Why “Equity” is unfair and will bring the country down further

Kamala Harris, among others, has stated that “equity” - equal outcomes - rather than equal opportunity is a desired goal. The problem is that in order to achieve equity, one must treat people unfairly.

Let‘s look at two people. The first one…..oh, let’s call her Lisa….worked hard in high school, won two academic scholarships to college, and paid for the remainder with part-time work during semesters and full-time in summers. Upon graduation, she chose an employer with a tuition-reimbursement plan (for B and above) and spent five years at night getting her grad degree. She then continued her professional career for another 35 years, and was able to buy a nice home in an upscale community and lives well.

Then we have Linda. Linda was a party girl in high school with no intention to go in to college, but even so, she got preggers in 11th grade and dropped out, eventually earning a GED. She’s had a series of jobs, mostly clerical and retail, and never earned even $50,000 a year.

Equity would dictate that other people GIVE Linda the same nice lifestyle that Lisa worked for, and earned. So what happens? Pretty soon, the Lisas of the country see no sense in sacrificing for their future and putting in all that hard work if all the Lindas are just going to be given the fruits of other people’s labor and end uo just as well off. Conversely, the Linda’s won’t even attempt to put forth the effort to better themselves because they are guaranteed equity with the Lisas!

The pursuit of “equity” guarantees a race to the bottom. The linked article explains it better.

I can't speak for Harris but to me the difference is that not every child gets a free school lunch (equality), only those whose parents are poor (equity).
Equity means helping those who need help, not necessarily everyone gets the same

It is not a difficult concept
Equity means equal outcomes. So if Susie just collects 5 potatoes because she was goofing off all day, Mary got 10 because she did a bit more, and Joanne got 60 because she worked the entire day….Susie is given an extra 20, Mary gets another 15, and Joanne gets 35 taken away from her so that everyone ends up with 25.

So, true…..they all didn’t get the same. They all ended up the same.….equity. You think that’s a good goal? Mary will stop woekimg all day, productivity drops, and everyone gets less.

(And while you THINK you’re so magnanimous for saying “you help everyone who needs help,” but you’re ignoring what they themselves have done to be in a position of needing help and what they can do to get over it.)
Equity means equal outcomes. So if Susie just collects 5 potatoes because she was goofing off all day, Mary got 10 because she did a bit more, and Joanne got 60 because she worked the entire day….Susie is given an extra 20, Mary gets another 15, and Joanne gets 35 taken away from her so that everyone ends up with 25.

So, true…..they all didn’t get the same. They all ended up the same.….equity. You think that’s a good goal? Mary will stop woekimg all day, productivity drops, and everyone gets less.

(And while you THINK you’re so magnanimous for saying “you help everyone who needs help,” but you’re ignoring what they themselves have done to be in a position of needing help and what they can do to get over it.)

Sounds awfully like "to each according to their needs, from each according to their ability"
but to me the difference is that not every child gets a free school lunch (equality), only those whose parents are poor (equity).
If WA is an example--they all do get free lunch if they want it--breakfast too. Which begs the question--what do the parents do with all of that SNAP and welfare money? Wasn't the purpose of that supposed to be so they could feed their children? Admit it--you don't want equality or equity--you want gross communism.
Equity means equal outcomes. So if Susie just collects 5 potatoes because she was goofing off all day, Mary got 10 because she did a bit more, and Joanne got 60 because she worked the entire day….Susie is given an extra 20, Mary gets another 15, and Joanne gets 35 taken away from her so that everyone ends up with 25.

So, true…..they all didn’t get the same. They all ended up the same.….equity. You think that’s a good goal? Mary will stop woekimg all day, productivity drops, and everyone gets less.

(And while you THINK you’re so magnanimous for saying “you help everyone who needs help,” but you’re ignoring what they themselves have done to be in a position of needing help and what they can do to get over it.)
No it doesn’t.
You listen to too much Conservative Propaganda of robbing from the deserving rich to give to the lazy poor.

Equity means you help those who need help the most. Not necessarily give everyone the same.

An example of our society providing equity is the Americans with Disabilities Act. We provided additional facilities to allow access to all.
I can't speak for Harris but to me the difference is that not every child gets a free school lunch (equality), only those whose parents are poor (equity).
Not every child, every person. Lunch, breakfast, dinner, car, house, etc.
Equity means helping those who need help, not necessarily everyone gets the same

It is not a difficult concept
It means lowering standards. It has been going on for decades with work rules changing where the costs are incredible for much less production.
Equity means helping those who need help, not necessarily everyone gets the same

It is not a difficult concept

Equality...did those guys each have to pay for that box?

So what it says is the one who bought his box had to give it to the short guy. Not necessarily because he wanted to, but because he HAD to.
they asked college 'kids' about equity....to give part of their grade to the ones that didn't have the best grades to make it ...equitable. they didn't want to do it. They said they worked for their grade and they weren't going to share it so someone else could look better. Most college 'kids' are democrats.

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No it doesn’t.
You listen to too much Conservative Propaganda of robbing from the deserving rich to give to the lazy poor.

Equity means you help those who need help the most. Not necessarily give everyone the same.

An example of our society providing equity is the Americans with Disabilities Act. We provided additional facilities to allow access to all.
I just explained it. Everyone doesn’t get the same. Susie gets given the most because she came up the shortest collecting potatoes. And Joanne, who worked hard all day to collect 60, gets most of them taken away to give to Susie, the goof-off.

The problem is that you worked for government, where you were guaranteed your pay regardless of how much you produced. The high producers got the same as the low producers. That is why government is so inefficient.
If WA is an example--they all do get free lunch if they want it--breakfast too. Which begs the question--what do the parents do with all of that SNAP and welfare money? Wasn't the purpose of that supposed to be so they could feed their children? Admit it--you don't want equality or equity--you want gross communism.
I don't know the answer to your questions but I really doubt any family on government assistance is getting rich. I'm a liberal so I care more about caring for children than I do about punishing their parents.
I don't know the answer to your questions but I really doubt any family on government assistance is getting rich. I'm a liberal so I care more about caring for children than I do about punishing their parents.

Which just results in more at risk kids.
Not every child, every person. Lunch, breakfast, dinner, car, house, etc.
You are presumptuous since you don't speak for me. Do I think every American child deserves adequate food, education, housing, and healthcare? Guilty as charged. Do they deserve their own room with a computer and a color TV? Nope.


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