Why do the Democrats keep saying the Republicans want to end medicare or S.S.


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
This is totally a false statement. In Ryans plan he wants it reformed so we have something for us and our children. Plus, his current plan does not affect anyone 55 and above. If something is not done there would be nothing left for us. I know our family is preparing for this. Savings, 401Ks , husband military retirement ect .. We are not going to prepare for us to get social security because their is a lot of doubt that we will even receive it and the way Obama is going that doubt is becoming reality :eusa_whistle:
Because it works better as a sound bite.It's a page right out of the Libs manual.I saw Paul Ryan say time and time again that anyone over 55 will not be affected one bit.then you go over to MSNBC an hour later and they are all screaming that the Ryan plan will take away the old folks benefits...

The left plays this one note song and the people on the left accept it as gospel and will run to the polls and vote Democrat.

Maybe we need a little bit more then voter ID come election day...Maybe a little test would have to be taken every election cycle just to see if those that vote have at least a clue as to what's going on instead of handing over the country to someone with a catchy campaign slogan.
This is totally a false statement.

If it were a false statement, the most vigorous defense of Ryan's proposal wouldn't be:

Plus, his current plan does not affect anyone 55 and above.

Folks 55 or above get Medicare, folks below 55 don't. The gamble with using this as a defense is that while Ryan and his acolytes hope it keeps present-day seniors from deserting the Republicans, it also concedes the fundamental point that they continue to deny. Pick your poison, I suppose.
This is totally a false statement. In Ryans plan he wants it reformed so we have something for us and our children. Plus, his current plan does not affect anyone 55 and above. If something is not done there would be nothing left for us. I know our family is preparing for this. Savings, 401Ks , husband military retirement ect .. We are not going to prepare for us to get social security because their is a lot of doubt that we will even receive it and the way Obama is going that doubt is becoming reality :eusa_whistle:
The Ryan plan as well as most proposals don't effect current beneficiaries. Plus it doesn't effect those over 55. What it does do is reduce benefits to new retirees that under 55. As medical costs rise these retirees will see benefits fall, eventually reaching a point where Medicare is no more than a small supplement. Yes, it does eventually destroy Medicare, because it does not require any new taxes. It's just you and I won't be around when it does.
1. Medicare will be insolvent in 2017 say the Trustees

Trustees Report Summary

2. Social Security will be bankrupt 2037

The Dem's claim to "protect" SS & Medicare only guarantee their demise. They need to be modified to guarantee their long-term viability. Revenue enhancers would be a good idea too. I like closing loop-holes, ending subsidies & foreign aid, then impose taxes on Wall Street for short-sales and capital gains. Going after the Hedge Funds is a good idea too.
Why do the Democrats keep saying the Republicans want to end medicare or S.S.

Because Republicans do want to end Medicare as we know it and turn it into a voucher system in which seniors would be left to the mercy of the private insurance market. That is a fact.
Why do the Democrats keep saying the Republicans want to end medicare or S.S.

Because Republicans do want to end Medicare as we know it and turn it into a voucher system in which seniors would be left to the mercy of the private insurance market. That is a fact.

What part of IT WILL BE BANKRUPT IN 2017 don't you understand?? FIX IT OR ITS DEAD.
Why do the Democrats keep saying the Republicans want to end medicare or S.S.

Because Republicans do want to end Medicare as we know it and turn it into a voucher system in which seniors would be left to the mercy of the private insurance market. That is a fact.

What part of IT WILL BE BANKRUPT IN 2017 don't you understand?? FIX IT OR ITS DEAD.

What part of my post don't you understand, and what does your questionable assertion that Medicare will be bankrupt in 2017 have to do with the fact that Republicans do indeed want to end Medicare as we know it? That is not in debate, it is a fact. Republicans want to turn Medicare into a voucher program, which will end Medicare as we know it.
Because Republicans do want to end Medicare as we know it and turn it into a voucher system in which seniors would be left to the mercy of the private insurance market. That is a fact.

What part of IT WILL BE BANKRUPT IN 2017 don't you understand?? FIX IT OR ITS DEAD.

What part of my post don't you understand, and what does your questionable assertion that Medicare will be bankrupt in 2017 have to do with the fact that Republicans do indeed want to end Medicare as we know it? That is not in debate, it is a fact. Republicans want to turn Medicare into a voucher program, which will end Medicare as we know it.

Nope,, you izzz wrong.. They aren't even debating the Ryan plan.
Republicans are against those who work hard their whole lives without collecting unemployment, welfare, etc by barely scraping by. I wont mention those who are out of a job and the GOP outlook on those people. They have shown a disdain for that group of people by exclaiming such garbage as "you had a chance" or "live the american dream" which are both a crock of you know what.
In the end, If they didnt support the rich fat cats so voraciously I might actually support them.
and the dimocrats don't have a plan. they will end medicare too, drive it right over the cliff, they're just too damn dumb and dishonest to say so. I listened to them today,, all they have is tax the rich and the race card.
Why do we cap SS and Medicare? If an employer wants to pay an individual an enormous salary the employer and the employee can afford to pay a higher percentage to help keep both solvent.
We ask soliders and cops, firefighters and astronauts to risk their lives for our benefit; why can't the very wealthy risk a little of the lot they got for the benefit of all?
Republicans are against those who work hard their whole lives without collecting unemployment, welfare, etc by barely scraping by. I wont mention those who are out of a job and the GOP outlook on those people. They have shown a disdain for that group of people by exclaiming such garbage as "you had a chance" or "live the american dream" which are both a crock of you know what.
In the end, If they didnt support the rich fat cats so voraciously I might actually support them.

bullshit rabid dog.
and the dimocrats don't have a plan. they will end medicare too, drive it right over the cliff, they're just too damn dumb and dishonest to say so. I listened to them today,, all they have is tax the rich and the race card.

Why do we cap SS and Medicare? If an employer wants to pay an individual an enormous salary the employer and the employee can afford to pay a higher percentage to help keep both solvent.
We ask soliders and cops, firefighters and astronauts to risk their lives for our benefit; why can't the very wealthy risk a little of the lot they got for the benefit of all?[/QUOTE]

see what I mean? the part she left out is how much to the tax bill the rich already pay. most lying dimocrats tend to do that. classwarfare and all that.
Class warfare is going to become bigger and bigger...like the ultra rich are suffering. Gotta do better than this.
Mega rich elitist greedy Pubs are absolutely FOS, and you dupes swallow it all...for 140 years now...Some tinkering needs to be done, like Raygun and tip did, but now we have brainwashed dittoheads to deal with, and of course the SECOND Pub Great Depression, and now braindead obstruction. We're going to save the bloated rich money until we're a banana republic...insanity.
Cantor: Social Security "Cannot Exist" In The America "We" Want | OurFuture.org


I mean, just from the very notion that it said that 50 percent of beneficiaries under the Social Security program use those monies as their sole source of income. So we've got to protect today's seniors. But for the rest of us? For - you know, listen. We're going to have to come to grips with the fact that these programs cannot exist if we want America to be what we want America to be.
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End social security, end medicare. Perfect. Right back to the feudal society. Just where we want this once great nation headed.

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