Why I can't wait for Obama to be out of office

I'm sure most fascist left wingers like yourself feel the same. It's like watching a slow train wreck all in the name of leftist fascism.

Had the other half of your brain been working, you'd know that "fascism" is the arch enemy of the left (communism).....and, as a wise man once stated, fascism is when capitalism forgoes socialism.

If you need help with the terms, ask a grownup.

Actually, I'm kinda looking forward to the next couple of years as brain dead followers try to continue to defend this president. It gets comical after awhile.
Symbolically, Obama leaving will be nice. But the American people aren't going to replace him with an honorable successor. So, how happy can one be about it?

Obama has defied the Constitution repeatedly unmolested, which means his successor will do far worse.

If Nixon were the follow Obama, he would not be forced to leave office like he was in the 70's.

I predict that in 20 years, we will look back on these days an wish Obama were back in office. The federal government is just too powerful and centralized and corrupt for any other outcome.
Town hall meetings led to killings based on " sexual preferences, women's right to choose, the right to own assault weapons, and, of course, skin tones.."?
Please, tell me more.

I had (I guess wrongly) given you more credit than that.......Forget if you can the town hall meetings where dingbats vent for the cameras....and, if you will, simply address how some Muslims kill non-believers....and how some in our midst ALSO kill "non-believers"
Actually, I'm kinda looking forward to the next couple of years as brain dead followers try to continue to defend this president. It gets comical after awhile.

Ahhhha, don't need to defend Obama....he's comfortable sitting in the Oval for the next 2 years.....and I'll be helping my right wing neighbors with supplies of Maalox.
Town hall meetings led to killings based on " sexual preferences, women's right to choose, the right to own assault weapons, and, of course, skin tones.."?
Please, tell me more.

I had (I guess wrongly) given you more credit than that.......Forget if you can the town hall meetings where dingbats vent for the cameras....and, if you will, simply address how some Muslims kill non-believers....and how some in our midst ALSO kill "non-believers"

So Town Hall meetings are for dingbats? Well I guess you have a point. After all, these people still believe that those in power wish to hear what they have to say, when in reality, they are just there to be propagandized in what they should believe.

As for leftists like yourself, you would rather allow Iran to have nukes, and any other Islamic hell hole, than give guns to American citizens.

Like I said, the vacuous nature of the liberal mind is bewildering.

Incidentally, Islam is the pit bull of religions. Yea, we all know most don't kill, but if any dogs do, 9 times out of 10 they are a pit bull.
Actually, I'm kinda looking forward to the next couple of years as brain dead followers try to continue to defend this president. It gets comical after awhile.

Ahhhha, don't need to defend Obama....he's comfortable sitting in the Oval for the next 2 years.....and I'll be helping my right wing neighbors with supplies of Maalox.

True dat.

Those who still continue to support him either don't follow what goes on or simply don't care for various ideological or material reasons. So it really matters little what he does now. It's not like he needs the majority support of the American people like he did in 2008 and 2012.
No, no, don't get me wrong, I am a strong supporter of Obama, although I often have disagreed with his policies for not going far enough to really offer the "changes" promised.

I can't wait for him to be out of office for other reasons......I'm not positive if its just Obama's mixed-race, his often "professorial attitude," his penchant to avoid direct confrontation with his critics........but whatever it may be, the last 6 years have witnessed the rise of the ugliest segment of our population expressing rabid hatred, discord, acrimony, and distrust of our own government.

Like any cancer that once was dormant, Obama has caused many on the right to revert to (in some cases) outright racism and bigotry, and in other cases to almost seditious attitudes...........a malady that will only be fully cured after this generation of older, white [especially] males (a demographic that I happen to be part of) dies out of existence.

Nonetheless, following the analogy of the "cancer" affliction, I can't wait until it goes into remission.....a condition that may only happen once Obama is out of the WH.

I understand where you are coming from there. I can't help wondering if we would have had more progress if McCain had been elected. We almost surely would have had immigration reform (a la Kennedy-McCain). We might have had a climate bill by now (a la McCain-Lieberman). Probably would have even had some common sense gun regulations.

And Sarah Palin would have been up there "making policy." That dingbat didn't know the job of VP and was asked twice. :p

I'm just talking about how there would not have been the degree of outrage out there over the policies of a freckly "war hero"

I was just thinking aloud. Any time I reminisce about 2008, I can't help but picture that dingbat a heartbeat away from the highest office. :D

Admittedly, less scary in hindsight. I remember feeling sorry for McCain during the debates. He seemed to want to yell at Obama "You are running on my legislative record!" but of course he couldn't let the GOP base know how little distance there was between them :)
No, no, don't get me wrong, I am a strong supporter of Obama, although I often have disagreed with his policies for not going far enough to really offer the "changes" promised.

I can't wait for him to be out of office for other reasons......I'm not positive if its just Obama's mixed-race, his often "professorial attitude," his penchant to avoid direct confrontation with his critics........but whatever it may be, the last 6 years have witnessed the rise of the ugliest segment of our population expressing rabid hatred, discord, acrimony, and distrust of our own government.

Like any cancer that once was dormant, Obama has caused many on the right to revert to (in some cases) outright racism and bigotry, and in other cases to almost seditious attitudes...........a malady that will only be fully cured after this generation of older, white [especially] males (a demographic that I happen to be part of) dies out of existence.

Nonetheless, following the analogy of the "cancer" affliction, I can't wait until it goes into remission.....a condition that may only happen once Obama is out of the WH.

I understand where you are coming from there. I can't help wondering if we would have had more progress if McCain had been elected. We almost surely would have had immigration reform (a la Kennedy-McCain). We might have had a climate bill by now (a la McCain-Lieberman). Probably would have even had some common sense gun regulations.

And Sarah Palin would have been up there "making policy." That dingbat didn't know the job of VP and was asked twice. :p

I'm just talking about how there would not have been the degree of outrage out there over the policies of a freckly "war hero"

I was just thinking aloud. Any time I reminisce about 2008, I can't help but picture that dingbat a heartbeat away from the highest office. :D

Admittedly, less scary in hindsight. I remember feeling sorry for McCain during the debates. He seemed to want to yell at Obama "You are running on my legislative record!" but of course he couldn't let the GOP base know how little distance there was between them :)

McCain is a sociopath. He threw the doctors at the VA in Arizona under the bus when they wrote letters for his help. Next thing you know, the doctor whistle blowers were fired. If it were not for an obscure Congressman from Florida, the scandal would never have seen the light of day.

You would think that a veteran like McCain would care about other veterans like himself, but that is assuming the man had a soul. Then he get on TV foaming at the mouth about needing to go to war overseas.

Only men like McCain make it possible for men like Obama to get elected. I hate to admit it, but we are probably better off with Obama, as sick as that sounds.
Town hall meetings led to killings based on " sexual preferences, women's right to choose, the right to own assault weapons, and, of course, skin tones.."?
Please, tell me more.

I had (I guess wrongly) given you more credit than that.......Forget if you can the town hall meetings where dingbats vent for the cameras....and, if you will, simply address how some Muslims kill non-believers....and how some in our midst ALSO kill "non-believers"

You brought up town hall meetings, now I should forget them?

simply address how some Muslims kill non-believers....and how some in our midst ALSO kill "non-believers"

Any specific believer on non-believer violence you'd like to discuss? Or do I have to address ALL of it?
Sorry to break it to you while you are washing Obozos ball sack. But as people mature they tend to lose that feel good ideology called liberalism. And I am in my 30s, so I wont be going anywhere, anytime soon.

I shouldn't have even bothered to reply to this drivel, especially after you went right for the race card. I am a sucker I suppose. Isn't it great to have a president who is untouchable because he's black? He could do anything, and if anyone says anything, they are automatically racist bigots. So there we have it folks, the rules have been in place for awhile now. No matter what this lying SOB does, if you say anything, you are an ugly hateful racist. He has the easiest gig ever! And he is aided by his minions, who will worship anything that he does, no matter how bad for America it is.

On the contrary....I, for one, have LOTS of criticism of Obama for the many things that (again, in my opinion) he has done wrong and some things that he has been reluctant to do......

However, the rabid hatred and disrespect that has been shown this president goes way beyond anything that I (more than double your age) have ever seen......

I mostly judge a president's legacy by 2 things: Has he/she gotten us into bloody and expensive wars that lead to hatred toward us....and, two, has that president denied citizens of their freedom and rights.......

Since Obama has not done either of those 2 things, I react to rabid hatred and have to assume that such venomous attacks are based on something else.
You either have been completely asleep the past few decades or are outright lying. Bush went through some very similar rabid hatreds from being called a Nazi to being blamed as the mastermind behind 9/11 (and being called an idiot in the same statement).

There is noting new here - it is just a matter of this happening now and that was happening a few years ago.
This post is fairly simple to dissect. Being in the medical field I'll give you an analogy with regard to the train of thought that Obama heightened bigotry in our country and that it will somehow be better to go revert back to a typical White male incumbant to calm the masses. Think about the progression of treating the HIV virus in the USA.. First came all of the stigmas and generalizations about its etiology. After that dust cleared we started to experiment with drugs to treat it (the movie Dallas Buyers Club is a unique glimpse into this concept)... We tried AZT and other extremely toxic meds to treat it out of desperation, often precipitating death rather than helping. When we finally started using the combinations of antiretrovirals and immune system boosters that we have today there were many problems. These drugs carry with them some heavy heavy side effects but stabilize CD4 cell counts/prevent a quick demise. But HIV is now basically a chronic illness rather than a quick life sentence as it had been. In Obama's case, think of recent American politics as being infected with HIV/AIDS... A system riddled with cultural lag and bigotry/big business influence while its own citizens are less united each day, shooting each other up, refusing to work together in congress etc. One might say GW Bush was AZT... He crippled the job market, fostered economic decline via unnecessary defense spending and support of outsourcing, devalued education and catalyzed a general depreciation of the world view of America. Obama could be seen as the first trial anti-retroviral drug to fight the seeming impending doom of our political system. Anti-retrovirals have some side effects, most commonly serious GI upset, nausea and vomiting etc. We finally have a president that is working towards fighting the source and rolling with the global social punches instead of adopting archaic ideologies like cutting taxes on the wealthy. The initial post here leaves the reader with a sense that the author wants to run back to our old approaches that never worked because of some symptoms of bigotry and hatred that seem to be very apparent. Sometimes it gets a little scary before it gets better. Stick it out and stay the course. If this country is as great as its citizens so vehemently proclaim it is, a natural progression towards highly variable Presidents shall be on the horizon to fight the plague of selfishness that has infested America. If Obama worries you, hold on to your butts because it might get a little bumpy for you in the near future and I, for one, can't wait.
That is just funny as hell, the only people I see infested with hate and bigotry are the far leftist like yourself and your kind is always trying to project it on to others. Maybe you should get your own house in order before you try to judge anyone else. I know you folks thing it's perfectly fine to hate on anyone who has different political opinions than you, women, minorities, christians and gays are just dirt under your feet if they don't fall in your political line. Carry on faking your moral superiority but you're just a run of the mill hater.

Well, take a wild guess if this guy was a former McGovern supporter......

Really can't tell, actually he seems more like a Robert Byrd supporter. What do you think Romney or Ryan would have said if they had seen their sticker there?

Smh....Byrd died two years before that photo was taken, and that Romney sticker is a dead give-away.

Really can't tell, actually he seems more like a Robert Byrd supporter. What do you think Romney or Ryan would have said if they had seen their sticker there?

With the exception of McCain, all other republican candidates have been scared poopless to rebuff the racists and bigots within their audiences.

You either have been completely asleep the past few decades or are outright lying. Bush went through some very similar rabid hatreds from being called a Nazi to being blamed as the mastermind behind 9/11 (and being called an idiot in the same statement).

There is noting new here - it is just a matter of this happening now and that was happening a few years ago.

Wisely was it said: "What goes around comes around."

You liberals had lots of fun and the kind of shit you handed out has come flying back to you.

Suck it up.
You either have been completely asleep the past few decades or are outright lying. Bush went through some very similar rabid hatreds from being called a Nazi to being blamed as the mastermind behind 9/11 (and being called an idiot in the same statement).

There is noting new here - it is just a matter of this happening now and that was happening a few years ago.

Wisely was it said: "What goes around comes around."

You liberals had lots of fun and the kind of shit you handed out has come flying back to you.

Suck it up.

This goes beyond any president I have seen. And with good reason, people with a brain can see through him. His policies suck, his executive orders suck, his general hatred for American values suck.

We watch him bow to islam, while criticizing or even comparing American religion to it. We see him consorting with illegals, and even shoving that fact in our faces. He gives more attention to La Raza and CAIR, than he does to Americans.

Everything he promised his drones have turned out to be a lie Transparency, ACA, administration ran by the rule of law. Scandals follow him, and not because he is black, because where there is smoke, there is fire.

My hatred for him is strong, I have nothing but contempt for this dude. But I'm always shocked at how much evidence is out there. Yet still so many question. Why on earth could you not like this man that is destroying your country? Oh I know, it's gotta be because he's black, because beyond that he has done a great job. Yep if you are a muslim or an illegal alien.:banghead:

He once lauded muslims at a Ramahdon event, as being major contributors to the building of America. What? Maybe to empower them to believe this is their country?
Actually, I'm kinda looking forward to the next couple of years as brain dead followers try to continue to defend this president. It gets comical after awhile.

Ahhhha, don't need to defend Obama....he's comfortable sitting in the Oval for the next 2 years.....and I'll be helping my right wing neighbors with supplies of Maalox.

True dat.

Those who still continue to support him either don't follow what goes on or simply don't care for various ideological or material reasons. So it really matters little what he does now. It's not like he needs the majority support of the American people like he did in 2008 and 2012.

To me that is quite scary, of course there is a certain numbness that comes from enduring the last 6 years.
Symbolically, Obama leaving will be nice. But the American people aren't going to replace him with an honorable successor. So, how happy can one be about it?

Obama has defied the Constitution repeatedly unmolested, which means his successor will do far worse.

If Nixon were the follow Obama, he would not be forced to leave office like he was in the 70's.

I predict that in 20 years, we will look back on these days an wish Obama were back in office. The federal government is just too powerful and centralized and corrupt for any other outcome.

You might be right.....I do think that Americans are apathetic. Things will get worse before they get better. I don't know when they'll get better, tbh.
This thread seems to have been somewhat "therapeutic" for some right wingers to vent their Obama-hatred....

The thread points out for me what priorities and values seem to be for right wing republicans.....Criticism of Bush (well, Cheney, actually) centered on the bloody and costly wars and the hatred toward us spawned by such thinly veiled reasons we went to war.....One should always ask themselves that very few Americans have come back in body bags when compared to the 8 years of Bush...and THAT should be, by all sane accounts a good thing.

Conversely, criticism of Obama (and there should have been many for legitimate reasons) centered more on very, very vague reasons......You may have read on here from r-w'ers that they hate Obama for his policies and for violating the Constitution......

Well, like good avid viewers of FOX or listeners of hate-talk radio, they seldom offer specifics.......most of the criticism of Obama's policies boil down to the ACA and the Constitution's violations seem to boil down to executive orders including immigration reforms......

Since the criticisms are always very, very vague, any reasonable conclusions to why the hatred is so rabid has to be generated from some other "infraction" by Obama.

But, let's see.......Stock Market 3 times as high; unemployment down considerably from the GWB years, 11 million more fellow citizens with health insurance, virtually NO MORE body bags coming home from the GWB wars, etc.

But your ilk STILL rates Obama as the worst scourge to ever hit the WH.....So, my friend, what is left to "explain" your rabid hatred BUT race?

2007: $6 trillion debt
2015: $18+ trillion debt. (3 times as high)

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