Why has Mueller ignored Obama administration crimes?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

Because they're best friends... ALL THREE of them!

The matter of Gen. Michael Flynn began with criminal conduct. But it was not committed by Flynn. The crimes were leaking the contents of classified telephone conversations between Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and revealing the identity of Flynn as a party to the conversations.

The sorry saga began with a January 12, 2017 column about the Flynn/Kislyak conversations by The Washington Post’s David Ignatius, who described his source as a “senior U.S. government official,” i.e., an Obama administration functionary. Whoever told Ignatius the fact of and substance of the eavesdropped conversations committed a felony by leaking classified information.

The second crime is publicly revealing a U.S. citizen’s identity as being a party to those conversations. When there is authorized intelligence collection of foreign officials, the identity of the U.S. person who is incidentally picked up during that collection is to be minimized (not disclosed), even within the U.S. government. Instead of the party’s name, the document substitutes “[U.S. Person].” There is a process for “unmasking”—obtaining the name of the undisclosed person--when the government official determines knowing the name is important to national security. A written request must be made to the collecting agency that is responsible for the document. Only a handful of officials are given that authority, e.g. NSA has only 20. Perhaps there was a valid need for an Obama official to know Flynn’s identity. That issue is irrelevant. Providing it to Ignatius was a crime.

Read more at foxnews.com ...
You can tell these conservative kids all get their marching orders from.the same place at the same time because a buncha threads with the same title always spring up at the same time.

Sad, conservatives don't seem to be able to think for themselves.
You can tell these conservative kids all get their marching orders from.the same place at the same time because a buncha threads with the same title always spring up at the same time.

Sad, conservatives don't seem to be able to think for themselves.

More likely it is because they are responding to MSM news reports that all happen at the same time.
Mueller is not investigating Obama because when REPUBLICANS appointed him special counsel, it was to look into the Trump campaign...

Republicans have been more than welcome for the past 8 years to investigate any crime they think Obama committed...why haven't they? Because Obama is just so powerful and brilliant? Yea, that's probably why.

Because they're best friends... ALL THREE of them!

The matter of Gen. Michael Flynn began with criminal conduct. But it was not committed by Flynn. The crimes were leaking the contents of classified telephone conversations between Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and revealing the identity of Flynn as a party to the conversations.

The sorry saga began with a January 12, 2017 column about the Flynn/Kislyak conversations by The Washington Post’s David Ignatius, who described his source as a “senior U.S. government official,” i.e., an Obama administration functionary. Whoever told Ignatius the fact of and substance of the eavesdropped conversations committed a felony by leaking classified information.

The second crime is publicly revealing a U.S. citizen’s identity as being a party to those conversations. When there is authorized intelligence collection of foreign officials, the identity of the U.S. person who is incidentally picked up during that collection is to be minimized (not disclosed), even within the U.S. government. Instead of the party’s name, the document substitutes “[U.S. Person].” There is a process for “unmasking”—obtaining the name of the undisclosed person--when the government official determines knowing the name is important to national security. A written request must be made to the collecting agency that is responsible for the document. Only a handful of officials are given that authority, e.g. NSA has only 20. Perhaps there was a valid need for an Obama official to know Flynn’s identity. That issue is irrelevant. Providing it to Ignatius was a crime.

Read more at foxnews.com ...

Only the GOP breaks laws and needs investigations.

Nixon proved that.

Everyone else are saints.
Mueller is not investigating Obama because when REPUBLICANS appointed him special counsel, it was to look into the Trump campaign...

Republicans have been more than welcome for the past 8 years to investigate any crime they think Obama committed...why haven't they? Because Obama is just so powerful and brilliant? Yea, that's probably why.
The more powerful and brilliant Obama is, the worse it is for America. America and Muslim jihad are 2 opposite interest entities.
Mueller is not investigating Obama because when REPUBLICANS appointed him special counsel, it was to look into the Trump campaign...

Republicans have been more than welcome for the past 8 years to investigate any crime they think Obama committed...why haven't they? Because Obama is just so powerful and brilliant? Yea, that's probably why.
The more powerful and brilliant Obama is, the worse it is for America. America and Muslim jihad are 2 opposite interest entities.
That's just as silly as this:

Did you know that Obama authorized 10 times more drone strikes than dubya did?
You can tell these conservative kids all get their marching orders from.the same place at the same time because a buncha threads with the same title always spring up at the same time.

Sad, conservatives don't seem to be able to think for themselves.

More likely it is because they are responding to MSM news reports that all happen at the same time.
Most likely it's because they are sharing a brain.
That's just as silly as this:

Did you know that Obama authorized 10 times more drone strikes than dubya did?
Is there a purpose somewhere within this lunacy ?

Note: >>>

1. Trump did not allow his FBI Director to purge words out of FBI manuals, at the direction of Muslim Brotherhood groups.

2. Trump does not have an administration full of Muslim Brotherhood operatives.

3. Trump did not allow a jihadist to walk around for months in a US Army base, flouting jihad and ignoring Army regulations, and kill 13 soldiers.

4. Trump did not pull US troops out of Iraq in 2011, opening up the vacuum for ISIS to move in.

5. Trump did not collude with al Baghdadi (ISIS) to allow ISIS convoys to move on desert roads.

6. Trump did not allow refugees from Muslim jihad countries to travel to the US.
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I know this is a little hard for you Trumpsters to comprehend or accept. But because the reason Mueller isn't investigating Obama and his admin, is because they haven't committed any crimes.

Also Mueller was specifically hired to investigate the 2016 election ( he was chosen and approved by republicans by the way).

Because they're best friends... ALL THREE of them!

The matter of Gen. Michael Flynn began with criminal conduct. But it was not committed by Flynn. The crimes were leaking the contents of classified telephone conversations between Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and revealing the identity of Flynn as a party to the conversations.

The sorry saga began with a January 12, 2017 column about the Flynn/Kislyak conversations by The Washington Post’s David Ignatius, who described his source as a “senior U.S. government official,” i.e., an Obama administration functionary. Whoever told Ignatius the fact of and substance of the eavesdropped conversations committed a felony by leaking classified information.

The second crime is publicly revealing a U.S. citizen’s identity as being a party to those conversations. When there is authorized intelligence collection of foreign officials, the identity of the U.S. person who is incidentally picked up during that collection is to be minimized (not disclosed), even within the U.S. government. Instead of the party’s name, the document substitutes “[U.S. Person].” There is a process for “unmasking”—obtaining the name of the undisclosed person--when the government official determines knowing the name is important to national security. A written request must be made to the collecting agency that is responsible for the document. Only a handful of officials are given that authority, e.g. NSA has only 20. Perhaps there was a valid need for an Obama official to know Flynn’s identity. That issue is irrelevant. Providing it to Ignatius was a crime.

Read more at foxnews.com ...

Fox News = fake news.

There was nothing classified about the conversations as they took place before Trump took office No crime here.

There is no crime in getting the information provided you have the security clearances. The Flynn conversation has nothing to do with unmasking. There was nothing classified about it so there is no illegality here.
That's just as silly as this:

Did you know that Obama authorized 10 times more drone strikes than dubya did?
Is there a purpose somewhere within this lunacy ?

Note: >>>

1. Trump did not allow his FBI Director to purge words out of FBI manuals, at the direction of Muslim Brotherhood groups.

2. Trump does not have an administration full of Muslim Brotherhood operatives.

3. Trump did not allow a jihadist to walk around for months in a US Army base, flouting jihad and ignoring Army regulations, and kill 13 soldiers.

4. Trump did not pull US troops out of Iraq in 2011, opening up the vacuum for ISIS to move in.

5. Trump did not collude with al Baghdadi (ISIS) to allow ISIS convoys to move on desert roads.

6. Trump did not allow refugees from Muslim jihad countries to travel to the US.

Trump employed Manafort who was being paid off by Russian interests in Ukraine.

Trump employed Flynn who was working for Erdogan who is a sympathizer of Islamist terrorists.
Trump employed Manafort who was being paid off by Russian interests in Ukraine.

Trump employed Flynn who was working for Erdogan who is a sympathizer of Islamist terrorists.
When I owned my own business for 12 years, I employed a guy who was a arrested for beating up his wife. He beat up his wife, I didn't.

PS - In Islam wife-beating is OK.

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