Why Do the Rich Kids Do Better?

There goes your stupid camera idea.
Its far from stupid though some of the teachers are exceedingly so

Like the black teach who filmed himself bullying his white students and posted it online

If not for that he would have gotten away with it
Many people make assumptions about the potential and ability of students without understanding context. If you look at the results from wealthy districts vs more economically challenged areas, the difference is clear but not necessarily the causes. Having had extensive experience with students from wealthy suburbs and inner city schools I can tell you that real differences are on the individual level, not as generalized groups. Some of the key influences include:

  • parental involvement
  • time
  • living conditions
  • availability of extra help

The families of wealthier students can, and very often do, provide tutoring outside of school to help their children get ahead. As well they should. However, if the family of a student from a different background can't afford to do the same, it is NOT a reflection of the capacity of that student.

My two kids, now adults, married and with kids of their own, are successful. My son, at 28 years old is getting published for the first time for leading a team of respiratory therapist and doctors in improving the methods of intubating newborn infants. They developed a better way of doing it and will save lives. At 28 years old.
When he was in school, all of his freedoms and things he was allowed to do and have - all depended on his performance in school. His car was in my name. You can bet your ass he wasn't going to have the privilege to drive that car if he underperformed in school.
He was on the swim team. He made state all 4 years.
The difference is accountability, taking responsibility and understanding that in life - all that you have is dependent on what you put into it.
Meanwhile... far too many other kids his age played video games all through high school, got to college... saw it as an opportunity to extend their teenage fun years rather than an opportunity to build a life.

And yet - he got his position because of "privilege"?? The color of his skin??
He worked his ass off. While other kids played video games. He competed at state level athletics while other kids watched Tik Tok.
That is not privilege. That is you get out what you put in.
There goes your stupid camera idea.
All doctors should be forced to wear cameras like the police do, because you never know when one might perform an illegal abortion "in their natural state" or something. And only the parents of school children should be allowed to watch in the privacy of their own homes.. just in case a doctor slips more than a finger in here or fondles rather than palpates a breast there.. Nosy parents deserve such cheap thrills, you see. Their victims not at all.
Explained by people who know what they are talking about.

Who have watched silently while school outcomes have collapsed. The biggest enemy to our children now is plainly the teaching establishment. There are damn fine teachers out there, but they are silenced by the teachers unions.

Unions who watched silently while test scores plummeted. While children suffered under needless mask requirements, and who now are experiencing a drop in IQ for the first time.....EVER.

Face it. The teaching establishment is an abject failure.

Yeah. You have. Schools all over the country have ZERO students who meet minimal requirements.

So much for the experts knowing what they are doing.

The link below is from 2020. The situation has gotten markedly worse in the intervening two years.

Nearly Half of Nation’s Schools Falling Short of Federal Standards​

"A new report by the Center on Education Policy shows that nearly half of all schools nationwide will not make the standards set by No Child Left Behind. We’ll take a closer look at the numbers and what they might mean for schools and students in the future."

Yeah. You have. ...
Is that why me and everyone in my department gets together and spends at least two hours every week discussing in developing ways to improve outcomes for students? Do you think my department cooked up the virus and released it into some village in China? Do you think my department asked Biden to fuck up the economy? Do you think my department is responsible for changes to society over the past decade? Fuck that, and fuck you if you think that we’ve been sitting there quietly doing nothing. The teachers are not the union. No Union representatives have ever been in any of our department meetings, none of them ever set foot in my classroom, none of them have shit to say to me about how I teach my classes. Stop looking from the outside for scapegoats when you’re really talking about society level changes and problems. So no, not sitting quietly. Fuck that noise.
Is that why me and everyone in my department gets together and spends at least two hours every week discussing in developing ways to improve outcomes for students? Do you think my department cooked up the virus and released it into some village in China? Do you think my department asked Biden to fuck up the economy? Do you think my department is responsible for changes to society over the past decade? Fuck that, and fuck you if you think that we’ve been sitting there quietly doing nothing. The teachers are not the union. No Union representatives have ever been in any of our department meetings, none of them ever set foot in my classroom, none of them have shit to say to me about how I teach my classes. Stop looking from the outside for scapegoats when you’re really talking about society level changes and problems. So no, not sitting quietly. Fuck that noise.

Anecdotal evidence is worthless. You claim to read the literature. My wife is a professor still, and she remains absolutely current with educational studies, and YOU are failing. Yes, there are some great schools out there. But they are the MINORITY.

The reality is the public education system is an abject failure for the majority of its students.

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