Why did Zimmerman not go the hospital if his nose was broken and head slammed

What picture???

I had all those injuries and more... I was treated at the scene and I went home after that.

I hadnt shot the perp though... otherwise I would have gone just for the records.

Zimmerman's hospital records are not available due to HIPPA laws I am sure.

This is a tragedy all the way around, but the activities by the black panthers and the silence from the DOJ about it is scary.

The picture they've been posting..I thought that came from the police..but I could be wrong.

I also bled like a stuck pig..partially because I had a few beers to many..partially because when you get hit in the nose..you bleed like a stuck pig.

Yes I did....four year later and I can still find blood in my truck! If this wasnt such a charged and nasty thread I'd explain some of it here (kind of funny story in the end) but yes... I bled all over the place, and YES the perp went to jail. I had to chase him in my truck in order for the police to catch him. If I had a gun, I would have shot the MAN (fuck you bodecea) dead too... I am soooo glad I was unarmed. Turns out the guy had no record either. I dont want him dead... I am sure Zimmerman wishes he could have that night to do all over again. Has anyone bothered to think that maybe just maybe Zimmerman wishes Trayvon was'nt dead.... this is a sad case, but damn we are tearing eachother apart.... sad very sad.

I think the very second after he shot Trayvon his first thought was like, "Oh shit..what did I just do.."

I don't think Zimmerman is evil. I think it was a "heat of the moment" thing.
It doesn't matter if Zimmerman was getting his ass kicked or not. If Zimmerman initiated the fight, he cannot claim Stand-Your-Ground. If he broke off the fight, as he said he did, and Martin attacked him, then he is allowed to defend himself.

There is NO evidence that has come to light that disputes Zimmerman's story. There is circumstantial evidence that supports Zimmerman's story. If you cannot disprove his story and some evidence and witnesses support hias story, you have to let him stay a free man. It is my belief that this is the truth and that that is the reason he has yet to be arrested. in this country one cannot be arrested and held until the authorities determine if a crime has been committed.
The picture they've been posting..I thought that came from the police..but I could be wrong.

I also bled like a stuck pig..partially because I had a few beers to many..partially because when you get hit in the nose..you bleed like a stuck pig.

Yes I did....four year later and I can still find blood in my truck! If this wasnt such a charged and nasty thread I'd explain some of it here (kind of funny story in the end) but yes... I bled all over the place, and YES the perp went to jail. I had to chase him in my truck in order for the police to catch him. If I had a gun, I would have shot the MAN (fuck you bodecea) dead too... I am soooo glad I was unarmed. Turns out the guy had no record either. I dont want him dead... I am sure Zimmerman wishes he could have that night to do all over again. Has anyone bothered to think that maybe just maybe Zimmerman wishes Trayvon was'nt dead.... this is a sad case, but damn we are tearing eachother apart.... sad very sad.

I think the very second after he shot Trayvon his first thought was like, "Oh shit..what did I just do.."

I don't think Zimmerman is evil. I think it was a "heat of the moment" thing.

Zimmerman is not evil... he made a tragic mistake.
He should have been charged for carrying his gun while on watch.... but thats it.

He was attacked while returning to his vehicle... Just listen to the 911 call from the guy in the apartment... Zimmerman was yelling help, what more do you folks want???

This case is being exploited by the race baiters .
I would like to know how someone gets grass stains on their back but is supposedly attacked from behind. I would like to know how someone gets a broken nose and is seen on their back and gets attacked from behind.

Pay attnetion asnd you will understand.

When one is attacked from behind, their first instinct is to find a way to face the attacker. This is not an assumption..it is instinct in ALL living species....however thjis does not hold true if the intital blow results in the person falling to the ground. If that happens, the attacked has the instinct to cover up anbd protect ones head. Again, instinct.

If an attacker wants to commit further harm and the attacked is on the ground face down covering his head, the attacker will turn the attacked over so he can have access to the face. This is typical street fighting tactics.

Unless the initial blow from behind is lethal, finding the attacked on the ground face up with a bloddy nose is by no means unusual.

To the contrary, in a street fight, it is the norm.

Your feminine side is showing bodecea......:eusa_angel:

One thing that is consistent in all of the people who are calling for Zimmerman's arrest, is that they are now so desperate to avoid having to admit to being wrong that they will say any idiotic thing to try to avoid it.
Two things...

Tawana Brawley
Duke Lacrosse.

When are you fucking losers going to learn to STOP convicting someone via the media.

It is fucking Un-American.

Assholes. Every one of you.

You want to know a sure-fire way to tell if you are on the wrong side of ANY issue?

If Al Sharpton is on your side, you are on the wrong side.

I disagree.

Sharpton may be wrong more often than he is right with high profile cases....

But if the black community did not have advocates out there making mouintains out of mole hills.,.....the few mountains that exist would be treated as mole hills.

Think about it.

I disagree. the moutains, if that is what they are, will be addressed by others. there are plenty of people to do that. Sharpton is a race pimping media whore, NOTHING more.
You want to know a sure-fire way to tell if you are on the wrong side of ANY issue?

If Al Sharpton is on your side, you are on the wrong side.

I disagree.

Sharpton may be wrong more often than he is right with high profile cases....

But if the black community did not have advocates out there making mouintains out of mole hills.,.....the few mountains that exist would be treated as mole hills.

Think about it.

I disagree. the moutains, if that is what they are, will be addressed by others. there are plenty of people to do that. Sharpton is a race pimping media whore, NOTHING more.

You'd have never heard about this case, Sean Bell, or Vieques if it wasn't for Sharpton.
You want to know a sure-fire way to tell if you are on the wrong side of ANY issue?

If Al Sharpton is on your side, you are on the wrong side.

I disagree.

Sharpton may be wrong more often than he is right with high profile cases....

But if the black community did not have advocates out there making mouintains out of mole hills.,.....the few mountains that exist would be treated as mole hills.

Think about it.

I disagree. the moutains, if that is what they are, will be addressed by others. there are plenty of people to do that. Sharpton is a race pimping media whore, NOTHING more.

Why do blacks always pick the Al not so Sharptons and Jesse Hi-Jacksons of the world?

Why not folks like CL Bryant..?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7s7mj62cVo]Rev. C.L. Bryant - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-5uR-s8oGE]Rev. C.L. Bryant - Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
I disagree.

Sharpton may be wrong more often than he is right with high profile cases....

But if the black community did not have advocates out there making mouintains out of mole hills.,.....the few mountains that exist would be treated as mole hills.

Think about it.

I disagree. the moutains, if that is what they are, will be addressed by others. there are plenty of people to do that. Sharpton is a race pimping media whore, NOTHING more.

You'd have never heard about this case, Sean Bell, or Vieques if it wasn't for Sharpton.

Why should we hear about it...? Its a local matter IMO.
I dont see racism here w/o all the race baiters getting involved.

I dont think Zimmerman was acting thru racism.... he was reacting to the rash of robberies being perpetrated on his community.

The fact he was carrying a pistol on patrol, then you have me... otherwise, he was attacked by someone and he knew nothing about Trayvon... all he knew was he was being attacked by a 6'3" dude!

The race baiters are fueling the fires of hatred, and its a damn shame!

Tell me Sallow.... you think its right for there to be a bounty out on Zimmerman, do you think it was right for that POS Spike Lee to tweet the address of some innocent old couple in Florida (by mistake - it was supposed to be Zimmermans address)?

This is the same guy that raised 1.6 million dollars for Obama at his home.... what a disgrace for Obama huh?
I would like to know how someone gets grass stains on their back but is supposedly attacked from behind. I would like to know how someone gets a broken nose and is seen on their back and gets attacked from behind.

He was approached from behind, then clocked when Traynor pulled around.

Have you ever been in a fight? Have you ever been up close and personal to one? Obviously not or you wouldn't ask such an assbrain question.
I would like to know how someone gets grass stains on their back but is supposedly attacked from behind. I would like to know how someone gets a broken nose and is seen on their back and gets attacked from behind.

You ever been in a fight for your life dumbass - I have and it isnt pretty!

Unless you were there....STFU

There are witnesses that verify what zimmerman said.

I've been.

And I think I had my nose broke..never went to the hospital for it though.

It came with 2 black eyes and a huge amount of swelling.

Almost within the hour.

Zimmerman's picture doesn't show that.
Which picture? You think the one most circulated is from his detention that night?????????

I read somewhere that he asked to go to the hospital, but the cops detained him for questioning and wouldn't let him go until they were finished.

Then he went.

Not that it matters one way or another. His nose was broken, which supports his version of events.
If the media had any integrity........


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I disagree. the moutains, if that is what they are, will be addressed by others. there are plenty of people to do that. Sharpton is a race pimping media whore, NOTHING more.

You'd have never heard about this case, Sean Bell, or Vieques if it wasn't for Sharpton.

Why should we hear about it...? Its a local matter IMO.
I dont see racism here w/o all the race baiters getting involved.

Even after Zimmerman called him a fucking coon?

I dont think Zimmerman was acting thru racism.... he was reacting to the rash of robberies being perpetrated on his community.

Cool, but why'd he call him a fucking coon?

The fact he was carrying a pistol on patrol, then you have me... otherwise, he was attacked by someone and he knew nothing about Trayvon... all he knew was he was being attacked by a 6'3" dude!

The race baiters are fueling the fires of hatred, and its a damn shame!

Zimmerman called Martin a "fucking coon".

Tell me Sallow.... you think its right for there to be a bounty out on Zimmerman, do you think it was right for that POS Spike Lee to tweet the address of some innocent old couple in Florida (by mistake - it was supposed to be Zimmermans address)?

This is the same guy that raised 1.6 million dollars for Obama at his home.... what a disgrace for Obama huh?

Uh what? Obama? :confused:
He didn't call him a fucking coon.

And you can't prove otherwise.

He may have called him a goon....

And he may have been correct.
I would like to know how someone gets grass stains on their back but is supposedly attacked from behind. I would like to know how someone gets a broken nose and is seen on their back and gets attacked from behind.

He was approached from behind, then clocked when Traynor pulled around.

Have you ever been in a fight? Have you ever been up close and personal to one? Obviously not or you wouldn't ask such an assbrain question.

You saw this happen?

And yes I've been in fights.

You want to talk about "assbrains" without even waiting for my reply? :lol::lol::lol:

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