Why don't we ban alcoholic beverages instead of making it illegal to drive drunk?

No, he would have bought his arms from the black market, and what would that have solved?

In spite of this tragedy, let me remind you of the two most recent attacks that killed many more people and not one gun involved. That would be 911 and the Oklahoma City Bombing.

We made it illegal for people to have access to recreational narcotics. How did that work out for us given we have the most people locked up behind bars than any other civilized society? We also have immigration laws. Yet illegals drive cars with drivers licenses, have their children attend our schools, work with no fear of being deported. It's estimated that our great laws are responsible for over 12 million law breakers being in our country.

So if you actually think that we could stop criminals access to semi-automatic weapons if they really want to kill a lot of people, then think again.

Not immediately, I agree. That is because your country is awash with firearms. But eventually, it would work. Maybe 10 years.

I won't address your immigration issue. That is a red herring to the debate.

Well I’m 57 years old and recreational narcotics have been illegal my entire life. Yet we have a larger problem with drugs today than years ago.

What makes an item worth breaking the law for is desire. Criminals will always want guns and will get them too. Then the only people with guns would be the cops and criminals. They would be able to break into your home day or night without the fear of losing their life. No thank you.

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Prog Solution:

Only criminals and the government would have firearms.

The law abiding would not.

That's just stupid.

One of the reasons there are more mass shootings in recent years is contributed to by the WIDESPREAD use of psychotropic drugs, especially combined with alcohol abuse.

List of psychotropic medications - Wikipedia

If we actually want to reduce mass shootings, this is ONE ASPECT that should be addressed.


Let's see the PROGRESSIVES directly take on the drug companies. :biggrin:



psychotropic drugs and mass shootings - Google Search

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School Shooters & Stabbings Committed by those on Psychiatric ...

School Shooters & Stabbings Committed by those on Psychiatric Drugs | CCHR International
32 school related acts of violence including shootings and stabbings were ... influence of psychiatric drugs and not only includes mass shootings, but the use of ... he had been prescribed the antidepressant Prozac and antipsychotic Risperdal.
Every mass shooting over last 20 years has one thing in common ...
The world's top new source on natural health - NaturalNews.com...
Apr 2, 2013 - Tags: mass shootings, psychiatric drugs, antidepressants ... perpetrators were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at ...
Top stories
Confirmed: Vegas Shooting Suspect Prescribed Dangerous Drugs – Just Like Many Previous Mass Shooters | Global ...
Center for Research on Globalization · 1 day ago

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Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings – Citizens ...
Before the late nineteen eighties, mass shootings and acts of senseless violence were ... Of course other drug companies had to create their own cash cow and ...
2 lethal traits of America's deadliest mass shooters - WND.com
23 hours ago - WASHINGTON – The motive behind the mass shooting in Las Vegas .... which would drastically increase the side effects of psychotropic drugs.
Psych meds linked to 90% of school shootings - WND.com
Dec 18, 2012 - First, he said, “psychotropic drugs of pretty well any group can trigger .... issues exist in a lot of people who don't commit mass murders. When a ...
When It Comes to School Shootings, Drugs Aren't the Problem
Jan 15, 2013 - ... to grow after mass shootings and that is that the cause of these shootings are ... of almost every mass shooting were on psychotropic drugs.
Confirmed: Vegas Shooting Suspect Prescribed Dangerous Drugs ...
1 day ago - Confirmed: Vegas Shooting Suspect Prescribed Dangerous Drugs ... in the Las Vegas mass shooting was taking powerful psychotropic drugs ...
Mass Shootings, Psychiatric Medications, and Rick Perry | Psychology ...
Jun 20, 2015 - Mass Shootings, Psychiatric Medications, and Rick Perry ... real issue in this country, from the standpoint of these drugs, and how they're used.
Vegas Shooter Given Dangerous Drugs - LewRockwell
Vegas Shooter Given Dangerous Drugs - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com...
2 days ago - CONFIRMED: Vegas Shooting Suspect Prescribed Dangerous Drugs ... the Las Vegas mass shooting was taking powerful psychotropic drugs ...

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If MORE GUNS = MORE MURDERS, why have gun murders dropped 50% while gun ownership has risen 50% since 1993?

Specifically, why do the statistics DIRECTLY disprove the Dems hand wringing mantra?

Those who want to ban guns, please explain this lack of empirical correlation.
Those who want to expand gun control, if not eliminate guns altogether...please explain:

If MORE GUNS = MORE MURDERS, why have gun murders dropped 50% while gun ownership has risen 50% since 1993?

Specifically, why do the statistics DIRECTLY disprove the Dems hand wringing mantra?

Please explain this lack of empirical correlation.
Those who want to expand gun control, if not eliminate guns altogether...please explain:

If MORE GUNS = MORE MURDERS, why have gun murders dropped 50% while gun ownership has risen 50% since 1993?

Specifically, why do the statistics DIRECTLY disprove the Dems hand wringing mantra?

Please explain this lack of empirical correlation.
How bad is US gun violence? These charts show the scale of the problem

What these charts show is an improvement over the past few decades. That and there is also no correlation between guns and gun violence.....violence in general to be honest.
Ban swimming pools. About 1,000 people drown in them each year, many of them children. That is like 20 times the Las Vegas shooting deaths. Do it for the children.

We need to ban Democrat leadership in Chicago. Each week there are as many killings in that Democrat controlled city as there were people killed in Las Vegas. We don't need to ban guns there because they are already banned. Lets ban the incompetent Democrat leadership. Do it for the children.

We need to ban abortion on demand. It murders 2000 times as many people each year that were killed in Las Vegas. Do it for the children.
And they account for 1% of all murders.

99% of murders happen outside of mass shootings

Yeah, well I know for a fact if I go the movies tomorrow I will NOT get shot. Ditto going to a concert. And if some loon does have a gun it won't be an auto or semi auto. You?

View attachment 153072

That link is 50+ years old. Plus it compares the Soviet Union to the US in that is calls the SU a developed nation. There are three types - 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The US is 1st world. Most African nations are 3rd. The commie countries were considered 2nd, not 1st - ie developed. IOW, your links proves Jack shit.
And they account for 1% of all murders.

99% of murders happen outside of mass shootings

Yeah, well I know for a fact if I go the movies tomorrow I will NOT get shot. Ditto going to a concert. And if some loon does have a gun it won't be an auto or semi auto. You?

The chances of any American getting shot while going to a movie or concert tomorrow is extremely slim as well. The difference however is that one of the people being shot at will be able to shoot back and disable the suspect long before the police arrive. If somebody starts shooting at you, you're just a sitting duck.
And they account for 1% of all murders.

99% of murders happen outside of mass shootings

Yeah, well I know for a fact if I go the movies tomorrow I will NOT get shot. Ditto going to a concert. And if some loon does have a gun it won't be an auto or semi auto. You?

View attachment 153072

That link is 50+ years old. Plus it compares the Soviet Union to the US in that is calls the SU a developed nation. There are three types - 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The US is 1st world. Most African nations are 3rd. The commie countries were considered 2nd, not 1st - ie developed. IOW, your links proves Jack shit.

No it's not 50 years old you IDIOT
It uses Data from 2004

MAybe you should learn how to read
And they account for 1% of all murders.

99% of murders happen outside of mass shootings

Yeah, well I know for a fact if I go the movies tomorrow I will NOT get shot. Ditto going to a concert. And if some loon does have a gun it won't be an auto or semi auto. You?

Gee I've been to the movies 3 times in the last month and I haven't been shot.

I went to outdoor concerts in the last couple years and have not been shot