Why Do Conservative Heroes Typically Apologize?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

When conservative politicians, media personalities, and other right wing public figures make critical, abusive, or bullying statements aimed at ā€œenemiesā€ of conservatism it is their goal to impress their audiences or constituents. Such statements are also the speakersā€™ method to validate the hatred conservatives feel towards these ā€œenemiesā€ as the speaker increase his (or her) own popularity at the same time.

The nasty, abusive, and/or bullying comments are welcomed by the speakers' conservative audiences and constituents, so, why do these conservative heroes typically apologize days or even hours later?

Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin is the most recent conservative hero to eat his words and publicly apologize for insulting an individual or group of conservative ā€œenemiesā€. The conservatives' ā€œenemiesā€ Bevin attacked were the teachers in his state.

During a Friday interview with a local television reporter, while addressing a teachersā€™ strike, Bevin offered his conservative words of wisdom saying ā€œHe could guarantee that somewhere in Kentucky a child was sexually assaulted after being left home with no supervision because of the walkout.ā€

Of course, rational Americans understand the governorā€™s assertion was asinine, but also realize the stupid nature of his statement did, indeed please his conservative constituency.

Like Laura Ingraham, after tweeting, " ā€˜David Hogg Rejected by Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPAā€¦totally predictable given acceptance rates.)' ", she ate her words when Hogg and his legion of Twitter followers forced a sponsor boycott of her FOX Noise show.

In her attempt to appease her sponsorsā€™ anger, Ingraham tweeted, " ā€˜Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA ā€” incl. @DavidHog111.' then adding, ā€˜On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland.' "

These two conservative heroes are just the most recent in a long, long list of their ilk, who, after blow-back from rational Americans, disappoint their loyal followers by refusing to own the insult(s) or nasty remark(s) they made to impress their audiences.

Conservatives should, no, must after one of their heroes says something stupid, immediately write, call, Email, or tweet their support for whatever idiotic statement he (or she) made.

Conservatives owe this to their heroes. Showing their support in this way will keep conservatives very, very busy, and involved.

Happily, progressives as a whole, experience the public embarrassment caused by such actions far, far less often than conservatives. Mostly due to the fact progressives embrace education and civility.

Kentucky governor apologizes for saying teacher strike led to sexual assaults

Fox News host apologizes for mocking a Parkland shooting survivor's grades as companies yank their ads from her show


When conservative politicians, media personalities, and other right wing public figures make critical, abusive, or bullying statements aimed at ā€œenemiesā€ of conservatism it is their goal to impress their audiences or constituents. Such statements are also the speakersā€™ method to validate the hatred conservatives feel towards these ā€œenemiesā€ as the speaker increase his (or her) own popularity at the same time.

The nasty, abusive, and/or bullying comments are welcomed by the speakers' conservative audiences and constituents, so, why do these conservative heroes typically apologize days or even hours later?

Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin is the most recent conservative hero to eat his words and publicly apologize for insulting an individual or group of conservative ā€œenemiesā€. The conservatives' ā€œenemiesā€ Bevin attacked were the teachers in his state.

During a Friday interview with a local television reporter, while addressing a teachersā€™ strike, Bevin offered his conservative words of wisdom saying ā€œHe could guarantee that somewhere in Kentucky a child was sexually assaulted after being left home with no supervision because of the walkout.ā€

Of course, rational Americans understand the governorā€™s assertion was asinine, but also realize the stupid nature of his statement did, indeed please his conservative constituency.

Like Laura Ingraham, after tweeting, " ā€˜David Hogg Rejected by Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPAā€¦totally predictable given acceptance rates.)' ", she ate her words when Hogg and his legion of Twitter followers forced a sponsor boycott of her FOX Noise show.

In her attempt to appease her sponsorsā€™ anger, Ingraham tweeted, " ā€˜Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA ā€” incl. @DavidHog111.' then adding, ā€˜On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland.' "

These two conservative heroes are just the most recent in a long, long list of their ilk, who, after blow-back from rational Americans, disappoint their loyal followers by refusing to own the insult(s) or nasty remark(s) they made to impress their audiences.

Conservatives should, no, must after one of their heroes says something stupid, immediately write, call, Email, or tweet their support for whatever idiotic statement he (or she) made.

Conservatives owe this to their heroes. Showing their support in this way will keep conservatives very, very busy, and involved.

Happily, progressives as a whole, experience the public embarrassment caused by such actions far, far less often than conservatives. Mostly due to the fact progressives embrace education and civility.

Kentucky governor apologizes for saying teacher strike led to sexual assaults

Fox News host apologizes for mocking a Parkland shooting survivor's grades as companies yank their ads from her show


You gotta try to understand how the nut jobs think. A republican politician says something disgusting, and all his supporters love it. Soon afterward, he appologizes, and his followers think "The machine made him appologize, so he did what he had to do, but we know he really meant it". Later, when he says the next stupid thing, their belief is just reinforced.
Give politicians an inch and they take a mile. Politicians suffer the Napoleonic Complex. I would rather be a ditch digger than a politician.
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Why Do Conservative Heroes Typically Apologize?
  • They apologize because:
    • They observe that there's not general public support, or at least indifference, regarding their remarks, or
    • To "stop the bleeding" when their providers of revenue indicate that what was said is beyond the pale.
  • What is not a reason they apologize is their awareness that their remarks were ribald to begin with.
  • The problem is that they uttered their vitriol in the first place. More often than not, their invective fomented anew and/or nurtured extant animosity toward someone or some group, which is what they intended to do. The apology is of no real value at that point.

When conservative politicians, media personalities, and other right wing public figures make critical, abusive, or bullying statements aimed at ā€œenemiesā€ of conservatism it is their goal to impress their audiences or constituents. Such statements are also the speakersā€™ method to validate the hatred conservatives feel towards these ā€œenemiesā€ as the speaker increase his (or her) own popularity at the same time.

The nasty, abusive, and/or bullying comments are welcomed by the speakers' conservative audiences and constituents, so, why do these conservative heroes typically apologize days or even hours later?

Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin is the most recent conservative hero to eat his words and publicly apologize for insulting an individual or group of conservative ā€œenemiesā€. The conservatives' ā€œenemiesā€ Bevin attacked were the teachers in his state.

During a Friday interview with a local television reporter, while addressing a teachersā€™ strike, Bevin offered his conservative words of wisdom saying ā€œHe could guarantee that somewhere in Kentucky a child was sexually assaulted after being left home with no supervision because of the walkout.ā€

Of course, rational Americans understand the governorā€™s assertion was asinine, but also realize the stupid nature of his statement did, indeed please his conservative constituency.

Like Laura Ingraham, after tweeting, " ā€˜David Hogg Rejected by Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPAā€¦totally predictable given acceptance rates.)' ", she ate her words when Hogg and his legion of Twitter followers forced a sponsor boycott of her FOX Noise show.

In her attempt to appease her sponsorsā€™ anger, Ingraham tweeted, " ā€˜Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA ā€” incl. @DavidHog111.' then adding, ā€˜On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland.' "

These two conservative heroes are just the most recent in a long, long list of their ilk, who, after blow-back from rational Americans, disappoint their loyal followers by refusing to own the insult(s) or nasty remark(s) they made to impress their audiences.

Conservatives should, no, must after one of their heroes says something stupid, immediately write, call, Email, or tweet their support for whatever idiotic statement he (or she) made.

Conservatives owe this to their heroes. Showing their support in this way will keep conservatives very, very busy, and involved.

Happily, progressives as a whole, experience the public embarrassment caused by such actions far, far less often than conservatives. Mostly due to the fact progressives embrace education and civility.

Kentucky governor apologizes for saying teacher strike led to sexual assaults

Fox News host apologizes for mocking a Parkland shooting survivor's grades as companies yank their ads from her show


A better question is , why don't democrats ever apologize instead of making excuses ?

When conservative politicians, media personalities, and other right wing public figures make critical, abusive, or bullying statements aimed at ā€œenemiesā€ of conservatism it is their goal to impress their audiences or constituents. Such statements are also the speakersā€™ method to validate the hatred conservatives feel towards these ā€œenemiesā€ as the speaker increase his (or her) own popularity at the same time.

The nasty, abusive, and/or bullying comments are welcomed by the speakers' conservative audiences and constituents, so, why do these conservative heroes typically apologize days or even hours later?

Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin is the most recent conservative hero to eat his words and publicly apologize for insulting an individual or group of conservative ā€œenemiesā€. The conservatives' ā€œenemiesā€ Bevin attacked were the teachers in his state.

During a Friday interview with a local television reporter, while addressing a teachersā€™ strike, Bevin offered his conservative words of wisdom saying ā€œHe could guarantee that somewhere in Kentucky a child was sexually assaulted after being left home with no supervision because of the walkout.ā€

Of course, rational Americans understand the governorā€™s assertion was asinine, but also realize the stupid nature of his statement did, indeed please his conservative constituency.

Like Laura Ingraham, after tweeting, " ā€˜David Hogg Rejected by Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPAā€¦totally predictable given acceptance rates.)' ", she ate her words when Hogg and his legion of Twitter followers forced a sponsor boycott of her FOX Noise show.

In her attempt to appease her sponsorsā€™ anger, Ingraham tweeted, " ā€˜Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA ā€” incl. @DavidHog111.' then adding, ā€˜On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland.' "

These two conservative heroes are just the most recent in a long, long list of their ilk, who, after blow-back from rational Americans, disappoint their loyal followers by refusing to own the insult(s) or nasty remark(s) they made to impress their audiences.

Conservatives should, no, must after one of their heroes says something stupid, immediately write, call, Email, or tweet their support for whatever idiotic statement he (or she) made.

Conservatives owe this to their heroes. Showing their support in this way will keep conservatives very, very busy, and involved.

Happily, progressives as a whole, experience the public embarrassment caused by such actions far, far less often than conservatives. Mostly due to the fact progressives embrace education and civility.

Kentucky governor apologizes for saying teacher strike led to sexual assaults

Fox News host apologizes for mocking a Parkland shooting survivor's grades as companies yank their ads from her show


A better question is , why don't democrats ever apologize instead of making excuses ?

To be fair, in order to apologize would be to concede that:

1. You make mistakes.
2. You feel bad about making mistakes
3. You are capable of having empathy for those that may have suffered for your mistakes.

Clearly, this makes Dims exempt from ever having to apologize about anything........cuz Trump!

When conservative politicians, media personalities, and other right wing public figures make critical, abusive, or bullying statements aimed at ā€œenemiesā€ of conservatism it is their goal to impress their audiences or constituents. Such statements are also the speakersā€™ method to validate the hatred conservatives feel towards these ā€œenemiesā€ as the speaker increase his (or her) own popularity at the same time.

The nasty, abusive, and/or bullying comments are welcomed by the speakers' conservative audiences and constituents, so, why do these conservative heroes typically apologize days or even hours later?

Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin is the most recent conservative hero to eat his words and publicly apologize for insulting an individual or group of conservative ā€œenemiesā€. The conservatives' ā€œenemiesā€ Bevin attacked were the teachers in his state.

During a Friday interview with a local television reporter, while addressing a teachersā€™ strike, Bevin offered his conservative words of wisdom saying ā€œHe could guarantee that somewhere in Kentucky a child was sexually assaulted after being left home with no supervision because of the walkout.ā€

Of course, rational Americans understand the governorā€™s assertion was asinine, but also realize the stupid nature of his statement did, indeed please his conservative constituency.

Like Laura Ingraham, after tweeting, " ā€˜David Hogg Rejected by Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPAā€¦totally predictable given acceptance rates.)' ", she ate her words when Hogg and his legion of Twitter followers forced a sponsor boycott of her FOX Noise show.

In her attempt to appease her sponsorsā€™ anger, Ingraham tweeted, " ā€˜Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA ā€” incl. @DavidHog111.' then adding, ā€˜On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland.' "

These two conservative heroes are just the most recent in a long, long list of their ilk, who, after blow-back from rational Americans, disappoint their loyal followers by refusing to own the insult(s) or nasty remark(s) they made to impress their audiences.

Conservatives should, no, must after one of their heroes says something stupid, immediately write, call, Email, or tweet their support for whatever idiotic statement he (or she) made.

Conservatives owe this to their heroes. Showing their support in this way will keep conservatives very, very busy, and involved.

Happily, progressives as a whole, experience the public embarrassment caused by such actions far, far less often than conservatives. Mostly due to the fact progressives embrace education and civility.

Kentucky governor apologizes for saying teacher strike led to sexual assaults

Fox News host apologizes for mocking a Parkland shooting survivor's grades as companies yank their ads from her show


A better question is , why don't democrats ever apologize instead of making excuses ?

To be fair, in order to apologize would be to concede that:

1. You make mistakes.
2. You feel bad about making mistakes
3. You are capable of having empathy for those that may have suffered for your mistakes.

Clearly, this makes Dims exempt from ever having to apologize about anything........cuz Trump!

True/ good post, they justify their deviate actions, like with obama/Gruber care lie or Harry Reid lying about Romney's tax returns in their minds the "ends justify the means"

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