Zone1 The Undeserving Rich, Bank Bailouts, And America's Soaring Inequality


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The standard conservative explanation for why inequality has widened is that individuals are paid what they’re “worth” — and that a few Americans at the top are now worth extraordinary sums while most Americans are not.

The people who now hold a record share of the nation’s wealth justify their wealth (and their low tax rates) by utilizing three myths.

The first is trickle-down economics. They claim that their wealth trickles down to everyone else as they invest it and create jobs. Yet for over 40 years, as wealth at the top has soared, almost nothing has trickled down. (Trump provided a giant tax cut to the wealthiest Americans, promising it would generate $4,000 in increased income for everyone else. Did you receive it?)

The super-wealthy do not create jobs or increase wages. Jobs are created when average working people earn enough money to buy all the goods and services they produce, forcing companies to hire more people and pay them higher wages.

The second myth is the “free market.” As I noted above, the ultra-rich claim they’re being rewarded by the impersonal market for creating and doing what people are willing to pay them for. The wages of other Americans have stagnated, they say, because most Americans are worth less in the market now that new technologies and globalization have made their jobs redundant.

Rubbish. There’s no reason why the “free market” would reward vast multiples of what the rich were rewarded decades ago. Besides, the market can induce great feats of invention and entrepreneurialism with lures of hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars — not billions.

The ultra-wealthy have rigged the so-called “free market” in America for their own benefit. Billionaires’ campaign contributions have soared from a relatively modest $31 million in the 2010 elections to $1.2 billion in the most recent presidential cycle — a nearly 40-fold increase. What have they got for their money? Tax cuts, freedom to bash unions and monopolize markets, and government bailouts. Their pockets have been further lined by privatization and deregulation.

The third myth is that they’re superior human beings — rugged individuals who “did it on their own” and therefore deserve their billions.

Baloney. Sixty percent of America’s billionaires are heirs to fortunes passed on to them by wealthy ancestors. Others had the advantages that come with wealthy parents.

There is no moral justification for today’s extraordinary concentration of wealth at the very top. It is distorting our politics, rigging our markets, and granting unprecedented power to a handful of people.

This latest banking crisis - like the last one - was caused by billionaires making all kinds of speculative bets and then making another bet that they would get bailed out, which they did. Now there's talk of insuring virtually unlimited amounts of money in everyone's account. We're getting to the point where federal institutions will now try to serve as a backstop for irresponsible decisions at every bank big or small...which will be the certain death of the dollar in time.

The next crash will be the worst since the Great Depression - and probably worse than that since it will be repeated on a global scale. Depression followed by dictatorship.
The standard conservative explanation for why inequality has widened is that individuals are paid what they’re “worth” — and that a few Americans at the top are now worth extraordinary sums while most Americans are not.

The people who now hold a record share of the nation’s wealth justify their wealth (and their low tax rates) by utilizing three myths.

The first is trickle-down economics. They claim that their wealth trickles down to everyone else as they invest it and create jobs. Yet for over 40 years, as wealth at the top has soared, almost nothing has trickled down. (Trump provided a giant tax cut to the wealthiest Americans, promising it would generate $4,000 in increased income for everyone else. Did you receive it?)

The super-wealthy do not create jobs or increase wages. Jobs are created when average working people earn enough money to buy all the goods and services they produce, forcing companies to hire more people and pay them higher wages.

The second myth is the “free market.” As I noted above, the ultra-rich claim they’re being rewarded by the impersonal market for creating and doing what people are willing to pay them for. The wages of other Americans have stagnated, they say, because most Americans are worth less in the market now that new technologies and globalization have made their jobs redundant.

Rubbish. There’s no reason why the “free market” would reward vast multiples of what the rich were rewarded decades ago. Besides, the market can induce great feats of invention and entrepreneurialism with lures of hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars — not billions.

The ultra-wealthy have rigged the so-called “free market” in America for their own benefit. Billionaires’ campaign contributions have soared from a relatively modest $31 million in the 2010 elections to $1.2 billion in the most recent presidential cycle — a nearly 40-fold increase. What have they got for their money? Tax cuts, freedom to bash unions and monopolize markets, and government bailouts. Their pockets have been further lined by privatization and deregulation.

The third myth is that they’re superior human beings — rugged individuals who “did it on their own” and therefore deserve their billions.

Baloney. Sixty percent of America’s billionaires are heirs to fortunes passed on to them by wealthy ancestors. Others had the advantages that come with wealthy parents.

There is no moral justification for today’s extraordinary concentration of wealth at the very top. It is distorting our politics, rigging our markets, and granting unprecedented power to a handful of people.

It's your team bailing out the zillionaires, spambot hypocrite.
This latest banking crisis - like the last one - was caused by billionaires making all kinds of speculative bets and then making another bet that they would get bailed out, which they did. Now there's talk of insuring virtually unlimited amounts of money in everyone's account. We're getting to the point where federal institutions will now try to serve as a backstop for irresponsible decisions at every bank big or small...which will be the certain death of the dollar in time.

The next crash will be the worst since the Great Depression - and probably worse than that since it will be repeated on a global scale. Depression followed by dictatorship.

This latest banking crisis - like the last one - was caused by billionaires making all kinds of speculative bets

They bought US Treasuries. Bidenflation made those into speculative bets.
This latest banking crisis - like the last one - was caused by billionaires making all kinds of speculative bets and then making another bet that they would get bailed out, which they did. Now there's talk of insuring virtually unlimited amounts of money in everyone's account. We're getting to the point where federal institutions will now try to serve as a backstop for irresponsible decisions at every bank big or small...which will be the certain death of the dollar in time.

The next crash will be the worst since the Great Depression - and probably worse than that since it will be repeated on a global scale. Depression followed by dictatorship.
This was caused by the Xiden, the democrats, and a handful of republican collaborationists in the Senate.

The $5 trillion in spending since '21 has inflated the fuck out of the currency and made the 0.8% interest T-bills the banks have been holding worthless.
The standard conservative explanation for why inequality has widened is that individuals are paid what they’re “worth” — and that a few Americans at the top are now worth extraordinary sums while most Americans are not.

The people who now hold a record share of the nation’s wealth justify their wealth (and their low tax rates) by utilizing three myths.

The first is trickle-down economics. They claim that their wealth trickles down to everyone else as they invest it and create jobs. Yet for over 40 years, as wealth at the top has soared, almost nothing has trickled down. (Trump provided a giant tax cut to the wealthiest Americans, promising it would generate $4,000 in increased income for everyone else. Did you receive it?)

The super-wealthy do not create jobs or increase wages. Jobs are created when average working people earn enough money to buy all the goods and services they produce, forcing companies to hire more people and pay them higher wages.

The second myth is the “free market.” As I noted above, the ultra-rich claim they’re being rewarded by the impersonal market for creating and doing what people are willing to pay them for. The wages of other Americans have stagnated, they say, because most Americans are worth less in the market now that new technologies and globalization have made their jobs redundant.

Rubbish. There’s no reason why the “free market” would reward vast multiples of what the rich were rewarded decades ago. Besides, the market can induce great feats of invention and entrepreneurialism with lures of hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars — not billions.

The ultra-wealthy have rigged the so-called “free market” in America for their own benefit. Billionaires’ campaign contributions have soared from a relatively modest $31 million in the 2010 elections to $1.2 billion in the most recent presidential cycle — a nearly 40-fold increase. What have they got for their money? Tax cuts, freedom to bash unions and monopolize markets, and government bailouts. Their pockets have been further lined by privatization and deregulation.

The third myth is that they’re superior human beings — rugged individuals who “did it on their own” and therefore deserve their billions.

Baloney. Sixty percent of America’s billionaires are heirs to fortunes passed on to them by wealthy ancestors. Others had the advantages that come with wealthy parents.

There is no moral justification for today’s extraordinary concentration of wealth at the very top. It is distorting our politics, rigging our markets, and granting unprecedented power to a handful of people.

The first is trickle-down economics.

What's that?

They claim that their wealth trickles down to everyone else as they invest it and create jobs.

Wealthy people don't invest money and create jobs?

Can you prove it?
This latest banking crisis - like the last one - was caused by billionaires making all kinds of speculative bets

They bought US Treasuries. Bidenflation made those into speculative bets.
Are you flippin kidding me? What a dumbass. Treasuries will tank if Republican's refuse to increase the debt limit. We default, them suckers will drop like a lead balloon.
Are you flippin kidding me? What a dumbass. Treasuries will tank if Republican's refuse to increase the debt limit. We default, them suckers will drop like a lead balloon.
You really haven't the first fucking clue as to what you're blabbering about.

There's plenty of money to pay the interest on those junk bonds.
Do some research. Check out the decline in health care inflation. The reality, the ACA contributed more to GDP growth during the Trump administration than anything else. In fact, without the ACA, GDP growth under Trump would have been negative.
You really haven't the first fucking clue as to what you're blabbering about.

There's plenty of money to pay the interest on those junk bonds.
Wow, so Treasuries are junk bonds now. Nice to know that the risk free rate of return, a variable that permeates almost every financial analysis calculation, is based on junk bonds. LMAO. You flippin idiots need to stop attempting to comment on things far beyond your pay grade.
Are you flippin kidding me? What a dumbass. Treasuries will tank if Republican's refuse to increase the debt limit. We default, them suckers will drop like a lead balloon.

Are you flippin kidding me?

SVB bought long-term US Treasuries.

What a dumbass.

Biden is a dumbass.

Treasuries will tank if Republican's refuse to increase the debt limit.

They already tanked. And now they caused a couple of bank failures.
This was caused by the Xiden, the democrats, and a handful of republican collaborationists in the Senate.

The $5 trillion in spending since '21 has inflated the fuck out of the currency and made the 0.8% interest T-bills the banks have been holding worthless.

Has nothing to do with the stimulus, MAGAtard; it's the 10 to 15-year Federal Reserve rave party -- and 20 to 30-years of deregulation.
The standard conservative explanation for why inequality has widened is that individuals are paid what they’re “worth” — and that a few Americans at the top are now worth extraordinary sums while most Americans are not.

The people who now hold a record share of the nation’s wealth justify their wealth (and their low tax rates) by utilizing three myths.

The first is trickle-down economics. They claim that their wealth trickles down to everyone else as they invest it and create jobs. Yet for over 40 years, as wealth at the top has soared, almost nothing has trickled down. (Trump provided a giant tax cut to the wealthiest Americans, promising it would generate $4,000 in increased income for everyone else. Did you receive it?)

The super-wealthy do not create jobs or increase wages. Jobs are created when average working people earn enough money to buy all the goods and services they produce, forcing companies to hire more people and pay them higher wages.

The second myth is the “free market.” As I noted above, the ultra-rich claim they’re being rewarded by the impersonal market for creating and doing what people are willing to pay them for. The wages of other Americans have stagnated, they say, because most Americans are worth less in the market now that new technologies and globalization have made their jobs redundant.

Rubbish. There’s no reason why the “free market” would reward vast multiples of what the rich were rewarded decades ago. Besides, the market can induce great feats of invention and entrepreneurialism with lures of hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars — not billions.

The ultra-wealthy have rigged the so-called “free market” in America for their own benefit. Billionaires’ campaign contributions have soared from a relatively modest $31 million in the 2010 elections to $1.2 billion in the most recent presidential cycle — a nearly 40-fold increase. What have they got for their money? Tax cuts, freedom to bash unions and monopolize markets, and government bailouts. Their pockets have been further lined by privatization and deregulation.

The third myth is that they’re superior human beings — rugged individuals who “did it on their own” and therefore deserve their billions.

Baloney. Sixty percent of America’s billionaires are heirs to fortunes passed on to them by wealthy ancestors. Others had the advantages that come with wealthy parents.

There is no moral justification for today’s extraordinary concentration of wealth at the very top. It is distorting our politics, rigging our markets, and granting unprecedented power to a handful of people.

Eat the rich! Make America Venezuela!
This was caused by the Xiden, the democrats, and a handful of republican collaborationists in the Senate.

The $5 trillion in spending since '21 has inflated the fuck out of the currency and made the 0.8% interest T-bills the banks have been holding worthless.

You clearly don't understand how inflation works. I'll take you more seriously when you've convinced me you understand how inflation actually works, not what you picked up by reading some cute meme.

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