Why Is Liz Cheney Acting Like A Democrat, Focused On Attacking Trump & Conservatives Instead Of Moving On?

easyt65 said:
Why is Liz Cheney acting like a Democrat, Focused On Attacking Trump & Conservatives Instead of Moving On
Liz Cheney is conducting herself like a genuine, conservative Republican, vehemently opposed to the Democratic agenda, adhering to reality and Party principles rather than kowtowing to a cult leader Loser who is far too self-obsessed and morally feeble to handle the truth.

While the Loser aids and abets communist authoritarians like Putin and Xi who delight in the Loser's savaging democracy, she champions American values from her rightist perspective.

Consider how her acknowledging the truth comports with the unambiguous admissions of the Party's leadership:

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters.”
House Minority Leader Keven McCarthy (R), January 13, 2021​
“The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people, and they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government which they did not like.”
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R)​
“Yesterday electors met in all 50 states. So as of this morning our country has officially a president-elect and a vice president-elect… The Electoral College has spoken. So today I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden.”
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R), December 15, 2020​
"I don't think anybody is questioning the legitimacy of the presidential election. I think that is all over with."
House Minority Leader Keven McCarthy (R), May 12, 2021​
She is significantly more conservative than the woman who replaced her.

She has always been a consistent conservative.

She just wants to be an HONEST conservative, and that's what got her taken out.
The trump kool-aid not settle well?
Watching MAC lick Cheney's butt hole is what makes me ill.
Self-loathing Conservatives have an interesting habit of exposing their fantasies to the world in public fora while thinking that they're disguising it as argument, or insult, or witticism.
postman said:
Actually I should compare Trump to Herbert Hoover. And point out that until August 1929
The 1920s is the decade when America's economy grew 42%. Mass production spread new consumer goods into every household. The modern auto and airline industries were born. The U.S. victory in World War I gave the country its first experience of being a global power.
The Cry Baby Loser is the only POTUS to equal Hoover's distinction of losing his Party control of the House, Executive, and Senate in a single term.

Move over Herbie. Make room for Fat Ass.


LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

She was warned by her constituents to do so.
She was warned by her party to do so.
- She ignored them all and continued to do so.

She was Censured back at home.
- She ignored them.

She was removed from her leadership position by her party
- She continued her attacks in Trump on the way out and swore to do everything she can to prevent Trump's return instead of getting back to work for her Constituents and country, justifying her removal

Liz Cheney is STILL 'campaigning against former President Trump, still attacking him and the 74 million Conservatives / Trump supporters who voted for him, insulting / alienating them, and driving them away from the GOP that needs them yo unseat tge Dems in the mid-terms...

So WTF? She is like a rabid dog, lashing out - she is obsessed with Trump, like Democrats, and she is siding with the same Democrats who viciously attacked and insulted her father and who only support her now for her unhinged, obsessive ranting and attacks on a man no longer in office.

At this rate, she will not win re-election...as a Repblican.

Only Trump supporters suffer from TDS. That is why Trump supporters say stupid things.

It is Republicans who cannot move on. They wanted her to support the two big lies that Republicans are pushing. She refused to do it. She took her responsibilities as a congresswoman seriously and put the country above the party. Unlike Republicans who put Trump above the country. Republicans are subversives.

Republicans are the ones who are odsessed with Trump. They go to Florida to kiss his ring. Who is obsessed with Trump? Republicans. Otherwise this farce in Arizona would not be going on.
Must be upsetting to trump cultists that Cheney is not going away quietly.
But, she is going away !!!!

And, it could be argued that she is going away quietly.

She is only appearing on Leftiwing news shows ....

Conservatives do not watch those shows anyway?

Anyone heard form Liz ....

Nope !!!!
You lose.

You mean Nazis not conservatives.

Kinda like a a lot of people after December 7th 1941, or September 11th 2001. They just refused to let it go.

Thank you for proving you are completely fucked up in the head, attempting to compare one of the most successful presidents in our nation's history to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the terrorist attack on 9/11 that killed 3,000 Americans.

THAT level of insanity just destroyed any credibility you had or will ever have and makes anything you post from here on out not worth printing out and using as toilet paper, let alone reading.

You just joined the people proving themselves to be SO stupid and/or partisan that I just completely ignore them.
To liberals, success for all Americans is an attack on their Marxist sensibilities.
That's why they were so desperate to get rid of Trump. After 8 years of a booming economy, they would have never had any chance of regaining the Presidency, and they knew it.

The economy was booming when Trunp took office. Unemployment was at 4.7%. Hardly a daunting task.
The real question is what did she gain? Nothing in the nature of money, popularity, keeping her job. So what's left? Could it be that she believes she is defending the democratic process?

Kinda like a a lot of people after December 7th 1941, or September 11th 2001. They just refused to let it go.

Thank you for proving you are completely fucked up in the head, attempting to compare one of the most successful presidents in our nation's history to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the terrorist attack on 9/11 that killed 3,000 Americans.

THAT level of insanity just destroyed any credibility you had or will ever have and makes anything you post from here on out not worth printing out and using as toilet paper, let alone reading.

You just joined the people proving themselves to be SO stupid and/or partisan that I just completely ignore them.
To liberals, success for all Americans is an attack on their Marxist sensibilities.
That's why they were so desperate to get rid of Trump. After 8 years of a booming economy, they would have never had any chance of regaining the Presidency, and they knew it.

The economy was booming when Trunp took office. Unemployment was at 4.7%. Hardly a daunting task.
Trump lowered it to 3.5%. That is a daunting task. It's never been that low
The real question is what did she gain? Nothing in the nature of money, popularity, keeping her job. So what's left? Could it be that she believes she is defending the democratic process?
No, she is just a deep state minion who believe groveling before the deep state is the way to stay in office. She calculated incorrectly.


LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

She was warned by her constituents to do so.
She was warned by her party to do so.
- She ignored them all and continued to do so.

She was Censured back at home.
- She ignored them.

She was removed from her leadership position by her party
- She continued her attacks in Trump on the way out and swore to do everything she can to prevent Trump's return instead of getting back to work for her Constituents and country, justifying her removal

Liz Cheney is STILL 'campaigning against former President Trump, still attacking him and the 74 million Conservatives / Trump supporters who voted for him, insulting / alienating them, and driving them away from the GOP that needs them yo unseat tge Dems in the mid-terms...

So WTF? She is like a rabid dog, lashing out - she is obsessed with Trump, like Democrats, and she is siding with the same Democrats who viciously attacked and insulted her father and who only support her now for her unhinged, obsessive ranting and attacks on a man no longer in office.

At this rate, she will not win re-election...as a Repblican.

Only Trump supporters suffer from TDS. That is why Trump supporters say stupid things.

It is Republicans who cannot move on. They wanted her to support the two big lies that Republicans are pushing. She refused to do it. She took her responsibilities as a congresswoman seriously and put the country above the party. Unlike Republicans who put Trump above the country. Republicans are subversives.

Republicans are the ones who are odsessed with Trump. They go to Florida to kiss his ring. Who is obsessed with Trump? Republicans. Otherwise this farce in Arizona would not be going on.
Nevertheless, she's the one who lost her job. So who's out of touch?
easyt65 said:
Why is Liz Cheney acting like a Democrat, Focused On Attacking Trump & Conservatives Instead of Moving On
Liz Cheney is conducting herself like a genuine, conservative Republican, vehemently opposed to the Democratic agenda, adhering to reality and Party principles rather than kowtowing to a cult leader Loser who is far too self-obsessed and morally feeble to handle the truth.

While the Loser aids and abets communist authoritarians like Putin and Xi who delight in the Loser's savaging democracy, she champions American values from her rightist perspective.

Consider how her acknowledging the truth comports with the unambiguous admissions of the Party's leadership:

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters.”
House Minority Leader Keven McCarthy (R), January 13, 2021​
“The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people, and they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government which they did not like.”
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R)​
“Yesterday electors met in all 50 states. So as of this morning our country has officially a president-elect and a vice president-elect… The Electoral College has spoken. So today I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden.”
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R), December 15, 2020​
"I don't think anybody is questioning the legitimacy of the presidential election. I think that is all over with."
House Minority Leader Keven McCarthy (R), May 12, 2021​
I grow increasingly nauseas over watching these hardcore lefties lick Cheney's asshole.
She is significantly more conservative than the woman who replaced her.

She has always been a consistent conservative.

She just wants to be an HONEST conservative, and that's what got her taken out.

That's it! Democrats luv Liz because she's a CONSERVATIVE! And you are the one to decide that because you're a leftist shill, and no one knows conservatism and can speak for it better than a LEFTIST SHILL.

LOL, you crack me up.

Don't respond to this, I didn't have your permission to respond to your posts, so this doesn't exist
So I've reduced you to asking that I not respond. Cool. I can understand it, given what you are.

Democrats love Liz? Nope. Standard Trumpian liar. And you obviously don't know my politics. I think you've been conned by a buffoon so can only be a "leftist shill". Standard Trumpian ignorance.

Good stuff.
She is significantly more conservative than the woman who replaced her.

She has always been a consistent conservative.

She just wants to be an HONEST conservative, and that's what got her taken out.

That's it! Democrats luv Liz because she's a CONSERVATIVE! And you are the one to decide that because you're a leftist shill, and no one knows conservatism and can speak for it better than a LEFTIST SHILL.

LOL, you crack me up.

Don't respond to this, I didn't have your permission to respond to your posts, so this doesn't exist
So I've reduced you to asking that I not respond. Cool. I can understand it, given what you are.

Democrats love Liz? Nope. Standard Trumpian liar. And you obviously don't know my politics. I think you've been conned by a buffoon so can only be a "leftist shill". Standard Trumpian ignorance.

Good stuff.

Democrats are just the dumbest people. I mean my God.

You keep saying I am not allowed to respond without your permission, fuck wad. I didn't say that, you did.

And I didn't get your permission, why are you responding to this? Huh? You're supporting disobedience to your will now?
She is significantly more conservative than the woman who replaced her.

She has always been a consistent conservative.

She just wants to be an HONEST conservative, and that's what got her taken out.
The trump kool-aid not settle well?
Watching MAC lick Cheney's butt hole is what makes me ill.
Typical Trump-level comment.
1000% better than any of yours.

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