Why do liberals like to be lectured?


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Gold Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2011
every time Obama spoke I got flashbacks of my college professors. Trump is blunt, speaks his mind, and talks to people, not at them. Now this thread has nothing to do with substance of the two polar opposites, but rather style. I find Trump’s style more refreshing than obama’s. Obama may very well be hyper literate, but he breathes an arrogance about him that causes him to lose charisma
Politicians know whats best for you. Why shouldnt the narcissistic blow hards talk down to us peons?
Maybe people like being communicated to in the way they communicate themselves, at a level with which they are comfortable.

Some people communicate as if they're in grade school, some as if they're in college or beyond.
This is correct. I like to hear a politician proceed in a logical way from one point to another while focusing on the topic at hand. I do not need anyone to tell me how to feel about anything.
No offense to the op. . .

But who really gives a shit about what leftardz like?

Or think

Or want

Or anything?
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every time Obama spoke I got flashbacks of my college professors. Trump is blunt, speaks his mind, and talks to people, not at them. Now this thread has nothing to do with substance of the two polar opposites, but rather style. I find Trump’s style more refreshing than obama’s. Obama may very well be hyper literate, but he breathes an arrogance about him that causes him to lose charisma
tRump only minces words in a salad form. His length of concentration is shorter than his dick. Most orators have a smooth positive way of conveying ideas or thoughts. Your rumpy dufus only makes had gestures and half thoughts in between greatest, absolutely, folks, I am the smartest man, and other self centered comments.
No offense to the op. . .

But who really gives a shit about what leftardz like?

Or think

Or want

Or anything?
One thing is for sure the op has no idea what anyone wants or likes or thinks or knows.
every time Obama spoke I got flashbacks of my college professors. Trump is blunt, speaks his mind, and talks to people, not at them. Now this thread has nothing to do with substance of the two polar opposites, but rather style. I find Trump’s style more refreshing than obama’s. Obama may very well be hyper literate, but he breathes an arrogance about him that causes him to lose charisma
tRump only minces words in a salad form. His length of concentration is shorter than his dick. Most orators have a smooth positive way of conveying ideas or thoughts. Your rumpy dufus only makes had gestures and half thoughts in between greatest, absolutely, folks, I am the smartest man, and other self centered comments.

Dang, you must have some insider information that most do not have. Personal experience?
Almost every politician talks to us like we are children, and won't say a word to anyone until a focus group gives them the OK to talk.

That isn't what I want in my politicians.

>Thinking Trump is less arrogant than Obama.

Man, what a world.

But, duh, it's because it's better to have a smart president than a stupid one.
>Thinking Trump is less arrogant than Obama.

Man, what a world.

But, duh, it's because it's better to have a smart president than a stupid one.

Trump’s not really arrogant if you understand him. He has a fake arrogance that is part of his charm. Obama was a professorial douchebag
In support of reason. I tend to leave news media alone; most is low quality literature.


Filed Under: Effective Communication

The average reading age of the UK population is 9 years – that is, they have achieved the reading ability normally expected of a 9 year old. The Guardian has a reading age of 14 and the Sun has a reading age of 8.

Considering the readability of your copy will benefit many people, including blind and partially sighted people.

This is an example of a possible paragraph written for the access page of a brochure:

At every performance where audio description is provided, there is also an opportunity for a touch tour of the stage and set. Touch tours give visually impaired patrons an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the set and costumes before the show to enhance their enjoyment of the production.

This sample has a reading age of 24 and, therefore, it excludes the vast majority of its intended readers.

Here is an alternate version of the copy:

There will be a touch tour before every audio described performance. This gives you the chance get to know the set and costumes. Patrons tell us this means they enjoy the show more.

It now has a reading age of 10. All we’ve done is use shorter sentences and shorter, everyday words.

So simplifying the reading age gets MORE of the target audience into the loop. Obama was usually just a convoluted mess.

Readability « See a Voice

every time Obama spoke I got flashbacks of my college professors. Trump is blunt, speaks his mind, and talks to people, not at them. Now this thread has nothing to do with substance of the two polar opposites, but rather style. I find Trump’s style more refreshing than obama’s. Obama may very well be hyper literate, but he breathes an arrogance about him that causes him to lose charisma

"Trump is blunt, speaks his mind, and talks to people, not at them."

How many people got to stand up at his rallies and "talk" to him?
How did he handle the protestors at his rallies?
Forget already?
You're full of shit and fantasies.
Like I’ve always said all progressives are fucked in the head
Trump’s not really arrogant if you understand him. He has a fake arrogance that is part of his charm. Obama was a professorial douchebag

Are we talking about the same person here? The man can't talk about himself without saying at least five good things about himself! This is the guy who once claimed he didn't need a state department, because he was the only one the matters. The guy who claims he is the only one who can do anything about North Korea. The guy who claimed he has the "best people" (before a quarter of them got arrested of course). Naw, not just the best people, but people we hadn't even have heard before.

Trump edited the photographs of his own inauguration so that the crowds would look larger! He did it with his hands once too! He has a sketchy doctor on call around so that he can tell everyone he is in the "best of health "on demand."

Like, I can do this all day. I mean, for fucks sake, he lives in a giant tower he named after himself with his name written on gold on the side.

What isn't arrogant about this man?
Interesting OP. I think of Rush Limbaugh listeners as folks that enjoyed being talked down to. But I can see Rocko's point about Obama and think it applied even more in regards to Bill Clinton who only somewhat learned his lesson from his 1988 hour long Dukakis nomination speech. With Trump I see and hear a mixed bag. He does an excellent job with a prepared speech, otherwise I expect a crap shoot between a good or bad delivery, hinting on his confidence level of the subject matter. But indeed, he doesn't come across as a lecturer.
Interesting OP. I think of Rush Limbaugh listeners as folks that enjoyed being talked down to. But I can see Rocko's point about Obama and think it applied even more in regards to Bill Clinton who only somewhat learned his lesson from his 1988 hour long Dukakis nomination speech. With Trump I see and hear a mixed bag. He does an excellent job with a prepared speech, otherwise I expect a crap shoot between a good or bad delivery, hinting on his confidence level of the subject matter. But indeed, he doesn't come across as a lecturer.

He does an excellent job with a prepared speech?

You said that?


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