"Why I parted ways with the right"

Well Rinata, OL/BO is way left and he sure wants to spread my and your and every working persons wealth. He was very upfront about that during the campaign. You remember Joe the Plumber I'm sure.

I have a big problem sharing my hard earned money. Don' t care if its for Dems, Reps or Independents. If I want to give to charity I will do so.

I deeply resent having the Govt tell me that I have to support deadbeats. People who have made bad decisions in their lives. People who have no problem churning out babies that they don't have to support. People who use every loophole they can find to get my and every hardworking taxpayers dollars. Talk about waste and fraud. It abounds in Medicare and Welfare.

The Dems had control of our Congress for 40 years and thats why we have all this social BS where hardworking folks are forced to take care of those that have no sense of responsibility at all and have no problem sticking there greedy hands out to collect the taxpayers hard earned dollars.

Less fortunate??? Thats a matter of opinion.

Damn!!! You can't actually believe that every person in trouble falls into one category?? That's just not reasonable. Like I said, do you actually think that I worked as hard as I did all these years just to help people that don't deserve it?? That would be crazy.

Of course there are deadbeats out there. I have a 26 year old nephew (by marriage) that I have been close to since he was a child. He grew up to be the laziest con artist I have ever met in my life. But I have stood by him since he quit school at 16. Ten long years. I started getting disgusted with him this past May. When I asked him why he just would not get a job he said that he hates getting up early and just wants to watch tv. I was thinking of myself at 26 and I had accomplished a lot!! I got up every day at 5am and I didn't get home any earlier than 7pm. How could anybody in their 20's be content to sleep and watch tv all day?? How boring!!! I was bursting with energy in my 20's.

Well, that did it. I told him not to call or come over anymore until he had a job, and if he did I would call the police. So I totally get what you're saying. But not everybody is like him!!

Some people just don't get it. No matter how much you preach, how much you threaten, they just will never have a work ethic.
So what do we do with them? Set up a special prison for them? Throw them into the streets and let them beg for their dinner?
We are the wealthiest country on earth. We do not have to be like Calcutta where those who can't compete are living in the streets. People should be provided with a basic sustenance whether they have earned it or not. Three hots and a cot. If they are satisfied with that.....so be it

Normally I totally agree. But my nephew is not stupid, by any means. He also had a childhood that was pretty normal. From what I can see, he is just plain lazy and very manipulative. I should know, he manipulated me for years.

He shows up at all hours and needs a place to stay or he needs money. When he has stayed here, he is a total slob. That is so hard for me to deal with. I finally realized that I just don't like him anymore. He thinks my hubs and I and our 2 grown sons are a bunch of schmucks!!!

Yes, I agree with you when we are discussing strangers. But not somebody that so directly has a negative affect on my life. Lastly, helping kids like that will surely make them into bums. They must hit rock bottom or they will not get help.

But again, a lot of destitute people are not like that. They are good people that just fell on hard times. That's why I will always support helping the poor in our country. There is just no other way. I think you are so nice for what you said in your post..
Damn!!! You can't actually believe that every person in trouble falls into one category?? That's just not reasonable. Like I said, do you actually think that I worked as hard as I did all these years just to help people that don't deserve it?? That would be crazy.

Of course there are deadbeats out there. I have a 26 year old nephew (by marriage) that I have been close to since he was a child. He grew up to be the laziest con artist I have ever met in my life. But I have stood by him since he quit school at 16. Ten long years. I started getting disgusted with him this past May. When I asked him why he just would not get a job he said that he hates getting up early and just wants to watch tv. I was thinking of myself at 26 and I had accomplished a lot!! I got up every day at 5am and I didn't get home any earlier than 7pm. How could anybody in their 20's be content to sleep and watch tv all day?? How boring!!! I was bursting with energy in my 20's.

Well, that did it. I told him not to call or come over anymore until he had a job, and if he did I would call the police. So I totally get what you're saying. But not everybody is like him!!

Some people just don't get it. No matter how much you preach, how much you threaten, they just will never have a work ethic.
So what do we do with them? Set up a special prison for them? Throw them into the streets and let them beg for their dinner?
We are the wealthiest country on earth. We do not have to be like Calcutta where those who can't compete are living in the streets. People should be provided with a basic sustenance whether they have earned it or not. Three hots and a cot. If they are satisfied with that.....so be it

Normally I totally agree. But my nephew is not stupid, by any means. He also had a childhood that was pretty normal. From what I can see, he is just plain lazy and very manipulative. I should know, he manipulated me for years.

He shows up at all hours and needs a place to stay or he needs money. When he has stayed here, he is a total slob. That is so hard for me to deal with. I finally realized that I just don't like him anymore. He thinks my hubs and I and our 2 grown sons are a bunch of schmucks!!!

Yes, I agree with you when we are discussing strangers. But not somebody that so directly has a negative affect on my life. Lastly, helping kids like that will surely make them into bums. They must hit rock bottom or they will not get help.

But again, a lot of destitute people are not like that. They are good people that just fell on hard times. That's why I will always support helping the poor in our country. There is just no other way. I think you are so nice for what you said in your post..

I don't know your nephew and am speaking generically. Sounds like some tough love may be in order. His life is too comfortable. If he gets free room and board and some pocket money every time he shows up, why should he change? When he can no longer do the things he enjoys, be it video games, going out with his buddies, dare I say ...having a girlfriend? He will become more motivated.

My only argument was regardless of how badly people have screwed up their lives, I think everyone in this country should have a basic standard of living (barebones) and not thrown out in the streets

By the way...I have a nephew who is worse. I'd be glad to swap horror stories
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The southern racists split with the Democratic Party in the 60s and 70s over civil rights and school desegregation. They joined the Republican Party and now contribute to the GOP's solid south.

At least the Democrats had the balls to throw 'em under the bus.

Have you ever heard of Al Gore, Sr or Robert Byrd?
Sorry to hear of your trouble Rinata and I'm glad you finally told you idiot nephew to take a hike.

Can't agree with Jake though. The more you do for some people, the more they expect. The more they don't have to assume respnsibility for themselves the more the expect others to do it for them.

I have always taken care of me and mine to include working 3 jobs at one point. I deeply resent having to care of others that WILL NOT take care of themselves but always want that free ride.

The truely mentally or physically impaired do need a hand and those folks I feel morally obligated to assist, as for rest. NO thanks. The able bodies can get off their asses and help themselves because I sure am sick of supporting them with my hard earned money.

So I guess you and I will just have to agree to disagree.
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I do hear what you are saying, Rinata. So: let's make public works (washing police cars, sweeping the police vehicles, working at government or non-profit day care, etc.,) a mandatory minimum of hours each week as a condition for receiving aid and assistance? I do believe in making the healthy and able to work at something in return for government assistance.
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People should be provided with a basic sustenance whether they have earned it or not. Three hots and a cot.

Why should they be provided with anything??? :doubt:


Because we are the wealthiest nation on earth. What is your alternative? Debtors prisons? Tent cities, Hoovervilles, people begging at your doorstep, people dying in the streets?

Is that the America you want to live in?
Little Green Footballs - Why I Parted Ways With The Right

Why I Parted Ways With The Right
Opinion | Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 6:49:45 pm PST

1. Support for fascists, both in America (see: Pat Buchanan, Robert Stacy McCain, etc.) and in Europe (see: Vlaams Belang, BNP, SIOE, Pat Buchanan, etc.)

2. Support for bigotry, hatred, and white supremacism (see: Pat Buchanan, Ann Coulter, Robert Stacy McCain, Lew Rockwell, etc.)

3. Support for throwing women back into the Dark Ages, and general religious fanaticism (see: Operation Rescue, anti-abortion groups, James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Tony Perkins, the entire religious right, etc.)

4. Support for anti-science bad craziness (see: creationism, climate change denialism, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, James Inhofe, etc.)

5. Support for homophobic bigotry (see: Sarah Palin, Dobson, the entire religious right, etc.)

6. Support for anti-government lunacy (see: tea parties, militias, Fox News, Glenn Beck, etc.)

7. Support for conspiracy theories and hate speech (see: Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Birthers, creationists, climate deniers, etc.)

8. A right-wing blogosphere that is almost universally dominated by raging hate speech (see: Hot Air, Free Republic, Ace of Spades, etc.)

9. Anti-Islamic bigotry that goes far beyond simply criticizing radical Islam, into support for fascism, violence, and genocide (see: Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, etc.)

10. Hatred for President Obama that goes far beyond simply criticizing his policies, into racism, hate speech, and bizarre conspiracy theories (see: witch doctor pictures, tea parties, Birthers, Michelle Malkin, Fox News, World Net Daily, Newsmax, and every other right wing source)

And much, much more. The American right wing has gone off the rails, into the bushes, and off the cliff.

I won’t be going over the cliff with them.

So you you left the right because you believed the lies of others and have no adopted them as your own. Got ya.
Where are the lies, Avatar4321?

Well, let's start with the claim of fascism. Fascism has nothing to do with the right. In fact, it's completely contrary to the principles of the right. Fascism is about government control. The right is about limited government. Fascism is about racial superiority. The right is about racial neutrality and merit based achievements. Fascism is about government control of industries. The right is about government getting the hell out of the private sector.

Ive already demosntrated the first two are lies. I honestly dont want to spend time documenting every single one because you arent going to listen anyway.
I always listen to your nonsense, which is very easily refutable. For instance, your claims immediately above. Fascism often works from the right, and the right often preaches racism and ethnic cleansing. Look at our own history. Two great examples were Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh, just for starters.

You are very uneducated, Avatar4321, to be making such unsupportable claims.
Some people just don't get it. No matter how much you preach, how much you threaten, they just will never have a work ethic.
So what do we do with them? Set up a special prison for them? Throw them into the streets and let them beg for their dinner?
We are the wealthiest country on earth. We do not have to be like Calcutta where those who can't compete are living in the streets. People should be provided with a basic sustenance whether they have earned it or not. Three hots and a cot. If they are satisfied with that.....so be it

Normally I totally agree. But my nephew is not stupid, by any means. He also had a childhood that was pretty normal. From what I can see, he is just plain lazy and very manipulative. I should know, he manipulated me for years.

He shows up at all hours and needs a place to stay or he needs money. When he has stayed here, he is a total slob. That is so hard for me to deal with. I finally realized that I just don't like him anymore. He thinks my hubs and I and our 2 grown sons are a bunch of schmucks!!!

Yes, I agree with you when we are discussing strangers. But not somebody that so directly has a negative affect on my life. Lastly, helping kids like that will surely make them into bums. They must hit rock bottom or they will not get help.

But again, a lot of destitute people are not like that. They are good people that just fell on hard times. That's why I will always support helping the poor in our country. There is just no other way. I think you are so nice for what you said in your post..

I don't know your nephew and am speaking generically. Sounds like some tough love may be in order. His life is too comfortable. If he gets free room and board and some pocket money every time he shows up, why should he change? When he can no longer do the things he enjoys, be it video games, going out with his buddies, dare I say ...having a girlfriend? He will become more motivated.

My only argument was regardless of how badly people have screwed up their lives, I think everyone in this country should have a basic standard of living (barebones) and not thrown out in the streets

By the way...I have a nephew who is worse. I'd be glad to swap horror stories

Worse??? Oh, geez!!! Yes, tough love is what he needs. I'm sure you do have some good stories.
Sorry to hear of your trouble Rinata and I'm glad you finally told you idiot nephew to take a hike.

Can't agree with Jake though. The more you do for some people, the more they expect. The more they don't have to assume respnsibility for themselves the more the expect others to do it for them.

I have always taken care of me and mine to include working 3 jobs at one point. I deeply resent having to care of others that WILL NOT take care of themselves but always want that free ride.

The truely mentally or physically impaired do need a hand and those folks I feel morally obligated to assist, as for rest. NO thanks. The able bodies can get off their asses and help themselves because I sure am sick of supporting them with my hard earned money.

So I guess you and I will just have to agree to disagree.

And that's okay. At least we mare able to discuss it like adults. That's kinda cool!!

I want you to know that I don't like to pay for deadbeats either. But how do you sift them out?? Right now people have lost their jobs and homes because of the economy. They desperately need our help. And when I come across someone that is hungry, I either buy them food or give them just a few bucks. I can't stop and ask how they got in that situation. Because they're hungry, and that's the bottom line.
I'm more right wing in real life than I let on here. However, I'm not particularly interested in associating with the right because they drive me up the wall with some of the things they say and believe, so I find myself arguing with them when there are a lot of them around, like here at USMB.
I do hear what you are saying, Rinata. So: let's make public works (washing police cars, sweeping the police vehicles, working at government or non-profit day care, etc.,) a mandatory minimum of hours each week as a condition for receiving aid and assistance? I do believe in making the healthy and able to work at something in return for government assistance.

I don't see anything wrong with that. But some exceptions have got to be made. For the elderly or people that have mental issues. There are always going to be poor people that really cannot work.
The only thing worst than believing in a religious organization is believing the propaganda of ANY political Party.

Right/left crap is killing us. If I were a corrupt politician in D.C., I could use this atmosphere to cart away a trillion dollars in broad day light.

OH WAIT--That is right!! The corrupt politicians already have.
I do hear what you are saying, Rinata. So: let's make public works (washing police cars, sweeping the police vehicles, working at government or non-profit day care, etc.,) a mandatory minimum of hours each week as a condition for receiving aid and assistance? I do believe in making the healthy and able to work at something in return for government assistance.

I don't see anything wrong with that. But some exceptions have got to be made. For the elderly or people that have mental issues. There are always going to be poor people that really cannot work.

Yes, the poor and the ill and the aged who cannot work should be taken care of.
shocked im just shocked right winger has gone left. shouldn't he have a left wing avatar to keep from confusing his self ????:lol::lol:
The southern racists split with the Democratic Party in the 60s and 70s over civil rights and school desegregation. They joined the Republican Party and now contribute to the GOP's solid south.

At least the Democrats had the balls to throw 'em under the bus.

balls and democrats should never be used in the same sentence!

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