Why Haven't House Dems Filed Complaints / Charges Against Wasserman-Schultz & Her Pakistan Spies?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

'Debbie Does The House!'

Wasserman-Schultz gave terrorist-connected Pakistani spies illegal access to classified House Files as well as to ever Democrats' e-mail, username, and password. Evidence show the Pakistanis downloaded / made off with TERA-bytes of information.....yet many Democrats were reluctant to fire them and refused to file charges / complaints about their e-mails being raided.

Wasserman-Schultz was finally fired after her part was discovered, but Hillary IMMEDIATELY hired her that day to join her Election Campaign team... Hmmm.....

A History Of Alleged Intimidation And Tampering In House Hacking Case Marked By Witnesses’ Silence

The House Office of Inspector General claimed in late 2016 that the Awan family logged into members’ servers they had no business accessing, in some cases after they’d been fired. Prosecutors allege the family also ordered equipment – sometimes shipped to their residence – using invoices falsified to make it easier for equipment to disappear, and took measures to cover their tracks.

The FBI began surveilling them, but prosecutors contend in court papers that the Awans likely “knew they were under investigation,” and they wired $300,000 to Pakistan. Federal agents arrested Imran at the airport in July trying to fly to Pakistan, and
charged Imran and his wife with bank fraud involving money they wired overseas.

However, months later, authorities
have not charged the couple with the more serious “unauthorized access” described in the IG’s investigation and backed up by server logs. Capitol Hill officials involved in oversight of the case say the reason is that Democratic employers are acting like “hostile victims” and are refusing to press charges.

TheDCNF emailed a summary of the IG’s findings — which were never made public — to 40 Democratic offices tied to Imran or his family members. Only one responded, and none would say the office was interested in finding out more or pressing charges if warranted.

Given Democrats’ keen attention to political cyber breaches in the wake of the hack of the Democratic National Committee and other high-profile incidents, fellow IT aides and Republicans have offered theories to explain their uncharacteristic silence in this case:
Blackmail or fear of retaliation by the Awans, who could read all the emails and files of 1 in 5 House Democrats, in the form of releasing that data or other information if they dare speak out against them.

That theory is strengthened by a yearlong investigation by TheDCNF: Court filings and interviews show Imran has been accused of allegedly invoking his congressional position to intimidate immigrants, summoning political favors to make criminal charges go away, ordering witnesses not to cooperate with police, and enlisting police resources to bully people.

The most egregious incident of possible obstruction came after the IG determined that the House Democratic Caucus server was the epicenter of the suspected cybersecurity breach. There were indications the server might have been secretly collecting data from numerous offices, and it was uploading data offsite, an IG presentation said. Soon after, that entire server-turned-evidence was
physically stolen, according to three government officials.


'In a televised exchange during the Capitol Police’s budget hearing, Wasserman Schultz threatened the Capitol Hill chief of police with “consequences” if he didn’t return the laptop, which authorities were holding as evidence. She hired an outside lawyer to try to block prosecutors from accessing it, paying him with campaign funds, according to campaign finance records.'


Ya GOTTA read the whole article on this entire thing and what they have learned about the Awans...

Evidently, thanks to Wasserman-Schultz, these terrorist-connected spies have House members by the b@lls and is potentially blackmailing them.....
....which made me remember how Barry illegally spied on both US Senators and USSC Justices.... (I always did wonder why Roberts acted so of character when he single-handedly saved Obamacare by arguing Obama's case for him and re-writing their argument, as well as not throwing - as usual - a case about taxes out until there was an attempt to collect the tax (standard practice for the USSC based on the past). There were reports at the time that Roberts and his wife were trying to adopt a child from overseas and it might have brought up to Roberts that his decision / actions regarding that case may effect his attempt to adopt.....

Wasserman-Schultz's Pakistani spies (and Hillary, who bought and owned the DNC) blackmailing the House after illegally spying on them while Barry was doing the same with Senators after having been proven to have spied on them? Based on all the evidence of crimes committed by Democrats during Obama's administration, anything I snow believable / possible.

A History Of Alleged Intimidation And Tampering In House Hacking Case Marked By Witnesses’ Silence
I’ve not known of their ever doing such to one of their own. I have seen Republicans do it against one of theirs, though.

'Debbie Does The House!'

Wasserman-Schultz gave terrorist-connected Pakistani spies illegal access to classified House Files as well as to ever Democrats' e-mail, username, and password. Evidence show the Pakistanis downloaded / made off with TERA-bytes of information.....yet many Democrats were reluctant to fire them and refused to file charges / complaints about their e-mails being raided.

Wasserman-Schultz was finally fired after her part was discovered, but Hillary IMMEDIATELY hired her that day to join her Election Campaign team... Hmmm.....

A History Of Alleged Intimidation And Tampering In House Hacking Case Marked By Witnesses’ Silence

The House Office of Inspector General claimed in late 2016 that the Awan family logged into members’ servers they had no business accessing, in some cases after they’d been fired. Prosecutors allege the family also ordered equipment – sometimes shipped to their residence – using invoices falsified to make it easier for equipment to disappear, and took measures to cover their tracks.

The FBI began surveilling them, but prosecutors contend in court papers that the Awans likely “knew they were under investigation,” and they wired $300,000 to Pakistan. Federal agents arrested Imran at the airport in July trying to fly to Pakistan, and charged Imran and his wife with bank fraud involving money they wired overseas.

However, months later, authorities have not charged the couple with the more serious “unauthorized access” described in the IG’s investigation and backed up by server logs. Capitol Hill officials involved in oversight of the case say the reason is that Democratic employers are acting like “hostile victims” and are refusing to press charges.

TheDCNF emailed a summary of the IG’s findings — which were never made public — to 40 Democratic offices tied to Imran or his family members. Only one responded, and none would say the office was interested in finding out more or pressing charges if warranted.

Given Democrats’ keen attention to political cyber breaches in the wake of the hack of the Democratic National Committee and other high-profile incidents, fellow IT aides and Republicans have offered theories to explain their uncharacteristic silence in this case: Blackmail or fear of retaliation by the Awans, who could read all the emails and files of 1 in 5 House Democrats, in the form of releasing that data or other information if they dare speak out against them.

That theory is strengthened by a yearlong investigation by TheDCNF: Court filings and interviews show Imran has been accused of allegedly invoking his congressional position to intimidate immigrants, summoning political favors to make criminal charges go away, ordering witnesses not to cooperate with police, and enlisting police resources to bully people.

The most egregious incident of possible obstruction came after the IG determined that the House Democratic Caucus server was the epicenter of the suspected cybersecurity breach. There were indications the server might have been secretly collecting data from numerous offices, and it was uploading data offsite, an IG presentation said. Soon after, that entire server-turned-evidence was physically stolen, according to three government officials.


'In a televised exchange during the Capitol Police’s budget hearing, Wasserman Schultz threatened the Capitol Hill chief of police with “consequences” if he didn’t return the laptop, which authorities were holding as evidence. She hired an outside lawyer to try to block prosecutors from accessing it, paying him with campaign funds, according to campaign finance records.'


Ya GOTTA read the whole article on this entire thing and what they have learned about the Awans...

Evidently, thanks to Wasserman-Schultz, these terrorist-connected spies have House members by the b@lls and is potentially blackmailing them.....
....which made me remember how Barry illegally spied on both US Senators and USSC Justices.... (I always did wonder why Roberts acted so of character when he single-handedly saved Obamacare by arguing Obama's case for him and re-writing their argument, as well as not throwing - as usual - a case about taxes out until there was an attempt to collect the tax (standard practice for the USSC based on the past). There were reports at the time that Roberts and his wife were trying to adopt a child from overseas and it might have brought up to Roberts that his decision / actions regarding that case may effect his attempt to adopt.....

Wasserman-Schultz's Pakistani spies (and Hillary, who bought and owned the DNC) blackmailing the House after illegally spying on them while Barry was doing the same with Senators after having been proven to have spied on them? Based on all the evidence of crimes committed by Democrats during Obama's administration, anything I snow believable / possible.

A History Of Alleged Intimidation And Tampering In House Hacking Case Marked By Witnesses’ Silence
What a load of horseshit
What a load of horseshit

Speaking of horseshit...

TOS, please explain to us why Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hired a bunch of Pakistani IT spies despite the fact that a simple background check on them later QUICKLY identified them as being connected to terrorists ... and being involved in numerous scams and crimes, like kidnapping and holding their mother hostage while they liquidated assets and spent all of their dead fathers' - their mother's - money?

This ought to be a really good story....

Then you can explain why after the Pakistani spies had been discovered committing espionage by illegally accessing classified House files and downloading tera-bytes of information and stealing govt computers / equipment, after being banned from the House, and after being placed under investigation for ESPIONAGE Debbie Wasserman-Schultz ignored all of that, RE-Hired Awan again, and not only gave him illegal access to those same classified House files but also gave him access to every DNC members' e-mail, their usernames, and passwords....


'Debbie Does The House!'

Wasserman-Schultz gave terrorist-connected Pakistani spies illegal access to classified House Files as well as to ever Democrats' e-mail, username, and password. Evidence show the Pakistanis downloaded / made off with TERA-bytes of information.....yet many Democrats were reluctant to fire them and refused to file charges / complaints about their e-mails being raided.

Wasserman-Schultz was finally fired after her part was discovered, but Hillary IMMEDIATELY hired her that day to join her Election Campaign team... Hmmm.....

A History Of Alleged Intimidation And Tampering In House Hacking Case Marked By Witnesses’ Silence

The House Office of Inspector General claimed in late 2016 that the Awan family logged into members’ servers they had no business accessing, in some cases after they’d been fired. Prosecutors allege the family also ordered equipment – sometimes shipped to their residence – using invoices falsified to make it easier for equipment to disappear, and took measures to cover their tracks.

The FBI began surveilling them, but prosecutors contend in court papers that the Awans likely “knew they were under investigation,” and they wired $300,000 to Pakistan. Federal agents arrested Imran at the airport in July trying to fly to Pakistan, and charged Imran and his wife with bank fraud involving money they wired overseas.

However, months later, authorities have not charged the couple with the more serious “unauthorized access” described in the IG’s investigation and backed up by server logs. Capitol Hill officials involved in oversight of the case say the reason is that Democratic employers are acting like “hostile victims” and are refusing to press charges.

TheDCNF emailed a summary of the IG’s findings — which were never made public — to 40 Democratic offices tied to Imran or his family members. Only one responded, and none would say the office was interested in finding out more or pressing charges if warranted.

Given Democrats’ keen attention to political cyber breaches in the wake of the hack of the Democratic National Committee and other high-profile incidents, fellow IT aides and Republicans have offered theories to explain their uncharacteristic silence in this case: Blackmail or fear of retaliation by the Awans, who could read all the emails and files of 1 in 5 House Democrats, in the form of releasing that data or other information if they dare speak out against them.

That theory is strengthened by a yearlong investigation by TheDCNF: Court filings and interviews show Imran has been accused of allegedly invoking his congressional position to intimidate immigrants, summoning political favors to make criminal charges go away, ordering witnesses not to cooperate with police, and enlisting police resources to bully people.

The most egregious incident of possible obstruction came after the IG determined that the House Democratic Caucus server was the epicenter of the suspected cybersecurity breach. There were indications the server might have been secretly collecting data from numerous offices, and it was uploading data offsite, an IG presentation said. Soon after, that entire server-turned-evidence was physically stolen, according to three government officials.


'In a televised exchange during the Capitol Police’s budget hearing, Wasserman Schultz threatened the Capitol Hill chief of police with “consequences” if he didn’t return the laptop, which authorities were holding as evidence. She hired an outside lawyer to try to block prosecutors from accessing it, paying him with campaign funds, according to campaign finance records.'


Ya GOTTA read the whole article on this entire thing and what they have learned about the Awans...

Evidently, thanks to Wasserman-Schultz, these terrorist-connected spies have House members by the b@lls and is potentially blackmailing them.....
....which made me remember how Barry illegally spied on both US Senators and USSC Justices.... (I always did wonder why Roberts acted so of character when he single-handedly saved Obamacare by arguing Obama's case for him and re-writing their argument, as well as not throwing - as usual - a case about taxes out until there was an attempt to collect the tax (standard practice for the USSC based on the past). There were reports at the time that Roberts and his wife were trying to adopt a child from overseas and it might have brought up to Roberts that his decision / actions regarding that case may effect his attempt to adopt.....

Wasserman-Schultz's Pakistani spies (and Hillary, who bought and owned the DNC) blackmailing the House after illegally spying on them while Barry was doing the same with Senators after having been proven to have spied on them? Based on all the evidence of crimes committed by Democrats during Obama's administration, anything I snow believable / possible.

A History Of Alleged Intimidation And Tampering In House Hacking Case Marked By Witnesses’ Silence

Dear easyt65 Apparently
their strategy is to exhaust the legal resources and manpower
on the side of people checking govt, ie the rightwing Constitutionalists.

If the babies in the house pee and poop in every room,
the parents are so busy cleaning up, the kids can run amok.

The kids in the classroom know how to distract the teacher
this way so they get away with stuff because there are
more students than teachers, and only one principal for
all the classrooms in the school.

That's why they pushed the ACA. Just create a mess
then watch and let the opposition clean it up. In the meantime
you get to hold taxpayers hostage and demand govt pay
for whatever is in the bill until it gets corrected.

Are the wrongdoers ever held to fix their own messes?
If we want them to be, shouldn't we change this paradigm
and require any party or official passing an Unconstitutional
bill, mandate, policy, ruling or legislation to be in charge of
all costs to clean up the abuses, damages and debts
caused by their own parties' actions?

This is a form of "conspiring to violate civil rights of others"
If a whole mob of rioters creates havoc to prevent police
from enforcing laws and preventing violations, the whole
mob should be charged for conspiring as a group.

Parties that abuse govt to push unconstitutional agenda
should be punished as a group, w here everyone who
enabled, contributed either financially or with actions,
in that violation should be responsible for correcting the
damages, costs, debts, abuses and other consequences.

If the kids who damage a school have to fix it up themselves
like they do in Asia requring the students to clean up each day,
they learn to take care of the school not destroy it with vandalism.

The wrongdoers need to be held for this, not the taxpayers
and victims of their abuses of govt to violate equal rights
and protections of others, under "no taxation without representation"

If your beliefs don't represent us but violated our beliefs and rights
by Constitutional laws. then you pay for the consequences
not the victims of those abuses of party media and govt!

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