Why does the right keep pretending the left runs Britain?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

“There are many, there are many many, we see them all the time,” President Trump said in his latest Republican national convention speech, warning about the “wild-eyed Marxists” to whom Joe Biden would be unable to stand up, and who would constitute “a Trojan horse for socialism” in the United States. In the United Kingdom, the spectre of a Marxist takeover is also invoked across the rightwing spectrum, including the attorney general. Conservative commentators like to claim that the left in Britain “controls almost every institution”. What exactly is going on here?

I think its just ignorance. People who know nothing and go nowhere who are fed a diet of bullshit from narrowly based sources. Im a commie apparently, but I have spent my working life working for large corporations. I own my home and have a nice portfolio that I manage myself. I vote for my party of choice, I read what I want and say what I want.

The only organisations I have ever paid membership to are the Jane Austen Society and the Wrexham Supporters Trust. I subscribe to Private Eye and my favourite films are all pretty much American.

I support the NHS because I believe in a society that protects the old and the weak. And yet that makes me a "commie bastard". vulgar comment removed Tommy Tainant
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“There are many, there are many many, we see them all the time,” President Trump said in his latest Republican national convention speech, warning about the “wild-eyed Marxists” to whom Joe Biden would be unable to stand up, and who would constitute “a Trojan horse for socialism” in the United States. In the United Kingdom, the spectre of a Marxist takeover is also invoked across the rightwing spectrum, including the attorney general. Conservative commentators like to claim that the left in Britain “controls almost every institution”. What exactly is going on here?

I think its just ignorance. People who know nothing and go nowhere who are fed a diet of bullshit from narrowly based sources. Im a commie apparently, but I have spent my working life working for large corporations. I own my home and have a nice portfolio that I manage myself. I vote for my party of choice, I read what I want and say what I want.

The only organisations I have ever paid membership to are the Jane Austen Society and the Wrexham Supporters Trust. I subscribe to Private Eye and my favourite films are all pretty much American.

I support the NHS because I believe in a society that protects the old and the weak. And yet that makes me a "commie bastard". Trumpers are ignorant fucks.

We don't have to think Tommy, YOU KEEP TELLING US the Left runs Britain, you among them, and the right wingers are all the outsiders, the threat to you.

“There are many, there are many many, we see them all the time,” President Trump said in his latest Republican national convention speech, warning about the “wild-eyed Marxists” to whom Joe Biden would be unable to stand up, and who would constitute “a Trojan horse for socialism” in the United States. In the United Kingdom, the spectre of a Marxist takeover is also invoked across the rightwing spectrum, including the attorney general. Conservative commentators like to claim that the left in Britain “controls almost every institution”. What exactly is going on here?

I think its just ignorance. People who know nothing and go nowhere who are fed a diet of bullshit from narrowly based sources. Im a commie apparently, but I have spent my working life working for large corporations. I own my home and have a nice portfolio that I manage myself. I vote for my party of choice, I read what I want and say what I want.

The only organisations I have ever paid membership to are the Jane Austen Society and the Wrexham Supporters Trust. I subscribe to Private Eye and my favourite films are all pretty much American.

I support the NHS because I believe in a society that protects the old and the weak. And yet that makes me a "commie bastard". Trumpers are ignorant fucks.
why are you asking a bunch of americans who runs your country???

dont you know??
if you dont you might spend more time worrying about your country than coming on an american forum telling us how bad we are,,,

“There are many, there are many many, we see them all the time,” President Trump said in his latest Republican national convention speech, warning about the “wild-eyed Marxists” to whom Joe Biden would be unable to stand up, and who would constitute “a Trojan horse for socialism” in the United States. In the United Kingdom, the spectre of a Marxist takeover is also invoked across the rightwing spectrum, including the attorney general. Conservative commentators like to claim that the left in Britain “controls almost every institution”. What exactly is going on here?

I think its just ignorance. People who know nothing and go nowhere who are fed a diet of bullshit from narrowly based sources. Im a commie apparently, but I have spent my working life working for large corporations. I own my home and have a nice portfolio that I manage myself. I vote for my party of choice, I read what I want and say what I want.

The only organisations I have ever paid membership to are the Jane Austen Society and the Wrexham Supporters Trust. I subscribe to Private Eye and my favourite films are all pretty much American.

I support the NHS because I believe in a society that protects the old and the weak. And yet that makes me a "commie bastard". Trumpers are ignorant fucks.

Ummmmm, because it's true? Just a guess.
Why does the right keep pretending the left runs Britain?

What is with this “right”, “left”, “conservative”, liberal” mumbo jumbo really mean-?

None of these acronyms has any real meaning. If you have something to say stop hiding behind a smokescreen and say to whomever what you really want to say;
say it; ok

“There are many, there are many many, we see them all the time,” President Trump said in his latest Republican national convention speech, warning about the “wild-eyed Marxists” to whom Joe Biden would be unable to stand up, and who would constitute “a Trojan horse for socialism” in the United States. In the United Kingdom, the spectre of a Marxist takeover is also invoked across the rightwing spectrum, including the attorney general. Conservative commentators like to claim that the left in Britain “controls almost every institution”. What exactly is going on here?

I think its just ignorance. People who know nothing and go nowhere who are fed a diet of bullshit from narrowly based sources. Im a commie apparently, but I have spent my working life working for large corporations. I own my home and have a nice portfolio that I manage myself. I vote for my party of choice, I read what I want and say what I want.

The only organisations I have ever paid membership to are the Jane Austen Society and the Wrexham Supporters Trust. I subscribe to Private Eye and my favourite films are all pretty much American.

I support the NHS because I believe in a society that protects the old and the weak. And yet that makes me a "commie bastard". vulgar comment removed Tommy Tainant

How many muslims are in london now? I've got nothing against muslims but the radicals are there en masse. Its a problem.

“There are many, there are many many, we see them all the time,” President Trump said in his latest Republican national convention speech, warning about the “wild-eyed Marxists” to whom Joe Biden would be unable to stand up, and who would constitute “a Trojan horse for socialism” in the United States. In the United Kingdom, the spectre of a Marxist takeover is also invoked across the rightwing spectrum, including the attorney general. Conservative commentators like to claim that the left in Britain “controls almost every institution”. What exactly is going on here?

I think its just ignorance. People who know nothing and go nowhere who are fed a diet of bullshit from narrowly based sources. Im a commie apparently, but I have spent my working life working for large corporations. I own my home and have a nice portfolio that I manage myself. I vote for my party of choice, I read what I want and say what I want.

The only organisations I have ever paid membership to are the Jane Austen Society and the Wrexham Supporters Trust. I subscribe to Private Eye and my favourite films are all pretty much American.

I support the NHS because I believe in a society that protects the old and the weak. And yet that makes me a "commie bastard". vulgar comment removed Tommy Tainant

How many muslims are in london now? I've got nothing against muslims but the radicals are there en masse. Its a problem.

Muslims aren't the problem. it's the Islamists that are. Tainty loves him his islamists.
The American right humors the British Left's delusions because we don't want to see Westminster Abbey burned down and the windows in Burlington Arcade shattered. So far the strategy has worked but can it ever really be enough?

“There are many, there are many many, we see them all the time,” President Trump said in his latest Republican national convention speech, warning about the “wild-eyed Marxists” to whom Joe Biden would be unable to stand up, and who would constitute “a Trojan horse for socialism” in the United States. In the United Kingdom, the spectre of a Marxist takeover is also invoked across the rightwing spectrum, including the attorney general. Conservative commentators like to claim that the left in Britain “controls almost every institution”. What exactly is going on here?

I think its just ignorance. People who know nothing and go nowhere who are fed a diet of bullshit from narrowly based sources. Im a commie apparently, but I have spent my working life working for large corporations. I own my home and have a nice portfolio that I manage myself. I vote for my party of choice, I read what I want and say what I want.

The only organisations I have ever paid membership to are the Jane Austen Society and the Wrexham Supporters Trust. I subscribe to Private Eye and my favourite films are all pretty much American.

I support the NHS because I believe in a society that protects the old and the weak. And yet that makes me a "commie bastard". vulgar comment removed Tommy Tainant
Exactly. That is the white democrat party today. They are the useless corporate lapdogs that never served a day in the military or said or done anything positive for the country. They work for their own greed and those of their corporate masters. They all fall in line with the current trends they do not have an independent thought they are communists they are a cult they are pieces of shit that do not deserve to live here. Sit there in their gated communities with their 10000 dollar subzero freezers and judge others for the environment. Sit there at their cushy job they never done real work in their pathetic life trying to tell people that HAVE what to do. Sit there in their suburban paradise with the only minorities in sight working in their kitchen or on their lawn calling everyone else racists.

“There are many, there are many many, we see them all the time,” President Trump said in his latest Republican national convention speech, warning about the “wild-eyed Marxists” to whom Joe Biden would be unable to stand up, and who would constitute “a Trojan horse for socialism” in the United States. In the United Kingdom, the spectre of a Marxist takeover is also invoked across the rightwing spectrum, including the attorney general. Conservative commentators like to claim that the left in Britain “controls almost every institution”. What exactly is going on here?

I think its just ignorance. People who know nothing and go nowhere who are fed a diet of bullshit from narrowly based sources. Im a commie apparently, but I have spent my working life working for large corporations. I own my home and have a nice portfolio that I manage myself. I vote for my party of choice, I read what I want and say what I want.

The only organisations I have ever paid membership to are the Jane Austen Society and the Wrexham Supporters Trust. I subscribe to Private Eye and my favourite films are all pretty much American.

I support the NHS because I believe in a society that protects the old and the weak. And yet that makes me a "commie bastard". vulgar comment removed Tommy Tainant
Exactly. That is the white democrat party today. They are the useless corporate lapdogs that never served a day in the military or said or done anything positive for the country. They work for their own greed and those of their corporate masters. They all fall in line with the current trends they do not have an independent thought they are communists they are a cult they are pieces of shit that do not deserve to live here. Sit there in their gated communities with their 10000 dollar subzero freezers and judge others for the environment. Sit there at their cushy job they never done real work in their pathetic life trying to tell people that HAVE what to do. Sit there in their suburban paradise with the only minorities in sight working in their kitchen or on their lawn calling everyone else racists.
There are no "communists". You have been programmed to say that.
I doubt if anyone here in the Colonies gives a damn about the parliamentary/monarchy mess or the difference between an American conservative and a British conservative. Do they still refer to the equivalent of US "senator" as "lords" and representatives as "commons"? How elitist.
Read the responses taint licker. Get out of our business, politica and never visit the US. Lick your cricket bat, sip tea with your pinky sticking out, whatever. Go away.

“There are many, there are many many, we see them all the time,” President Trump said in his latest Republican national convention speech, warning about the “wild-eyed Marxists” to whom Joe Biden would be unable to stand up, and who would constitute “a Trojan horse for socialism” in the United States. In the United Kingdom, the spectre of a Marxist takeover is also invoked across the rightwing spectrum, including the attorney general. Conservative commentators like to claim that the left in Britain “controls almost every institution”. What exactly is going on here?

I think its just ignorance. People who know nothing and go nowhere who are fed a diet of bullshit from narrowly based sources. Im a commie apparently, but I have spent my working life working for large corporations. I own my home and have a nice portfolio that I manage myself. I vote for my party of choice, I read what I want and say what I want.

The only organisations I have ever paid membership to are the Jane Austen Society and the Wrexham Supporters Trust. I subscribe to Private Eye and my favourite films are all pretty much American.

I support the NHS because I believe in a society that protects the old and the weak. And yet that makes me a "commie bastard". vulgar comment removed Tommy Tainant
We don't give a shit about Britain. This is AMERICA.

“There are many, there are many many, we see them all the time,” President Trump said in his latest Republican national convention speech, warning about the “wild-eyed Marxists” to whom Joe Biden would be unable to stand up, and who would constitute “a Trojan horse for socialism” in the United States. In the United Kingdom, the spectre of a Marxist takeover is also invoked across the rightwing spectrum, including the attorney general. Conservative commentators like to claim that the left in Britain “controls almost every institution”. What exactly is going on here?

I think its just ignorance. People who know nothing and go nowhere who are fed a diet of bullshit from narrowly based sources. Im a commie apparently, but I have spent my working life working for large corporations. I own my home and have a nice portfolio that I manage myself. I vote for my party of choice, I read what I want and say what I want.

The only organisations I have ever paid membership to are the Jane Austen Society and the Wrexham Supporters Trust. I subscribe to Private Eye and my favourite films are all pretty much American.

I support the NHS because I believe in a society that protects the old and the weak. And yet that makes me a "commie bastard". vulgar comment removed Tommy Tainant
Exactly. That is the white democrat party today. They are the useless corporate lapdogs that never served a day in the military or said or done anything positive for the country. They work for their own greed and those of their corporate masters. They all fall in line with the current trends they do not have an independent thought they are communists they are a cult they are pieces of shit that do not deserve to live here. Sit there in their gated communities with their 10000 dollar subzero freezers and judge others for the environment. Sit there at their cushy job they never done real work in their pathetic life trying to tell people that HAVE what to do. Sit there in their suburban paradise with the only minorities in sight working in their kitchen or on their lawn calling everyone else racists.
On the other hand, Trump said a lot about the US military namely that they were a bunch of losers how patriotic was he?

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