Why Is John Boehner Afraid of the Yosemite Sam Wing of His Caucus?

Yes, the TeaTards are nuts. Always have been

It has nothing to do with fiscal sanity. That is smoke and mirrors to confuse the loyal TeaTards into thinking they have a noble cause

Ignoring revenue in seeking a balanced budget is not fiscal sanity. Neither is demanding sacrifice from others while you insist that your entitlements stay intact. What personal sacrifices have TeaTards ever offered up?

Shutting down the Government costs us money. That is not fiscal sanity
Defaulting on our debt ruins our credit rating. That is not fiscal sanity

The obsession to kill Obamacare has NOTHING to do with fiscal sanity

The people that you derisively refer to as the "TeaTards" are the people who have been paying for the entitlements you refer to. They aren't the Occupy Wall Street parasites who demand that someone else give up their hard earned money so that they can hang out and get stoned.

You want us to get back to "business as usual", Winger? That's spending a trillion dollars a year more than we have. That's "insanity as usual" and ObamaCare is just one more entitlement we've obligated ourselves to that we don't have the means to pay for without hitting the American people with massive tax increases.

TeaTards pay no mopre for entitlements than any other American. I would even say they RECEIVE more than the average American

Yes...I want to go back to business as usual. A country that pays its debts. A Government that is functioning. The Republican obsession to kill Obamacare has nothing to do with fiscal responsibility and everything to do with a political temper tantrum

You're REALLY going to make the argument that the Occupy Wall Street folks pay as much in taxes as the Tea Party folks, Winger? Now THAT is some funny stuff! You have to have a JOB before you start paying serious taxes in this country and most of the OWS crowd were as allergic to the word "work" as the average person is to poison ivy!:confused:

So you think our Government was "functioning" before the shut down? You want to go back to the trillion dollar a year deficits with even more on the way as ObamaCare's true costs kick in? Is that what you call a country that "pays it's debts"? Gee, I wonder how long we have before we're a country that CAN'T pay it's debts! Business as usual...that's the ticket!
The people that you derisively refer to as the "TeaTards" are the people who have been paying for the entitlements you refer to. They aren't the Occupy Wall Street parasites who demand that someone else give up their hard earned money so that they can hang out and get stoned.

You want us to get back to "business as usual", Winger? That's spending a trillion dollars a year more than we have. That's "insanity as usual" and ObamaCare is just one more entitlement we've obligated ourselves to that we don't have the means to pay for without hitting the American people with massive tax increases.

TeaTards pay no mopre for entitlements than any other American. I would even say they RECEIVE more than the average American

Yes...I want to go back to business as usual. A country that pays its debts. A Government that is functioning. The Republican obsession to kill Obamacare has nothing to do with fiscal responsibility and everything to do with a political temper tantrum

You're REALLY going to make the argument that the Occupy Wall Street folks pay as much in taxes as the Tea Party folks, Winger? Now THAT is some funny stuff! You have to have a JOB before you start paying serious taxes in this country and most of the OWS crowd were as allergic to the word "work" as the average person is to poison ivy!:confused:

So you think our Government was "functioning" before the shut down? You want to go back to the trillion dollar a year deficits with even more on the way as ObamaCare's true costs kick in? Is that what you call a country that "pays it's debts"? Gee, I wonder how long we have before we're a country that CAN'T pay it's debts! Business as usual...that's the ticket!

Show me any study that shows TeaTards pay more in taxes than average Americans

Yes, our Government was fully functioning before the Republican shutdown. Defaulting on your financial obligations is not paying your debts.....even if you are a TeaTard
TeaTards pay no mopre for entitlements than any other American. I would even say they RECEIVE more than the average American

Yes...I want to go back to business as usual. A country that pays its debts. A Government that is functioning. The Republican obsession to kill Obamacare has nothing to do with fiscal responsibility and everything to do with a political temper tantrum

You're REALLY going to make the argument that the Occupy Wall Street folks pay as much in taxes as the Tea Party folks, Winger? Now THAT is some funny stuff! You have to have a JOB before you start paying serious taxes in this country and most of the OWS crowd were as allergic to the word "work" as the average person is to poison ivy!:confused:

So you think our Government was "functioning" before the shut down? You want to go back to the trillion dollar a year deficits with even more on the way as ObamaCare's true costs kick in? Is that what you call a country that "pays it's debts"? Gee, I wonder how long we have before we're a country that CAN'T pay it's debts! Business as usual...that's the ticket!

Show me any study that shows TeaTards pay more in taxes than average Americans

Yes, our Government was fully functioning before the Republican shutdown. Defaulting on your financial obligations is not paying your debts.....even if you are a TeaTard

You have an interesting take on what "fully functioning" consists of, Winger!

I never said the Tea Party members pay more in taxes than the average American. It would be my guess that they pay on average a bit more than the average American because most of them DO work and most of them DO pay their taxes! You see, unlike the OWS folks...the Tea Party folks abide by the laws that govern our nation.

With the Occupy Wall Street crowd my guess would be that they pay far LESS than the average American because most of them DON'T work. Not only do most of them not work but for the few that do...some of the OWS'ers got together to start up a web site called "TaxKilla" whose goal is to help OWS'ers cheat on their taxes by filing fraudulently. That's the difference between the two groups. One tries to make the country better by changing the laws...the other simply breaks them if it suits their purposes.

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