CDZ Why don't people get it ??


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
Freedom is when people in unison take on certain standards such as skill sets, hard work, morals, decency, beliefs in family immediate or not, education, security, country, and patriotism. When we see our freedoms eroding why is that ? There are many reasons past and present, but the main one that has done the most damage of all IMHO, is when you have a few people that do something real stupid, and then it causes those in power to use that stupidity to ROB everyone else of their freedoms either in their personal lives or in their jobs. This idea of how to deal with wrecklace ignorant people, is to punish everyone for their stupidity ?? This bullcrap has got to stop. Corporations have been the biggest abuser of this action, and then it just rolls downhill or right on from there. How do we get our freedom back, and stop this ideology that if one makes a bad choice or mistake then WE ALL PAY ???????. Feel free to list examples of this listed above, otherwise with any of your experiences in the loss of your freedoms due to the idiots we allowed to take our freedoms by a government that helped to create the entire problem to begin with.. Thanks.
Freedom is when people in unison take on certain standards such as skill sets, hard work, morals, decency, beliefs in family immediate or not, education, security, country, and patriotism. When we see our freedoms eroding why is that ? There are many reasons past and present, but the main one that has done the most damage of all IMHO, is when you have a few people that do something real stupid, and then it causes those in power to use that stupidity to ROB everyone else of their freedoms either in their personal lives or in their jobs. This idea of how to deal with wrecklace ignorant people, is to punish everyone for their stupidity ?? This bullcrap has got to stop. Corporations have been the biggest abuser of this action, and then it just rolls downhill or right on from there. How do we get our freedom back, and stop this ideology that if one makes a bad choice or mistake then WE ALL PAY ???????. Feel free to list examples of this listed above, otherwise with any of your experiences in the loss of your freedoms due to the idiots we allowed to take our freedoms by a government that helped to create the entire problem to begin with.. Thanks.
Freedom is when people in unison take on certain standards such as skill sets, hard work, morals, decency, beliefs in family immediate or not, education, security, country, and patriotism. When we see our freedoms eroding why is that ? There are many reasons past and present, but the main one that has done the most damage of all IMHO, is when you have a few people that do something real stupid, and then it causes those in power to use that stupidity to ROB everyone else of their freedoms either in their personal lives or in their jobs. This idea of how to deal with wrecklace ignorant people, is to punish everyone for their stupidity ?? This bullcrap has got to stop. Corporations have been the biggest abuser of this action, and then it just rolls downhill or right on from there. How do we get our freedom back, and stop this ideology that if one makes a bad choice or mistake then WE ALL PAY ???????. Feel free to list examples of this listed above, otherwise with any of your experiences in the loss of your freedoms due to the idiots we allowed to take our freedoms by a government that helped to create the entire problem to begin with.. Thanks.
. What ??
Freedom is when people in unison take on certain standards such as skill sets, hard work, morals, decency, beliefs in family immediate or not, education, security, country, and patriotism. When we see our freedoms eroding why is that ? There are many reasons past and present, but the main one that has done the most damage of all IMHO, is when you have a few people that do something real stupid, and then it causes those in power to use that stupidity to ROB everyone else of their freedoms either in their personal lives or in their jobs. This idea of how to deal with wrecklace ignorant people, is to punish everyone for their stupidity ?? This bullcrap has got to stop. Corporations have been the biggest abuser of this action, and then it just rolls downhill or right on from there. How do we get our freedom back, and stop this ideology that if one makes a bad choice or mistake then WE ALL PAY ???????. Feel free to list examples of this listed above, otherwise with any of your experiences in the loss of your freedoms due to the idiots we allowed to take our freedoms by a government that helped to create the entire problem to begin with.. Thanks.
. What ??
Obviously you didn't get it....... :eusa_whistle:
Freedom is when people in unison take on certain standards such as skill sets, hard work, morals, decency, beliefs in family immediate or not, education, security, country, and patriotism. When we see our freedoms eroding why is that ? There are many reasons past and present, but the main one that has done the most damage of all IMHO, is when you have a few people that do something real stupid, and then it causes those in power to use that stupidity to ROB everyone else of their freedoms either in their personal lives or in their jobs. This idea of how to deal with wrecklace ignorant people, is to punish everyone for their stupidity ?? This bullcrap has got to stop. Corporations have been the biggest abuser of this action, and then it just rolls downhill or right on from there. How do we get our freedom back, and stop this ideology that if one makes a bad choice or mistake then WE ALL PAY ???????. Feel free to list examples of this listed above, otherwise with any of your experiences in the loss of your freedoms due to the idiots we allowed to take our freedoms by a government that helped to create the entire problem to begin with.. Thanks.

The Founders were not libertarian anarchists, it's that simple. And they weren't at all fans of free markets, either. And yes, corporations have been allowed to run amuck since the Civil War, something the Founders would never have tolerated, outside of a handful of Hamiltonian Federalists. Conservatives are all for socialist policies when it benefits them, and think the only reason that justifies a standing Army is to shoot down uppity proles and the like, except they don't want to pay for that themselves, either, so they have the same cognitive dissonance issues all ideological rubbish has.

Anything else? Unless you state exactly what you consider 'freedom' is supposed to be, your post doesn't actually say much.
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Freedom is when people in unison take on certain standards such as skill sets, hard work, morals, decency, beliefs in family immediate or not, education, security, country, and patriotism.

That is most certainly not my idea of freedom or the opposite of freedom. That's merely a behavioral phenomenon that may or may not have a damn thing to do with any extant freedom.

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