligience and why Israel selected those targets and not the ones that Billo wanted.

And that pic of Netanyahu? Couldn't have been injured construction worker on a military base for all we know. Means nothing except Billo saw it on the ONLY SITE that these nidgets have to make this claim.

Yes Billo -- Israel is treating the wounded. And they are following closely any threat that IRAN or Hesbollah might be using this opportunity to have a forward base of operations against Israel. Israel doesn't need to do anything while they are all killing each other quite well. Except maybe speed things up with a few tactical adjustments to the players on the ground.

If you had 4 enemies killing each other quite nicely --- what would you do?

Fact is I would give all parties to the IS conflict all the bows and arrows needed to keep them killing each other for the next 100 years. That they attract Western nutjobs like flies to camel crap is just a fine added bonus!
I take it your question is rhetorical ... you know he has nothing. He postulates that Israel grows oranges and as everyone knows, Syrian rebels drink OJ every morning, therefore they must be allies. Brilliant detective work, eh?
Billo subscribes to the old tell-the-lies-loudly-&-often system employed by his forebears in Germany:
"In fact, as the lie continues to be repeated and reinforced they will believe it ..." - Joseph Goebbels
You're such a douche bag! All you do, is trash people. So fuck you!

As far as Israeli oranges go...

For several years now there have been propaganda reports in the Israeli press about how Israel is supposedly playing a purely “humanitarian” role in the Syrian war, by treating civilians and sending them back. But this has now been exposed as propaganda. If that were really the case, Israel would be treating combatants from all sides in the Syrian war and furthermore it would arrest suspected al-Qaeda militants. But in reality, all reports confirm that the Israelis are treating only the “rebel” side, including the al-Qaeda militants that lead the armed opposition in that area of Syria (as indeed they do in much of the country). The key difference that disproves the propaganda line, and proves an active Israel-al-Qaeda alliance is that, after treatment, instead of arresting them, the al-Qaeda fighters are sent back to fight in Syria. There is no chance at all that, in the event that Israel captures injured Hamas, Hizballah or Iranian combatants alive, it would send them back to Gaza or Syria to “go on their way”, as the unnamed Israeli official put it.

Israel has also provided air cover for the al Qaeda rebels...

Israeli forces in that area have, during the course of the war, made several air-strikes on what they claimed were Hizballah targets in Syria. If Israel were genuinely opposed to al-Qaeda, it would hit their positions too. But it seems that Israel prefers al-Qaeda over Hizballah and Iran.
Now go back under your rock, bitch.

Billo -- you cant be thinking this thru. You're reading and consuming Crap and apparently loving it. This deal about Israel should be "arresting the wounded" instead of sending them back. Have you THOUGHT about this at all?

Did Israel go and SNATCH these wounded off the battlefield in Syria? Are IDF troops IN Syria to bring in the wounded? NO. They are coming willingly. Would ANYONE come if they thought they might be arrested? Has Israel arrested any Iranian Guard or Hesbollah from this opportunity?

When SOMEBODY gets arrested for asking for emergency medical help, give me a call... Call the MidEastMonitor and tell them to send in a different kind of combatant and see if they get equal treatment. If not contact a Civil Rights Lawyer. .....
So Billo is pissed that Israel is using this grand opportunity to cross some Hesbollah off of their "to-do" list? And mad that they don't have a "fairness" quota about balancing that with an equal number of dead Al Queada?

Clearly Billo has access to all the intelligience and why Israel selected those targets and not the ones that Billo wanted.

And that pic of Netanyahu? Couldn't have been injured construction worker on a military base for all we know. Means nothing except Billo saw it on the ONLY SITE that these nidgets have to make this claim.

Yes Billo -- Israel is treating the wounded. And they are following closely any threat that IRAN or Hesbollah might be using this opportunity to have a forward base of operations against Israel. Israel doesn't need to do anything while they are all killing each other quite well. Except maybe speed things up with a few tactical adjustments to the players on the ground.

If you had 4 enemies killing each other quite nicely --- what would you do?

and to add to this elaborate weaving, Assad is coordinating and protecting ISIS.
Hezbullah has been preventing a new president in Lebanon unless it is their puppet Aoun.
Iran has been promising a surprise in Syria
Lies about conditions in the PA have been exposed
hamas and ISIS are sparing for power in gaza

This is not a weave, this is a Gordian's knot and at least one end is in Iranian hands

to add crazy to this mess, ISIS has banned pigeons from breeding. "The sight of the birds' genitals as they fly overhead is offensive to Islam"
God/Allah created pigeons, but they are offensive to Allah??????

Does anyone know which side is up anymore?

Please do not rely on the media for the answer
You're lying again. There is no alliance as you claim. What is confirmed is that Israel has treated the wounded who have crossed into Israel from Syria and had they not you'd be screaming about Israeli inhumanity. As always you are a lying, 2-faced, Nazi slug, Bubba. Sieg Heil.
Israel helped the rebels. They don't help average Syrian citizens.

How about a LINK that states just that, that Israel is not helping the average Syrian citizen.

I just posted a WSJournal article link discussing a Syrian boy that wasn't just treated and released, but taken into Israel for a prosthesis for the hand that he lost. There's the one that invalids the assertion. Not many "citizens" living in the Golan combat zone.

I knew all that which is why I asked billo to produce the link showing that Israel is not and has not helped Syrian civilians
Well that's an unfortunate misunderstanding about "let him live".. What I was referring to was the virtually neutrality of Israel towards this gangbang in Syria. And toying with Assad before stepping and doing the right thing and AIDING him in sustaining his job.

Instead of Assad ending up on ISIS/Al Queda crucifix.

Any person that believes Israel wants Syria to become the same VACUUM of power that we've created in Iraq, or Libya is a loco nutjob.

((Show of hands??? )))
Israel isn't neutral! They've already bombed Syria about a half dozen times to exacerbate the situation.

Especially if that VACUUM of power in Syria brings the new caliphate closer to Israel and Jordan and Lebanon. Eventually, Israel, Jordan and Egypt and other threatened parties are gonna start mutually assisting to limit the carnage. And Assad might keep his job as the lesser of the evils.
Syria hasn't threatened Israel. WTF are you talking about?

Not a chance in Timbuktu that the fantasy of this thread is true. There's just a whole lot of loco nutjobs with hi -speed connections to their favorite conspiracy sites.
Oh really?

Israeli army admits aiding al-Qaeda in Syria

An under-noticed news report last week confirmed previously-held suspicions and strong implications that Israeli troops are aiding the Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's official Syrian affiliate.

Speaking to Israeli occupation troops last week, a Wall Street Journal reporter on the ground in Mount Bental (part of the occupied Golan Heights)
found that Israeli troops receive wounded al-Qaeda fighters, treat them in Israeli hospitals and send them back to continue fighting against the government in Syria.
Even Israel's psycho PM Netanfuckyou came to one of the hospitals to shake the terrorists hand.

No they bombed illegal arms shipments to hezbolla, which is covered in the Geneva conventions and are legal targets.

Want to try again dildo

Prove that he is a terrorist and that Israel knew he was ?

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