Why Does The Democrat Party Piss on Americans & tell us its Raining?

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Their stance on Illegal Immigration is completely unreasonable, and dangerous. They are willing to sacrifice American Security just to get a few more federal dollars by counting Illegals in the Census. They are importing morons and idiots with 5th grade educations, criminal records and placing them on public assistance forcing the taxpayer to fund indigent leeches, and then putting people who cannot read and who do not have insurance on the highways with us. Yet despite this plague on our highways, Illegal Immigration brings you something even more dangerous: Fentanyl.

For the first time in America's History an American is now more likely to die from a drug related death than from a car accident. Right now there is enough Fentanyl being smuggled in to the US to kill every man, woman and child. 500,000 illegals a year are flooding our borders and each one of them receives an average of $35,000 a year in government benefits that they never helped fund.

Do the math. That's your homework assignment today.

The Wall is far....far cheaper than the number you are going to come up with.

Lastly: Do you have a daughter or son? Human Trafficking and Missing Persons statistics are exploding in areas where there are large numbers of illegal immigrants. Pretty girls are going missing all over the United States. It is becoming a curse to be beautiful. Sexual Assaults and Assault and Battery are up in these areas, and parts of our Southern Border and the communities near them are far less safer than places in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If you don't think we are in the midst of an invasion, orchestrated, aided and abetted by The Radical Left, you have your head of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer's Asses.


The American Fentanyl Epidemic

Fentanyl linked to thousands of urban overdose deaths



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