Why do you think this country needs more invested in the Military.

Yes, trough, the US defence offence budget. Apparently just under 50% of Federal Income Tax receipts.

Yes, trough, the US defence offence budget. Apparently just under 50% of Federal Income Tax receipts.


I could have sworn that was one of the duties of the federal government specified in the Constitution.

Why don't you be honest and use the 28% figure?
who cares he can't directly do that

he can
Once again the more money we spend on the military Hanes, the more freedom you have to post ..... stuffing your fat face eating doughnuts sitting on a couch
You said that already . it meant nothing before and that hasn't changed. There is no country in the world that can take our freedom away , even if we cut a massive amount from the military. Tell me how anyone can take it away from us when 3 out of every 4 dollars that is spent on the military is spent by us and our allies. Your nonsense doesn't carry any weight here.

the only ones that can take our freedoms away is us
Philosophically your right, it's a state of mind but your freedom disappears real quick when you try to licence the media that tell the truth about non stop right wing lies and then are intimidated threatened and called junk news. When the truth is that it is a junk party without lies and distortions couldn't/wouldn't exist.
the media is licensed already

the broadcasters NBC -CBS-ABC are not licensed but the stations that carry them are

personally i think it is dangerous idea

the leftists tried that in the past
President gum drop said he wants to take aways the license of NBC, now it's your turn You said the leftist tried to do that in the past. Tell us all about that.

who cares he cant directly do that

however private stations that carry the lying station are licensed

he can talk to the FCC about compliance issues that could effect the licensing

the point is he knows that they are a phony news organization

may require disclaimers that they are not reliable news for example
Why don't you be honest and use the 28% figure?
Ah. It is dishonest to pay for past military adventures? No surprise there.

Those are not military adventures.

What does the chart say? Veteran's benefits.

Including interest on the national debt as part of the military expenditures makes the whole chart bogus.

Why don't you look up the actual expenditures?
bullshit, the more wars you stay out of the less threat there is to this country. If you mean by freedom as being corporate profits then you might have a point. otherwise there is little reality between freedom and the wars we fight in. Maybe you would like to look at the total list I
What the hell are you talking about, maybe you would like to point out where I said that bullshit.

Some dope said:

"it's not even logical or conscienable [sic] when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country."
Tell me where in that statement I said "That's pretty old to still be dumb enough to think a $1 reduction in military spending would mean a $1 increase in spending on "the needy." Your scum bag president and party is pulling massive amounts of money that is used to help the needy to give to the wealthy and to increase spending on the military. Your comment at best is simply mindless at worst stupid.

So, tell us oh wise one! How much has TANF been cut? How much has SNAP been cut?

Oh, that's right! Not a single person has seen a reduction in their benefits.

Why don't you just admit you have no idea what you are bitching about?
You can be conservative and make your points but why be a dumb clueless partisan. .from MPR "The House budget plan would slash spending by $5.4 trillion over 10 years, including more than $4 trillion in cuts to mandatory spending like Medicaid and Medicare, while ramping up defense spending." You seem to be rather mindless.


I see you could not answer my question so you deflected to medicare and Medicaid.

$5.4 trillion across 10 years is $540 billion out of how many trillions already wasted on these programs every year?

Medicare spending is never cut because the actual cost is undetermined until after the fact. That is why it is called mandatory spending. The only thing Medicare actually cuts is reimbursement to doctors and other medical providers. The individual will never see any cuts to the program.

Medicaid should be a state program and the federal government needs to cut all funding for it.
He said nothing will be taken from the needy but we know a trillion will be taken and our resident hate monger after I proved him wrong tries to say this and that don't count. It counts to the people who feed their family and keep a roof over their heads with it. He is just part of the ugly right that hates everything.
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Those are not military adventures.
Veterans did not take part in military adventures like Vietnam, leading to lifetime costs? Oh well.

Oh, Mister 20/20 hindsight, does that mean we simply stop paying for those things with which you disagree politically?
What a joke , your quote about Vietnam
"Those weren't military venture" hay I thought you had a degree in military science or what ever you said, I was right though when I said you had a degree in military bullshit. This proves it.
Those are not military adventures.
Veterans did not take part in military adventures like Vietnam, leading to lifetime costs? Oh well.

Oh, Mister 20/20 hindsight, does that mean we simply stop paying for those things with which you disagree politically?
What a joke , your quote about Vietnam
"Those weren't military venture" hay I thought you had a degree in military science or what ever you said, I was right though when I said you had a degree in military bullshit. This proves it.

Why do you never pass up an opportunity to show your ignorance and that you are a total asshole on top of that?

Do you know the difference in a venture and an adventure? Apparently not!

WTF does hay have to do with anything?

You have to start laying off the booze and drugs when you post. Your true personality shines through when you do that.
Some dope said:

"it's not even logical or conscienable [sic] when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country."
Tell me where in that statement I said "That's pretty old to still be dumb enough to think a $1 reduction in military spending would mean a $1 increase in spending on "the needy." Your scum bag president and party is pulling massive amounts of money that is used to help the needy to give to the wealthy and to increase spending on the military. Your comment at best is simply mindless at worst stupid.

So, tell us oh wise one! How much has TANF been cut? How much has SNAP been cut?

Oh, that's right! Not a single person has seen a reduction in their benefits.

Why don't you just admit you have no idea what you are bitching about?
You can be conservative and make your points but why be a dumb clueless partisan. .from MPR "The House budget plan would slash spending by $5.4 trillion over 10 years, including more than $4 trillion in cuts to mandatory spending like Medicaid and Medicare, while ramping up defense spending." You seem to be rather mindless.


I see you could not answer my question so you deflected to medicare and Medicaid.

$5.4 trillion across 10 years is $540 billion out of how many trillions already wasted on these programs every year?

Medicare spending is never cut because the actual cost is undetermined until after the fact. That is why it is called mandatory spending. The only thing Medicare actually cuts is reimbursement to doctors and other medical providers. The individual will never see any cuts to the program.

Medicaid should be a state program and the federal government needs to cut all funding for it.
He said nothing will be taken from the needy but we know a trillion will be taken and our resident hate monger after I proved him wrong tries to say this and that don't count. It counts to the people who feed their family and keep a roof over their heads with it. He is just part of the ugly right that hates everything.

I see you cannot answer simple questions. I am sorry that your limited intellect has been overloaded by the topic.

You keep talking about a figment of your imagination. No budget has been passed and no tax reform bill has been passed. Stop tilting at windmills there Don Quixote!
Tell me where in that statement I said "That's pretty old to still be dumb enough to think a $1 reduction in military spending would mean a $1 increase in spending on "the needy." Your scum bag president and party is pulling massive amounts of money that is used to help the needy to give to the wealthy and to increase spending on the military. Your comment at best is simply mindless at worst stupid.

So, tell us oh wise one! How much has TANF been cut? How much has SNAP been cut?

Oh, that's right! Not a single person has seen a reduction in their benefits.

Why don't you just admit you have no idea what you are bitching about?
You can be conservative and make your points but why be a dumb clueless partisan. .from MPR "The House budget plan would slash spending by $5.4 trillion over 10 years, including more than $4 trillion in cuts to mandatory spending like Medicaid and Medicare, while ramping up defense spending." You seem to be rather mindless.


I see you could not answer my question so you deflected to medicare and Medicaid.

$5.4 trillion across 10 years is $540 billion out of how many trillions already wasted on these programs every year?

Medicare spending is never cut because the actual cost is undetermined until after the fact. That is why it is called mandatory spending. The only thing Medicare actually cuts is reimbursement to doctors and other medical providers. The individual will never see any cuts to the program.

Medicaid should be a state program and the federal government needs to cut all funding for it.
He said nothing will be taken from the needy but we know a trillion will be taken and our resident hate monger after I proved him wrong tries to say this and that don't count. It counts to the people who feed their family and keep a roof over their heads with it. He is just part of the ugly right that hates everything.

I see you cannot answer simple questions. I am sorry that your limited intellect has been overloaded by the topic.

You keep talking about a figment of your imagination. No budget has been passed and no tax reform bill has been passed. Stop tilting at windmills there Don Quixote!
I'll keep this simple for you, you either contribute or your gone. This is the thread,
Why do you think this country needs more invested in the Military.
you contribute within that parameter. Do us all a favor and tell me you don't care.
So, tell us oh wise one! How much has TANF been cut? How much has SNAP been cut?

Oh, that's right! Not a single person has seen a reduction in their benefits.

Why don't you just admit you have no idea what you are bitching about?
You can be conservative and make your points but why be a dumb clueless partisan. .from MPR "The House budget plan would slash spending by $5.4 trillion over 10 years, including more than $4 trillion in cuts to mandatory spending like Medicaid and Medicare, while ramping up defense spending." You seem to be rather mindless.


I see you could not answer my question so you deflected to medicare and Medicaid.

$5.4 trillion across 10 years is $540 billion out of how many trillions already wasted on these programs every year?

Medicare spending is never cut because the actual cost is undetermined until after the fact. That is why it is called mandatory spending. The only thing Medicare actually cuts is reimbursement to doctors and other medical providers. The individual will never see any cuts to the program.

Medicaid should be a state program and the federal government needs to cut all funding for it.
He said nothing will be taken from the needy but we know a trillion will be taken and our resident hate monger after I proved him wrong tries to say this and that don't count. It counts to the people who feed their family and keep a roof over their heads with it. He is just part of the ugly right that hates everything.

I see you cannot answer simple questions. I am sorry that your limited intellect has been overloaded by the topic.

You keep talking about a figment of your imagination. No budget has been passed and no tax reform bill has been passed. Stop tilting at windmills there Don Quixote!
I'll keep this simple for you, you either contribute or your gone. This is the thread,
Why do you think this country needs more invested in the Military.
you contribute within that parameter. Do us all a favor and tell me you don't care.


Another genius who thinks starting a thread makes him a mod!

You can be conservative and make your points but why be a dumb clueless partisan. .from MPR "The House budget plan would slash spending by $5.4 trillion over 10 years, including more than $4 trillion in cuts to mandatory spending like Medicaid and Medicare, while ramping up defense spending." You seem to be rather mindless.


I see you could not answer my question so you deflected to medicare and Medicaid.

$5.4 trillion across 10 years is $540 billion out of how many trillions already wasted on these programs every year?

Medicare spending is never cut because the actual cost is undetermined until after the fact. That is why it is called mandatory spending. The only thing Medicare actually cuts is reimbursement to doctors and other medical providers. The individual will never see any cuts to the program.

Medicaid should be a state program and the federal government needs to cut all funding for it.
He said nothing will be taken from the needy but we know a trillion will be taken and our resident hate monger after I proved him wrong tries to say this and that don't count. It counts to the people who feed their family and keep a roof over their heads with it. He is just part of the ugly right that hates everything.

I see you cannot answer simple questions. I am sorry that your limited intellect has been overloaded by the topic.

You keep talking about a figment of your imagination. No budget has been passed and no tax reform bill has been passed. Stop tilting at windmills there Don Quixote!
I'll keep this simple for you, you either contribute or your gone. This is the thread,
Why do you think this country needs more invested in the Military.
you contribute within that parameter. Do us all a favor and tell me you don't care.


Another genius who thinks starting a thread makes him a mod!

This one I'm really glad about. He's gone, there is one more I'm waiting on. This isn't complicated you contribute or I dump you.
So, tell us oh wise one! How much has TANF been cut? How much has SNAP been cut?

Oh, that's right! Not a single person has seen a reduction in their benefits.

Why don't you just admit you have no idea what you are bitching about?
You can be conservative and make your points but why be a dumb clueless partisan. .from MPR "The House budget plan would slash spending by $5.4 trillion over 10 years, including more than $4 trillion in cuts to mandatory spending like Medicaid and Medicare, while ramping up defense spending." You seem to be rather mindless.


I see you could not answer my question so you deflected to medicare and Medicaid.

$5.4 trillion across 10 years is $540 billion out of how many trillions already wasted on these programs every year?

Medicare spending is never cut because the actual cost is undetermined until after the fact. That is why it is called mandatory spending. The only thing Medicare actually cuts is reimbursement to doctors and other medical providers. The individual will never see any cuts to the program.

Medicaid should be a state program and the federal government needs to cut all funding for it.
He said nothing will be taken from the needy but we know a trillion will be taken and our resident hate monger after I proved him wrong tries to say this and that don't count. It counts to the people who feed their family and keep a roof over their heads with it. He is just part of the ugly right that hates everything.

I see you cannot answer simple questions. I am sorry that your limited intellect has been overloaded by the topic.

You keep talking about a figment of your imagination. No budget has been passed and no tax reform bill has been passed. Stop tilting at windmills there Don Quixote!
I'll keep this simple for you, you either contribute or your gone. This is the thread,
Why do you think this country needs more invested in the Military.
you contribute within that parameter. Do us all a favor and tell me you don't care.

Read the thread. I already covered that. Do you have a child around that can assist you?
You can be conservative and make your points but why be a dumb clueless partisan. .from MPR "The House budget plan would slash spending by $5.4 trillion over 10 years, including more than $4 trillion in cuts to mandatory spending like Medicaid and Medicare, while ramping up defense spending." You seem to be rather mindless.


I see you could not answer my question so you deflected to medicare and Medicaid.

$5.4 trillion across 10 years is $540 billion out of how many trillions already wasted on these programs every year?

Medicare spending is never cut because the actual cost is undetermined until after the fact. That is why it is called mandatory spending. The only thing Medicare actually cuts is reimbursement to doctors and other medical providers. The individual will never see any cuts to the program.

Medicaid should be a state program and the federal government needs to cut all funding for it.
He said nothing will be taken from the needy but we know a trillion will be taken and our resident hate monger after I proved him wrong tries to say this and that don't count. It counts to the people who feed their family and keep a roof over their heads with it. He is just part of the ugly right that hates everything.

I see you cannot answer simple questions. I am sorry that your limited intellect has been overloaded by the topic.

You keep talking about a figment of your imagination. No budget has been passed and no tax reform bill has been passed. Stop tilting at windmills there Don Quixote!
I'll keep this simple for you, you either contribute or your gone. This is the thread,
Why do you think this country needs more invested in the Military.
you contribute within that parameter. Do us all a favor and tell me you don't care.

Read the thread. I already covered that. Do you have a child around that can assist you?
It's a beautiful thing one less slug pulled from the slug army of the right. Bye. Clean slate. All they had to do was contribute to the thread and they didn't even want to do that. This one introduced himself having a degree in military sciences or some such crap and he told me he knew it all so I had to watch what I wrote. The Only degree this clown has is a degree in bullshit. Clean sweep they all are gone.

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