Why do Republicans cripple their children with homeschooling?

All the data shows that Homeschooling is growing in popularity and the kids do better on standardized testing. Do Homeschool Kids Really Rate Better on Standardized Tests?

Why are LWNJ's afraid of this?


Because public schools are great avenues of indoctrination and conformity.

Popular talking point based on feeeeeelings.

Liberal Brainwashing in Public Schools

Got a more objective source? Better yet, when have you personally witnessed this in a school over time?
Phyllis Schlafly - Conservapedia

Homeschooling always makes me think of Phyllis Schlafly. Phyllis is considered by many to be the mother of the conservative movement. I once saw a hilarious interview by her where she said she did all the right things.
She homeschooled her kids to insulate them from the nastiness of modern society. She married a strong man and great father figure and she bowed down to him as the master of the the house. They disciplined their children. And in spite of doing everything absolutely the right way, one of her sons turned out gay. She said she just couldn't understand how this could happen.

This is a complicated and competitive world. Many parents are old fashioned. They want to teach a 1950's education in a world that needs a 2017 education.

Home-schooled children do terrible in math.

The Homeschool Math Gap: The Data

In many cases, homeschooled teens are expected to teach themselves algebra or calculus out of a textbook without the aid of any kind of teacher or adult help—something most children likely cannot do successfully.

Just The Facts: The Pros & Cons Of Homeschooling

Can homeschooling make or break a child’s future?

Adults who were homeschooled often reference extreme social awkwardness as an obstacle they experienced upon entering college or the workforce. Others, whose teaching was steeped in religious ideology, note astonishment and even anger towards their parents because they were shielded from scientific learning and had no knowledge of subjects like evolution, the big bang theory or even the existence of dinosaurs.


Wow, imagine not even knowing that dinosaurs were real or going to a college science class and knowing nothing of evolution.

I've seen a lot of fake statistics. But common sense will tell you that coming from an ultra conservative background, you obviously won't do well in math and science.

I'm not even sure what kind of jobs conservatives who have home-schooled their children think those kids are qualified for. Remember 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated.

I can see conservatives setting their kids up for a failed life. They don't know math or science and they haven't been socialized.
Why do you lie every post? Home schooling keeps the liberals pos from influencing the kids.
And liberals absolutely revile not having access to your children.
Either for turning them into faggots or liberals.
Not to mention down breeders, and anti diversity race mixers.

What does that even mean? You know what forum this is, right?
All the data shows that Homeschooling is growing in popularity and the kids do better on standardized testing. Do Homeschool Kids Really Rate Better on Standardized Tests?

Why are LWNJ's afraid of this?


Because public schools are great avenues of indoctrination and conformity.

Popular talking point based on feeeeeelings.

Liberal Brainwashing in Public Schools

Got a more objective source? Better yet, when have you personally witnessed this in a school over time?

You're the one talking about feelings with no sources, just saying.
All the data shows that Homeschooling is growing in popularity and the kids do better on standardized testing. Do Homeschool Kids Really Rate Better on Standardized Tests?

Why are LWNJ's afraid of this?


Because public schools are great avenues of indoctrination and conformity.

Popular talking point based on feeeeeelings.

Liberal Brainwashing in Public Schools

Got a more objective source? Better yet, when have you personally witnessed this in a school over time?

You're the one talking about feelings with no sources, just saying.

Not at all. I’m in the public schools every day. Have been for decades. No indoctrination, no brain washing. Stop the hysteria.

Because public schools are great avenues of indoctrination and conformity.

Popular talking point based on feeeeeelings.

Liberal Brainwashing in Public Schools

Got a more objective source? Better yet, when have you personally witnessed this in a school over time?

You're the one talking about feelings with no sources, just saying.

Not at all. I’m in the public schools every day. Have been for decades. No indoctrination, no brain washing. Stop the hysteria.

That is the thing about indoctrination, you don't realize it is happening. One of the ways you could know it is happening is to look at empirical evidence when I post it. That article had cited sources.

Because public schools are great avenues of indoctrination and conformity.

Popular talking point based on feeeeeelings.

Liberal Brainwashing in Public Schools

Got a more objective source? Better yet, when have you personally witnessed this in a school over time?

You're the one talking about feelings with no sources, just saying.

Not at all. I’m in the public schools every day. Have been for decades. No indoctrination, no brain washing. Stop the hysteria.
bullshit. Been there, seen it first hand.

Got a more objective source? Better yet, when have you personally witnessed this in a school over time?

You're the one talking about feelings with no sources, just saying.

Not at all. I’m in the public schools every day. Have been for decades. No indoctrination, no brain washing. Stop the hysteria.

That is the thing about indoctrination, you don't realize it is happening. .....

I realize what I am doing or not doing. I realize what my fellow teachers are doing. Anyone can put anything on a website with this or that agenda.

Got a more objective source? Better yet, when have you personally witnessed this in a school over time?

You're the one talking about feelings with no sources, just saying.

Not at all. I’m in the public schools every day. Have been for decades. No indoctrination, no brain washing. Stop the hysteria.
bullshit. Been there, seen it first hand.

When? For how long?

Some snowflake had my source post deleted, because it was an inadvertent link to another message board.

Homeschooling is mainly done by the religious right who incorporate the bible in all facets of education; science, math, history, etc. You will not find these people in college, unless they have had remedial classes and even then, they don't last.


Why should anyone give you a source? You dismiss them or have them removed, so what is the point?
I realize what I am doing or not doing. I realize what my fellow teachers are doing. Anyone can put anything on a website with this or that agenda.

Really? I honestly mean that.

You realize history books are being rewritten to support liberal views.

You realize solid math teaching like Saxon is replaced by systems to promote students feeling good about themselves, instead of learning.

You realize the more the liberal agenda permeates education, the worse results we have.

You realize educational institutions, like Harvard, are shouting down conservative views and censuring it.

In fact, I doubt you are very self aware at all.
The parents who refuse to send their children to school are setting their kids up for failure. They want to rush their kids in "marriage" so their kids will all have four kids before they are even 25, with no way to support them. I can't imagine what it is like to grow up in a cult family and then end up in the real world with no means of coping. It's the girls who suffer the most, and it is the parents of these girls who are responsible.
care to prove that bullshit?
How many girls will be consistently pregnant before they are 25, without ever having the chance to decide what they want to be in life? They will just be little sex playthings who are "educated" to allow their "husbands" to hump them and make them pregnant like barnyard animals. Girls 'educated" only to be sex slaves and baby mommas. This is sick. Look at poor Anna Duggar and Josh Duggar who humps her.
How many girls will be consistently pregnant before they are 25, without ever having the chance to decide what they want to be in life?

Are you talking about homeschooling, or public education?
Homeschooling. Parents of homeschooled girls have no desire for their future at all, just screwing and pregnancy with their "husbands." No care there. No thought. Anna Duggar's cult father hooked her up with the likes of Josh Duggar, now she is weighed down with what, five kids, and all by the whore she's married to. Where is she supposed to go? She probably doesn't even know how to prevent him from knocking her up.

So you don't care about these girls. It's obvious. How many of these girls are going to grow up to be medical practitioners, teachers, lawyers, scientists, astronomers, military officers, physicists, historians, dentists, diplomats, politicians? The pigs are those in the cults who only "value" their girls for how much money they can get for them and how wide their girls can spread their legs fore the whore "husbands" who purport to "marry "them. This is prostitution and the sacrifice of decent girls who deserve to grow up

Homeschooling is mainly done by the religious right who incorporate the bible in all facets of education; science, math, history, etc. You will not find these people in college, unless they have had remedial classes and even then, they don't last.
Bullshit. Their mothers and I homeschooled all of my children and they are all college graduates.

Except for my 3 year old.
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At least 90% of the parents who attempt to home school their children are in no way qualified to do so.

Hell, a buttload of 'em didn't even finish high school.

Proof? Link?

I stand by my post - Yes, there actually ARE parents who are qualified to home school. But a parent with only a HS diploma or a GED (worse ... not even THAT)?


Can parents avoid these educational qualifications?

Six states—North Dakota, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia—allow parents without a high school diploma or GED can bypass these educational qualifications as follows.
  • Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington allow parents without the required qualifications to homeschool through an umbrella school or (in the case of Virginia) through a religious exemption.
  • North Dakota, Ohio, and Washington allow parents to homeschool under the supervision of a qualified person (a certified teacher or, in the case of Ohio, an individual with a bachelor’s degree).
  • Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington allow superintendents to waive the standard educational requirements at their discretion.
The remaining five states—Georgia, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina—require all homeschooling parents without exception to meet their educational qualifications.

Parent Qualifications
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All the data shows that Homeschooling is growing in popularity and the kids do better on standardized testing. Do Homeschool Kids Really Rate Better on Standardized Tests?

Why are LWNJ's afraid of this?


Because public schools are great avenues of indoctrination and conformity.

that's simply the Right wingers CLAIMING such, but it is no where even close to the truth.....

No one on the left even gives a nano second to that thought...the thought doesn't exist....

It's you guys who think children are indoctrinated in school and it's some conspiracy by every living liberal parent on earth....

It's ridiculous, and simply a made up conspiracy by the right imo. No liberal is rubbing their hands together saying, Goodie Goodie, we can indoctrinate our conservative neighbor's kids with a liberal plan created by us with the school board..... :rolleyes:

State schools are run by the the State board of education, of which half of the Board members are picked by the governor of the State, and there are 38 states with Republican Governors...if schools suck, thank them.... ;)

Liberals just want all children going to public schools to be well educated...including public schools in low income neighborhoods...we want public schools to work well for our children's future and the future of our Nation..... Private schools should be providing a good education as well, same with home schools...

without a well educated public, we have no fruitful future in America....not in this day and age of global competition.
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At least 90% of the parents who attempt to home school their children are in no way qualified to do so.

Hell, a buttload of 'em didn't even finish high school.

Proof? Link?

I stand by my post - Yes, there actually ARE parents who are qualified to home school. But a parent with only a HS diploma or a GED (worse ... not even THAT)?


Can parents avoid these educational qualifications?

Six states—North Dakota, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia—allow parents without a high school diploma or GED can bypass these educational qualifications as follows.
  • Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington allow parents without the required qualifications to homeschool through an umbrella school or (in the case of Virginia) through a religious exemption.
  • North Dakota, Ohio, and Washington allow parents to homeschool under the supervision of a qualified person (a certified teacher or, in the case of Ohio, an individual with a bachelor’s degree).
  • Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington allow superintendents to waive the standard educational requirements at their discretion.
The remaining five states—Georgia, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina—require all homeschooling parents without exception to meet their educational qualifications.

Parent Qualifications

Where is the 90%?
This is a complicated and competitive world. Many parents are old fashioned. They want to teach a 1950's education in a world that needs a 2017 education.
Yes, it is; however, what was taught in the 1950s in math, English, history and much of science is, if the home teacher be competent, the curriculum be rigorous, and student masters that content, is more than adequate for the student to pass (earn a 4 or 5) the AP exams in those disciplines.

To be sure, it's a "heavy lift" for two people to deliver the level of rigor and content needed, but if a child is blessed with having parents who can do so, or who are willing and able to hire tutors to teach/supplement the child's instruction, being schooled at home isn't in and of itself a problem.

Add to that an online curriculum with teachers to head homework and available for advice and help, and there are very few limits to what a child can learn at home. Heck, their school day is done in 2 or 3 hours.
All the data shows that Homeschooling is growing in popularity and the kids do better on standardized testing. Do Homeschool Kids Really Rate Better on Standardized Tests?

Why are LWNJ's afraid of this?


Because public schools are great avenues of indoctrination and conformity.

that's simply the Right wingers CLAIMING such, but it is no where even close to the truth.....

No one on the left even gives a nano second to that thought...the thought doesn't exist....

It's you guys who think children are indoctrinated in school and it's some conspiracy by every living liberal parent on earth....

It's ridiculous, and simply a made up conspiracy by the right imo. No liberal is rubbing their hands together saying, Goodie Goodie, we can indoctrinate our conservative neighbor's kids with a liberal plan created by us with the school board..... :rolleyes:

State schools are run by the the State board of education, of which half of the Board members are picked by the governor of the State, and there are 38 states with Republican Governors...if schools suck, thank them.... ;)

Liberals just want all children going to public schools to be well educated...including public schools in low income neighborhoods...we want public schools to work well for our children's future and the future of our Nation..... Private schools should be providing a good education as well, same with home schools...

without a well educated public, we have no fruitful future in America....not in this day and age of global competition.

Gee, you make it sound like I don't want an educated populous. I just happen to think there are many ways to achieve that. It seems liberals generally think there is only one way.

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