Denying that people exist?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

This the usual trans nonsense, but it's worth looking a little closer, since this is an "institution of higher learning" (from which I hold two degrees).

Point #1. A phobia is an irrational fear. Nobody fears transexuals.

Point #2. If I propose that biological men should not be allowed to compete in womens' sports, that is not denying that they exist. It is simply refusing to formally accept and implement their delusions. Consider the Garden of Eden, Adam & Eve were allowed to eat from any tree except one. Was G-d trying to starve them? Of course not. And if "trans-women" want to live their lives as though they were truly women, that's fine. The people they interact can accept the delusion IF THEY LIKE, or not accept it. "We" cannot compel others to patronize our delusions..They just can't inject themselves into a situation where BIOLOGICAL women are disadvantaged. What is so controversial about that?

Point #3. There is no such thing as a "trans-man" or a "trans-woman." Biology is fixed, even if you decide to mutilate your body to further the pretense. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. Why is this controversial?

This the usual trans nonsense, but it's worth looking a little closer, since this is an "institution of higher learning" (from which I hold two degrees).

Point #1. A phobia is an irrational fear. Nobody fears transexuals.

Point #2. If I propose that biological men should not be allowed to compete in womens' sports, that is not denying that they exist. It is simply refusing to formally accept and implement their delusions. Consider the Garden of Eden, Adam & Eve were allowed to eat from any tree except one. Was G-d trying to starve them? Of course not. And if "trans-women" want to live their lives as though they were truly women, that's fine. The people they interact can accept the delusion IF THEY LIKE, or not accept it. "We" cannot compel others to patronize our delusions..They just can't inject themselves into a situation where BIOLOGICAL women are disadvantaged. What is so controversial about that?

Point #3. There is no such thing as a "trans-man" or a "trans-woman." Biology is fixed, even if you decide to mutilate your body to further the pretense. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. Why is this controversial?
"Inviting Gaines to speak on campus “pushes the narrative that trans women are not women, invalidates their existence, and threatens their safety,” according to the petition."

That is not a "narrative", it is a biological FACT.
Good to see that college students are just as stupid as they were when I was in school.

This the usual trans nonsense, but it's worth looking a little closer, since this is an "institution of higher learning" (from which I hold two degrees).

Point #1. A phobia is an irrational fear. Nobody fears transexuals.

Point #2. Consider the Garden of Eden, Adam & Eve were allowed to eat from any tree except one. Was G-d trying to starve them?
The Adam and Eve story is impossible to believe.
But to the point, where is the symbolic connection to what you're trying to say about?

Accepting a delusion?
It's leftists they lie about everything. And they 100% hate you if you are not aligned with them. The left is a hate group.

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