Why I call the left commiecrats


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2012
Near Magnolia, TX
I’ve had many on the left whining when I say the policies they have instituted over the past 40 years or so have contributed to the moral decline of the country.
I’ll keep this as concise as I can, but it may get lengthy.

Let’s start with a little history lesson, here are the stated goals of the communist for the U.S. they were developed in the 1950’s and read into the congressional record in 1963. Take a few minutes to read the list and think how many of these items could be checked off. Their game plan is there in plain sight, the question is are you helping to execute it.

Communist Goals (1963) Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record

Now you have a bit of back ground as to why the so called intellectuals such as William Ayres have done the things they have in our educational system.

The left (communist) have been infiltrating our institutions of higher learning for more than a half century now and the policies that have been instituted by them have slowly eroded the authority once held by many professionals in this country.
Let’s start with discipline in the schools, in the early sixties corporal punishment came under attack in our school systems, the left advocated abandoning the tried and true methods that had proven over the millennia to be effective in keeping children on the straight and narrow, for what they called more effective, less barbaric forms of discipline. In this process the left managed to not only destroy the authority of the schools but eventually parents also. Read the following article to see the inevitable results.

School Violence School Violence : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education

Another leftist fallacy being taught our children is, in life everyone is a winner, in an attempt to bolster the little tykes ego. Teaching this lie leaves children unprepared to move though the rest of their lives when they suddenly discover in real life, they do keep score, and yes there are losers. The result, a bunch undisciplined kids with their hands out thinking they are entitled to a trophy, and we wonder why they go ballistic when they are finally told no. I’ve included an article written by a dad that finally came to the realization that he was going to be required to teach his children the lessons of winning and losing himself because the schools and coaches were not doing it.

Team sports and the no one loses mentality - by Bill Farr - Helium

My next points will come directly from the communist goals. Does this sound familiar? “26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy." I guess you can add the routine killing of the unborn to this one.

How about this oldie and still current goodie? 28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state." Of course you also can add, anywhere in the public domain.

I can easily keep going but just read the links and decide which side you fall on, that of the U.S. Constitution which has brought us to be the best nation in the world, or do you side with the communist and their ideas for this country? It’s really just as simple as that.

Not left or right, just right or wrong. Absolutes do exist.

OK, let the bashing and denial begin.
You call them "commiecrats" because you are paranoid, delusional and retarded.
Didn't read the links did ya boy? All I can do is provide you the origin of the ideology you proclaim, I can't force you to learn.
Socialist, Collectivist, Communist, Authoritarian, any one of those works for me.

You know what I call Boner and the rest of the Republicans on Capitol Hill?:

Didn't read the links did ya boy? All I can do is provide you the origin of the ideology you proclaim, I can't force you to learn.

Heard it all before, you guys are so much alike they must manufacture you all in some factory somewhere, the same flawed arguments, the same xenophobia, the same inability to call people by their correct names, the same narcissism. You are so fucking boring to me because I feel like you are just the latest in a series of mechanical assholes who have nothing to bring to the discussion other than the exact same shit I have been hearing in 12 years of Internet discussions. Surprise me with something that is not programed into your model's printed circuitry libertarian-bot.
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When others call the far right crazy nutters, this is the type of stuff they're talking about.

Really, how about you formulate a response and point out my errors, or do you have trouble typing more than one line at a time?

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