Why havent more journalists stuck up for Assange or Snowden and their unveiling of THE TRUTH?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

I suspect because 99% of the media is nothing but government propoganda.

Wikileaks shpwed us how the DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders. We saw that Donna Brazille gave Hillary Clinton debate questions in advance. We learned about drone strikes in Yemen. We learned about what the Chinese were doing to Tibet. We learned about executions by Kenyan police. We learned about the US government lies about the Iraqi war. We learned about the lies from the US government about Afghanistan and Gitmo.

Snowden alerted the world of Prism...The NSA spying on every single American, through their google and yahoo accounts, and much much more.

These men are heros. They uncovered corruption and totalitarianism activity and we are all better off knowing the truth!
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I suspect because 99% of the media is nothing but government propoganda.

Wikileaks shpwed us how the DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders. We saw that Donna Brazille gave Hillary Clinton debate questions in advance. We learned about drone strikes in Yemen. We learned about what the Chinese were doing to Tibet. We learned about executions by Kenyan police. We learned about the US government lies about the Iraqi war. We learned about the lies from the US government about Afghanistan and Gitmo.

Snowden alerted the world of Prism...The NSA spying on every single American, through their google and yahoo accounts, and much much more.

These men are heros. They uncovered corruption and totalitarianism activity and we are all better off knowing the truth!
I've thought those same things myself. I guess our government hates transparency more than we thought.

I suspect because 99% of the media is nothing but government propoganda.

Wikileaks shpwed us how the DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders. We saw that Donna Brazille gave Hillary Clinton debate questions in advance. We learned about drone strikes in Yemen. We learned about what the Chinese were doing to Tibet. We learned about executions by Kenyan police. We learned about the US government lies about the Iraqi war. We learned about the lies from the US government about Afghanistan and Gitmo.

Snowden alerted the world of Prism...The NSA spying on every single American, through their google and yahoo accounts, and much much more.

These men are heros. They uncovered corruption and totalitarianism activity and we are all better off knowing the truth!
Simple answer.
They did what they did while Obama was president. It was embarrassing to his admin.
If they did what they did under a repub and made him look bad, they’d be national heroes, receive awards and honors, be interviewed constantly, etc.
I dare anybody to try and honestly say otherwise.

I suspect because 99% of the media is nothing but government propoganda.

Wikileaks shpwed us how the DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders. We saw that Donna Brazille gave Hillary Clinton debate questions in advance. We learned about drone strikes in Yemen. We learned about what the Chinese were doing to Tibet. We learned about executions by Kenyan police. We learned about the US government lies about the Iraqi war. We learned about the lies from the US government about Afghanistan and Gitmo.

Snowden alerted the world of Prism...The NSA spying on every single American, through their google and yahoo accounts, and much much more.

These men are heros. They uncovered corruption and totalitarianism activity and we are all better off knowing the truth!
Simple answer.
They did what they did while Obama was president. It was embarrassing to his admin.
If they did what they did under a repub and made him look bad, they’d be national heroes, receive awards and honors, be interviewed constantly, etc.
I dare anybody to try and honestly say otherwise.

You got it right.

Even more reason for Trump to pardon them.

Our government lied to us about wars and were secretly spying on every single American...and these guys brought it to light.

Who would not want to know these truths?

”Journalism” is nearly dead. Who is left? Andy Ngo? Aaron Mate?

Certainly no one in the dinosaur media.

I suspect because 99% of the media is nothing but government propoganda.

Wikileaks shpwed us how the DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders. We saw that Donna Brazille gave Hillary Clinton debate questions in advance. We learned about drone strikes in Yemen. We learned about what the Chinese were doing to Tibet. We learned about executions by Kenyan police. We learned about the US government lies about the Iraqi war. We learned about the lies from the US government about Afghanistan and Gitmo.

Snowden alerted the world of Prism...The NSA spying on every single American, through their google and yahoo accounts, and much much more.

These men are heros. They uncovered corruption and totalitarianism activity and we are all better off knowing the truth!

Because "journalism" isn't as concerned about presenting the truth, as it is with obscuring the truth and shaping public opinion.
We never hear about our drone strikes and the genocide in Yemen on CNN or MSNBC. Why?
If Trump pardons them, watch the media freak out...because the media is now just propoganda for the Democrats, and like Beef said, Assange and Snowden embarassed the fascist Obama.

The media will actually defend gpvernment spying on every American. :auiqs.jpg:
You will never see Assange or Guccifer again or hear from them. They will never have trials.
That's what Seth Rich said.

Ever hear of a robbery where the wallet and car keys are left behind? Libs say it happens all the time. Juat another Hillary cover up. Rich got Clintoned. Assange knows it.

Of course. Which is why the media immediately stopped all discussion of it.

When the media doesnt want you to talk about it, you are right over the target.

I suspect because 99% of the media is nothing but government propoganda.

Wikileaks shpwed us how the DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders. We saw that Donna Brazille gave Hillary Clinton debate questions in advance. We learned about drone strikes in Yemen. We learned about what the Chinese were doing to Tibet. We learned about executions by Kenyan police. We learned about the US government lies about the Iraqi war. We learned about the lies from the US government about Afghanistan and Gitmo.

Snowden alerted the world of Prism...The NSA spying on every single American, through their google and yahoo accounts, and much much more.

These men are heros. They uncovered corruption and totalitarianism activity and we are all better off knowing the truth!

Because like you said..The media is nothing more then gov propaganda and an arm of the Cabal.

I suspect because 99% of the media is nothing but government propoganda.

Wikileaks shpwed us how the DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders. We saw that Donna Brazille gave Hillary Clinton debate questions in advance. We learned about drone strikes in Yemen. We learned about what the Chinese were doing to Tibet. We learned about executions by Kenyan police. We learned about the US government lies about the Iraqi war. We learned about the lies from the US government about Afghanistan and Gitmo.

Snowden alerted the world of Prism...The NSA spying on every single American, through their google and yahoo accounts, and much much more.

These men are heros. They uncovered corruption and totalitarianism activity and we are all better off knowing the truth!
Simple answer.
They did what they did while Obama was president. It was embarrassing to his admin.
If they did what they did under a repub and made him look bad, they’d be national heroes, receive awards and honors, be interviewed constantly, etc.
I dare anybody to try and honestly say otherwise.

Don't remember this release?

RE: The question in the thread title

Because our "journalists" would not know the TRUTH if it hit them in the face.
You will never see Assange or Guccifer again or hear from them. They will never have trials.
That's what Seth Rich said.

Ever hear of a robbery where the wallet and car keys are left behind? Libs say it happens all the time. Juat another Hillary cover up. Rich got Clintoned. Assange knows it.

Of course. Which is why the media immediately stopped all discussion of it.

When the media doesnt want you to talk about it, you are right over the target.
Perhaps we should be more discreet about this thread. Now I have to look both ways very very carefully from now on. Especially on one way streets.

We are probably on, "The List" already.

I suspect because 99% of the media is nothing but government propoganda.

Wikileaks shpwed us how the DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders. We saw that Donna Brazille gave Hillary Clinton debate questions in advance. We learned about drone strikes in Yemen. We learned about what the Chinese were doing to Tibet. We learned about executions by Kenyan police. We learned about the US government lies about the Iraqi war. We learned about the lies from the US government about Afghanistan and Gitmo.

Snowden alerted the world of Prism...The NSA spying on every single American, through their google and yahoo accounts, and much much more.

These men are heros. They uncovered corruption and totalitarianism activity and we are all better off knowing the truth!
It's now cool to be a fascist!
Ever notice we have never heard about S Africa for years. Because the whites are being chopped up and having their land taken.

Not newsworthy.


The dinosaur medias refusal to report on Yemen genocide or the Chinese treatment of Tibetans and Uyghur Muslims is fucking disgusting.

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