Why do Democrats/liberals/leftists keep pushing for gun laws they know will be struck?

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Democrats / liberals / leftists want to place as many unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding as they can -- the recent Prop 114 in Oregon, the (as always) failed attempt at a new federal ban on 'assault weapons', the various "Bruen response bills" created by CA NY and NJ are just a a few of the numerous examples of same.

The people enacting these laws -know- they will, in toto, be struck under the jurisprudence handed down in v Bruen.

All they have going for them is they can pass these laws faster than the courts can strike them - but they will be struck.
So... why do they bother?
Anger? hatred? Spite? Incompetence?

Doesn't willfully enacting laws you know violate the constitution violate your oath to uphold the constitution?
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Doesn't willfully enacting laws you know violate the constitution violate your oath to uphold the constitution?
Yes, but that wont ever be enforced. If they did, every President and 99% of congress critters would be screwed.
Yes, but that wont ever be enforced. If they did, every President and 99% of congress critters would be screwed.
Suffice it to say the representarives and governors who enact these laws in heavily (D) states have nothing to worry about.
If the Dems thought it was safe to do so, they would enact California's gun laws at the federal level.
Democrats / liberals / leftists want to place as many unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding as they can -- the recent Prop 114 in Oregon, the (as always) failed attempt at a new federal ban on 'assault weapons', the various "Bruen response bills" created by CA NY and NJ are just a a few of the numerous examples of same.

The people enacting these laws -know- they will, in toto, be struck under the jurisprudence handed down in v Bruen.

All they have going for them is they can pass the se laws fast r than the courts can strike them - but they will be struck
So... why do they bother?
Anger? hatred? Spite? Incompetence?

Doesn't willfully enacting laws you know violate the constitution violate your oath to uphold the constitution?
They want so much to rob US blind. As long as we can protect ourselves then their brown shirt and skin people cant invade out houses, just our country.
Global wildlife population down by 70% over the last 30 years.
Widely misinterpreted report still shows catastrophic animal decline

kill!!! KILL!!!! KILL !!!!!
Because shooting Bambi and her baby fawns from 100 yards away makes you a "man" and is so DAMN MUCH FUN !!!!

Because our court system is some sort of legal oddity where everything takes two years to wind it's way through.

The dems pass illegal laws knowing it will take two years to be struck down and by then they pass another raft of them just slightly less odious which takes another two years.....Rinse and repeat.

You getting it now?

There should be some type of both state and federal level review panel made of of six members....Three chosen by each side.....3-3 ties or 4-3 or better decisions kills a new law.

New laws of any type are seldom good for the general public.....The fewer laws generated the better.
Global wildlife population down by 70% over the last 30 years.
Widely misinterpreted report still shows catastrophic animal decline

kill!!! KILL!!!! KILL !!!!!
Because shooting Bambi and her baby fawns from 100 yards away makes you a "man" and is so DAMN MUCH FUN !!!!

Damn, you are a special kind of idiot. :cuckoo:

I walked out back to get the bird feeders in last evening just after dark and damn near stepped on a deer bedded down next to my patio....I looked out and there were three more bedded down in the yard.

Oh and the reason I bring the feeders in at night is because of the damn bear.
Damn, you are a special kind of idiot. :cuckoo:

I walked out back to get the bird feeders in last evening just after dark and damn near stepped on a deer bedded down next to my patio....I looked out and there were three more bedded down in the yard.

Oh and the reason I bring the feeders in at night is because of the damn bear.

Right. Im a "idiot" because it doesn't give me great joy to kill things.
Apparently right along side you.

Global wildlife population down by 70% over the last 30 years.
Widely misinterpreted report still shows catastrophic animal decline

98% of animal vehicle collisions cause by fucktard blood thirsty cowards shooting at animals too close to interstates and roads.
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Democrats / liberals / leftists want to place as many unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding as they can -- the recent Prop 114 in Oregon, the (as always) failed attempt at a new federal ban on 'assault weapons', the various "Bruen response bills" created by CA NY and NJ are just a a few of the numerous examples of same.

The people enacting these laws -know- they will, in toto, be struck under the jurisprudence handed down in v Bruen.

All they have going for them is they can pass these laws faster than the courts can strike them - but they will be struck.
So... why do they bother?
Anger? hatred? Spite? Incompetence?

Doesn't willfully enacting laws you know violate the constitution violate your oath to uphold the constitution?

But until you can get them to a non-left wing run court, those laws will stay in place and normal, law abiding citizens can be arrested and punished for breaking them.....and? They are holding out for the day they can pack the Supreme Court..............the fact that it also takes money and resources to go back into court to have those laws struck down is just icing on the cake for the left wing, fascist assholes.....
Global wildlife population down by 70% over the last 30 years.
Widely misinterpreted report still shows catastrophic animal decline

kill!!! KILL!!!! KILL !!!!!
Because shooting Bambi and her baby fawns from 100 yards away makes you a "man" and is so DAMN MUCH FUN !!!!


Did they get that report from the same place they got the Russian Pee tape? You idiots believe whatever swill the leftists sell you.........go back and vote for biden again you doofus.

I remember when they told us the Polar Bears were finished.......now we know that was a lie......of course.
Right. Im a "idiot" because it doesn't give me great joy to kill things.
Apparently right along side you.

Global wildlife population down by 70% over the last 30 years.
Widely misinterpreted report still shows catastrophic animal decline
I don't deer hunt hard anymore 'cause after my dad died I lost interest but still take one on occasion for the meat.

001 (2).jpg

I still hunt squirrel a right good bit.....It's been a down year due to my bum knee but I've killed 53 so far.....Yummy!
Did they get that report from the same place they got the Russian Pee tape? You idiots believe whatever swill the leftists sell you.........go back and vote for biden again you doofus.

I remember when they told us the Polar Bears were finished.......now we know that was a lie......of course.

Listen up boy.....
I see cowards in RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS shooting a wildlife from their back patios all the time.
I see videos all the time of cowards shooting majestic animals on YouTube and laughing as they fall off of cliffs.

Using the 2A for protection against tyranny is one thing......
Rampant killing for the fun of it is disgusting and NOT the purpose of the 2nd amendment.
Right. Im a "idiot" because it doesn't give me great joy to kill things.
Apparently right along side you.

Global wildlife population down by 70% over the last 30 years.
Widely misinterpreted report still shows catastrophic animal decline

98% of animal vehicle collisions cause by fucktard cowards shooting at animals too close to interstates and roads.
Yes, you are an idiot.
You post stats about "Global wildlife population" then cry like a little girl about deer hunting.
There are approx. 36 million deer in the U.S. and not enough natural predators. Without hunting, the numbers would explode and the deer would starve to death.
But whiny little bitches such as yourself never think about that.
And for the record, I am not a hunter.
I don't deer hunt hard anymore 'cause after my dad died I lost interest but still take one on occasion for the meat.

View attachment 727278

I still hunt squirrel a right good bit.....It's been a down year due to my bum knee but I've killed 53 so far.....Yummy!

The fucktard coward calls everyone else the idiot.

Did you kill the babies too?
Better get back out there and kill Bambi and the babies too.

Karma. Here's to your other knee collapsing :beer:
Yes, you are an idiot.
You post stats about "Global wildlife population" then cry like a little girl about deer hunting.
There are approx. 36 million deer in the U.S. and not enough natural predators. Without hunting, the numbers would explode and the deer would starve to death.
But whiny little bitches such as yourself never think about that.
And for the record, I am not a hunter.

Blah Blah Blah.....
A convenient lie.

Amazing how the world survived before you came along isn't it ??

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