Why Do Whites Believe African...

If it doesn't happen America will be destroyed.
Well, you people have been good at destroying America. No doubt. Just look at the African-American communities:

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It must be incredibly difficult to be white. You live every day unable to face the truth. You have created a fairy tale nation that never existed. But the truth is what you need to face.

'The Color Of Law' Details How U.S. Housing Policies Created Segregation

NPR's Ari Shapiro speaks with author Richard Rothstein about his new book, The Color of Law, which details how federal housing policies in the 1940s and '50s mandated segregation and undermined the ability of black families to own homes and build wealth.


This is the day in 1954 that the Supreme Court issued its famous ruling desegregating schools, Brown versus Board of Education. Today, schools remain largely segregated, and the author Richard Rothstein argues that's because housing is segregated. Even today, black and white people generally don't live in the same neighborhoods. Rothstein's new book is called "The Color Of Law: A Forgotten History Of How Our Government Segregated America." Welcome to the program.

RICHARD ROTHSTEIN: Thank you very much.

SHAPIRO: So the basic argument of your book is that while racist individuals might have contributed to housing segregation in specific cases, there was an overwhelming amount of government policy at the state, local and federal level that explicitly forced black people to live in different places from white people. And I have to admit that reading this book, the geographic scope, the longevity, the sheer creativity of these policies really took me by surprise.

ROTHSTEIN: It takes many people by surprise. This whole history has been forgotten. It used to be well-known. There was nothing hidden about it. The federal government pursued two important policies in the mid-20th century that segregated metropolitan areas. One was the first civilian public housing program which frequently demolished integrated neighborhoods in order to create segregated public housing.

The second program that the federal government pursued was to subsidize the development of suburbs on a condition that they be only sold to white families and that the homes in those suburbs had deeds that prohibited resale to African-Americans. These two policies worked together to segregate metropolitan areas in ways that they otherwise would never have been segregated.

SHAPIRO: The book gives so many different examples of how this played out, and one of the worst offenders is the FHA, the Federal Housing Administration. Explain why this one government agency has so much influence over where people live and what the FHA did to prevent black people from buying and owning homes.

ROTHSTEIN: Perhaps the best-known example is Levittown, just east of New York City, but there were subdivisions like this all over the country. What the federal government did in the 1940s and '50s, it came to a developer like Levitt, the Levitt family that built Levittown. That family could never have assembled the capital necessary to build 17,000 homes on its own.

What the federal government did, the FHA, is guarantee bank loans for construction and development to Levittown on condition that no homes be sold to African-Americans and that every home have a clause in its deed prohibiting resale to African-Americans.

SHAPIRO: The FHA policies here were not merely incentives or encouragements. You tell the story of progressive, idealistic developers who wanted to build integrated housing communities and were absolutely unable to do so. And we're not just talking about in the Deep South here.

ROTHSTEIN: We're not talking about the Deep South at all. We're talking of the North, the West, the Midwest. The great American novelist Wallace Stegner got a job right after World War II at Stanford University. There was an enormous civilian housing shortage. He joined and helped to lead a co-operative of 400 families who bought a large tract outside Stanford University where they wanted to build single-family homes.

The FHA refused to insure those homes refused to provide the capital for construction because the 400-member co-operative had three African-American members. The co-operative tried to resist the FHA's demand, promising the FHA that the number of African-Americans in the co-operative wouldn't exceed the percentage of African-Americans in California as a whole.

The FHA refused that compromise. Finally, the co-operative had to disband because they couldn't go ahead with the project. They sold the land to a private developer, who with FHA guarantees built single family homes with racially exclusive deeds.

SHAPIRO: Your book also explains one way in which black neighborhoods became undesirable. You described zoning laws in which black parts of town were officially zoned for industrial plants, waste disposal, other things that we would consider a blight. And meanwhile, those businesses were explicitly kept out of white neighborhoods in the same cities.

ROTHSTEIN: Yes, there are examples in St. Louis and Los Angeles, neighborhoods that once they had African-American residents were rezoned to permit industrial and toxic uses. Those rezonings turned those neighborhoods into slums. White families outside those neighborhoods looked upon the neighborhoods, saw slums and concluded that African-Americans were slum dwellers and that if they moved into their neighborhoods, into the white neighborhoods, they would bring those conditions with them.

SHAPIRO: Why were all of these policies put in place? Was it just overt racism on the part of policy makers? What actually was the motivation?

ROTHSTEIN: Well, that's very hard to know. And one thing that should be remembered is that it can't be blamed simply on the standards of the time because there were people who dissented. People did know better, but they had other priorities. And they caved in to private prejudice and some of their constituents. They themselves were prejudiced. It was assumptions about racial superiority, but it also was cowardice in not confronting popular views about racial superiority.

SHAPIRO: So as you lay out this history, these segregationist, discriminatory, harmful structures were built over the first half of the 20th century, and then Congress passes the Fair Housing Act in 1968 which says many of those practices were illegal, unconstitutional and they stop - for the most part, the worst ones. Why doesn't that solve the problem?

ROTHSTEIN: Well, because all the Fair Housing Act could do was prohibit future discrimination. But by the time the Fair Housing Act was passed, the patterns of segregation had been firmly established. Simply passing a Fair Housing Act did not enable African-Americans who were previously living in urban areas to relocate to the suburbs from which they'd been excluded. I gave the example earlier of Levittown in 1947-48, when those homes were built with a racially restrictive policy.

Those homes sold for about $8,000 a piece or $100,000 more or less in today's currency. African-Americans, working class families could have bought those homes. Today though, those homes sell for $300,000, $400,000. They're no longer affordable to working class families. In the ensuing two generations, the white families who moved into those homes gained that $200,000, $300,000 in equity appreciation.

African-Americans living in rented apartments, prohibited from moving to the suburbs, gained none of that appreciation. The result is that today nationwide, African-American incomes on average are about 60 percent of white incomes, but African-American wealth is about 5 to 7 percent of white wealth. That enormous difference is almost entirely attributable to unconstitutional federal housing policy practiced in the mid-20th century.

SHAPIRO: The current secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Ben Carson, has criticized what he calls social engineering programs that are meant to help black homeowners or renters. It sounds as though you're arguing that the first two-thirds of the 20th century were social engineering to harm black people in homeownership and that maybe it will require some social engineering to undo that harm.

ROTHSTEIN: Yes. What I tell Secretary Carson is that the reforms that he's criticizing are an attempt to undo social engineering. Clearly he's right that when you try to engineer social policy the way that is necessary to reverse segregation, there are some unintended consequences.

There will be prices to be paid, but those prices are small compared to the costs of the social engineering that was conducted in the first two-thirds of the 20th century by the federal government. And that's a price that we have to pay to rectify a serious constitutional violation.

SHAPIRO: Richard Rothstein is with the Economic Policy Institute and the Thurgood Marshall Institute of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. His new book is "The Color Of Law: A Forgotten History Of How Our Government Segregated America." Thank you so much.

ROTHSTEIN: Thank you.

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'The Color Of Law' Details How U.S. Housing Policies Created Segregation

You can't read this. It's too hard.
Actually you did unless you dont understand the words you wrote.
Actually, I didn't. But your illiteracy is showing again. I'm telling you man, the more I think about it, the more I am liking "reparations" in the form of education. You need it. Desperately. Here is the exact quote - word for word:
Well that is a new, interesting take from the left! I've spent the last 30 years listening to you people claim that the government has every right to confiscate everything in the "Death Tax"
Actually you did unless you dont understand the words you wrote.
Actually, I didn't. But your illiteracy is showing again. I'm telling you man, the more I think about it, the more I am liking "reparations" in the form of education. You need it. Desperately. Here is the exact quote - word for word:
Well that is a new, interesting take from the left! I've spent the last 30 years listening to you people claim that the government has every right to confiscate everything in the "Death Tax"

"I've spent the last 30 years listening to you people claim that the government has every right to confiscate everything in the "Death Tax"

Youve never listened to me speak about the Death tax retard.
My sincere proposal to IM2 and Asclepias for their "reparations":

We pay to send your ass back to Africa. Not kidding. We cover the costs - you go back to your own nation.

Your ancestors paid a horrible price. But that price was paid in full for you - and you were born with a silver fuck'n spoon in your mouth. The greatest nation in the world. Complete and total freedom to be whatever you want to be, do whatever you want to do.

And all you do is complain and play the victim. If it is so awful here - I will lead a movement to send your ass back to Africa. And you can experience straw huts and no electricity. You know. To make up for slavery. We'll put your right back to the situation as if slavery had never occurred. What more could you ask for than that?!?

I have a proposal for you. Turn black and try to live for a few years without committing suicide..

Then come talk to us.
In other words - you're just trying to find a way to cash in and become wealthy without having to actually work for it? Got it.

That's what whites have done.
You've never listened to me talk about the death tax.
I never said I did (psst....your illiteracy is showing again). I clearly said the left. Try to keep up here.
Actually you did unless you dont understand the words you wrote. Why are you so stupid?

"I've spent the last 30 years listening to you people claim that the government has every right to confiscate everything in the "Death Tax" because one does not have the right to inherit from their parents."
Exactly, stupid. You people. That's plural. I wouldn't use plural if I was claiming I heard it from you. There is only one you. You cannot be plural.

I've got a new slogan for your campaign: Reparations because they need education!
You've never listened to me talk about the death tax.
I never said I did (psst....your illiteracy is showing again). I clearly said the left. Try to keep up here.
Actually you did unless you dont understand the words you wrote. Why are you so stupid?

"I've spent the last 30 years listening to you people claim that the government has every right to confiscate everything in the "Death Tax" because one does not have the right to inherit from their parents."
Exactly, stupid. You people. That's plural. I wouldn't use plural if I was claiming I heard it from you. There is only one you. You cannot be plural.

I've got a new slogan for your campaign: Reparations because they need education!
Then nothing you said is intelligent. If I am not included in "you people" why did you tell me that? Face it. You were claiming I told you something. Thats why you said you.
And note her sweatshirt. What a great way of going about it. Nothing makes me sensitive to your plight than screaming "Give me X bitch". :eusa_doh:

I'll tell you, that community is in a shit-ton of trouble. Anything on the left regresses until it hits neanderthal era behavior. And the African-American community is there. Just a bunch of thugs stealing from each other, rioting, burning everything down, and killing each other (while fornicating like animals and refusing to take responsibility for the offspring they produce).

LOL! This is an extremely dumb one.
You've never listened to me talk about the death tax.
I never said I did (psst....your illiteracy is showing again). I clearly said the left. Try to keep up here.
Actually you did unless you dont understand the words you wrote. Why are you so stupid?

"I've spent the last 30 years listening to you people claim that the government has every right to confiscate everything in the "Death Tax" because one does not have the right to inherit from their parents."
Exactly, stupid. You people. That's plural. I wouldn't use plural if I was claiming I heard it from you. There is only one you. You cannot be plural.

I've got a new slogan for your campaign: Reparations because they need education!

Seems that you need the education.
Yeah you cant be a direct descendant of your uncle either moron. :laugh:
You're right...you CAN'T be a "direct" descendant of your uncle. Which is exactly what I said. :lmao:
Well if thats what you said, why did you say it?
Because you and your pal there will attempt to exploit any slave to get cash. Including someone who you aren't a direct descendant of.
Is that your fear or do you have proof I would exploit anything? Why would I have to exploit anyone if I am the direct descendant of the enslaved on both sides of my family?. Youre not making intelligent sense. Maybe retarded white boy sense but not any real sense.
Now we are supposed to be exploiting the dead for cash. Do these guys ever take the time to look at what they are saying to see how stupid it really is?
That's what whites have done.
Ok....full disclosure here IM2. What I'm about to tell you can land me in prison - so I really hope you appreciate how I am sticking my neck out for you here.

Shortly after I was born, I was taken before the Fraternal Union of Caucasian Kings Youth Outreach Unit. There, all white babies are granted membership and given their secret decoder ring. The decoder ring is a way to authenticate you throughout life - and assure you of unfettered access to the highest levels of education, a minimum guarantee of $1 millions dollars, a guarantee of a nice house in the suburbs, and unlimited passes for law enforcement and legal matters.

At age 13, you come back before the Fraternal Union of Caucasian Kings Youth Outreach Unit and take a pledge to forever oppress African-Americans.

After a lifetime of this - I feel guilty. I wanted to expose it. God Bless you, my black brother. Lets fight on and lets right this ship!
Its just white boy fear. They start saying all kinds of weird shit when they are stressed.
Yes...I am terribly “stressed” as I lay here comfortably with my family, laughing really hard at most of what you post. The “stress”. Oh the “stress”.
Now youre trying hard to laugh it off but I already know. Thats why you were saying dumb shit. :laugh:

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