Why I can't wait for Obama to be out of office

They are not on the side that you seem to think they are.

Racists and bigots are everywhere - they are not consolidated to a single political spectrum as so many seem to think that they are.

Of course, you're correct. Nonetheless, lets say that I wanted to poll 100 people on their positive feelings toward .....oh, maybe same-sex marriages.......would I go to San Francisco or Montgomery, Alabama?
Or if I wanted to poll 100 folks on the desperate need for stricter hand-gun control.....would I go to Chicago or Waco, TX?

Or if I wanted to poll 100 folks on the desperate need for stricter hand-gun control.....would I go to Chicago or Waco, TX?

When Chicago had some of the strictest gun control laws in the country, we also had one of the highest murder rates in the country. Somehow, liberal recommendations didn't work out as promised.
It's getting to be a habit.
No, no, don't get me wrong, I am a strong supporter of Obama, although I often have disagreed with his policies for not going far enough to really offer the "changes" promised.

I can't wait for him to be out of office for other reasons......I'm not positive if its just Obama's mixed-race, his often "professorial attitude," his penchant to avoid direct confrontation with his critics........but whatever it may be, the last 6 years have witnessed the rise of the ugliest segment of our population expressing rabid hatred, discord, acrimony, and distrust of our own government.

Like any cancer that once was dormant, Obama has caused many on the right to revert to (in some cases) outright racism and bigotry, and in other cases to almost seditious attitudes...........a malady that will only be fully cured after this generation of older, white [especially] males (a demographic that I happen to be part of) dies out of existence.

Nonetheless, following the analogy of the "cancer" affliction, I can't wait until it goes into remission.....a condition that may only happen once Obama is out of the WH.

I understand where you are coming from there. I can't help wondering if we would have had more progress if McCain had been elected. We almost surely would have had immigration reform (a la Kennedy-McCain). We might have had a climate bill by now (a la McCain-Lieberman). Probably would have even had some common sense gun regulations.

And Sarah Palin would have been up there "making policy." That dingbat didn't know the job of VP and was asked twice. :p

I'm just talking about how there would not have been the degree of outrage out there over the policies of a freckly "war hero"

I was just thinking aloud. Any time I reminisce about 2008, I can't help but picture that dingbat a heartbeat away from the highest office. :D
So you would compare Radical Islam with Evangelicalism....too funny.

Actually, the label "radical Islam" is probably one that originated from the evangelical movement and right wing media.....No doubt that some Muslims are very brutal and have radicalized the Q'uran's teachings, but the level of hate and bigotry has also infested the evangelical sector.......Have you seen what went on in some town hall meetings?

Have you seen what went on in some town hall meetings?

Did it involve killing any non-believers?

There's a loon posting on this very thread that wants to bomb the White House while Obama is watching basketball. I think his/her name is Flush.
So you would compare Radical Islam with Evangelicalism....too funny.

Actually, the label "radical Islam" is probably one that originated from the evangelical movement and right wing media.....No doubt that some Muslims are very brutal and have radicalized the Q'uran's teachings, but the level of hate and bigotry has also infested the evangelical sector.......Have you seen what went on in some town hall meetings?

Have you seen what went on in some town hall meetings?

Did it involve killing any non-believers?

There's a loon posting on this very thread that wants to bomb the White House while Obama is watching basketball. I think his/her name is Flush.

Well, on the one hand, you have an idiot saying something stupid on a website.
On the other, you have Muslims chopping heads and enslaving non-believers.
Equating them in any way is Jakey level stupid.
No, no, don't get me wrong, I am a strong supporter of Obama, although I often have disagreed with his policies for not going far enough to really offer the "changes" promised.

I can't wait for him to be out of office for other reasons......I'm not positive if its just Obama's mixed-race, his often "professorial attitude," his penchant to avoid direct confrontation with his critics........but whatever it may be, the last 6 years have witnessed the rise of the ugliest segment of our population expressing rabid hatred, discord, acrimony, and distrust of our own government.

Like any cancer that once was dormant, Obama has caused many on the right to revert to (in some cases) outright racism and bigotry, and in other cases to almost seditious attitudes...........a malady that will only be fully cured after this generation of older, white [especially] males (a demographic that I happen to be part of) dies out of existence.

Nonetheless, following the analogy of the "cancer" affliction, I can't wait until it goes into remission.....a condition that may only happen once Obama is out of the WH.

Sorry to break it to you while you are washing Obozos ball sack. But as people mature they tend to lose that feel good ideology called liberalism. And I am in my 30s, so I wont be going anywhere, anytime soon.

I shouldn't have even bothered to reply to this drivel, especially after you went right for the race card. I am a sucker I suppose. Isn't it great to have a president who is untouchable because he's black? He could do anything, and if anyone says anything, they are automatically racist bigots. So there we have it folks, the rules have been in place for awhile now. No matter what this lying SOB does, if you say anything, you are an ugly hateful racist. He has the easiest gig ever! And he is aided by his minions, who will worship anything that he does, no matter how bad for America it is.

Unfortunately, not in this day and Age. they just become more immature whiniers but in an adult body

Actually I am proof to the contrary. When I was younger, I had the liberal ideology. But after I learned the real world, I came to my senses. It's just too bad I don't have a political party to identify with. Closest I come is to Libertarian, but the media runs the show, and that party will never have a chance. I had to vote for Romney and Ryan in 2012 just to get O out, and that made me wanna puke, because I hate Paul Ryan.

My parents are both democrats, so they didn't steer me at all.
Well, on the one hand, you have an idiot saying something stupid on a website.
On the other, you have Muslims chopping heads and enslaving non-lbelievers.
Equating them in any way is Jakey level stupid.

I actually agree......Crazed Muslims act brutally.....while within our midst many of us think brutally....

For whatever worth you'd give to my advice, I'd suggest you change your avatar to better match your obvious intelligence...Just a suggestion.
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Meaning of course that ANYONE who opposes the King is a"racist".

NO, NO, NO.......if that is what you think than I am truly sorry.....I sincerely believe that most opponents of Obama do so because that darn president of ours manages to do things in the face of enormous opposition.......Obama comes off as a bit arrogant at times, professorial in his rhetoric.......and the fact that he happens to be of mixed race, .....well, for some opponents, THAT is "the last straw."

No the last straw are his actions. And I will be brutally honest here, no way in hell I would have cast a vote for someone named Barok Hussein Obama. Call me what you will.
Meaning of course that ANYONE who opposes the King is a"racist".

NO, NO, NO.......if that is what you think than I am truly sorry.....I sincerely believe that most opponents of Obama do so because that darn president of ours manages to do things in the face of enormous opposition.......Obama comes off as a bit arrogant at times, professorial in his rhetoric.......and the fact that he happens to be of mixed race, .....well, for some opponents, THAT is "the last straw."

No the last straw are his actions. And I will be brutally honest here, no way in hell I would have cast a vote for someone named Barok Hussein Obama. Call me what you will.

We will.
So you would compare Radical Islam with Evangelicalism....too funny.

Actually, the label "radical Islam" is probably one that originated from the evangelical movement and right wing media.....No doubt that some Muslims are very brutal and have radicalized the Q'uran's teachings, but the level of hate and bigotry has also infested the evangelical sector.......Have you seen what went on in some town hall meetings?

Have you seen what went on in some town hall meetings?

Did it involve killing any non-believers?

There's a loon posting on this very thread that wants to bomb the White House while Obama is watching basketball. I think his/her name is Flush.

Well, on the one hand, you have an idiot saying something stupid on a website.
On the other, you have Muslims chopping heads and enslaving non-believers.
Equating them in any way is Jakey level stupid.

You never know. Patriot groups are like ticking time bombs.
Well, on the one hand, you have an idiot saying something stupid on a website.
On the other, you have Muslims chopping heads and enslaving non-lbelievers.
Equating them in any way is Jakey level stupid.

I actually agree......Crazed Muslims act brutally.....while within our midst many of us think brutally....

For whatever worth you'd give to my advice, I'd suggest you change your avatar to better match your obvious intelligence...Just a suggestion.

The difference between "thinking brutally" (LOL!) and acting brutally is kinda big.
Sorry, as I'm from Chicago, I've known Obama was a clown long before he hit the national scene.
So you would compare Radical Islam with Evangelicalism....too funny.

Actually, the label "radical Islam" is probably one that originated from the evangelical movement and right wing media.....No doubt that some Muslims are very brutal and have radicalized the Q'uran's teachings, but the level of hate and bigotry has also infested the evangelical sector.......Have you seen what went on in some town hall meetings?

Have you seen what went on in some town hall meetings?

Did it involve killing any non-believers?

There's a loon posting on this very thread that wants to bomb the White House while Obama is watching basketball. I think his/her name is Flush.

Well, on the one hand, you have an idiot saying something stupid on a website.
On the other, you have Muslims chopping heads and enslaving non-believers.
Equating them in any way is Jakey level stupid.

You never know. Patriot groups are like ticking time bombs.

Until they start killing non-believers, don't be stupid like Jakey and Nat.
No, no, don't get me wrong, I am a strong supporter of Obama, although I often have disagreed with his policies for not going far enough to really offer the "changes" promised.

I can't wait for him to be out of office for other reasons......I'm not positive if its just Obama's mixed-race, his often "professorial attitude," his penchant to avoid direct confrontation with his critics........but whatever it may be, the last 6 years have witnessed the rise of the ugliest segment of our population expressing rabid hatred, discord, acrimony, and distrust of our own government.

Like any cancer that once was dormant, Obama has caused many on the right to revert to (in some cases) outright racism and bigotry, and in other cases to almost seditious attitudes...........a malady that will only be fully cured after this generation of older, white [especially] males (a demographic that I happen to be part of) dies out of existence.

Nonetheless, following the analogy of the "cancer" affliction, I can't wait until it goes into remission.....a condition that may only happen once Obama is out of the WH.
Don't get ME wrong I never supported Obama, He cost me my job. I am looking forward to taking away his job away too, that oblivious prick. And all you that jolly well cast away sanity and voted for Obama...man, are you on crack or something? Speaking of oblivious....
The difference between "thinking brutally" (LOL!) and acting brutally is kinda big.
Sorry, as I'm from Chicago, I've known Obama was a clown long before he hit the national scene.

LOL aside, I was hoping you'd catch the nuance....The difference between thinking and acting brutally, however, is a matter of either selfness or selfishness (there's another nuance).....but what lies within the heart is virtually the same.
Don't get ME wrong I never supported Obama, He cost me my job. I am looking forward to taking away his job away too, that oblivious prick. And all you that jolly well cast away sanity and voted for Obama...man, are you on crack or something? Speaking of oblivious....

Obama was a manager at KMart ????
Unbelievable, the things you learn on this forum.....
No, no, don't get me wrong, I am a strong supporter of Obama, although I often have disagreed with his policies for not going far enough to really offer the "changes" promised.

I can't wait for him to be out of office for other reasons......I'm not positive if its just Obama's mixed-race, his often "professorial attitude," his penchant to avoid direct confrontation with his critics........but whatever it may be, the last 6 years have witnessed the rise of the ugliest segment of our population expressing rabid hatred, discord, acrimony, and distrust of our own government.

Like any cancer that once was dormant, Obama has caused many on the right to revert to (in some cases) outright racism and bigotry, and in other cases to almost seditious attitudes...........a malady that will only be fully cured after this generation of older, white [especially] males (a demographic that I happen to be part of) dies out of existence.

Nonetheless, following the analogy of the "cancer" affliction, I can't wait until it goes into remission.....a condition that may only happen once Obama is out of the WH.

I'm sure most fascist left wingers like yourself feel the same. It's like watching a slow train wreck all in the name of leftist fascism.
Until they start killing non-believers, don't be stupid like Jakey and Nat.

Well, you're partially right, we're much more civilized,,,we kill based on someone's sexual preferences, women's right to choose, the right to own assault weapons, and, of course, skin tones....but, NO, not for non-believers...yet.
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I'm sure most fascist left wingers like yourself feel the same. It's like watching a slow train wreck all in the name of leftist fascism.

Had the other half of your brain been working, you'd know that "fascism" is the arch enemy of the left (communism).....and, as a wise man once stated, fascism is when capitalism forgoes socialism.

If you need help with the terms, ask a grownup.
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I'm sure most fascist left wingers like yourself feel the same. It's like watching a slow train wreck all in the name of leftist fascism.

Had the other half of your brain been working, you'd know that "fascism" is the arch enemy of the left (communism).....and, as a wise man once stated, fascism is when capitalism forgoes socialism.

If you need help with the terms, ask a grownup.

Fuck'in retards annoy me. I keep asking myself, are they stupid or just disingenuous arse holes who try to hide the truth of what they are propagandizing about?

What about communist Russia, or any other communist hell hole, is free? The issue is collectivism. It comes in many flavors. There is Nazism, communism, fascism. Of course, their brand is always the one that will work cause they are so much more enlightened and righteous than those power hungry control freaks of our past.
Symbolically, Obama leaving will be nice. But the American people aren't going to replace him with an honorable successor. So, how happy can one be about it?
Until they start killing non-believers, don't be stupid like Jakey and Nat.

Well, you're partially right, we're much more civilized,,,we kill based on someone's sexual preferences, women's right to choose, the right to own assault weapons, and, of course, skin tones....but, NO, not for non-believers...yet.

Town hall meetings led to killings based on " sexual preferences, women's right to choose, the right to own assault weapons, and, of course, skin tones.."?
Please, tell me more.

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