Why do people deny science?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
From global warming to fluoride: Why do people deny science? - Salon.com


The clouds of a thunderstorm roll over neighborhoods heavily damaged in a tornado in Moore, Oklahoma, May 23, 2013. (Credit: Reuters/Lucas Jackson)

Excerpted from "Denial: Self-Deception, False Beliefs, and the Origins of the Human Mind"

The potent combination of our powerful intelligence with our massive reality denial has led to a dangerous world. Less obvious, but in the long term more dangerous, are threats resulting directly or indirectly from technological developments that have permitted us to increase our numbers well beyond the carrying capacity of the natural world. More efficient agriculture and the invention of artificial fertilizers permitted humans to produce food sufficient to support numbers that would be unthinkable for other animals of our physical size. Public health measures, vaccinations, antibiotics, and other medical advances also permitted population numbers to explode. The world is overpopulated already and is becoming more so at an alarming rate. And although we pay lip service to the resulting problems, we do relatively little to address their root causes. Indeed, some religions continue to promote the unrestrained propagation of their flocks. Planet Earth is sick, with a bad case of “infection by humans.”...

... Why is it that ordinary citizens do not sit up and take notice of the danger? Unfortunately, the focus remains mostly on “global warming” instead of on the bigger concern—that we are disrupting the planet’s climate in completely unpredictable ways.

The intelligent and the educated are letting the stupid and the greedy kill our planet.
Global warming is a hoax. To real scientists there are no absolutes and everything must be questioned. When science becomes absolute it moves from science to faith.
Why can't the AGWCult ever show us a single repeatable experiment of how an additional wisp of CO2 drives up temperature and spawns hurricanes and tornadoes?

"Tornado Alley"

See how the AGW is only effective in the Midwest?
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Global warming is a hoax. To real scientists there are no absolutes and everything must be questioned. When science becomes absolute it moves from science to faith.

Let's look at the reasoning from Katzndogz:

Statement: Global wrming is a hoax (seems to be an absolute) and everything must be questioned (Huh?).

Pure 'genius'.
From global warming to fluoride: Why do people deny science? - Salon.com


The clouds of a thunderstorm roll over neighborhoods heavily damaged in a tornado in Moore, Oklahoma, May 23, 2013. (Credit: Reuters/Lucas Jackson)

Excerpted from "Denial: Self-Deception, False Beliefs, and the Origins of the Human Mind"

The potent combination of our powerful intelligence with our massive reality denial has led to a dangerous world. Less obvious, but in the long term more dangerous, are threats resulting directly or indirectly from technological developments that have permitted us to increase our numbers well beyond the carrying capacity of the natural world. More efficient agriculture and the invention of artificial fertilizers permitted humans to produce food sufficient to support numbers that would be unthinkable for other animals of our physical size. Public health measures, vaccinations, antibiotics, and other medical advances also permitted population numbers to explode. The world is overpopulated already and is becoming more so at an alarming rate. And although we pay lip service to the resulting problems, we do relatively little to address their root causes. Indeed, some religions continue to promote the unrestrained propagation of their flocks. Planet Earth is sick, with a bad case of “infection by humans.”...

... Why is it that ordinary citizens do not sit up and take notice of the danger? Unfortunately, the focus remains mostly on “global warming” instead of on the bigger concern—that we are disrupting the planet’s climate in completely unpredictable ways.

The intelligent and the educated are letting the stupid and the greedy kill our planet.

We scientists were wondering the same thing? How is it you supposedly intellectual types ignore, don't understand, or deny outright the science that is presented to you. And now you have had to resort to revising science when the real world doesn't conform to your computer modeling addled minds. Yes, you revisionists are quite a problem.
Global warming is a hoax. To real scientists there are no absolutes and everything must be questioned. When science becomes absolute it moves from science to faith.

Let's look at the reasoning from Katzndogz:

Statement: Global wrming is a hoax (seems to be an absolute) and everything must be questioned (Huh?).

Pure 'genius'.

AGW supporters question nothing and stamp out anything that doesn't support their pre-conceived ideals. So yes, that qualifies as fraud.
Global warming is a hoax. To real scientists there are no absolutes and everything must be questioned. When science becomes absolute it moves from science to faith.

Well said........

And anyway.....the bozo's who wander into this forum dont get it......nobody cares about the science except the internet nutters. Nobody else.
I feel that people on both sides don't understand what science is. Simply put the right denies it outright and the left thinks that we know it all.

The right has become anti-science and the left has just gotten burnt because of our understanding of the oceans effects throughout the climate system proving them to be alarmist. You see within politics you must drive a message that is straight forward to the people getting it...Well, within science you just can't do that as it is charging and evolving.

Simply the right is just stupid, but none the less is able to point out the weaknesses of the theory of global warming and the left doesn't understand how to use the politics with the science. Science evolves and pulls the carpet out way to many times. This gives the other side blood in the water to attack.
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I feel that people on both sides don't understand what science is. Simply put the right denies it outright and the left thinks that we know it all.

The right has become anti-science and the left has just gotten burnt because of our understanding of the oceans effects throughout the climate system proving them to be alarmist. You see within politics you must drive a message that is straight forward to the people getting it...Well, within science you just can't do that as it is charging and evolving.

Simply the right is just stupid, but none the less is able to point out the weaknesses of the theory of global warming and the left doesn't understand how to use the politics with the science. Science evolves and pulls the carpet out way to many times. This gives the other side blood in the water to attack.

Feelings are only the best thing to base your decisions on when you are incapable or unwilling to apply the understandings imparted by empirical evidences and sound logic.

There have been studies which indicate that there is some merit to your suggestion that there are blindsides and flaws among both sides of the political policy discussion of AGW, but this is very different from any suggestion that there is some great international conspiracy surrounding the topic of AGW and that there is some sort of legitimate controversy in the world's scientific communities regarding the basic understanding of climate science and AGW in particular.

Yale Law Psychologist

Climate Science is Core
Global warming is a hoax. To real scientists there are no absolutes and everything must be questioned. When science becomes absolute it moves from science to faith.

Katz nails it - denialism is an issue not of science, but of faith.

SSDD showed on another thread that fully 0.7% of scientific papers deny AGW. Think about that number ...0.7%

And yet Katz has decided that this means that he must oppose the 90% and call it the whole thing a hoax. He starts with an absolute statement and refuses to ask questions.
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See how the AGW is only effective in the Midwest?

Now of course everyone who has read anything about climate science know that science has not predicted that we will all experience the same uniform weather all over the world, but that weather will become more extreme - dry countries will get drier. Wet countries may get wetter. Snowy countries will get more snow.

What Frank shows here is that a great deal of Denialism comes from a singular failure to grasp what scientists are actually telling us.

Frank ridicules climate science because he can not understand what the hell scientists are saying, and has not interest in finding out. Ridicule is the easier option.
From global warming to fluoride: Why do people deny science? - Salon.com

The clouds of a thunderstorm roll over neighborhoods heavily damaged in a tornado in Moore, Oklahoma, May 23, 2013. (Credit: Reuters/Lucas Jackson)

Excerpted from "Denial: Self-Deception, False Beliefs, and the Origins of the Human Mind"

The potent combination of our powerful intelligence with our massive reality denial has led to a dangerous world. Less obvious, but in the long term more dangerous, are threats resulting directly or indirectly from technological developments that have permitted us to increase our numbers well beyond the carrying capacity of the natural world. More efficient agriculture and the invention of artificial fertilizers permitted humans to produce food sufficient to support numbers that would be unthinkable for other animals of our physical size. Public health measures, vaccinations, antibiotics, and other medical advances also permitted population numbers to explode. The world is overpopulated already and is becoming more so at an alarming rate. And although we pay lip service to the resulting problems, we do relatively little to address their root causes. Indeed, some religions continue to promote the unrestrained propagation of their flocks. Planet Earth is sick, with a bad case of “infection by humans.”...

... Why is it that ordinary citizens do not sit up and take notice of the danger? Unfortunately, the focus remains mostly on “global warming” instead of on the bigger concern—that we are disrupting the planet’s climate in completely unpredictable ways.
The intelligent and the educated are letting the stupid and the greedy kill our planet.

That is ironic considering that Salon publishes bullshit like this:

Monsanto crops cause tumors - Salon.com

I never let anyone that ignores science lecture me about science.
I feel that people on both sides don't understand what science is. Simply put the right denies it outright and the left thinks that we know it all.

The right has become anti-science and the left has just gotten burnt because of our understanding of the oceans effects throughout the climate system proving them to be alarmist. You see within politics you must drive a message that is straight forward to the people getting it...Well, within science you just can't do that as it is charging and evolving.

Simply the right is just stupid, but none the less is able to point out the weaknesses of the theory of global warming and the left doesn't understand how to use the politics with the science. Science evolves and pulls the carpet out way to many times. This gives the other side blood in the water to attack.

That is a very balanced overview, and I largely agree.

I would say, though, that the alarmism of the left is largely in the past. I think there was a feeling that only hysteria would get the attention of the masses, wheras in fact the hysteria only gave rise to a counter-movement of equal hysteria from the denialist side.

The IIPC reports now tend to be much more conservative in tone - even too conservative.
I feel that people on both sides don't understand what science is. Simply put the right denies it outright and the left thinks that we know it all.

The right has become anti-science and the left has just gotten burnt because of our understanding of the oceans effects throughout the climate system proving them to be alarmist. You see within politics you must drive a message that is straight forward to the people getting it...Well, within science you just can't do that as it is charging and evolving.

Simply the right is just stupid, but none the less is able to point out the weaknesses of the theory of global warming and the left doesn't understand how to use the politics with the science. Science evolves and pulls the carpet out way to many times. This gives the other side blood in the water to attack.

You keep on believing and "feeling" that. What is interesting is that you hold your faith in the face of the undeniable evidence that the wheels are falling off the AGW crazytrain right before your very eyes. It is all being falsified and none of the hard truth is penetrating your faith.

Your incessant worry about arctic ice for example...you seem to be blissfully unaware that as of 2 days ago, arctic ice was at a 12 year high.

I feel that people on both sides don't understand what science is. Simply put the right denies it outright and the left thinks that we know it all.

The right has become anti-science and the left has just gotten burnt because of our understanding of the oceans effects throughout the climate system proving them to be alarmist. You see within politics you must drive a message that is straight forward to the people getting it...Well, within science you just can't do that as it is charging and evolving.

Simply the right is just stupid, but none the less is able to point out the weaknesses of the theory of global warming and the left doesn't understand how to use the politics with the science. Science evolves and pulls the carpet out way to many times. This gives the other side blood in the water to attack.

You keep on believing and "feeling" that. What is interesting is that you hold your faith in the face of the undeniable evidence that the wheels are falling off the AGW crazytrain right before your very eyes. It is all being falsified and none of the hard truth is penetrating your faith.

Your incessant worry about arctic ice for example...you seem to be blissfully unaware that as of 2 days ago, arctic ice was at a 12 year high.


...you seem to be blissfully unaware that as of 2 days ago, arctic ice was at a 12 year high because of AGW.

There, fixed. That's how "Peer review" works

AGW, the only "Science" that is magnetically repelled from the laboratory

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