CDZ How do we manage the end of the Republican party...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The Republican party lied openly about passing health care reform, and they are fighting, openly in some cases, against President a moment in time when they could get everything they promised they would do if they only had the House, the Senate and the Presidency...

So, the question is do we manage the end of the Republican party without giving any power to the democrats....?

For me...we need to keep 51 Republican Senators in order to replace the left wing activists pretending to be justices on the Supreme Court. Other than that, the Republican party is useless.....

What do we need to do to replace the Republicans, but keep the democrats from getting power?
Throw the incumbent repubs out and replace them with more responsible Repubs in the primaries and the general election.

Yeah...the primaries are our friend.....we need to kick out Ryan and all the other anti-Trumpers...even if those of you out there can't stand Trump......just to teach them a lesson for not doing what they said they would do.......but the most important of all...don't let the democrats get any more power....
The Republican party lied openly about passing health care reform, and they are fighting, openly in some cases, against President a moment in time when they could get everything they promised they would do if they only had the House, the Senate and the Presidency...

So, the question is do we manage the end of the Republican party without giving any power to the democrats....?

For me...we need to keep 51 Republican Senators in order to replace the left wing activists pretending to be justices on the Supreme Court. Other than that, the Republican party is useless.....

What do we need to do to replace the Republicans, but keep the democrats from getting power?

Vote in Libertarian Politicians on the right and Green on the left...

Would change a lot!
The Republican party lied openly about passing health care reform, and they are fighting, openly in some cases, against President a moment in time when they could get everything they promised they would do if they only had the House, the Senate and the Presidency...

So, the question is do we manage the end of the Republican party without giving any power to the democrats....?

For me...we need to keep 51 Republican Senators in order to replace the left wing activists pretending to be justices on the Supreme Court. Other than that, the Republican party is useless.....

What do we need to do to replace the Republicans, but keep the democrats from getting power?

We need to remove the RINO faction, and elect actual Republicans, if we can find one. They will say anything to get our vote. Vote on their record, not their mouths. Question and suspect.
The Republican party lied openly about passing health care reform, and they are fighting, openly in some cases, against President a moment in time when they could get everything they promised they would do if they only had the House, the Senate and the Presidency...

So, the question is do we manage the end of the Republican party without giving any power to the democrats....?

For me...we need to keep 51 Republican Senators in order to replace the left wing activists pretending to be justices on the Supreme Court. Other than that, the Republican party is useless.....

What do we need to do to replace the Republicans, but keep the democrats from getting power?

We need to remove the RINO faction, and elect actual Republicans, if we can find one. They will say anything to get our vote. Vote on their record, not their mouths. Question and suspect. only desire....keep enough Senators to get Justice on the Supreme Court when the left wingers retire or assume room temperature, they seem to be able to do that now......and to get more judges on the lower courts....
The Republican party lied openly about passing health care reform, and they are fighting, openly in some cases, against President a moment in time when they could get everything they promised they would do if they only had the House, the Senate and the Presidency...

So, the question is do we manage the end of the Republican party without giving any power to the democrats....?

For me...we need to keep 51 Republican Senators in order to replace the left wing activists pretending to be justices on the Supreme Court. Other than that, the Republican party is useless.....

What do we need to do to replace the Republicans, but keep the democrats from getting power?
D.C. is controlled by Elitists. In a better day torches and pitchforks would be in use. But people today are 1% informed and involved as people 250 years ago were.

On the positive side, the ruins of our civilization will make great tourist destinations in 2,000 years.
Throw the incumbent repubs out and replace them with more responsible Repubs in the primaries and the general election.

Sounds great, but Ryan was re-elected, and the rest of the country didn't get to vote in his district. People like their guys, they just want 'everybody else' to get rid of theirs; their guys are never the problem, you know ...
The Republican party lied openly about passing health care reform, and they are fighting, openly in some cases, against President a moment in time when they could get everything they promised they would do if they only had the House, the Senate and the Presidency...

So, the question is do we manage the end of the Republican party without giving any power to the democrats....?

For me...we need to keep 51 Republican Senators in order to replace the left wing activists pretending to be justices on the Supreme Court. Other than that, the Republican party is useless.....

What do we need to do to replace the Republicans, but keep the democrats from getting power?

you can't tell the difference between left of center and "left wing activists" because you and the trumptards are uneducated dolts./

the Republican Party is not the problem. it is the hijacking of the republican party by the teatards and now trumptards that is the problem.

I've always said you can't govern if you hate gubmint. and the rightwingnut hacks are totally incapable of governing while the few "moderate" republicans (meaning sane) who are left in congress are afraid of being primaried by you wack jobs.
Throw the incumbent repubs out and replace them with more responsible Repubs in the primaries and the general election.

Sounds great, but Ryan was re-elected, and the rest of the country didn't get to vote in his district. People like their guys, they just want 'everybody else' to get rid of theirs; their guys are never the problem, you know ...

there's truth in that. and it's borne out by polling.
The Republican party lied openly about passing health care reform, and they are fighting, openly in some cases, against President a moment in time when they could get everything they promised they would do if they only had the House, the Senate and the Presidency...

So, the question is do we manage the end of the Republican party without giving any power to the democrats....?

For me...we need to keep 51 Republican Senators in order to replace the left wing activists pretending to be justices on the Supreme Court. Other than that, the Republican party is useless.....

What do we need to do to replace the Republicans, but keep the democrats from getting power?
D.C. is controlled by Elitists. In a better day torches and pitchforks would be in use. But people today are 1% informed and involved as people 250 years ago were.

On the positive side, the ruins of our civilization will make great tourist destinations in 2,000 years.

by elitists, do you mean people with educations?

normal people would find that to be a good thing.
The Republican party lied openly about passing health care reform, and they are fighting, openly in some cases, against President a moment in time when they could get everything they promised they would do if they only had the House, the Senate and the Presidency...

So, the question is do we manage the end of the Republican party without giving any power to the democrats....?

For me...we need to keep 51 Republican Senators in order to replace the left wing activists pretending to be justices on the Supreme Court. Other than that, the Republican party is useless.....

What do we need to do to replace the Republicans, but keep the democrats from getting power?
D.C. is controlled by Elitists. In a better day torches and pitchforks would be in use. But people today are 1% informed and involved as people 250 years ago were.

On the positive side, the ruins of our civilization will make great tourist destinations in 2,000 years.

We're pretty much the same as the Wiemar Republic now; the wingnuts on the left and the right are going into street battle mode, and the middle class, and the middle itself, is incapable of governing, and has been for a while now; the 'globalists' have given themselves an out, and have taken over foreign policy and the financial sector in toto, and don't need either wing any more, plus they now plan to bolt the U.S. and build up Red China as their new hegemon if you uppity Deplorables cause them any serious problems.

In the end, the right wing always wins out over the left, so we'll likely see a right wing dictator assume power, and join the rest of the shitholes on the planet at the bottom.
The Republican party lied openly about passing health care reform, and they are fighting, openly in some cases, against President a moment in time when they could get everything they promised they would do if they only had the House, the Senate and the Presidency...

So, the question is do we manage the end of the Republican party without giving any power to the democrats....?

For me...we need to keep 51 Republican Senators in order to replace the left wing activists pretending to be justices on the Supreme Court. Other than that, the Republican party is useless.....

What do we need to do to replace the Republicans, but keep the democrats from getting power?

We need to remove the RINO faction, and elect actual Republicans, if we can find one. They will say anything to get our vote. Vote on their record, not their mouths. Question and suspect. only desire....keep enough Senators to get Justice on the Supreme Court when the left wingers retire or assume room temperature, they seem to be able to do that now......and to get more judges on the lower courts....

Yep. Personally I doubt that can be done quickly enough, though.
The Republican party lied openly about passing health care reform, and they are fighting, openly in some cases, against President a moment in time when they could get everything they promised they would do if they only had the House, the Senate and the Presidency...

So, the question is do we manage the end of the Republican party without giving any power to the democrats....?

For me...we need to keep 51 Republican Senators in order to replace the left wing activists pretending to be justices on the Supreme Court. Other than that, the Republican party is useless.....

What do we need to do to replace the Republicans, but keep the democrats from getting power?

Vote in Libertarian Politicians on the right and Green on the left...

Would change a lot!

Nah. The Greens nominated a rabid nutjob racist last time, and the 'Libertarians area Koch Bros. franchise. they have nothing to offer anybody, and they certainly don't have the means to neutralize the 'deep state', and in fact have more in common with the 'globalists' than they do Americans.
The Republican party lied openly about passing health care reform, and they are fighting, openly in some cases, against President a moment in time when they could get everything they promised they would do if they only had the House, the Senate and the Presidency...

So, the question is do we manage the end of the Republican party without giving any power to the democrats....?

For me...we need to keep 51 Republican Senators in order to replace the left wing activists pretending to be justices on the Supreme Court. Other than that, the Republican party is useless.....

What do we need to do to replace the Republicans, but keep the democrats from getting power?
D.C. is controlled by Elitists. In a better day torches and pitchforks would be in use. But people today are 1% informed and involved as people 250 years ago were.

On the positive side, the ruins of our civilization will make great tourist destinations in 2,000 years.

We're pretty much the same as the Wiemar Republic now; the wingnuts on the left and the right are going into street battle mode, and the middle class, and the middle itself, is incapable of governing, and has been for a while now; the 'globalists' have given themselves an out, and have taken over foreign policy and the financial sector in toto, and don't need either wing any more, plus they now plan to bolt the U.S. and build up Red China as their new hegemon if you uppity Deplorables cause them any serious problems.

In the end, the right wing always wins out over the left, so we'll likely see a right wing dictator assume power, and join the rest of the shitholes on the planet at the bottom.

Nazis aren't right wing...they too are left have two groups of left wingers going after each other.....but the national socialists...are so small in number, Charlottesville was about all they had......the soros funded antifa are the real threat...and he actually worked for the nazis.....
The Republican party lied openly about passing health care reform, and they are fighting, openly in some cases, against President a moment in time when they could get everything they promised they would do if they only had the House, the Senate and the Presidency...

So, the question is do we manage the end of the Republican party without giving any power to the democrats....?

For me...we need to keep 51 Republican Senators in order to replace the left wing activists pretending to be justices on the Supreme Court. Other than that, the Republican party is useless.....

What do we need to do to replace the Republicans, but keep the democrats from getting power?
D.C. is controlled by Elitists. In a better day torches and pitchforks would be in use. But people today are 1% informed and involved as people 250 years ago were.

On the positive side, the ruins of our civilization will make great tourist destinations in 2,000 years.

by elitists, do you mean people with educations?

normal people would find that to be a good thing.
Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, and probably Nero were all very intelligent people.

It is sheeples like you that I am talking about when I say people today are 1% as informed and involved as people 250 years ago.
The Republican party lied openly about passing health care reform, and they are fighting, openly in some cases, against President a moment in time when they could get everything they promised they would do if they only had the House, the Senate and the Presidency...

So, the question is do we manage the end of the Republican party without giving any power to the democrats....?

For me...we need to keep 51 Republican Senators in order to replace the left wing activists pretending to be justices on the Supreme Court. Other than that, the Republican party is useless.....

What do we need to do to replace the Republicans, but keep the democrats from getting power?
D.C. is controlled by Elitists. In a better day torches and pitchforks would be in use. But people today are 1% informed and involved as people 250 years ago were.

On the positive side, the ruins of our civilization will make great tourist destinations in 2,000 years.

We're pretty much the same as the Wiemar Republic now; the wingnuts on the left and the right are going into street battle mode, and the middle class, and the middle itself, is incapable of governing, and has been for a while now; the 'globalists' have given themselves an out, and have taken over foreign policy and the financial sector in toto, and don't need either wing any more, plus they now plan to bolt the U.S. and build up Red China as their new hegemon if you uppity Deplorables cause them any serious problems.

In the end, the right wing always wins out over the left, so we'll likely see a right wing dictator assume power, and join the rest of the shitholes on the planet at the bottom.
I and most of those who vote Republican want small limited government that is held accountable to the citizens. The OP is about the failure of who we elected to accomplish the job they were hired to do.

There is not such thing as a right wing dictator. Small limited government cannot have dictators.

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