Why is MSM discussing the 25th Amendment and removing Trump via mutiny?


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
I've noticed on MSM channels and websites (CNN for instance!) they keep bringing up the topic of Trump's Cabinet invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office...but then they explain how it would be politically impossible to actually execute it.

SO if even the MSM admits that it's totally impossible to complete the entire process delineated in the 25th Amendment in order to remove Trump THEN WHY are they EVEN DISCUSSING IT TO BEGIN WITH?

I didn't even know MSM was touting this garbage until two of my liberal relatives were excitedly talking about the possibility of Trump being removed by the 25th Amendment, apparently my relatives didn't "hear" the fine print at the end which would have told them such a scenario is no more than an elaborate fantasy.

However, let us not forget that the MSM keeps publicly questioning "Trump's mental stability" and thus seem to be purposely confusing and conflating their listeners with fantasizes of Trump being removed via the 25th amendment for his "mental instability."
I've noticed on MSM channels and websites (CNN for instance!) they keep bringing up the topic of Trump's Cabinet invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office...but then they explain how it would be politically impossible to actually execute it.

SO if even the MSM admits that it's totally impossible to complete the entire process delineated in the 25th Amendment in order to remove Trump THEN WHY are they EVEN DISCUSSING IT TO BEGIN WITH?

I didn't even know MSM was touting this garbage until two of my liberal relatives were excitedly talking about the possibility of Trump being removed by the 25th Amendment, apparently my relatives didn't "hear" the fine print at the end which would have told them such a scenario is no more than an elaborate fantasy.

However, let us not forget that the MSM keeps publicly questioning "Trump's mental stability" and thus seem to be purposely confusing and conflating their listeners with fantasizes of Trump being removed via the 25th amendment for his "mental instability."

Caligula probably thought the Praetorian Guard was all for him, too. Until they weren't.

The reason why people are questioning Trump's mental stability is because he keeps doing and saying crazy shit.

There's also the slurred speech, the shaking hands and other signs of neurological damage.
They are going to do absolutely everything they possibly can.

That's what they've been doing, that's what they'll keep doing.

And you'll keep whining about it.

Reality check. THEY should invoke the 25th amendment because it was particularly designed with THIS scenario in mind. A president becomes mentally unstable or physically incapable of exercising his duties.

Heck, it's not like it actually gets liberals anything. They end up with Pence as president, and he'd probably be a lot more effective than Trump because he knows what he's doing.

So,um, yeah, the liberals are responding to a crisis with the laws that were design for such a crisis, even if it puts them at a political disadvantage.

What we have here is a typical mutual disrespect thing going down between Trump and the mainstream media. Neither side is willing to play-along to get-along and so they partake in knocking each other down.
They are going to do absolutely everything they possibly can.

That's what they've been doing, that's what they'll keep doing.

And you'll keep whining about it.

Reality check. THEY should invoke the 25th amendment because it was particularly designed with THIS scenario in mind. A president becomes mentally unstable or physically incapable of exercising his duties.

Heck, it's not like it actually gets liberals anything. They end up with Pence as president, and he'd probably be a lot more effective than Trump because he knows what he's doing.

So,um, yeah, the liberals are responding to a crisis with the laws that were design for such a crisis, even if it puts them at a political disadvantage.

Bitch, bitch, bitch.

The MSM pretty much across the board needs to be labeled as entertainment rather than news, they're nothing but opinions and fantasy anymore. It's like 5 minutes of actual fact with about 30 hours of "what ifs," wishful thinking, and mental masturbation.
The MSM pretty much across the board needs to be labeled as entertainment rather than news, they're nothing but opinions and fantasy anymore. It's like 5 minutes of actual fact with about 30 hours of "what ifs," wishful thinking, and mental masturbation.

No, dude, the bizarre thing is people on the right, who get out here every day and try to rationalize or explain away the latest crazy thing Trump does.
The MSM pretty much across the board needs to be labeled as entertainment rather than news, they're nothing but opinions and fantasy anymore. It's like 5 minutes of actual fact with about 30 hours of "what ifs," wishful thinking, and mental masturbation.

No, dude, the bizarre thing is people on the right, who get out here every day and try to rationalize or explain away the latest crazy thing Trump does.
Why would anyone pay much attention to what the MSM promotes on most things, but particularly on politics? They have proven themselves to be highly partisan and mostly dishonest.

We saw where they LOVED BO unconditionally, while condemning Trump non-stop. That should be proof enough, but it isn't.
I've noticed on MSM channels and websites (CNN for instance!) they keep bringing up the topic of Trump's Cabinet invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office...but then they explain how it would be politically impossible to actually execute it.

SO if even the MSM admits that it's totally impossible to complete the entire process delineated in the 25th Amendment in order to remove Trump THEN WHY are they EVEN DISCUSSING IT TO BEGIN WITH?

I didn't even know MSM was touting this garbage until two of my liberal relatives were excitedly talking about the possibility of Trump being removed by the 25th Amendment, apparently my relatives didn't "hear" the fine print at the end which would have told them such a scenario is no more than an elaborate fantasy.

However, let us not forget that the MSM keeps publicly questioning "Trump's mental stability" and thus seem to be purposely confusing and conflating their listeners with fantasizes of Trump being removed via the 25th amendment for his "mental instability."

Caligula probably thought the Praetorian Guard was all for him, too. Until they weren't.

The reason why people are questioning Trump's mental stability is because he keeps doing and saying crazy shit.

There's also the slurred speech, the shaking hands and other signs of neurological damage.

what does "slurred speech" and "shaking hands" suggest to you are an expert in
neurological sciences?
I've noticed on MSM channels and websites (CNN for instance!) they keep bringing up the topic of Trump's Cabinet invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office...but then they explain how it would be politically impossible to actually execute it.

SO if even the MSM admits that it's totally impossible to complete the entire process delineated in the 25th Amendment in order to remove Trump THEN WHY are they EVEN DISCUSSING IT TO BEGIN WITH?

I didn't even know MSM was touting this garbage until two of my liberal relatives were excitedly talking about the possibility of Trump being removed by the 25th Amendment, apparently my relatives didn't "hear" the fine print at the end which would have told them such a scenario is no more than an elaborate fantasy.

However, let us not forget that the MSM keeps publicly questioning "Trump's mental stability" and thus seem to be purposely confusing and conflating their listeners with fantasizes of Trump being removed via the 25th amendment for his "mental instability."
Pure and simple.
The assholes KNOW they have NOTHING of the slightest significance to say so they put a bunch of LIB 'panelists' around a table and 'circle-jerk' until it's time for the next 'Trump-hateathon' daily show.
'Hateathon' is MY new word but I give permission for anyone to use it. LOL
I've noticed on MSM channels and websites (CNN for instance!) they keep bringing up the topic of Trump's Cabinet invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office...but then they explain how it would be politically impossible to actually execute it.

SO if even the MSM admits that it's totally impossible to complete the entire process delineated in the 25th Amendment in order to remove Trump THEN WHY are they EVEN DISCUSSING IT TO BEGIN WITH?

I didn't even know MSM was touting this garbage until two of my liberal relatives were excitedly talking about the possibility of Trump being removed by the 25th Amendment, apparently my relatives didn't "hear" the fine print at the end which would have told them such a scenario is no more than an elaborate fantasy.

However, let us not forget that the MSM keeps publicly questioning "Trump's mental stability" and thus seem to be purposely confusing and conflating their listeners with fantasizes of Trump being removed via the 25th amendment for his "mental instability."

Its just the latest talking point. So far the media elites have moved through these fantasies..every one of these has been a headline on several media outlets...

Trump can never be nominated (fail)
Trump can never win (fail)
When we recount Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan Trump will lose (fail)
The electoral college will rebel and elect Hillary (fail)
All our celebrities will demand martial law and stop Trumps inauguration (fail)
Army Generals will remove Trump (fail)
Congress will impeach Trump (fail)
If the 25th Amendment trends on Twitter we can remove Trump (fail)

Everyone knows none of these stood a chance. Simply mind games to make Americans feel like the President they elected is illegitimate.
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Its still early

Lets give Trump time to go full out....batshit crazy
Trump's not going to go batshit, ya'll lefties are the ones that lost it here. Trump's been saying pretty much the same shit throughout his election that he had been since the 90s or maybe a little before that. Nothing he's said or done is particularly "new" to anyone who knows anything about Donald Trump, or even "classical" 60s-80s politics. Nothing he is doing in office is really even radical or unexpected, it's pretty much in line with modern conservative principles and ideologies. (Really the only thing that's "seriously different" is his mocking hand in dealing with NK, go figure since NK just got a new leader and started doing "different" bullshit. Either way it appears to be working to get that out of control child Kim to rethink his dumb shit. I suppose I even have to give the batshit left a little credit there for making Kim believe Trump would nuke him.)

I'm sorry to tell ya lefties, but the only reason you think Trump is a monster is because your media lied to you. They lied to you bad...
The 25th amendment needs to be reserved for extreme cases of mental incapacity

So far, Trump has exhibited a short attention span, rudeness, easily distracted, mood swings
Troubling behavior but not worthy of removal from office

We don't want the 25th to become a tool for those not in power to arbitrarily remove someone they do not agree with
Lefties are starting to look like comic book characters and "Spy vs Spy" crazies with all the fantasies that are floating around. Since the 25th was ratified in 1967, democrats like Woodrow Wilson who was wheeled around drooling in a wheelchair for his last year in office and FDR who was a virtual corpse when democrats forced him to run for a 4th term, weren't covered. Democrat Jimmy Carter however might have been subject to the 25th because of his incompetence and consulting with his 10 year old daughter on foreign policy issues but Americans merely worked within the system and elected Reagan. Democrats decided to run a Vice President (a heartbeat away from the presidency) who had two brain embolisms and allegedly was pronounced dead on one occasion but Americans didn't engage in fantasies but worked within the system and elected a republican. Maybe Trump should enact a system of PTSD clinics to aid angry democrats who can't seem to live with the results of the last election.
They are going to do absolutely everything they possibly can.

That's what they've been doing, that's what they'll keep doing.
They should put as much energy into solving problems as they do trying to get rid of Trump.

“When The Power Of Love Overcomes The Love Of Power The World Will Know Peace” - Jimi Hendrix
Lefties are starting to look like comic book characters and "Spy vs Spy" crazies with all the fantasies that are floating around. Since the 25th was ratified in 1967, democrats like Woodrow Wilson who was wheeled around drooling in a wheelchair for his last year in office and FDR who was a virtual corpse when democrats forced him to run for a 4th term, weren't covered. Democrat Jimmy Carter however might have been subject to the 25th because of his incompetence and consulting with his 10 year old daughter on foreign policy issues but Americans merely worked within the system and elected Reagan. Democrats decided to run a Vice President (a heartbeat away from the presidency) who had two brain embolisms and allegedly was pronounced dead on one occasion but Americans didn't engage in fantasies but worked within the system and elected a republican. Maybe Trump should enact a system of PTSD clinics to aid angry democrats who can't seem to live with the results of the last election.

I think both Wilson and FDR would have been subject to a 25th amendment removal. JFK was on some serious medications.
Reagan showed signs of dementia but was not incapacitated

There needs to be a formal process for removal under the 25th. Right now, it seems to be just judgement of those who would sign for removal. But there is no mechanism for a formal independent evaluation

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