Why has the government closed the air space over the gulf

Let's recap what you have posted
1st you said:
"Its called hiding the evidence."
2nd you said:
When ever someone doesn't want photo evidence of something, there is always something to hide.

You are the one that said they were hiding something, But now you say there's nothing as far as you are concerned.. So which is it? Do you not have the balls to stand with your convictions?

You asked why they would close airspace:
Hiding evidence is one reason

you drew the question out and the answer is:
As far as i am concerned there is nothing to hide

Again as far as i am concerned there is nothing to hide. Operative word I How hard is that to understand. So back to your question

Why close the airspace. If you have balls state your theory of why instead of just asking lame questions. Otherwise you get what you get.

If you think they are not hiding something why did you make the speculation that they are?
As for me asking the question, I would like to see what others have heard. I am uncertain why they have closed the airspace and futher more I see no reason why it has been closed.

The most logical reason is private planes full of lookie-loos, as Conhog alluded to. Commercial airlines have no problem with rerouting, so why NOT close the air space? It's a fail-safe decision. Nobody's hiding anything. If there were, they wouldn't allow satellite images, which are pretty goddamned scary.

Not logical there have been many disasters in the past and they did not close the airspace.
Name a disaster where military aircraft were involved and the airspace wasn't closed.

I can't name a one can you name any other then military accidents that they may have closed the airspace? With exception of 9/11

You're like a rabid dog with a bone. Nobody seems to care except for you. Bye.
Gee, I wonder what people who actually know what they are talking about think of this?

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]The FAA’s response can be seen here. The agency stresses that temporary flight restrictions have been imposed due to the heavy traffic involved in the cleanup effort, and it points out that there have been “a number of reported near misses” due to pilots flying low to give passengers a good view of the spill.

[/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Since May 28, the FAA says it has granted every request to fly over the area. The TFR requires pilots to stay above 3,000 feet, but the FAA has granted exceptions for news organizations to go lower.[/FONT]

FAA Rejects Accusations About Oil Spill Access

Look at that, they haven't closed the airspace, they are simply restricting rubberneckers from flying lower than 3000 feet.

Thanks for the info.

I hate people who always expect someone else should do the homework. Next time, do your own first and then maybe you wouldn't ask stupid questions.
man, Syrenn can dance, not well, but she can dance. She gives an opinion then when called for an explanation decides that oh well that wasn't really my opinion, it was just a possibility LOL. Typical stupid moron tactic.
So a question is stupid? It was not an open ended question you thought stupidly and I called you on your answer. Stupid peoiple will say the stupidest things.

When I decided to look for the answer to the question it took me one google search, less than 10 seconds of my time, to find out the real story about what is going on. How much time did you waste on this thread attacking people that answered your question with the disdain it deserves? I used to believe that the only stupid question was the one you don't ask, but the internet has taught me that that cliche is wrong.

I thought this was a discussion board, maybe I was wrong. Mayb it's your own private little world a place were you alone can dictate what is an allowable question. I guess I will send you a PM before I start another thread. As for attacking people how many rely's to me have you read? There are two that I have "attacked" maybe if you pull your head out of your ass you would see it. OH I guess it's three now.

The entire universe is my private little world, and when I die you will all cease to exist. Live with it.
You asked why they would close airspace:
Hiding evidence is one reason

you drew the question out and the answer is:
As far as i am concerned there is nothing to hide

Again as far as i am concerned there is nothing to hide. Operative word I How hard is that to understand. So back to your question

Why close the airspace. If you have balls state your theory of why instead of just asking lame questions. Otherwise you get what you get.

If you think they are not hiding something why did you make the speculation that they are?
As for me asking the question, I would like to see what others have heard. I am uncertain why they have closed the airspace and futher more I see no reason why it has been closed.

The most logical reason is private planes full of lookie-loos, as Conhog alluded to. Commercial airlines have no problem with rerouting, so why NOT close the air space? It's a fail-safe decision. Nobody's hiding anything. If there were, they wouldn't allow satellite images, which are pretty goddamned scary.


That comment by Conhog was made at post 5 or 6 I never disagreed now why are you rehashing something thaqt has already been answered? I hate elitist who think they have the answer when the answer was already given.
When I decided to look for the answer to the question it took me one google search, less than 10 seconds of my time, to find out the real story about what is going on. How much time did you waste on this thread attacking people that answered your question with the disdain it deserves? I used to believe that the only stupid question was the one you don't ask, but the internet has taught me that that cliche is wrong.

I thought this was a discussion board, maybe I was wrong. Mayb it's your own private little world a place were you alone can dictate what is an allowable question. I guess I will send you a PM before I start another thread. As for attacking people how many rely's to me have you read? There are two that I have "attacked" maybe if you pull your head out of your ass you would see it. OH I guess it's three now.

The entire universe is my private little world, and when I die you will all cease to exist. Live with it.
Not in your wildest dreams bucko
man, Syrenn can dance, not well, but she can dance. She gives an opinion then when called for an explanation decides that oh well that wasn't really my opinion, it was just a possibility LOL. Typical stupid moron tactic.

I thought this was a discussion board, maybe I was wrong. Mayb it's your own private little world a place were you alone can dictate what is an allowable question. I guess I will send you a PM before I start another thread. As for attacking people how many rely's to me have you read? There are two that I have "attacked" maybe if you pull your head out of your ass you would see it. OH I guess it's three now.

The entire universe is my private little world, and when I die you will all cease to exist. Live with it.
Not in your wildest dreams bucko

Prove it
If you think they are not hiding something why did you make the speculation that they are?
As for me asking the question, I would like to see what others have heard. I am uncertain why they have closed the airspace and futher more I see no reason why it has been closed.

The most logical reason is private planes full of lookie-loos, as Conhog alluded to. Commercial airlines have no problem with rerouting, so why NOT close the air space? It's a fail-safe decision. Nobody's hiding anything. If there were, they wouldn't allow satellite images, which are pretty goddamned scary.


That comment by Conhog was made at post 5 or 6 I never disagreed now why are you rehashing something thaqt has already been answered? I hate elitist who think they have the answer when the answer was already given.

Because people normally read threads in chronological order? Maybe I hadn't gotten to Conhog's post yet. Duh...

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