Zone1 Why don't the Left support Biden

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Captain Caveman

Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2020
Why don't Left leaning members here support Biden by posting positive things about him, but they only post hate against Trump?

I've looked online and any attempt at sites trying to list anything positive Biden has done, seems very weak, very watered down, and scraping the barrel.

So what's the problem Lefties?
What are they supposed to say, exactly? How he spends like a drunk? How he showers with his daughter? How he has dementia? How he constantly embarrasses us? How every other sentence out of his mouth is a lie? How his entire admin. is a fuckin clown show?
Why don't Left leaning members here support Biden by posting positive things about him, but they only post hate against Trump?

I've looked online and any attempt at sites trying to list anything positive Biden has done, seems very weak, very watered down, and scraping the barrel.

So what's the problem Lefties?

Because Biden's not far enough to the left to suit them. He's an old, establishment, white, male, capitalist Democrat and all they really wanted was Bernie Sanders.

Who I might add, is the same thing. :laughing0301:
Biden sucks so much less than Trump he seems great, if he does nothing at all. Lucky for him.

Please feel free to list everything President Trump did that diminished or weakened the stature of this nation, caused irreparable damage to the economy, made the world a more dangerous place, or caused hardships to American families.

It was the mean tweets, right?
Biden is defending SSI, Medicare, enhancing civil rights, building infrastructure and standing by the LGBT community. On top of this he has put hundreds of judges on the courts that will defend my rights...Sure, I wish he did more but he is far better then the otherside.
Of course he is, that's why there's dozens of daily threads on his successes........not
Biden sucks so much less than Trump he seems great, if he does nothing at all. Lucky for him.

Really? Why am I paying more for my heating, electricity, gas, food, and every other damned bill I have to pay? Why is inflation so high? How come we're teetering on the brink of WWIII? Why are we being absolutely overrun with illegal aliens? Why are we having lgbt nutcases running around in schools? Why is crime going unpunished? Why is money being spent and nothing good comes out of it? I don't want pie in the sky bullshit promises, I want tangible shit. I want to live a cheaper life.
Biden is defending SSI, Medicare, enhancing civil rights, building infracture and standing by the LGBT community. On top of this he has put hundreds of judges on the courts that will defend my rights...Sure, I wish he did more but he is far better then the otherside.

How has he "defended" SSI, aside from increasing the budget? Has he come up with an idea to prevent it from going tits up?

Aside from raising taxes on upper-income, what has he done to protect Medicare? He did propose to raise Medicare Advantage payments by 1%, but then he also proposed cuts to Medicare.

What did he do to enhance civil rights? I mean except for pushing abortion, because everyone knows unborn children should have no rights at all.

How has he stood for the LGBT community? Ok, so he hired a bunch of them in his cabinet. I wasn't aware it was so hard to find employment if you're gay. I thought we already had federal laws that prohibited that sort of thing?
Biden is defending SSI, Medicare, enhancing civil rights, building infracture and standing by the LGBT community. On top of this he has put hundreds of judges on the courts that will defend my rights...Sure, I wish he did more but he is far better then the otherside.
Why do you believe that? This is a serious question? BTW the lawyers defend rights. Judges sentence once convicted.
Why don't Left leaning members here support Biden by posting positive things about him, but they only post hate against Trump?

I've looked online and any attempt at sites trying to list anything positive Biden has done, seems very weak, very watered down, and scraping the barrel.

So what's the problem Lefties?
even Biden isnt far enough to the left for them .. even though he's the most progressive dem in the WH [Obama's 3rd term]in history its still not enough ! but if he donned a dress for his next press briefing his positive polling among dems would increase by double digits
Biden is defending SSI, Medicare, enhancing civil rights, building infracture and standing by the LGBT community. On top of this he has put hundreds of judges on the courts that will defend my rights...Sure, I wish he did more but he is far better then the otherside.
You don't actually HAVE the right to interfere with the sexual development of other people's young children.
Why do you believe that? This is a serious question? BTW the lawyers defend rights. Judges sentence once convicted.

Gay folks like Stormlover have special gay immunities to things that effect we we normies. They don't have to pay the same fuel and food prices we do. They have a special inflation rate that's lower than ours, so everything's cheaper.

Their stock market points are higher, retirement accounts earn more than ours, fixed rate mortgages are lower, and some of them even get free rent. Their taxes are lower than ours, the IRS never harasses them, and their supply lines are never disrupted. They never see shortages in the grocery stores, and trains never derail in their neighborhoods.

Chines spy balloons never fly over their neighborhoods, they have fewer COVID deaths, and get more food stamps than us. They never have school shootings at their schools, never get robbed or mugged, and don't have to worry about fentanyl. And if Russia, China, North Korea, or Iran launched a nuclear missile at the US, it would miss their neighborhood, because everyone knows, it's just we normies those bad people want to nuke.
Why don't Left leaning members here support Biden by posting positive things about him, but they only post hate against Trump?

I've looked online and any attempt at sites trying to list anything positive Biden has done, seems very weak, very watered down, and scraping the barrel.

So what's the problem Lefties?
306>232…all positive
Biden sucks so much less than Trump he seems great, if he does nothing at all. Lucky for him.
Unfortunately Biden is not doing nothing at all. He is selling out our country's national security and economic future to the highest bidder. He is committed to bringing in millions more illegals for the obvious purpose of fast track citizenship thus insuring Democrat One Party Rule forever. Trump's policies were all America and Americans first, but deluded Democrat supporters ignore all of that and lose their minds over every Trump tweet.
Gay folks like Stormlover have special gay immunities to things that effect we we normies. They don't have to pay the same fuel and food prices we do. They have a special inflation rate that's lower than ours, so everything's cheaper.

Their stock market points are higher, retirement accounts earn more than ours, fixed rate mortgages are lower, and some of them even get free rent. Their taxes are lower than ours, the IRS never harasses them, and their supply lines are never disrupted. They never see shortages in the grocery stores, and trains never derail in their neighborhoods.

Chines spy balloons never fly over their neighborhoods, they have fewer COVID deaths, and get more food stamps than us. They never have school shootings at their schools, never get robbed or mugged, and don't have to worry about fentanyl. And if Russia, China, North Korea, or Iran launched a nuclear missile at the US, it would miss their neighborhood, because everyone knows, it's just we normies those bad people want to nuke.
Who do I apply to, for me to get those gay rights? ;)
Unfortunately Biden is not doing nothing at all. He is selling out our country's national security and economic future to the highest bidder. He is committed to bringing in millions more illegals for the obvious purpose of fast track citizenship thus insuring Democrat One Party Rule forever. Trump's policies were all America and Americans first, but deluded Democrat supporters ignore all of that and lose their minds over every Trump tweet.
Those illegal aliens can prop up the Democrat party so naturally Biden wants millions more to arrive here.
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