Why do you think this country needs more invested in the Military.

Good point

We have the most powerful military in the history of mankind and we can't stop a couple guys with box cutters or a pressure cooker bomb

Throwing more money into an additional carrier task force will not make us safer

Certainly will if it kills them before they fly planes into our buildings planting explosive charges or tossing ICBMs with WMD our way. No terrorists=no terror.
Such a dream world

How do you stop a crazed moron like shot up that church in Texas today?

Stealth bombers or an aircraft carrier

The police and armed citizens; not the job of the military as you well know and you are off topic.

Very true

So why do we need $600 billion a year on a military that does not keep us safe?

Obviously to support our Sons and Daughters who sacrifice much to keep us safe. I have no use for those who too miserly to pay them or for their tools of the trade necessary to keep both them and us alive and free. Especially while also giving away taxpayer money arms and ammunition to our enemies.
Bull crap rhetoric, everyone here that apposes this military insanity said we would raise their wages and they would have all the equipment they need but that equipment won't have anything to police the world and fighting and dying for a corporation's bottom line. Try reading sometime.
ya you bet , it's your own reference that I'm responding out of. Your just another gun bubba that wants our young killed dead for the bottom line profits of corporation that would eat our children for their bottom line. How stupid do you have to be to sell out the young in this country and the country itself by having them get killed for some company you have invested in. That is the description of the lowest kind of human being.

Idiotic. Nobody dies for anybodies bottom line. Stop insulting and slandering our troops. I doubt you know your own motives let alone anyone else's.
Here you go the comment of the day from the haters in the hate party. How Naive , how ignorant, how blind, Wonder what Eisenhower meant when he said ""In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist."" Your just have no clue cowboy. -“The ease with which money
forgives bayonets and lies to justify the massacre with reasoned arguments” Does everyone see 9thlDdoc in these words.
This guy says I slandered the troops , which of course is a insult to me. something in no way did I say. Nor would I ever. SO we will play to, this guy is a old dude that's living in the past wearing his moth eaten military uniform that hasn't fit him in 30 years. Fighting the wars from his couch in his underwear and uniform jacket.

Cute, but just another snowflake attempting to justify his own hatred slander and nastiness by attacking me and spouting totally irrelevant quotes.
Your a very small person and every time you respond your showing us why. You live totally in a fantasy world that doesn't in any way exist, I feel sorry for your hate. Its boundless.

At least I know how to spell "you're".
I know I have you people in the corner when all you got is my bad spelling and the way I conjugate a verb. So glad to hear you feel like your being whipped here , because you are getting hammered.
Certainly will if it kills them before they fly planes into our buildings planting explosive charges or tossing ICBMs with WMD our way. No terrorists=no terror.
Such a dream world

How do you stop a crazed moron like shot up that church in Texas today?

Stealth bombers or an aircraft carrier

The police and armed citizens; not the job of the military as you well know and you are off topic.

Very true

So why do we need $600 billion a year on a military that does not keep us safe?

Obviously to support our Sons and Daughters who sacrifice much to keep us safe. I have no use for those who too miserly to pay them or for their tools of the trade necessary to keep both them and us alive and free. Especially while also giving away taxpayer money arms and ammunition to our enemies.
Bull crap rhetoric, everyone here that apposes this military insanity said we would raise their wages and they would have all the equipment they need but that equipment won't have anything to police the world and fighting and dying for a corporation's bottom line. Try reading sometime.

I would fully support reducing our troop strength and increasing benefits and facilities

We just don't need to defend the world
Our military does not defend our borders. We could defend our borders with ten percent of our existing military

Our military defends our global interests. Those interests are determined by corporate entities determined to protect their cash flow

We have a Border Patrol.
And they haven't seen an enemy invasion in 200 years

An invasion is currently continuing across our Southern border.
Our military defends and asserts our national interests which is what it exists for. If our national interests don't coincide with yours it is you that are wrong. whining about it is good for a laugh but doesn't help anything.
The military does not defend our borders nor do the defend the people in this country , the police do, the military exist for one reason and that is to protect our borders from invasion. Not some clown calling migrant workers or drug smugglers a invasion. These wackos have to be stuffed down so this government will not OK the deaths of our military young for the bottom line of some corporation. These Make believe gun bubbas playing military from their couch tell us it's Ok to have our young die for issues that have nothing to do with this countries freedom , borders or anything other then the interest of Big Business. We have been in 117 wars , we have only been invaded twice and we also where in the two world wars beyond that , corporate America was sending out the troops as gun fodder. There been 4 wars that we belonged in and 103 that were total complete ignorant lies, many of them where simply murder by war.

Totally delusional without a trace of logic. Sad.
Ya I should have just one fact at a time, considering who I'm responding to. I have to make it not to complicated. Gun Bubbas have ringing in their ears and brain so we will keep it easy.
Certainly will if it kills them before they fly planes into our buildings planting explosive charges or tossing ICBMs with WMD our way. No terrorists=no terror.
Such a dream world

How do you stop a crazed moron like shot up that church in Texas today?

Stealth bombers or an aircraft carrier

The police and armed citizens; not the job of the military as you well know and you are off topic.

Very true

So why do we need $600 billion a year on a military that does not keep us safe?

Obviously to support our Sons and Daughters who sacrifice much to keep us safe. I have no use for those who too miserly to pay them or for their tools of the trade necessary to keep both them and us alive and free. Especially while also giving away taxpayer money arms and ammunition to our enemies.

We do support them
They are the most powerful military in the history of mankind

The question is the existing threat and how do we need to define their mission in response to that threat

We are spending $600 billion a year on our military
What is the threat?
God these people almost had a mental break down when Soviet Union Trickled to half what they were before . So what does the clown military do. They say we have to have a military that can fight two wars. Shit why not 10.
Such a dream world

How do you stop a crazed moron like shot up that church in Texas today?

Stealth bombers or an aircraft carrier

The police and armed citizens; not the job of the military as you well know and you are off topic.

Very true

So why do we need $600 billion a year on a military that does not keep us safe?

Obviously to support our Sons and Daughters who sacrifice much to keep us safe. I have no use for those who too miserly to pay them or for their tools of the trade necessary to keep both them and us alive and free. Especially while also giving away taxpayer money arms and ammunition to our enemies.

We do support them
They are the most powerful military in the history of mankind

The question is the existing threat and how do we need to define their mission in response to that threat

We are spending $600 billion a year on our military
What is the threat?
God these people almost had a mental break down when Soviet Union Trickled to half what they were before . So what does the clown military do. They say we have to have a military that can fight two wars. Shit why not 10.

There is no significant threat out there to justify $600 billion a year
Untrue. Even if it were true you ignore the fact we must prepare ahead of time for threats that emerge in the future. Great plans and equipment in the pipeline cannot do the job.
Untrue. Even if it were true you ignore the fact we must prepare ahead of time for threats that emerge in the future. Great plans and equipment in the pipeline cannot do the job.
Very true

But there is no threat of any nation invading the U.S.
We currently have forces and equipment well above any current or potential threat
We also have alliances capable of meeting any threat
Untrue. Even if it were true you ignore the fact we must prepare ahead of time for threats that emerge in the future. Great plans and equipment in the pipeline cannot do the job.
Very true

But there is no threat of any nation invading the U.S.
We currently have forces and equipment well above any current or potential threat
We also have alliances capable of meeting any threat

"But there is no threat of any nation invading the U.S."

You have absolutely no idea if that claim is true or not and repeating it over and over doesn't make it true. Beside the point in any case. Invasion is far from being the only threat our Nation faces and must be prepared to counter.9/11 was not an invasion. Pearl Harbor was not an invasion. Foreign terrorists remain a threat. WMDs are a massive threat that could kill or maim every person in the continental United States within minutes of being deployed no invasion required. By the time an actual invasion became a real threat there would be nothing and nobody left to oppose it.

We also have alliances capable of meeting any threat.

Why would an ally help oppose a threat if we would not do the same for them? Are you aware that helping an ally might not involve any threat of the US being invaded? You can't have it both ways.
Untrue. Even if it were true you ignore the fact we must prepare ahead of time for threats that emerge in the future. Great plans and equipment in the pipeline cannot do the job.
Very true

But there is no threat of any nation invading the U.S.
We currently have forces and equipment well above any current or potential threat
We also have alliances capable of meeting any threat

"But there is no threat of any nation invading the U.S."

You have absolutely no idea if that claim is true or not and repeating it over and over doesn't make it true. Beside the point in any case. Invasion is far from being the only threat our Nation faces and must be prepared to counter.9/11 was not an invasion. Pearl Harbor was not an invasion. Foreign terrorists remain a threat. WMDs are a massive threat that could kill or maim every person in the continental United States within minutes of being deployed no invasion required. By the time an actual invasion became a real threat there would be nothing and nobody left to oppose it.

We also have alliances capable of meeting any threat.

Why would an ally help oppose a threat if we would not do the same for them? Are you aware that helping an ally might not involve any threat of the US being invaded? You can't have it both ways.
It absolutely is true
No country has the military or Naval capability to invade us. Period

An attack is not an invasion. We are more than capable of withstanding an attack
Terrorism is a threat.....always will be
It is cheap and difficult to prevent
But $600 billion a year invested in the most powerful military in the history of mankind will not stop some guy with a pressure cooker bomb or rented truck
I don't see it personally, it's not even logical or conscienable when the increased funding is from money that is needed to help the needy in this country.

Increased funding gets printed out of thin air regardless.
Lets say your correct, then why waste the money on something we in no way need more of. You want to make this country great, hand all that over to education. Just as long as it's not run by the scum bag's secretary of education at the time.
By the way there are multiple reasons to print money some of them great reasons. I don't think you understand that.
Untrue. Even if it were true you ignore the fact we must prepare ahead of time for threats that emerge in the future. Great plans and equipment in the pipeline cannot do the job.
Some wacked out Gun bubba , thinks he has even a clue about this. He doesn't, WE in no way need the type of force this country has , if we just quit what we shouldn't be doing in the first place, policing the world and getting our young killed for a corporations bottom line. We need as little as half what we have now. Military gets a hell of a lot cheaper when almost all of it is spent on defense and not for attacking other country's for the sake of some fat guys pocket book. sitting at a desk getting fatter every day.
Untrue. Even if it were true you ignore the fact we must prepare ahead of time for threats that emerge in the future. Great plans and equipment in the pipeline cannot do the job.
Very true

But there is no threat of any nation invading the U.S.
We currently have forces and equipment well above any current or potential threat
We also have alliances capable of meeting any threat

"But there is no threat of any nation invading the U.S."

You have absolutely no idea if that claim is true or not and repeating it over and over doesn't make it true. Beside the point in any case. Invasion is far from being the only threat our Nation faces and must be prepared to counter.9/11 was not an invasion. Pearl Harbor was not an invasion. Foreign terrorists remain a threat. WMDs are a massive threat that could kill or maim every person in the continental United States within minutes of being deployed no invasion required. By the time an actual invasion became a real threat there would be nothing and nobody left to oppose it.

We also have alliances capable of meeting any threat.

Why would an ally help oppose a threat if we would not do the same for them? Are you aware that helping an ally might not involve any threat of the US being invaded? You can't have it both ways.
It absolutely is true
No country has the military or Naval capability to invade us. Period

An attack is not an invasion. We are more than capable of withstanding an attack
Terrorism is a threat.....always will be
It is cheap and difficult to prevent
But $600 billion a year invested in the most powerful military in the history of mankind will not stop some guy with a pressure cooker bomb or rented truck

"An attack is not an invasion."

Which is exactly what I said. What part do you not understand? You are the one trying to claim that we are too strong for anyone to invade and that is strong enough. While I point out that invasion is but one of the things it is necessary to defend against. And that we must have allies who know we will help them if they are attacked. Attacks happen much quicker and can well be more deadly than an invasion. Actually invasions are in fact a type of attack.
Untrue. Even if it were true you ignore the fact we must prepare ahead of time for threats that emerge in the future. Great plans and equipment in the pipeline cannot do the job.
Very true

But there is no threat of any nation invading the U.S.
We currently have forces and equipment well above any current or potential threat
We also have alliances capable of meeting any threat

"But there is no threat of any nation invading the U.S."

You have absolutely no idea if that claim is true or not and repeating it over and over doesn't make it true. Beside the point in any case. Invasion is far from being the only threat our Nation faces and must be prepared to counter.9/11 was not an invasion. Pearl Harbor was not an invasion. Foreign terrorists remain a threat. WMDs are a massive threat that could kill or maim every person in the continental United States within minutes of being deployed no invasion required. By the time an actual invasion became a real threat there would be nothing and nobody left to oppose it.

We also have alliances capable of meeting any threat.

Why would an ally help oppose a threat if we would not do the same for them? Are you aware that helping an ally might not involve any threat of the US being invaded? You can't have it both ways.
He happens to be 100% right there is no one out there that can come close to dealing with just this country and if you include our allies , the whole rest of the world couldn't defeat us. Sure someone could try to attack us. We would destroy their air force and navy in the first week. If they used it.
Someone attacks us with nuclear weapons and the world goes back to the dark ages but then the right would do the same if we let them.
Your comment is ridiculous , You have no clue. Just your bang bang blind attitude,
Untrue. Even if it were true you ignore the fact we must prepare ahead of time for threats that emerge in the future. Great plans and equipment in the pipeline cannot do the job.
Very true

But there is no threat of any nation invading the U.S.
We currently have forces and equipment well above any current or potential threat
We also have alliances capable of meeting any threat

"But there is no threat of any nation invading the U.S."

You have absolutely no idea if that claim is true or not and repeating it over and over doesn't make it true. Beside the point in any case. Invasion is far from being the only threat our Nation faces and must be prepared to counter.9/11 was not an invasion. Pearl Harbor was not an invasion. Foreign terrorists remain a threat. WMDs are a massive threat that could kill or maim every person in the continental United States within minutes of being deployed no invasion required. By the time an actual invasion became a real threat there would be nothing and nobody left to oppose it.

We also have alliances capable of meeting any threat.

Why would an ally help oppose a threat if we would not do the same for them? Are you aware that helping an ally might not involve any threat of the US being invaded? You can't have it both ways.
It absolutely is true
No country has the military or Naval capability to invade us. Period

An attack is not an invasion. We are more than capable of withstanding an attack
Terrorism is a threat.....always will be
It is cheap and difficult to prevent
But $600 billion a year invested in the most powerful military in the history of mankind will not stop some guy with a pressure cooker bomb or rented truck

"An attack is not an invasion."

Which is exactly what I said. What part do you not understand? You are the one trying to claim that we are too strong for anyone to invade and that is strong enough. While I point out that invasion is but one of the things it is necessary to defend against. And that we must have allies who know we will help them if they are attacked. Attacks happen much quicker and can well be more deadly than an invasion. Actually invasions are in fact a type of attack.
What a pile of shit, a attack is not a WHAT? You want to wast the lives of our young and transfer as much of the wealth of this country to the 1% who control your mind. The word is mindless.
There is no country that would attack us or invade us. To a degree that we need more then half our budget wasted on your tools to get our young killed, so you can what? pound yourself on the chest.Of the over 100 wars we have been in, there has been 4 that we needed to be in, the rest where simply murder or corporate greed.
we dont.
We could probably use some "up dating" but with all the waste, im sure we could fit that in with current budgets.
All the waste? Just exactly what waste are you talking about?

Or, is this something "they" say all the time, and you're just repeating it?
There is no country that would attack us or invade us. To a degree that we need more then half our budget wasted on your tools to get our young killed, so you can what? pound yourself on the chest.Of the over 100 wars we have been in, there has been 4 that we needed to be in, the rest where simply murder or corporate greed.

Man, you're funny !!! Do you do this stand-up routine on Saturdays, too?

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