Why Do the Rich Kids Do Better?

What I posted is true in many cases., and you know that. ....
I have told you it is not. It is just you stereotyping based on some movie or TV show you saw once. If you're going to do that, you can't be thin-skinned at the same time.
Many people make assumptions about the potential and ability of students without understanding context. If you look at the results from wealthy districts vs more economically challenged areas, the difference is clear but not necessarily the causes. Having had extensive experience with students from wealthy suburbs and inner city schools I can tell you that real differences are on the individual level, not as generalized groups. Some of the key influences include:

  • parental involvement
  • time
  • living conditions
  • availability of extra help

The families of wealthier students can, and very often do, provide tutoring outside of school to help their children get ahead. As well they should. However, if the family of a student from a different background can't afford to do the same, it is NOT a reflection of the capacity of that student.

Plus teachers are too obcessed with the topic of sex and social justice

Which degrades the learning experience for poor kids who need good class time the most

1935 Hoi Polloi film.

3 Stooges? He used the 3 Stooges as his example? :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
So you know what goes "unreported." Interesting super power. :rolleyes:
When I see some of it I assume there is more that we dont see

Since the teachers dont practice transparency its pretty sure you are hiding something
Cameras would not have caught the porky slut in this story

But she’s not a typical lib teacher

She is worse than most

But the other teachers are hurting kids in their own ways too

You've got it backasswards again, loser. I "believe" what I see with my own eyes every day.
Right, and that OPINION you forge is in direct conflict with the opinions of my daughter (an educator) and other educators we know….So who holds the “TRUTH”?
Because your imagination tells you so? When was the last time you were in an inner city school? How many students of all backgrounds do you know well personally? You are full of shit, Archie.

No, in this case he is correct. The old adage "birds of a feather" is appropriate. If you choose to hang around with losers, you too will be a loser.

In answer to the question as to why rich kids do better, ot is because the parents care. Not all, but most. The children model their parents, thus, a successful couple will instill a desire for success in their children. Success requires effort.

I am well off, my daughter attends private schools. However we have some kids from the lower classes who attend as well, their parents aren't well off by any stretch of the imagination, but they CARE about their kids.

They want their children to be more successful than they are. They are overwhelmingly Hispanic. But they are engaged.

Add in consequences for bad behavior, and aid if they fail, and it is entirely different from the majority of poor people.

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