Why is it always Muslims?

You are a radical muslim that condones islamic violence, therefore you need to be watched.

I reported you once before a couple years ago, so I'm sure they already have a file on you.

I hope you enjoy knowing you're being investigated and your phone is bugged. Keep it up and I'm sure you'll also be questioned.

But why don't you save us all some tax payer money and time and go kill yourself, you creepy sons a bitchin' muslim pile of pig shit.
I am a loyal patriotic American born citizen and veteran. Who pays taxes, votes, and does not break any laws.

But they do need to investigate your crazy ass. ...... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:
No you're not, and I have forwarded your approvals of the muslim slayings in France that you wrote here to the FBI as well.

They already have a file with your JIHAD bull shit from before that I reported, which oddly disappeared real fast after I did.

So you better check what you say here, asshole, because the world is getting real fed up with you muslim pricks and your talk of TAKING OVER COUNTRIES, which you have ALSO done here, talked about "WHEN AMERICA BECOMES A MUSLIM NATION," which I have also forwarded, so ya, you better be back peddling, mother fucker, because the way you've been talking here is exactly the kind of people the FBI want to know about.

Start looking over your shoulder...
The FBI gets reports all the time, and if you reported him a couple years ago, they probably don't care, especially if you're still taking up important time they need to devote to legitimate threats.

Wow...it just hit me.....007.....phones bugged.....the FBI.....

You're a crackpot, aren't you.....
You are a radical muslim that condones islamic violence, therefore you need to be watched.

I reported you once before a couple years ago, so I'm sure they already have a file on you.

I hope you enjoy knowing you're being investigated and your phone is bugged. Keep it up and I'm sure you'll also be questioned.

But why don't you save us all some tax payer money and time and go kill yourself, you creepy sons a bitchin' muslim pile of pig shit.
I am a loyal patriotic American born citizen and veteran. Who pays taxes, votes, and does not break any laws.

But they do need to investigate your crazy ass. ...... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:
No you're not, and I have forwarded your approvals of the muslim slayings in France that you wrote here to the FBI as well.

They already have a file with your JIHAD bull shit from before that I reported, which oddly disappeared real fast after I did.

So you better check what you say here, asshole, because the world is getting real fed up with you muslim pricks and your talk of TAKING OVER COUNTRIES, which you have ALSO done here, talked about "WHEN AMERICA BECOMES A MUSLIM NATION," so ya, you better be back peddling, mother fucker, because the way you've been talking here is exactly the kind of people the FBI want to know about.

Start looking over your shoulder...
You can't reason with a troll as big as Sunni Stalker Troll. :cool:
It's like you're talking to a little kid.
He's knows I'm not joking.

He thinks he can play all the anti America, pro radical islam things he's said here off as a joke, but people are sick of that, and it's not a joke. From what I got from the FBI agent I talked to, and yes an agent did call me whom I now have his personal contact info, they take ALL these reports seriously.

So just know this, sunnifuck, you ARE being watched. All the pro radical muslim shit you say here, all the take over America shit you say here, all the pro jihad, sharia law shit you say here, is being REPORTED.

Think about that next time you use your phone.
You are a radical muslim that condones islamic violence, therefore you need to be watched.

I reported you once before a couple years ago, so I'm sure they already have a file on you.

I hope you enjoy knowing you're being investigated and your phone is bugged. Keep it up and I'm sure you'll also be questioned.

But why don't you save us all some tax payer money and time and go kill yourself, you creepy sons a bitchin' muslim pile of pig shit.
I am a loyal patriotic American born citizen and veteran. Who pays taxes, votes, and does not break any laws.

But they do need to investigate your crazy ass. ...... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:
No you're not, and I have forwarded your approvals of the muslim slayings in France that you wrote here to the FBI as well.

They already have a file with your JIHAD bull shit from before that I reported, which oddly disappeared real fast after I did.

So you better check what you say here, asshole, because the world is getting real fed up with you muslim pricks and your talk of TAKING OVER COUNTRIES, which you have ALSO done here, talked about "WHEN AMERICA BECOMES A MUSLIM NATION," which I have also forwarded, so ya, you better be back peddling, mother fucker, because the way you've been talking here is exactly the kind of people the FBI want to know about.

Start looking over your shoulder...
The FBI gets reports all the time, and if you reported him a couple years ago, they probably don't care, especially if you're still taking up important time they need to devote to legitimate threats.

Wow...it just hit me.....007.....phones bugged.....the FBI.....

You're a crackpot, aren't you.....
If you had any idea who you were talking to, what I'm involved with, or any clue how the FBI operates, you'd realize that you just made an absolute IMBECILE out of yourself with what you said.

How does your foot taste, shit for brains?
You can't reason with a troll as big as Sunni Stalker Troll.
It's like you're talking to a little kid.
So says the hebe troll. ..... :lol: :lol:
You know.......

Here in the US, some of these Fox News addicts and hotheads obviously think you're a terrorist, and probably think I'm an appeaser and a traitor.

I'm sure in ISIS controlled Syria or Iraq, those ass holes would call me the devil, and probably you a traitor.

But so far...you, I, and a handful of others, are the only ones who have stated they want peace.

Granted, I've made assumptions about you, and don't know you at all, so because this is the internet, any one of us could be completely different than presented.

Buy based on your words so far, both sides need more people that seek peace, not revenge.
You are a radical muslim that condones islamic violence, therefore you need to be watched.

I reported you once before a couple years ago, so I'm sure they already have a file on you.

I hope you enjoy knowing you're being investigated and your phone is bugged. Keep it up and I'm sure you'll also be questioned.

But why don't you save us all some tax payer money and time and go kill yourself, you creepy sons a bitchin' muslim pile of pig shit.
I am a loyal patriotic American born citizen and veteran. Who pays taxes, votes, and does not break any laws.

But they do need to investigate your crazy ass. ...... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:
No you're not, and I have forwarded your approvals of the muslim slayings in France that you wrote here to the FBI as well.

They already have a file with your JIHAD bull shit from before that I reported, which oddly disappeared real fast after I did.

So you better check what you say here, asshole, because the world is getting real fed up with you muslim pricks and your talk of TAKING OVER COUNTRIES, which you have ALSO done here, talked about "WHEN AMERICA BECOMES A MUSLIM NATION," which I have also forwarded, so ya, you better be back peddling, mother fucker, because the way you've been talking here is exactly the kind of people the FBI want to know about.

Start looking over your shoulder...
The FBI gets reports all the time, and if you reported him a couple years ago, they probably don't care, especially if you're still taking up important time they need to devote to legitimate threats.

Wow...it just hit me.....007.....phones bugged.....the FBI.....

You're a crackpot, aren't you.....
If you had any idea who you were talking to, what I'm involved with, or any clue how the FBI operates, you'd realize that you just made an absolute IMBECILE out of yourself with what you said.

How does your foot taste, shit for brains?
I hit a nerve obviously.

Why don't you dispatch your minions Mr. all powerful connected man.

This is what you probably look like

Here in the US, some of these Fox News addicts and hotheads obviously think you're a terrorist, and probably think I'm an appeaser and a traitor.

I'm sure in ISIS controlled Syria or Iraq, those ass holes would call me the devil, and probably you a traitor.

But so far...you, I, and a handful of others, are the only ones who have stated they want peace.

Granted, I've made assumptions about you, and don't know you at all, so because this is the internet, any one of us could be completely different than presented.

Buy based on your words so far, both sides need more people that seek peace, not revenge.
Over the years of posting on this and other boards. I've had nitwits like 007 turn me in based on their paranoia.

But obviously I'm no threat. Just an average person with a minority opinion posting on a message board. ..... :cool:
So Israel should just sit around and do nothing while its citizens are running to shelters all day long and houses are grtting damaged. It doesn't matter if the rockets rarely kill, no country would tolerate that.
Your logic is pathetic just like yourself.

Actually, what Israel should do is go the fuck back to Europe where they came from.
Here in the US, some of these Fox News addicts and hotheads obviously think you're a terrorist, and probably think I'm an appeaser and a traitor.

I'm sure in ISIS controlled Syria or Iraq, those ass holes would call me the devil, and probably you a traitor.

But so far...you, I, and a handful of others, are the only ones who have stated they want peace.

Granted, I've made assumptions about you, and don't know you at all, so because this is the internet, any one of us could be completely different than presented.

Buy based on your words so far, both sides need more people that seek peace, not revenge.
Over the years of posting on this and other boards. I've had nitwits like 007 turn me in based on their paranoia.

But obviously I'm no threat. Just an average person with a minority opinion posting on a message board. ..... :cool:
I gotta admit.....I did use the FBI web site to report another poster one time.......it was because he suggested someone should assassinate our president.
So Israel should just sit around and do nothing while its citizens are running to shelters all day long and houses are grtting damaged. It doesn't matter if the rockets rarely kill, no country would tolerate that.
Your logic is pathetic just like yourself.

Actually, what Israel should do is go the fuck back to Europe where they came from.
Nope. People born in Israel are Israelis, even if their parents or grand Parents are from Europe.
They're not going anywhere, and there's nothing you can do about it :)
So Israel should just sit around and do nothing while its citizens are running to shelters all day long and houses are grtting damaged. It doesn't matter if the rockets rarely kill, no country would tolerate that.
Your logic is pathetic just like yourself.

Actually, what Israel should do is go the fuck back to Europe where they came from.
BTW, most Americans are of European heritage. Should they also go back to Europe?
Honestly I don't even think the cartoons were that great.

But still, he had a right to create and publish them. And no Muslim Neanderthal subhuman should be allowed to take that right away.

Muslim Neanderthal subhuman.........were you referring to the terrorists or does that apply to all Muslims?

Having reading comprehension problems again?

Let me spell it out for you. I believe any Muslim who either commits, advocates, or justifies violence and terror against those that "insult" their religion or prophet as a Neanderthal subhuman mongoloid animal. Especially those that live in the West. How's that?

This makes you sound like less of an idiot, almost reasonable.
Nothing in there says the motive of the attackers was sanctions. They were not even Russian. They attacked for obvious reasons . In fact, they had threatened to attack the place when the Mohamed cartoon was drawn.
3 days after Hollande went public with his speech.

Now Netanfuckyou is sending Mossad agents to assist French authorities.

Could it possibly be to make sure it doesn't get known that the terrorists who committed the attack, were trained and funded by Israeli authorities?

What the Times of Israel report fails to mention is that Netanyahu has been actively supporting Islamic State (ISIS) and Al Nusrah terrorists out of the occupied Golan heights. While coming to France’s rescue, Netanyahu does not deny his government’s support of the jihadists in Syria. The IDF top brass has acknowledged that “global jihad elements inside Syria” are supported by Israel:
Netanyahu toured the Golan Heights with Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz.

At a lookout point overlooking the Syrian border, OC Northern Command Maj.-Gen. Yair Golan briefed Netanyahu on the presence of global jihad elements inside Syria, as well as on the work being done to fortify the Israeli-Syrian border fence. (Jerusalem Post, February 19, 2014)

Keep it, comin love,
Keep it, comin' love,
Don't stop it now,
don't stop it no

Honestly I don't even think the cartoons were that great.

But still, he had a right to create and publish them. And no Muslim Neanderthal subhuman should be allowed to take that right away.

Muslim Neanderthal subhuman.........were you referring to the terrorists or does that apply to all Muslims?

Having reading comprehension problems again?

Let me spell it out for you. I believe any Muslim who either commits, advocates, or justifies violence and terror against those that "insult" their religion or prophet as a Neanderthal subhuman mongoloid animal. Especially those that live in the West. How's that?

This makes you sound like less of an idiot, almost reasonable.

Thanks for your vote of confidence. :rofl:
Nothing in there says the motive of the attackers was sanctions. They were not even Russian. They attacked for obvious reasons . In fact, they had threatened to attack the place when the Mohamed cartoon was drawn.
3 days after Hollande went public with his speech.

Now Netanfuckyou is sending Mossad agents to assist French authorities.

Could it possibly be to make sure it doesn't get known that the terrorists who committed the attack, were trained and funded by Israeli authorities?

What the Times of Israel report fails to mention is that Netanyahu has been actively supporting Islamic State (ISIS) and Al Nusrah terrorists out of the occupied Golan heights. While coming to France’s rescue, Netanyahu does not deny his government’s support of the jihadists in Syria. The IDF top brass has acknowledged that “global jihad elements inside Syria” are supported by Israel:
Netanyahu toured the Golan Heights with Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz.

At a lookout point overlooking the Syrian border, OC Northern Command Maj.-Gen. Yair Golan briefed Netanyahu on the presence of global jihad elements inside Syria, as well as on the work being done to fortify the Israeli-Syrian border fence. (Jerusalem Post, February 19, 2014)

Keep it, comin love,
Keep it, comin' love,
Don't stop it now,
don't stop it no

I bet you Anus Mouth found this bullshit in some neo nazi nutjob conspiracy website.
Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths in one cartoon.

Yet only Muslim animals react the way they do.

Religious extremism, and even religious conservatism, is the problem.

The difference is only the scope and severity of the reaction to moral outrage.

Muslim extremists seem to use killing to try and stop people bad mouthing Islam.

Bill O'Reilly seems to use shame to try and stop people bad mouthing Christianity.

Please don't start about how Christians don't kill people for A,B, and C, but Muslims do for A, B, and C....because that's not my point and I already accept that.

I'm talking about the root cause of the killing, and it's moral outrage fueled by religion.

And while the horse has left the barn for Islam, I see the religious right in the US opening the barn door and getting the horse ready. I feel like the terrorists win when isolated terrorism causes people on this site to suggest entire populations and religions are evil

Yes I will agree with you. The Christian world is getting sick and tired of islamic savagery and will soon give them the modern version of Crusades they've been begging for. A few more of these attacks on the West and its values by Muslims, and Christians will be taking their gloves off.
"Reported for the second time to the FBI" ----------- ^
......... :blahblah:
You are a radical muslim that condones islamic violence, therefore you need to be watched.

I reported you once before a couple years ago, so I'm sure they already have a file on you.

I hope you enjoy knowing you're being investigated and your phone is bugged. Keep it up and I'm sure you'll also be questioned.

But why don't you save us all some tax payer money and time and go kill yourself, you creepy sons a bitchin' muslim pile of pig shit. Hell has plenty of room for all of you stone age cultists.

But without Sunni around, where will we go for laughs?

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