Why Is John Boehner Afraid of the Yosemite Sam Wing of His Caucus?

PercySunshine walked into a trap of his own making.

'Nuff said, minion mine.
He knows that the RINO republicans would all be replaced and Ted Cruz will be speaker. He's trying to help keep the old guard standing.

Quite the opposite. All the biggest nutcase teabaggers got thrown out on their asses in 2012, Bachmann barely won, and is quitting after this term. All the sane republicans kept their jobs.

But keep right on thinking the GOP needs to keep going to the off the charts far right they are, it will make things a walk for the democrats next year :up:

Name them.

Allen West
Richard Murdock
Todd Akin
Joe Walsh
Denny Rehberg
Sandy Adams
Cliff Stearns

in 2010-
Sharon Angle
Christine O'donnell

On a related note, the following representatives apparently found out the Tea party is too nutty to be associated with, so they left

Tom Graves
Ralph Hall
Walter Jones
Cynthia Lummis
Sue Myrick
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Hell, yes, he's afraid of not being Speaker.

He should have never been speaker to begin with. He's a big government RINO that has a history of go along to get along and is so intrenched in big government all he wants to do is keep his job. He's never been a true leader and compromised his conservative credentials long ago.
He knows that the RINO republicans would all be replaced and Ted Cruz will be speaker. He's trying to help keep the old guard standing.

Quite the opposite. All the biggest nutcase teabaggers got thrown out on their asses in 2012, Bachmann barely won, and is quitting after this term. All the sane republicans kept their jobs.

But keep right on thinking the GOP needs to keep going to the off the charts far right they are, it will make things a walk for the democrats next year :up:

Name them.

Tea Party Election Results: Conservative Movement Of 2010 Takes Pounding In 2012
Quite the opposite. All the biggest nutcase teabaggers got thrown out on their asses in 2012, Bachmann barely won, and is quitting after this term. All the sane republicans kept their jobs.

But keep right on thinking the GOP needs to keep going to the off the charts far right they are, it will make things a walk for the democrats next year :up:

Name them.

Tea Party Election Results: Conservative Movement Of 2010 Takes Pounding In 2012

The Teaparty took a thumpin. They were absolutely thrown out and Romney was denied hopefully for the last time.
Quite the opposite. All the biggest nutcase teabaggers got thrown out on their asses in 2012, Bachmann barely won, and is quitting after this term. All the sane republicans kept their jobs.

But keep right on thinking the GOP needs to keep going to the off the charts far right they are, it will make things a walk for the democrats next year :up:

Name them.

Allen West
Richard Murdock
Todd Akin
Joe Walsh
Denny Rehberg
Sandy Adams
Cliff Stearns

in 2010-
Sharon Angle
Christine O'donnell

On a related note, the following representatives apparently found out the Tea party is too nutty to be associated with, so they left

Tom Graves
Ralph Hall
Walter Jones
Cynthia Lummis
Sue Myrick

Your list is bogus. Black label claimed that tea partiers got tossed out of office.

Allen West tossed check

Richard Murdock never elected

Todd Akin never endorsed by the tea party never won therefore never tossed

Joe Walsh was screwed by redistricting couldn't have won against Duckworth even if he was a liberal

Denny Rehberg ran for Senate and lost. Can't count him as tossed. Different race. Had been a great congressman for many years

Sandy Adams redistricting and was stuck running against a powerful and excellent R with a lot of backing.

Cliff Stearns same deal redistricting took him out in a 4 way primary. Again he wasn't tossed. "

What year? Were they ever elected? How did they get tossed?

"in 2010-
Sharon Angle
Christine O'donnell"

AND this is complete bullshit to claim that people didn't run again because of the TP's.

But nonetheless, they don't fit black labels claim of tea partiers getting tossed.

"On a related note, the following representatives apparently found out the Tea party is too nutty to be associated with, so they left

Tom Graves
Ralph Hall
Walter Jones
Cynthia Lummis

So one more time. From Black Label.

Quite the opposite. All the biggest nutcase teabaggers got thrown out on their asses in 2012,

Alan West is the only one that fits the bill.
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This isn't about the Tea Party...this is about one thing...

Do we continue to spend money we don't have...or do we start to clean up our act and live within our means?

This notion that the Tea Party is somehow "extreme" for asking the Federal Government to do the same thing that every American household has to do is laughable. I'm sorry but that isn't "extreme"...it's simple common sense.
My question is why would ANYONE want to be Speaker of the House with this President sitting in the Oval Office and Harry Reid running the Senate? What exactly was Boehner supposed to do with THAT combination arrayed against him?

You've got a Democratic Party that was purged of all it's moderates in the 2010 mid-terms after those moderates were strong-armed by Pelosi and Reid into voting for ObamaCare. What you're left with now are far left Democrats from "safe" districts that won't compromise on anything. That's what the Republican Speaker has to work with. If I was Boehner I'd be THRILLED to hand this job to whomever was stupid enough to take it.
This isn't about the Tea Party...this is about one thing...

Do we continue to spend money we don't have...or do we start to clean up our act and live within our means?

This notion that the Tea Party is somehow "extreme" for asking the Federal Government to do the same thing that every American household has to do is laughable. I'm sorry but that isn't "extreme"...it's simple common sense.
Do that shat when you guys take the White House and have The House of Congress as well.
I just don't get it.

Why is Boehner afraid of being "primaried" by some crazy yokel in his district?

The GOP big money would of course fund Boehner's campaign and not the Tea Partier, since even the Kochs have abandoned the beast they helped to create.

At 74% disapproval, the Republicans aren't fooling any of us. Just the Tea Party.

We all know that John Boehner and the Republicans went home tonight, announcing there would be no votes on anything. Why? Because Democrats and Republicans have the votes to re-open the government and pay our bills on time instead of refusing to pay. And the Tea Party hates that there are the votes, so the threat is on Boehner to either not put the Clean CR up to a vote if he hopes to want to not face a TP challenge.

We know that Republicans rigged the House two weeks ago so that nothing could be put forward, and they keep wasting all our time trying to convince us they're the good guys here, when it's clear to everyone they're fully responsible for this because they're too afraid to tell their spoiled children NO! Shut up and siddown! You don't always get to WIN EVERYTHING!

Boehner could have prevented the whole thing and focused all Republican energy on picking at Obamacare with everything open and no looming default. Instead, he and his colleagues have chosen to waste our time and harm this country in order to allow the Yosemite Sams to come out and re-enact a Civil War they lost 150 years ago.

John Boehner would be America's hero right now if he were tell the Tea Party to go suck an egg. Why he won't do it says something about his character in times of crisis. He sits on his hands instead of acting.

The possibility that he's being blackmailed has occurred to me.
He knows that the RINO republicans would all be replaced and Senator Ted Cruz will be speaker. He's trying to help keep the old guard standing.


yes...because that's even allowed under the constitution

Is it really? I know you can't work for two different branches (actually, I've heard that all my life--that if the SOH had to assume the Presidency, she/he would have to resign their seat in the House first) but can a seated Senator run for a House seat? That sounds like something the GOP would try...
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John Boehner would be America's hero right now if he were to tell Obama to go suck an egg.

Alas, he is a surrender monkey and will cave tomorrow.

Aren't you quick? Son, the other 75% of Americans dislike or hate the TPM. If he continues caving to the TPM he will eventually lose his Speakership and his seat.

Charlie Wilson said something (in his movie anyway) that he "gets to say yes" alot because the people in his district only care about two things; taxes and the greatness of America. Cruz (Wilson was a Texan) benefits from the same numbskulls that are his constituents.

Ironically, the coalitions that Charlie Wilson worked with to bring bacon to his district in Texas are no longer available so the influence that "safe" Senators could wield has been retarded by the brinksmanship of their positions in the far extremes of both Parties.
This isn't about the Tea Party...this is about one thing...

Do we continue to spend money we don't have...or do we start to clean up our act and live within our means?

This notion that the Tea Party is somehow "extreme" for asking the Federal Government to do the same thing that every American household has to do is laughable. I'm sorry but that isn't "extreme"...it's simple common sense.

The thing is, we DO have the money.

We simply refuse to tax the wealthy and corporations at an appropriate rate to pay our bills.

Because the wealth is going to "Trickled down"...


Any minute now.
Boehner would rather be a puppet speaker than not a speaker at all

He is establishing his place in American history as the man who defaulted on the US debt and brought down his own party
John Boehner would be America's hero right now if he were to tell Obama to go suck an egg.

Alas, he is a surrender monkey and will cave tomorrow.

Aren't you quick? Son, the other 75% of Americans dislike or hate the TPM. If he continues caving to the TPM he will eventually lose his Speakership and his seat.

Charlie Wilson said something (in his movie anyway) that he "gets to say yes" alot because the people in his district only care about two things; taxes and the greatness of America. Cruz (Wilson was a Texan) benefits from the same numbskulls that are his constituents.

Ironically, the coalitions that Charlie Wilson worked with to bring bacon to his district in Texas are no longer available so the influence that "safe" Senators could wield has been retarded by the brinksmanship of their positions in the far extremes of both Parties.

Charlies, whom I knew for about 15 years, was a blue-dog Democrat of the Texas 2d Congressional District.

He would have pissed on the Tea Party.
This isn't about the Tea Party...this is about one thing...

Do we continue to spend money we don't have...or do we start to clean up our act and live within our means?

This notion that the Tea Party is somehow "extreme" for asking the Federal Government to do the same thing that every American household has to do is laughable. I'm sorry but that isn't "extreme"...it's simple common sense.
Do that shat when you guys take the White House and have The House of Congress as well.

Unfortunately, Marc...the Democratic Party has found the "golden ticket" to keeping themselves in office. They promise the portion of the American populace that doesn't pay Federal taxes more and more "freebies" that supposedly will be paid for by the wealthy. So in return for free phones, food stamp credit cards, and now free health care the Democrats get the votes of those who could care less about taxes going up because they don't pay them...that's the problem of "someone else", not them...a voting block that they seek to increase by legalizing illegals and getting them to the polls!

Of course despite the fact that even if we took ALL of the wealth of the "wealthy" it still wouldn't pay for the entitlements we've obligated ourselves to and thus those expenses will necessarily have to be paid for by the Middle Class, Democrats continue to declare that THEY champion the cause of the Middle Class and that the evil GOP cares not a whit about them! It's amusing that there are actually math challenged Middle Class people who buy that silly notion.
I don't know about the Dems "golden ticket" but the antidote is not the TPM.

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