Why is the IQ in the U.S. getting lower?

"America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between."
Oscar Wilde
Well here is one hint, your post is total bullshit. An IQ of 70 is the borderline for Mental retardation. So if we were to believe your post, we would have to believe the average person in six African countries is retarded. Where did you find this? Stormfront?

Follow the money.

IQ and the Wealth of Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SSRN-'The American Breed': Nazi Eugenics and the Origins of the Pioneer Fund by Paul Lombardo


The goal of this article is to fill the existing gap in the history of eugenics by presenting a detailed analysis of the origins of the Pioneer Fund. Pioneer is a foundation chartered in 1937 to support and publicize study on "heredity and eugenics" and "the problems of race betterment." The paper focuses on the role of Harry Laughlin, one of he most successful publicists of the "racial radical" branch of the American eugenics movement, and Wickliffe Draper, a wealthy New Yorker who endowed the Pioneer Fund. The paper explores several archival collections, tracing contacts among Laughlin, Draper and the Nazi scientists whose work informed Hitler's "racial hygiene" movement.

Harry Laughlin received an honorary degree from the Nazi-controlled University of Heidelberg as "a pioneer in the science of race cleansing," only three months before the Pioneer Fund was incorporated. Wickliffe Draper recognized Laughlin's successes in the eugenics movement by then naming him as the first President of Pioneer. Laughlin's captivation with "Nordic" survival and attempts to develop a "white's only" legal definition of "the American Race" are reflected in Pioneer's corporate charter.

Draper's vision for eugenics matched Laughlin's. Draper traveled to Berlin to view a Nazi "Population Conference" in 1935 in the company of an American eugenicist who publicly saluted Hitler. Draper's funding supported immigration restriction, eugenical essay contests, and distribution of books advocating the repatriation of Blacks to Africa. The notoriously racist U.S. Senator Theodore Bilbo [1877-1947] of Mississippi provided public advocacy for Draper's secretly financed repatriation effort.

The early program of Pioneer "research" and publicity is described through minutes of Pioneer Board meetings in 1937-'38. The Fund's first project was an incentive plan to encourage Army aviators, a group of "eugenically superior" white men, to have additional children. Though his personal sympathy concerning the Pioneer agenda is unclear, future Supreme Court Justice John Marshall Harlan was a founding Director and sat on the Pioneer Board for seventeen years. Pioneer support and publicity for racially charged research continues today and is reflected in books like The Bell Curve, as well as more recent publications such as The Science of Human Diversity: A History of the Pioneer Fund,and Eugenics: A Reassessment, both by Richard Lynn. The records described in this paper belie the attempts of Pioneer apologists to portray their founders as scientifically disinterested in issues of race. Men with Nazi sympathies began the Pioneer Fund; their patently eugenic aspirations continue to guide Pioneer today.

SPLCenter.org: Into the Mainstream
An inability to comprehend on your part does not denote lack of intelligence on ours.

So you think that several African nations are have the average intelligence of a high functioning Down's Syndrome person? Are you serious or are you just fucking with me?
Look how high Poland rated!

What were the questions on that test?

"You have one lightbulb, how many hours will it take for the entire glorious nation of Poland to screw it in?"

"And where can we find a German's ass to screw it in?"
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An inability to comprehend on your part does not denote lack of intelligence on ours.
Lack of intelligence on your part denotes lack of intelligence.


Thank you for providing a shining example of the problem.
"Lack of intelligence" is not something which DENOTES lack of intelligence. It's simply lack of intelligence.

I reckon you wouldn't score terribly high on the iq test.
An inability to comprehend on your part does not denote lack of intelligence on ours.

So you think that several African nations are have the average intelligence of a high functioning Down's Syndrome person? Are you serious or are you just fucking with me?

The authors of that screed the OP pulled those stats from:

Richard Lynn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lynn's psychometric studies were cited in the 1994 book The Bell Curve and were criticized as part of the controversy surrounding that book. His article, "Skin color and intelligence in African Americans," 2002, Population and Environment, concludes that lightness of skin color in African-Americans is positively correlated with IQ, which he claims derives from the higher proportion of Caucasian admixture.

In IQ and the Wealth of Nations (2002), Lynn and co-author Tatu Vanhanen (University of Helsinki) argue that differences in national income (in the form of per capita gross domestic product) correlate with, and can be at least partially attributed to, differences in average national IQ. One study following up on Lynn and Vanhanen's hypothesis, "Temperature, skin color, per capita income, and IQ: An international perspective" (Templer and Arikawa, 2006), is listed as the most downloaded article in Intelligence at ScienceDirect (Jan - March 2006).

Tatu Vanhanen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An interview he had given with a magazine, in which he contended that whites and Asians were more intelligent than blacks for evolutionary reasons and should therefore be given many of the top political and financial positions in Africa, had apparently been the object of complaint by Finland's Ombudsman for Minorities Mikko Puumalainen, who said he feared the former professor's remarks would boost racism. "Whereas the average IQ of Finns is 97, in Africa it is between 60 and 70.
Why is the IQ in the U.S. getting lower?

Here are a couple of reasons:


The US already has a lower average IQ and is getting lower. Why?

Hong Kong 107 Korea, South 106Japan 105 Taiwan 104 Singapore 104 Austria 102Germany 102Italy 102 Netherlands 102 Sweden 101 Switzerland 101 Belgium 100 China 100 New Zealand 100 U. Kingdom 100 Hungary 99 Poland 99 Australia 98 Denmark 98 France 98 Norway 98 United States 98 Canada 97 Czech Republic 97 Finland 97 Spain 97 Argentina 96 Russia 96 Slovakia 96 Uruguay 96 Portugal 95 Slovenia 95 Israel 94 Romania 94 Bulgaria 93 Ireland 93 Greece 92 Malaysia 92 Thailand 91 Croatia 90 Peru 90Turkey 90 Colombia 89 Indonesia 89 Suriname 89 Brazil 87 Iraq 87Mexico 87 Samoa (Western) 87 Tonga 87 Lebanon 86 Philippines 86 Cuba 85 Morocco 85 Fiji 84 Iran 84 Marshall Islands 84 Puerto Rico 84Egypt 83India 81 Ecuador 80 Guatemala 79 Barbados 78 Nepal 78 Qatar 78 Zambia 77 Congo (Brazz) 73 Uganda 73 Jamaica 72 Kenya 72 South Africa 72 Sudan 72 Tanzania 72 Ghana 71 Nigeria 67 Guinea 66 Zimbabwe 66 Congo (Zaire) 65 Sierra Leone 64 Ethiopia 63 Equatorial Guinea 59

There are many reasons but one big reason is immigration. The U.S. takes in more immigrants than the rest of the world combined and MILLIONS of UNSKILLED and UNEDUCATED illegal immigrants have been sneaking into the U.S. for DECADES. It's starting to show now.

But today’s Democrats, bent on consolidating the Hispanic vote, aren’t likely to seek a lower immigration rate, or a better-educated pool of immigrants. The kind of “comprehensive” immigration reform that liberals support would probably increase low-skilled migration to the United States.

There is only one place to put the blame.....

Our public education system is a FUCKING JOKE!!!

Um...if I'm not mistaken, IQ is what you are born with and education can only tweak it a little bit. That's why kids are given IQ tests so early on by schools.
I'm not going to believe these numbers, but I will say that Mathematics and Music are known to increase activity in the brain and make you sharper. Calculators can sukkakok.
The US already has a lower average IQ and is getting lower. Why?

Hong Kong 107 Korea, South 106Japan 105 Taiwan 104 Singapore 104 Austria 102Germany 102Italy 102 Netherlands 102 Sweden 101 Switzerland 101 Belgium 100 China 100 New Zealand 100 U. Kingdom 100 Hungary 99 Poland 99 Australia 98 Denmark 98 France 98 Norway 98 United States 98 Canada 97 Czech Republic 97 Finland 97 Spain 97 Argentina 96 Russia 96 Slovakia 96 Uruguay 96 Portugal 95 Slovenia 95 Israel 94 Romania 94 Bulgaria 93 Ireland 93 Greece 92 Malaysia 92 Thailand 91 Croatia 90 Peru 90Turkey 90 Colombia 89 Indonesia 89 Suriname 89 Brazil 87 Iraq 87Mexico 87 Samoa (Western) 87 Tonga 87 Lebanon 86 Philippines 86 Cuba 85 Morocco 85 Fiji 84 Iran 84 Marshall Islands 84 Puerto Rico 84Egypt 83India 81 Ecuador 80 Guatemala 79 Barbados 78 Nepal 78 Qatar 78 Zambia 77 Congo (Brazz) 73 Uganda 73 Jamaica 72 Kenya 72 South Africa 72 Sudan 72 Tanzania 72 Ghana 71 Nigeria 67 Guinea 66 Zimbabwe 66 Congo (Zaire) 65 Sierra Leone 64 Ethiopia 63 Equatorial Guinea 59

There are many reasons but one big reason is immigration. The U.S. takes in more immigrants than the rest of the world combined and MILLIONS of UNSKILLED and UNEDUCATED illegal immigrants have been sneaking into the U.S. for DECADES. It's starting to show now.

But today’s Democrats, bent on consolidating the Hispanic vote, aren’t likely to seek a lower immigration rate, or a better-educated pool of immigrants. The kind of “comprehensive” immigration reform that liberals support would probably increase low-skilled migration to the United States.

you can try to blame a lot of our nations problems on immigration but this isnt one of them, if it wasnt for all the Asian families immigrating here and having their children excel in our schools our childrens accumulative iq would be even lower.
the low iq lies at the feet of the parents plain and simple, if you let your kid spend hours watching tv and playing video games instead of sitting with them and helping them learn then the kids are going to be dumb.
The US already has a lower average IQ and is getting lower. Why?

Hong Kong 107 Korea, South 106Japan 105 Taiwan 104 Singapore 104 Austria 102Germany 102Italy 102 Netherlands 102 Sweden 101 Switzerland 101 Belgium 100 China 100 New Zealand 100 U. Kingdom 100 Hungary 99 Poland 99 Australia 98 Denmark 98 France 98 Norway 98 United States 98 Canada 97 Czech Republic 97 Finland 97 Spain 97 Argentina 96 Russia 96 Slovakia 96 Uruguay 96 Portugal 95 Slovenia 95 Israel 94 Romania 94 Bulgaria 93 Ireland 93 Greece 92 Malaysia 92 Thailand 91 Croatia 90 Peru 90Turkey 90 Colombia 89 Indonesia 89 Suriname 89 Brazil 87 Iraq 87Mexico 87 Samoa (Western) 87 Tonga 87 Lebanon 86 Philippines 86 Cuba 85 Morocco 85 Fiji 84 Iran 84 Marshall Islands 84 Puerto Rico 84Egypt 83India 81 Ecuador 80 Guatemala 79 Barbados 78 Nepal 78 Qatar 78 Zambia 77 Congo (Brazz) 73 Uganda 73 Jamaica 72 Kenya 72 South Africa 72 Sudan 72 Tanzania 72 Ghana 71 Nigeria 67 Guinea 66 Zimbabwe 66 Congo (Zaire) 65 Sierra Leone 64 Ethiopia 63 Equatorial Guinea 59

There are many reasons but one big reason is immigration. The U.S. takes in more immigrants than the rest of the world combined and MILLIONS of UNSKILLED and UNEDUCATED illegal immigrants have been sneaking into the U.S. for DECADES. It's starting to show now.

But today’s Democrats, bent on consolidating the Hispanic vote, aren’t likely to seek a lower immigration rate, or a better-educated pool of immigrants. The kind of “comprehensive” immigration reform that liberals support would probably increase low-skilled migration to the United States.

There is only one place to put the blame.....

Our public education system is a FUCKING JOKE!!!

Some are better than others. Not all are bad.
Idiots are mass producing. Smart people do not have children they cannot afford. It's inevitable that the morons will take over the world. Anyone see "Idiocracy"?

A narrator (Earl Mann) explains that in modern society, natural selection has become indifferent toward intelligence, so that in a society in which intelligence is systematically debased, stupid people easily out-breed the intelligent, creating, over the course of five centuries, an irredeemably dysfunctional society. Demographic superiority favors those least likely to advance society.[2] Consequently, the children of the educated elites are drowned in a sea of sexually promiscuous, illiterate, alcoholic, degenerate peers.

Idiocracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Great movie. Recommend it highly.

Yes! LOVE that movie. I laughed harder than I have in years. It's sad, but very probable.

It's making us dumber.

I agree with this. Look at some of the shows being broadcast. What the hell is "Tool Academy"? Brett Michaels...who can stay in his house, and who can't. Who gives a rat's rear? Endless police chases showing the same thing over and over with different vehicles.

Really? You can feel your brain evaporating when you watch this crap. "It's like, y'know, I mean...". Sometime in recent history, I believe it became trendy to be anti-intellectual.
The Marxist Democrat Party thrives on the uneducated and they've had their hands on the throat of the US Education system since the 1940's

We need to abolish the US Department of Education and turn it all over to the parents, communities and the States. Democrat areas will still proudly teach that the Founding Fathers were terrorists and that the Constitution got it all wrong and they will continue to have fulfilling jobs like registering Mickey Mouse to vote.

In some ways, I disagree with this theory. If it has indeed been Marxist (our education system), then why has it been maintained since the 1940's? Government power has changed hands many times since then. How many children would not be able to attend a school...any school...without some government assistance? The DOE wasn't officially established until the Carter administration, correct? Why didn't Reagan and Bush Sr. trash it during their 12 years in office, (directly following) if it was Marxist?

My grandparents were all born between 1905-1918. NONE of them had a high school diploma. I think their average was around a 5th grade education. Why? Because they were poor. And they could either work the farm , or starve. All of them could read (at a fundamental level). Many times, they told all of us, (grandchildren) how lucky we were to be able to start and finish school.

Turning power over to the states isn't a bad idea. I think that the whole idea of a government-run education system, is to set a federal standard....so that all of us would have the opportunity to attend any college within the US, as we'd all acquired the correct classes and credits to qualify. They didn't want a Southern gal like myself to not have the opportunity to attend college in say...New Hampshire, if I chose to. If you were to give ALL of the power to all 50 states, you would have 50 different standards.

My teachers (in a public school) never taught that the founding fathers were terrorists. We weren't taught to disrespect the government, now or then. In my school, Communism, Socialism, and Facsism were Satan. Oswald was the lone assassin...etc... I don't know what kind of schools you all attended, but mine was nothing like this.
The US already has a lower average IQ and is getting lower. Why?

Hong Kong 107 Korea, South 106Japan 105 Taiwan 104 Singapore 104 Austria 102Germany 102Italy 102 Netherlands 102 Sweden 101 Switzerland 101 Belgium 100 China 100 New Zealand 100 U. Kingdom 100 Hungary 99 Poland 99 Australia 98 Denmark 98 France 98 Norway 98 United States 98 Canada 97 Czech Republic 97 Finland 97 Spain 97 Argentina 96 Russia 96 Slovakia 96 Uruguay 96 Portugal 95 Slovenia 95 Israel 94 Romania 94 Bulgaria 93 Ireland 93 Greece 92 Malaysia 92 Thailand 91 Croatia 90 Peru 90Turkey 90 Colombia 89 Indonesia 89 Suriname 89 Brazil 87 Iraq 87Mexico 87 Samoa (Western) 87 Tonga 87 Lebanon 86 Philippines 86 Cuba 85 Morocco 85 Fiji 84 Iran 84 Marshall Islands 84 Puerto Rico 84Egypt 83India 81 Ecuador 80 Guatemala 79 Barbados 78 Nepal 78 Qatar 78 Zambia 77 Congo (Brazz) 73 Uganda 73 Jamaica 72 Kenya 72 South Africa 72 Sudan 72 Tanzania 72 Ghana 71 Nigeria 67 Guinea 66 Zimbabwe 66 Congo (Zaire) 65 Sierra Leone 64 Ethiopia 63 Equatorial Guinea 59

There are many reasons but one big reason is immigration. The U.S. takes in more immigrants than the rest of the world combined and MILLIONS of UNSKILLED and UNEDUCATED illegal immigrants have been sneaking into the U.S. for DECADES. It's starting to show now.

But today’s Democrats, bent on consolidating the Hispanic vote, aren’t likely to seek a lower immigration rate, or a better-educated pool of immigrants. The kind of “comprehensive” immigration reform that liberals support would probably increase low-skilled migration to the United States.

you can try to blame a lot of our nations problems on immigration but this isnt one of them, if it wasnt for all the Asian families immigrating here and having their children excel in our schools our childrens accumulative iq would be even lower.
the low iq lies at the feet of the parents plain and simple, if you let your kid spend hours watching tv and playing video games instead of sitting with them and helping them learn then the kids are going to be dumb.

Shall I state the obvious? Look at IQ levels and standardized test scores based on race. Remove one race (I'll let you guess which one) and America becomes the smartest nation on the planet. The question is how do we bring this particular race up to the level of the others? Currently, our educational system is bringing the other races down.
Look how high Poland rated!

What were the questions on that test?

"You have one lightbulb, how many hours will it take for the entire glorious nation of Poland to screw it in?"

"And where can we find a German's ass to screw it in?"

Hey pea brain... the poles you make fun of have more spine and courage that ALL of Germany...

It took Poland, the fearless Solidarity movement and Pope Paul II to liberate the sissies in Germany from Russian oppression...
How many IQ points does one require to recognize some dumb ass by the name of xsited fucked up the page format - making this thread difficult to read - with his humongous NEA bumpersticker?
The US already has a lower average IQ and is getting lower. Why?

Hong Kong 107 Korea, South 106Japan 105 Taiwan 104 Singapore 104 Austria 102Germany 102Italy 102 Netherlands 102 Sweden 101 Switzerland 101 Belgium 100 China 100 New Zealand 100 U. Kingdom 100 Hungary 99 Poland 99 Australia 98 Denmark 98 France 98 Norway 98 United States 98 Canada 97 Czech Republic 97 Finland 97 Spain 97 Argentina 96 Russia 96 Slovakia 96 Uruguay 96 Portugal 95 Slovenia 95 Israel 94 Romania 94 Bulgaria 93 Ireland 93 Greece 92 Malaysia 92 Thailand 91 Croatia 90 Peru 90Turkey 90 Colombia 89 Indonesia 89 Suriname 89 Brazil 87 Iraq 87Mexico 87 Samoa (Western) 87 Tonga 87 Lebanon 86 Philippines 86 Cuba 85 Morocco 85 Fiji 84 Iran 84 Marshall Islands 84 Puerto Rico 84Egypt 83India 81 Ecuador 80 Guatemala 79 Barbados 78 Nepal 78 Qatar 78 Zambia 77 Congo (Brazz) 73 Uganda 73 Jamaica 72 Kenya 72 South Africa 72 Sudan 72 Tanzania 72 Ghana 71 Nigeria 67 Guinea 66 Zimbabwe 66 Congo (Zaire) 65 Sierra Leone 64 Ethiopia 63 Equatorial Guinea 59

There are many reasons but one big reason is immigration. The U.S. takes in more immigrants than the rest of the world combined and MILLIONS of UNSKILLED and UNEDUCATED illegal immigrants have been sneaking into the U.S. for DECADES. It's starting to show now.

But today’s Democrats, bent on consolidating the Hispanic vote, aren’t likely to seek a lower immigration rate, or a better-educated pool of immigrants. The kind of “comprehensive” immigration reform that liberals support would probably increase low-skilled migration to the United States.

you can try to blame a lot of our nations problems on immigration but this isnt one of them, if it wasnt for all the Asian families immigrating here and having their children excel in our schools our childrens accumulative iq would be even lower.
the low iq lies at the feet of the parents plain and simple, if you let your kid spend hours watching tv and playing video games instead of sitting with them and helping them learn then the kids are going to be dumb.

Shall I state the obvious? Look at IQ levels and standardized test scores based on race. Remove one race (I'll let you guess which one) and America becomes the smartest nation on the planet. The question is how do we bring this particular race up to the level of the others? Currently, our educational system is bringing the other races down.

Let's go even farther...if you remove each 'race' but one, our IQ scores shoot up into the Stratosphere. (Hint: that remaining race is NOT the Caucasian one)

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