Why is it always Muslims?

Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking of all three faiths in one cartoon.

Yet only Muslim animals react the way they do.


Your question only works within a narrow context since Christians have a long history of killing each other for no good reason at all.

Bullshit, you didn't answer my question. Christians and Jews aren't killing people because someone offended their religion or prophet.

Everyone goes to war believing God is on their side.

That isn't what he said.

The tactics they use are always the same lame ones.

Let me spell it out for you. I believe any Muslim who either commits, advocates, or justifies violence and terror against those that "insult" their religion or prophet as a Neanderthal subhuman mongoloid animal. Especially those that live in the West. How's that?

Don't insult the Neanderthals. They were a pretty skilled subspecies that lived on this planet successfully a significant longer time than we do.
It is yet not clear why they disappeared, but what's very clear is hat the homo sapiens races who carry a certain percentage of Neandethal genes are quite better off by means of intelligence.
Where's your proof of this crap ??
It's right here.

You have to ask yourself: what did France do that could brought this “punishment”? It cannot be a small tactical thing. Well the biggest strategic change in the strategy of the French government was the declaration by Hollande on the necessity to put an end to the sanctions against Russia and to launch an era of cooperation between Europe and Russia. On Janury 4, three days before the massacre he gave an unprecedented two-hour interview to France Inter radio: “The sanctions must stop now!”

He stated:
“If Russia has a crisis, it is not necessarily good for Europe, I’m not for the policy of attaining goals by making things worse, I think that sanctions must stop now… Mr Putin does not want to annex eastern Ukraine. He has told me that. What he wants is to remain influential. What he wants is for Ukraine not to fall into the NATO camp.”
In a few days there will be the meeting that should put an end to the Anglo-American sponsored Ukrainian Crisis, to put an end to the artificial split between Europe and Russia: the January 15 summit in Kazakhstan, where Ukraine Prime Minister Pero Peroshenko will meet Vladimir Putin together with Hollande and Germany’s Angela Merkel. Hollande said he was very optimistic that an agreement will be reached “I will go to Astana on January 15 on one condition, which is that there should be a possibility of making new progress… And I think there will be progress!”

Question: France and Hollande personally has taken the initiative to organize a rapprochement between Europe and Russia…

Pascali: Exactly. And I do not have to underline how crucial, how game-changing the French initiative is. Hollande had already shown the direction he was taking in the unannounced private tète a tète with Putin last december, back from a mission in Kazakhstan. Hollande, who had appeared to be one of the closest ally of the liberal imperial policy of Obama/Brzezinski, had to change radically. His party had become almost irrelevant. His credibility was at 12%, while the French were running towards any alternative that wouldn’t condamn them to misery and war, especially the Front National of Le Pen who is openly praising Putin. The Ukrainian crisis, with the US sponsored coup in Kiev, the attempt to establish a NATO base in Crimea, the ferocious pressures on the European leaders to go against their own and their people economic and strategic interests in order to create the escalation towards a real war with Russia – all this insane plan was undermined by the French decision. And in the financial centers of Wall Street and in the city of London, this strategy of war is considered nothing less than the last option to survive. The last option of that looting system. So… three days later France was attacked and confronted with a scenario of civil war…[/
Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths in one cartoon.

Yet only Muslim animals react the way they do.

Religious extremism, and even religious conservatism, is the problem.

The difference is only the scope and severity of the reaction to moral outrage.

Muslim extremists seem to use killing to try and stop people bad mouthing Islam.

Bill O'Reilly seems to use shame to try and stop people bad mouthing Christianity.

Please don't start about how Christians don't kill people for A,B, and C, but Muslims do for A, B, and C....because that's not my point and I already accept that.

I'm talking about the root cause of the killing, and it's moral outrage fueled by religion.

And while the horse has left the barn for Islam, I see the religious right in the US opening the barn door and getting the horse ready. I feel like the terrorists win when isolated terrorism causes people on this site to suggest entire populations and religions are evil
Yes, but this is a totally isolated, now isn't it. They didn't kill Theo Van Gogh over the same thing, they did to kill the Danish cartoonist, they didn't try to kill Salman Rushdie, they didn't target others who either made movies or said negative things about Islam.

Yes, you kick people long enough, they will kick back.

You whine all day about these 12 cartoonists, but 2000 people slaughtered in Gaza by your fellow Zionists, meh, the fuckers had it coming because they were firing totally ineffective rockets
Yes, but this is a totally isolated, now isn't it. They didn't kill Theo Van Gogh over the same thing, they did to kill the Danish cartoonist, they didn't try to kill Salman Rushdie, they didn't target others who either made movies or said negative things about Islam.

Yes, you kick people long enough, they will kick back.

You whine all day about these 12 cartoonists, but 2000 people slaughtered in Gaza by your fellow Zionists, meh, the fuckers had it coming because they were firing totally ineffective rockets

Yes, firing rockets, ineffective or not, at innocent civilians is a justification for killing you.
Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths in one cartoon.

Yet only Muslim animals react the way they do.

Religious extremism, and even religious conservatism, is the problem.

The difference is only the scope and severity of the reaction to moral outrage.

Muslim extremists seem to use killing to try and stop people bad mouthing Islam.

Bill O'Reilly seems to use shame to try and stop people bad mouthing Christianity.

Please don't start about how Christians don't kill people for A,B, and C, but Muslims do for A, B, and C....because that's not my point and I already accept that.

I'm talking about the root cause of the killing, and it's moral outrage fueled by religion.

And while the horse has left the barn for Islam, I see the religious right in the US opening the barn door and getting the horse ready. I feel like the terrorists win when isolated terrorism causes people on this site to suggest entire populations and religions are evil

Oh Puhleeze, you're just too fucking stupid to bother arguing with.
"Reported for the second time to the FBI" ----------- ^
......... :blahblah:
You are a radical muslim that condones islamic violence, therefore you need to be watched.

I reported you once before a couple years ago, so I'm sure they already have a file on you.

I hope you enjoy knowing you're being investigated and your phone is bugged. Keep it up and I'm sure you'll also be questioned.

But why don't you save us all some tax payer money and time and go kill yourself, you creepy sons a bitchin' muslim pile of pig shit. Hell has plenty of room for all of you stone age cultists.
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You are a radical muslim that condones islamic violence, therefore you need to be watched.

I reported you once before a couple years ago, so I'm sure they already have a file on you.

I hope you enjoy knowing you're being investigated and your phone is bugged. Keep it up and I'm sure you'll also be questioned.

But why don't you save us all some tax payer money and time and go kill yourself, you creepy sons a bitchin' muslim pile of pig shit.
I am a loyal patriotic American born citizen and veteran. Who pays taxes, votes, and does not break any laws.

But they do need to investigate your crazy ass. ...... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:
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Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is mocking all three faiths in one cartoon.

Yet only Muslim animals react the way they do.

Religious extremism, and even religious conservatism, is the problem.

The difference is only the scope and severity of the reaction to moral outrage.

Muslim extremists seem to use killing to try and stop people bad mouthing Islam.

Bill O'Reilly seems to use shame to try and stop people bad mouthing Christianity.

Please don't start about how Christians don't kill people for A,B, and C, but Muslims do for A, B, and C....because that's not my point and I already accept that.

I'm talking about the root cause of the killing, and it's moral outrage fueled by religion.

And while the horse has left the barn for Islam, I see the religious right in the US opening the barn door and getting the horse ready. I feel like the terrorists win when isolated terrorism causes people on this site to suggest entire populations and religions are evil

Oh Puhleeze, you're just too fucking stupid to bother arguing with.
My Grandpa, a WWI vet, had a great saying that explains dangerous people like you. And I quote:

"When angry people stop talking, they usually start fighting"

I'm not supporting appeasement of the terrorist, rather we should kill every last one of them wherever we find them.

What I'm supporting is keeping dialog open with the Muslims that aren't terrorists, but capitulate to, and DO NOT actively resist the terrorists. If we start saying all Muslims are bad, we make enemies of them too, and the terrorists win.

See, people as stupid, and angry as you, are the terrorist's best weapon against the rest of us
You are a radical muslim that condones islamic violence, therefore you need to be watched.

I reported you once before a couple years ago, so I'm sure they already have a file on you.

I hope you enjoy knowing you're being investigated and your phone is bugged. Keep it up and I'm sure you'll also be questioned.

But why don't you save us all some tax payer money and time and go kill yourself, you creepy sons a bitchin' muslim pile of pig shit.
I am a loyal patriotic American born citizen and veteran. Who pays taxes, votes, and does not break any laws.

But they do need to investigate your crazy ass. ...... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:
No you're not, and I have forwarded your approvals of the muslim slayings in France that you wrote here to the FBI as well.

They already have a file with your JIHAD bull shit from before that I reported, which oddly disappeared real fast after I did.

So you better check what you say here, asshole, because the world is getting real fed up with you muslim pricks and your talk of TAKING OVER COUNTRIES, which you have ALSO done here, talked about "WHEN AMERICA BECOMES A MUSLIM NATION," which I have also forwarded, so ya, you better be back peddling, mother fucker, because the way you've been talking here is exactly the kind of people the FBI want to know about.

Start looking over your shoulder...
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So you better check what you say here, asshole, because the world is getting real fed up with you muslim pricks and your talk of TAKING OVER COUNTRIES, which you have ALSO done here, talked about "WHEN AMERICA BECOMES A MUSLIM NATION," so ya, you better be back peddling, mother fucker, because the way you've been talking here is exactly the kind of people the FBI want to know about.

Start looking over your shoulder...
:boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo:
Yes, but this is a totally isolated, now isn't it. They didn't kill Theo Van Gogh over the same thing, they did to kill the Danish cartoonist, they didn't try to kill Salman Rushdie, they didn't target others who either made movies or said negative things about Islam.

Yes, you kick people long enough, they will kick back.

You whine all day about these 12 cartoonists, but 2000 people slaughtered in Gaza by your fellow Zionists, meh, the fuckers had it coming because they were firing totally ineffective rockets

So Israel should just sit around and do nothing while its citizens are running to shelters all day long and houses are grtting damaged. It doesn't matter if the rockets rarely kill, no country would tolerate that.
Your logic is pathetic just like yourself.
Where's your proof of this crap ??
It's right here.

You have to ask yourself: what did France do that could brought this “punishment”? It cannot be a small tactical thing. Well the biggest strategic change in the strategy of the French government was the declaration by Hollande on the necessity to put an end to the sanctions against Russia and to launch an era of cooperation between Europe and Russia. On Janury 4, three days before the massacre he gave an unprecedented two-hour interview to France Inter radio: “The sanctions must stop now!”

He stated:
“If Russia has a crisis, it is not necessarily good for Europe, I’m not for the policy of attaining goals by making things worse, I think that sanctions must stop now… Mr Putin does not want to annex eastern Ukraine. He has told me that. What he wants is to remain influential. What he wants is for Ukraine not to fall into the NATO camp.”
In a few days there will be the meeting that should put an end to the Anglo-American sponsored Ukrainian Crisis, to put an end to the artificial split between Europe and Russia: the January 15 summit in Kazakhstan, where Ukraine Prime Minister Pero Peroshenko will meet Vladimir Putin together with Hollande and Germany’s Angela Merkel. Hollande said he was very optimistic that an agreement will be reached “I will go to Astana on January 15 on one condition, which is that there should be a possibility of making new progress… And I think there will be progress!”

Question: France and Hollande personally has taken the initiative to organize a rapprochement between Europe and Russia…

Pascali: Exactly. And I do not have to underline how crucial, how game-changing the French initiative is. Hollande had already shown the direction he was taking in the unannounced private tète a tète with Putin last december, back from a mission in Kazakhstan. Hollande, who had appeared to be one of the closest ally of the liberal imperial policy of Obama/Brzezinski, had to change radically. His party had become almost irrelevant. His credibility was at 12%, while the French were running towards any alternative that wouldn’t condamn them to misery and war, especially the Front National of Le Pen who is openly praising Putin. The Ukrainian crisis, with the US sponsored coup in Kiev, the attempt to establish a NATO base in Crimea, the ferocious pressures on the European leaders to go against their own and their people economic and strategic interests in order to create the escalation towards a real war with Russia – all this insane plan was undermined by the French decision. And in the financial centers of Wall Street and in the city of London, this strategy of war is considered nothing less than the last option to survive. The last option of that looting system. So… three days later France was attacked and confronted with a scenario of civil war…[/
Nothing in there says the motive of the attackers was sanctions. They were not even Russian. They attacked for obvious reasons . In fact, they had threatened to attack the place when the Mohamed cartoon was drawn.
You are a radical muslim that condones islamic violence, therefore you need to be watched.

I reported you once before a couple years ago, so I'm sure they already have a file on you.

I hope you enjoy knowing you're being investigated and your phone is bugged. Keep it up and I'm sure you'll also be questioned.

But why don't you save us all some tax payer money and time and go kill yourself, you creepy sons a bitchin' muslim pile of pig shit.
I am a loyal patriotic American born citizen and veteran. Who pays taxes, votes, and does not break any laws.

But they do need to investigate your crazy ass. ...... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:
No you're not, and I have forwarded your approvals of the muslim slayings in France that you wrote here to the FBI as well.

They already have a file with your JIHAD bull shit from before that I reported, which oddly disappeared real fast after I did.

So you better check what you say here, asshole, because the world is getting real fed up with you muslim pricks and your talk of TAKING OVER COUNTRIES, which you have ALSO done here, talked about "WHEN AMERICA BECOMES A MUSLIM NATION," so ya, you better be back peddling, mother fucker, because the way you've been talking here is exactly the kind of people the FBI want to know about.

Start looking over your shoulder...
You can't reason with a troll as big as Sunni Stalker Troll. :cool:
It's like you're talking to a little kid.

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