Why is the IQ in the U.S. getting lower?

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Schools (and society) have lower expectations for blacks. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. There are many studies that show that teacher's expectations affect achievement. Treating minorities like dummies is a liberal thing. I don't believe there's a difference, except by the time they get to high school, they've learned to do the bare minimum. It's despicable what we are doing to this kids in my opinion.
Schools (and society) have lower expectations for blacks. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. There are many studies that show that teacher's expectations affect achievement. Treating minorities like dummies is a liberal thing. I don't believe there's a difference, except by the time they get to high school, they've learned to do the bare minimum. It's despicable what we are doing to this kids in my opinion.

Do you pea brains dream this stuff up or are you spoon fed this garbage?
This pea brain has worked in a public high school for 13 years. And this pea brain has worked with abused and neglected kids her whole adult life. What's your expertise on this subject? Why are black and minority children over represented in special ed and under represented in college prep classes?
This pea brain has worked in a public high school for 13 years. And this pea brain has worked with abused and neglected kids her whole adult life. What's your expertise on this subject? Why are black and minority children over represented in special ed and under represented in college prep classes?

It has nothing to do with expectations...ask any black or woman in the workplace if employers have lower expectations...

For a black or woman to gain the same level of pay and success, they need to EXCEL
Schools (and society) have lower expectations for blacks. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.

African Americans sadly often have lower expectations; look how ignorance and violence is glorified in much of their music.

Ask many inner city African American kids who excel academically and they will tell you not only are they ostracized; they can even be physically threatened.

Many other groups who experience racism or prejudice still excel academically writ large, such as the Chinese community or Jews because their culture values education.

Or translated "I don't be needen no bookizen to shoot hoops or bloods biatch."
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No disagreement here except what about college? My black friends who are college grads are doing very, very well. The ones who have no goals beyond high school see no benefit in education. That goes for blacks and whites. High school trains them nothing.No wonder so many drop out.
ll. The ones who have no goals beyond high school see no benefit in education. That goes for blacks and whites.

With whites, especially rural white trash, it is a bit different.

It goes a little something like this.....

"Suuuun, go get youw daddy our Shakespeare first folio, I needs to wipe my ass."
The Marxist Democrat Party thrives on the uneducated and they've had their hands on the throat of the US Education system since the 1940's

We need to abolish the US Department of Education and turn it all over to the parents, communities and the States. Democrat areas will still proudly teach that the Founding Fathers were terrorists and that the Constitution got it all wrong and they will continue to have fulfilling jobs like registering Mickey Mouse to vote.

That would be a point, if it weren't for the fact that Democrats average a much higher IQ than Republicans.
Unfortunately our Public Schools really have become mere indoctrination playgrounds for the Liberal Teacher Unions. It's all about them now and not the kids at this point. They've reduced it all to aggressive indoctrination on how to be good little future Democrats and Teacher Union Members. Sit down and have a talk with your child and find out what they are really being taught in their Public School. I think most parents would be shocked and that's why so many don't even bother to find out. The truth really really hurts in this case. So if you want to observe a kid who knows how to sing songs of praise to their "Leader" Barack Obama and can slap a condom on a cucumber in record time than you look to America. If you want to observe a kid who actually knows the basics like Math & Science than you simply look elsewhere at this point. It is very sad but it is what it is in the end.

You're seriously disturbed.

Now all teachers are part of some vast Liberal conspiracy? Wow.

You need to go get yourself checked in to a good institution. Seriously.
Schools (and society) have lower expectations for blacks. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. There are many studies that show that teacher's expectations affect achievement. Treating minorities like dummies is a liberal thing. I don't believe there's a difference, except by the time they get to high school, they've learned to do the bare minimum. It's despicable what we are doing to this kids in my opinion.

Do you pea brains dream this stuff up or are you spoon fed this garbage?

Actually, she's not that far off, though it was a liberal who figured it out so the "liberals are to blame" angle is wrong.
Well, here's some results on who's smarter, conservatives or liberals:

We're Only Human...: Does Smart Equal Liberal?

"...does native intelligence lead to a certain set of values, and stupidity to another worldview altogether?

Surprisingly, this fundamental question has never been examined scientifically—until now. Psychologist Ian Deary of the University of Edinburgh realized he could explore the link between IQ and values using a very large existing data base on kids who were born in 1970. These boys and girls, more than 7000 of them, had all taken IQ tests at the age of ten, so he was able to sort out the bright kids from their duller classmates. These kids had then been tracked and interviewed repeatedly for two decades, so there was a rich record of not only their education and work lives but also their basic attitudes and beliefs: on race, gender equality, the environment, the sanctity of marriage, and so forth. In short, Deary wanted to see what kind of people they turned into at age 30, as they stood on the cusp of the 21st century.

Not to put too fine a point on it: The smartest kids turned into the most broad-minded and progressive adults. For example, the most intelligent kids turned out 20 years later to be much more tolerant of other races. They were also much more supportive of working mothers, rejecting the notion that pre-school children will suffer without a stay-at-home mother. In general, the sharpest kids came to embrace much less traditional moral values and were much more apt to challenge authority. They were also much less cynical as adults, more trusting that the political system can do good..."
Looks like the liberals are a bit smarter. Not that that's really surprising, but it would tend to fly in the face of this threads conspiracy theories...
Okay, just out of curiosity: The last time you checked your IQ, what did you score? Everyone sound off!

I don't like to say, I'm not really a fan of the whole IQ thing, but 148.

Yikes...I would never try to talk you down. Some suggest that Emotional Intelligence is the true indicator and I will confess--my emotional quotient is for sh!t.
The Marxist Democrat Party thrives on the uneducated and they've had their hands on the throat of the US Education system since the 1940's

We need to abolish the US Department of Education and turn it all over to the parents, communities and the States. Democrat areas will still proudly teach that the Founding Fathers were terrorists and that the Constitution got it all wrong and they will continue to have fulfilling jobs like registering Mickey Mouse to vote.

Why yes, turn it over to people like yourself. Then we can jump upward to 78. There are many factors in the dumbing of the American Citizen. One of which is the discouragement of critical thinking. As Dick Cheney stated " The more education people have, the more they tend to vote Democratic, proving that there can be too much of a good thing!".
Okay, just out of curiosity: The last time you checked your IQ, what did you score? Everyone sound off!

Dumb ol' blue collar liberal. Mensa member and Intertel qualified. But, of course, on the net, I could also claim to be the reincarnation of Napoleon.:lol:
Funny how the libs in here became so defensive of a post indicating America was getting dumber.


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