Why do people put up Christmas lights?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
You can call them "holiday lights" if you want to but why do we do it? For the kids? Because of peer pressure? So far the ACLU hasn't gotten involved in law suits against private property owners who display extravagant Christmas lights but who knows?
Perhaps it has something to do with a Spiritual concept of Light?

Light always has a strong Spiritual connotation.

Trying to emulate it in a way?

I don't really know for sure...
You can call them "holiday lights" if you want to but why do we do it? For the kids? Because of peer pressure? So far the ACLU hasn't gotten involved in law suits against private property owners who display extravagant Christmas lights but who knows?

they have zero religious meaning for me.

I put them up becasue they are festive looking....and I enjoy them. Fuck anyone who doesn't like them.
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You can call them "holiday lights" if you want to but why do we do it? For the kids? Because of peer pressure? So far the ACLU hasn't gotten involved in law suits against private property owners who display extravagant Christmas lights but who knows?

Christmas lights started out on trees and later expanded to houses and streets...........

Christmas lights are lights used for decoration around Christmas. The custom harks back to the use of candles to decorate the Christmas tree in upper-class homes in 18th-century Germany. Christmas trees displayed publicly and illuminated with electric lights became popular in the early 20th century. By the mid-20th century, it became customary to display strings of electric lights as Christmas decoration detached from the Christmas tree itself, along streets and buildings. In the United States, it became popular to outline private homes with such Christmas lights in tract housing beginning in the 1960s. By the late 20th century, the custom had also been adopted in non-western countries, notably in Japan.

Christmas lights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And...........one of the stories I heard about when growing up was that we had to decorate the house with lights so that Santa could find our house easier.

Basically.......................Christmas lights have nothing to do with Christ or the Nativity.

All they represent is that commercial holiday with Santa.
You can call them "holiday lights" if you want to but why do we do it? For the kids? Because of peer pressure? So far the ACLU hasn't gotten involved in law suits against private property owners who display extravagant Christmas lights but who knows?

they have zero religious meaning for me.

I put them up becasue they are festive looking....and I enjoy them. Fuck anyone who doesn't like them.

I agree! :)

I was more thinking about how the idea originated in the first place.
You can call them "holiday lights" if you want to but why do we do it? For the kids? Because of peer pressure? So far the ACLU hasn't gotten involved in law suits against private property owners who display extravagant Christmas lights but who knows?

Why do I put up Christmas lights? I guess because they remind me of Obama supporters and I enjoy leaving them out in the cold. Why do they remind me of Obama supporters? It's because none of them are too bright and all they do is just hang around all day and with all day to do it and consume my electric bill even though half of them don't work anyway.

Merry Christmas drones.

$frog at christmas.jpg
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i put them out because i'm stealing electricity from that asshat, votto, and it amuses me.

it's also why my air conditioners are running 24/7 in december along with my electric heaters.

merry christmas, douchebag, have a vinegar and water on me :thup:
i put them out because i'm stealing electricity from that asshat, votto, and it amuses me.

it's also why my air conditioners are running 24/7 in december along with my electric heaters.

merry christmas, douchebag, have a vinegar and water on me :thup:

Ribbit, ribbit.

Merry CHRISTmas to ya!!

Sorry, I assume your flesh started to burn after reading that. I assure you, it was not intentional. :D

Now run along now and finish off what is left of a free economy.
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We hang Christmas lights because the kids think it's fun. I don't know..is it a primarily American thing?

I've no doubt it will become illegal at some point, when we start rationing power.

My neighbors put up their lights one day, and when I came down the street I could only see the hint of blinking red, blue..and I assumed the cops had pulled someone over and further, I assumed it was my son!

So every time I turn that corner, I say a little prayer of thanks that my son wasn't pulled over by the coppers. That's what Christmas lights mean to me.
i put them out because i'm stealing electricity from that asshat, votto, and it amuses me.

it's also why my air conditioners are running 24/7 in december along with my electric heaters.

merry christmas, douchebag, have a vinegar and water on me :thup:

Ribbit, ribbit.

Merry CHRISTmas to ya!!

Sorry, I assume your flesh started to burn after reading that. I assure you, it was not intentional. :D

Now run along now and finish off what is left of a free economy.

why would my flesh burn because your caps lock got stuck?

now trot back up to the window; those fries aren't going to hand themselves out, skippy
One has to spread the Christmas message. :D


Doubtful if the people who took the time to create a Manger scene would have used the F. word but lefties have all sorts of creative cut and paste ways to manufacture hatred. Try it with Mohammed and see what you get.
OK, it seems the guilt filled followers of the party of no family values or morality have found the time to tell us that they do not consider religion when they put up their Christmas lights. Fine, but why do you do it?

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