Why do people around here make things up?

Powerman said:
I agree. There is no place for name unwarranted name calling and threats. I just wanted a simple answer and I still haven't gotten it.

Links schminks-----they are just methods of trying to verify what you say is true. I can find links that are outright bullshit and the source dubious.

Debating requires more than just using proxy sources but I agree that some help in discussions. I much prefer to hear someones personal perceptions and if they can't make a good case for them, I usually just dismiss them. No biggie.
dilloduck said:
Links schminks-----they are just methods of trying to verify what you say is true. I can find links that are outright bullshit and the source dubious.

Debating requires more than just using proxy sources but I agree that some help in discussions. I much prefer to hear someones personal perceptions and if they can't make a good case for them, I usually just dismiss them. No biggie.

If someone said that Houston was more populated than Los Angeles you probably wouldn't believe them. However if they were right and you were wrong they could go to a credible source like the census home page and give facts pertaining to the issue. There are plenty of biased junk sources out there pertaining to politics. I realize that. But when you make a statement like marijuana causes just as many deaths as alcohol I want to see some proof. You can't just use yourself as a source. That's absurd.
-=d=- said:
First off - yes, lets keep things with a modicum of civility (real word?)

2ndly remember, nobody 'owes' you anything...Participation is voluntary :D

I agree participation is voluntary. I'd just like to see the level of discourse raised a bit. If you are going to participate then do so in a constructive manner. Don't just make things up because they support your opinion. Do research for actual facts that support your opinion or shift your argument to something more sensical.
Powerman said:
I agree participation is voluntary. I'd just like to see the level of discourse raised a bit. If you are going to participate then do so in a constructive manner. Don't just make things up because they support your opinion. Do research for actual facts that support your opinion or shift your argument to something more sensical.

Dude, I can follow you right up to the point where YOU named names and made personal accusations. Just what response did you think you would get?
Powerman said:
If someone makes something up then they are lying. If someone lies then they are a liar. It's ok to call people liars when they lie.

If you get a link saying marijuana kills people are you going to believe it?
Powerman said:
If someone makes something up then they are lying. If someone lies then they are a liar. It's ok to call people liars when they lie.

It is your opinion they are liars. I have not seen your substantiation, just the accusation. That being the case, you have made an unsupported and unwarranted personal attack against their integrity.

It is my opinion when one chooses to call another a liar, hard, unimpeachable evidence is required. I do NOT mean this as a threat, but your accusation would get your ass kicked REAL QUICK around here.

Just a thought.
dilloduck said:
If you get a link saying marijuana kills people are you going to believe it?

I would consider the source and I wouldn't be surprised if Marijuana has assisted in a few deaths. But I can say with confidence that it is nowhere near the amount that alcohol contributes to.
Powerman said:
If someone makes something up then they are lying. If someone lies then they are a liar. It's ok to call people liars when they lie.
IF someone makes something up, they are simply not factual. It just means they are wrong.
GunnyL said:
It is your opinion they are liars. I have not seen your substantiation, just the accusation. That being the case, you have made an unsupported and unwarranted personal attack against their integrity.

It is my opinion when one chooses to call another a liar, hard, unimpeachable evidence is required. I do NOT mean this as a threat, but your accusation would get your ass kicked REAL QUICK around here.

Just a thought.

The evidence is obvious. He made a false claim and didn't back it up. You'd have to be an idiot to agree with him without seeing some proof. I have supported some statistics on the original thread about the discussion that are in opposition to what he said. He made something up on the spot and that is lying.
Powerman said:
I'm willing to bend and give him the benefit of a doubt. So then we would say that he is ignorant on the subject at hand and not an actual liar.
Calling him a liar doesn't do much but piss everyone off---if he has some proof to what he says--refute it----if he doesn't --point it out.
dilloduck said:
Calling him a liar doesn't do much but piss everyone off---if he has some proof to what he says--refute it----if he doesn't --point it out.

Well I pointed it out and he went on an attack and called me a pot head. He contributed absolutely nothing to the conversation other than things that he made up off the top of his head. I don't see where that has any place in a political forum.
Powerman said:
Well I pointed it out and he went on an attack and called me a pot head. He contributed absolutely nothing to the conversation other than things that he made up off the top of his head. I don't see where that has any place in a political forum.

Well, from a ree-formed pothead to a pothead .....

Marijuana could easily cause as many automobile accidents as alcohol. Both intoxicants act on the central nervous system, slowing reaction time, and both distort reality for the user.

To deny that one is just as dangerous as the other for a person driving 2 tons of steel at 70 MPH is being a bit biased to one's personal preferences, IMO.
GunnyL said:
Well, from a ree-formed pothead to a pothead .....

Marijuana could easily cause as many automobile accidents as alcohol. Both intoxicants act on the central nervous system, slowing reaction time, and both distort reality for the user.

To deny that one is just as dangerous as the other for a person driving 2 tons of steel at 70 MPH is being a bit biased to one's personal preferences, IMO.

this was exactly what I was trying to get across to the know it all powerhouse...then he continued to put his conditioned spin on it and started to demand cites...while all along he gave non..except his limited experience and pre-programming! There are cites out there that will agree and disagree with both opinions...so the point became a moot one....I relied on actual experience in the field vs a canned opinion and study! ;)
GunnyL said:
Well, from a ree-formed pothead to a pothead .....

Marijuana could easily cause as many automobile accidents as alcohol.

Then why isn't that the case? I'm not saying it can't inhibit your ability to drive but it's not near as dangerous and drinking while heavily intoxicated.
GunnyL said:
Well, from a ree-formed pothead to a pothead .....

Marijuana could easily cause as many automobile accidents as alcohol. Both intoxicants act on the central nervous system, slowing reaction time, and both distort reality for the user.

To deny that one is just as dangerous as the other for a person driving 2 tons of steel at 70 MPH is being a bit biased to one's personal preferences, IMO.
The are too many of both driving around for me not to drive as defensively as possible.
Powerman said:
Then why isn't that the case? I'm not saying it can't inhibit your ability to drive but it's not near as dangerous and drinking while heavily intoxicated.

Says WHO?

Not all states even look beyond alcohol. If you aren't completely whacked out of your mind, you just get a reckless driving/causing an accident/etc ticket.

One breath of booze and the breathalyzer comes out and if you've had even one beer nowadays you're busted and going to jail.
archangel said:
this was exactly what I was trying to get across to the know it all powerhouse...then he continued to put his conditioned spin on it and started to demand cites...while all along he gave non..except his limited experience and pre-programming! There are cites out there that will agree and disagree with both opinions...so the point became a moot one....I relied on actual experience in the field vs a canned opinion and study! ;)

I seriously doubt that as an officer of the law you witnessed more accidents due to marijuana than alcohol. It's just not consistent at all with statistics. If you lived in a dry county full of pot heads that might make sense but otherwise it's just absurd.
GunnyL said:
Says WHO?

Says logic and statistics. Almost half of all fatal accidents are alcohol related and an estimated 7-20 percent are related to THC. And 70-90% of the fatal accidents involving THC also included alcohol. In other words THC alone is nowhere near as dangerous as alcohol. It is lunacy to act as if THC is just as dangerous as alcohol.
Powerman said:
I seriously doubt that as an officer of the law you witnessed more accidents due to marijuana than alcohol. It's just not consistent at all with statistics. If you lived in a dry county full of pot heads that might make sense but otherwise it's just absurd.

I stated my position...if you have doubts or do not believe one who was in the field vs what so called studies say...well that is your problem...not mine...and I agree with gunny...way too many of both on our highways...Drive Defensively is the name of the game! :bat:

correction to include dillo...in this assessment and agreement...he made the both guilty comment/defensive driving!
Powerman said:
Says logic and statistics. Almost half of all fatal accidents are alcohol related and an estimated 7-20 percent are related to THC. And 70-90% of the fatal accidents involving THC also included alcohol. In other words THC alone is nowhere near as dangerous as alcohol. It is lunacy to act as if THC is just as dangerous as alcohol.

Logic? I disagree. That of course is based on personal experience as a teenageer/observation of my friends at the time. I am afraid there is no link for that. The effects on the nervous system/reaction time and distortion of reality are documented scientific fact.

As far as statistics go, as I pointed out earlier, many more pot smokers are going to slip through the cracks than alcohol users.

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