Why don't Joe Arpaio, Orly Taitz, And Mike Zullo use the birther smoking gun?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
I speak of the breitbart.com story released in 2012 that Obozo's own literary agency Acton & Dystel for years published a brochure that said O was born in Kenya. When the story broke even the company admitted it was true though they claimed it was an honest mistake as if everyone assumes all blacks are born in kenya. Obama MUST have told them he was born in kenya.

Anyway - the big 3 birthers never talk about this and i have to think obozo has paid them off.
Why don't Joe Arpaio, Orly Taitz, And Mike Zullo use the birther smoking gun?

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All they have is extraordinary circumstantial evidence. Whoever hid and covered the Manchurian muslims true identity was a MASTER of DECEIT! It was a job that took at least 2 years to accomplish, and cover all tracks.

Like hell they are masters. They got away with it because both the press and the GOP have been ordered not to talk about the birther issue.
All they have is extraordinary circumstantial evidence. Whoever hid and covered the Manchurian muslims true identity was a MASTER of DECEIT! It was a job that took at least 2 years to accomplish, and cover all tracks.

Like hell they are masters. They got away with it because both the press and the GOP have been ordered not to talk about the birther issue.

No, SS, with all the resources at Joe's disposal, and that good lady lawyers tenacity, for these many years, the Kenyan has so much Soros money behind him, that spreading around 50-100 million is nothing for that scumbag to do, and anyone that has proof, and would be willing to tell the tale, has been VERY WELL PAID to forget what he/she knows. IMHO, of course!

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All they have is extraordinary circumstantial evidence. Whoever hid and covered the Manchurian muslims true identity was a MASTER of DECEIT! It was a job that took at least 2 years to accomplish, and cover all tracks.

Like hell they are masters. They got away with it because both the press and the GOP have been ordered not to talk about the birther issue.

Then why has it been so widely reported in every single news venue in and out of the US as well as the lying gossip rags like fox, britebart, limbaugh, etc.

Think about this, numbnuts:

Its not just lazy ass Arpaio. Its also all the money that Trump, Adelson, Koch's have thrown at it.

Both Arpaio and Trump said they would give us their proof they found. Where is that "proof"?

Now the right is trying to impeach/sue.

FACT is, if they had any facts, nothing could stop them from spreading it around the world. Same with that asssinine impeachment/lawsuit. If they had grounds, it would be a done deal. Instead, all we get is silence. And, when Boehner was asked what the grounds were for his suit, he actually admitted he did not know.

What's important though is this - the GOP and their owners know that you asssholes will go right on voting against your own best interests. All they have to do is throw you a bone now and then in the form of some new lie and you'll just suck it right up.

You got facts?

Bring em.

Obama only said that so he could get a break on his tuition at College (exchange student!!) and to help make him appear more "interesting"....... He's not Kenyan, just a liar.

Nuttly and the subversive zombies of USMB!


Facts dum-dum.

Provable FACTS.

You got any of those?

If you do, send them to Boehner et al.


See Zander's post....fucking Zombie!

Yeah, I saw that he didn't post any facts either.

Like I said - if the right had facts, we'd know about them.

If they had the grounds to impeach or sue, they'd do it.

All they do is talk and lie because that's all they've got.


Yeah, I saw that he didn't post any facts either.

Like I said - if the right had facts, we'd know about them.

If they had the grounds to impeach or sue, they'd do it.

All they do is talk and lie because that's all they've got.


No facts??? This whole thread is about the fact that obozo's own literary agency published a brochure that said he was born in kenya.!!!
I speak of the breitbart.com story released in 2012 that Obozo's own literary agency Acton & Dystel for years published a brochure that said O was born in Kenya. When the story broke even the company admitted it was true though they claimed it was an honest mistake as if everyone assumes all blacks are born in kenya. Obama MUST have told them he was born in kenya.

Anyway - the big 3 birthers never talk about this and i have to think obozo has paid them off.

there is no birfer smoking gun. just conspiracy theory idiocy...

sorry to disappoint. :cuckoo:

and orly ijit is probably still trying to save up the money to pay her fines for bringing frivolous law suits
Birthers and Teapers are ridiculous. What do you call someone who is both a Teaper and a Birther?


there is no birfer smoking gun. just conspiracy theory idiocy...

sorry to disappoint. :cuckoo:

and orly ijit is probably still trying to save up the money to pay her fines for bringing frivolous law suits

The board notes that all you have is namecalling. Thanks for admitting you're a paid govt shill.
Obama only said that so he could get a break on his tuition at College (exchange student!!)

If so - then that is the crime of fraud.

Well, it's NOT so. Anyone that ever went to college knows that foreign students pay a HIGHER tuition. This is Harvard, for fuck's sake. Why would Harvard need to bribe exchange students?

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