Why did Zimmerman not go the hospital if his nose was broken and head slammed

well, I still wanna know how dumbducks knew he didn't go?? we shall wait. patiently

Get off your fat ass and read the crime report. It's all in there, including the recommendation of the senior investigator wanting to charge Zimmerman with man slaughter.

And your access to the complete investigation findings, besides little things you see in news articles, comes from where??
well, I still wanna know how dumbducks knew he didn't go?? we shall wait. patiently

Get off your fat ass and read the crime report. It's all in there, including the recommendation of the senior investigator wanting to charge Zimmerman with man slaughter.
I've read the cop report and didn't see the 'senior' investigator say that.

Could you link to the crime report you mentioned? I've only seen the partial police report.

So what were Chris Serino's recommendations in that report?
well, I still wanna know how dumbducks knew he didn't go?? we shall wait. patiently

Get off your fat ass and read the crime report. It's all in there, including the recommendation of the senior investigator wanting to charge Zimmerman with man slaughter.
Martin Police Report PDF

Search for "slaughter" (no quotes).

"Reader has finished searching the document. No matches were found."

Sooooooo, which crime report are you referring to?
well, I still wanna know how dumbducks knew he didn't go?? we shall wait. patiently

Get off your fat ass and read the crime report. It's all in there, including the recommendation of the senior investigator wanting to charge Zimmerman with man slaughter.
Martin Police Report PDF

Search for "slaughter" (no quotes).

"Reader has finished searching the document. No matches were found."

Sooooooo, which crime report are you referring to?

Dick Suck making things up again?? Trying to push his assumptions as fact?? Say it isn't so!!! :rolleyes:
I would like to know how someone gets grass stains on their back but is supposedly attacked from behind. I would like to know how someone gets a broken nose and is seen on their back and gets attacked from behind.
Eveything (so far) adds-up-to.....he initiated contact, and ended-up gettin' his ass KICKED!!!! (....by someone 100lb-lighter-than-him...and, had to shoot-his-way-out.)​
Get off your fat ass and read the crime report. It's all in there, including the recommendation of the senior investigator wanting to charge Zimmerman with man slaughter.
Martin Police Report PDF

Search for "slaughter" (no quotes).

"Reader has finished searching the document. No matches were found."

Sooooooo, which crime report are you referring to?

Dick Suck making things up again?? Trying to push his assumptions as fact?? Say it isn't so!!! :rolleyes:

Investigator Chris Serino, of the Sanford Police Department, expressed doubt in George Zimmerman’s account of how the shooting went down, ABC News reported Tuesday.

Serino wanted Zimmerman, 28, tossed behind bars, but the state Attorney’s Office said there was not enough evidence to make an arrest, multiple sources told ABC News.

In an affidavit taken the night of the Feb. 26 killing, Serino stated he was unconvinced by Zimmerman’s version of events in which he claimed self-defense, the network reported.

Read more: Homicide detective Chris Serino says he wanted George Zimmerman slapped with manslaughter charges in shooting death of Trayvon Martin - NY Daily News
I would like to know how someone gets grass stains on their back but is supposedly attacked from behind. I would like to know how someone gets a broken nose and is seen on their back and gets attacked from behind.

You ever been in a fight for your life dumbass - I have and it isnt pretty!

Unless you were there....STFU

There are witnesses that verify what zimmerman said.
I would like to know how someone gets grass stains on their back but is supposedly attacked from behind. I would like to know how someone gets a broken nose and is seen on their back and gets attacked from behind.

You ever been in a fight for your life dumbass - I have and it isnt pretty!

Unless you were there....STFU

There are witnesses that verify what zimmerman said.

I've been.

And I think I had my nose broke..never went to the hospital for it though.

It came with 2 black eyes and a huge amount of swelling.

Almost within the hour.

Zimmerman's picture doesn't show that.
I would like to know how someone gets grass stains on their back but is supposedly attacked from behind. I would like to know how someone gets a broken nose and is seen on their back and gets attacked from behind.
Eveything (so far) adds-up-to.....he initiated contact, and ended-up gettin' his ass KICKED!!!! (....by someone 100lb-lighter-than-him...and, had to shoot-his-way-out.)​

And you assumptions got turned to fact how?? Your inside information of the investigative findings comes from where??

I swear... you trolls just don't get it
Martin Police Report PDF

Search for "slaughter" (no quotes).

"Reader has finished searching the document. No matches were found."

Sooooooo, which crime report are you referring to?

Dick Suck making things up again?? Trying to push his assumptions as fact?? Say it isn't so!!! :rolleyes:

Investigator Chris Serino, of the Sanford Police Department, expressed doubt in George Zimmerman’s account of how the shooting went down, ABC News reported Tuesday.

Serino wanted Zimmerman, 28, tossed behind bars, but the state Attorney’s Office said there was not enough evidence to make an arrest, multiple sources told ABC News.

In an affidavit taken the night of the Feb. 26 killing, Serino stated he was unconvinced by Zimmerman’s version of events in which he claimed self-defense, the network reported.

Read more: Homicide detective Chris Serino says he wanted George Zimmerman slapped with manslaughter charges in shooting death of Trayvon Martin - NY Daily News

Unconvinced... but not the direct findings of the investigation that follows... plus... where is there a recommendation as stated by the troll?? This is a statement made by an article, with nothing backing it up in the published police report....

Again... sane people, open minded people, and those without a political agenda seem to be waiting for the actual and complete findings to be released.....
Last edited:
I would like to know how someone gets grass stains on their back but is supposedly attacked from behind. I would like to know how someone gets a broken nose and is seen on their back and gets attacked from behind.
Eveything (so far) adds-up-to.....he initiated contact, and ended-up gettin' his ass KICKED!!!! (....by someone 100lb-lighter-than-him...and, had to shoot-his-way-out.)​

And you assumptions got turned to fact how?? Your inside information of the investigative findings comes from where??

I swear... you trolls just don't get it

What assumptions? That Zimmerman's WHOLE DEFENSE!

He was getting his ass royally kicked. So much so he thought the kid was going to kill him.
I would like to know how someone gets grass stains on their back but is supposedly attacked from behind. I would like to know how someone gets a broken nose and is seen on their back and gets attacked from behind.

You ever been in a fight for your life dumbass - I have and it isnt pretty!

Unless you were there....STFU

There are witnesses that verify what zimmerman said.

I've been.

And I think I had my nose broke..never went to the hospital for it though.

It came with 2 black eyes and a huge amount of swelling.

Almost within the hour.

Zimmerman's picture doesn't show that.

What picture???

I had all those injuries and more... I was treated at the scene and I went home after that.

I hadnt shot the perp though... otherwise I would have gone just for the records.

Zimmerman's hospital records are not available due to HIPPA laws I am sure.

This is a tragedy all the way around, but the activities by the black panthers and the silence from the DOJ about it is scary.
I would like to know how someone gets grass stains on their back but is supposedly attacked from behind. I would like to know how someone gets a broken nose and is seen on their back and gets attacked from behind.

You ever been in a fight for your life dumbass - I have and it isnt pretty!

Unless you were there....STFU

There are witnesses that verify what zimmerman said.

Sorry that you got beat up by those girls....I can understand you being intimidated by us now.
Two things...

Tawana Brawley
Duke Lacrosse.

When are you fucking losers going to learn to STOP convicting someone via the media.

It is fucking Un-American.

Assholes. Every one of you.
You ever been in a fight for your life dumbass - I have and it isnt pretty!

Unless you were there....STFU

There are witnesses that verify what zimmerman said.

I've been.

And I think I had my nose broke..never went to the hospital for it though.

It came with 2 black eyes and a huge amount of swelling.

Almost within the hour.

Zimmerman's picture doesn't show that.

What picture???

I had all those injuries and more... I was treated at the scene and I went home after that.

I hadnt shot the perp though... otherwise I would have gone just for the records.

Zimmerman's hospital records are not available due to HIPPA laws I am sure.

This is a tragedy all the way around, but the activities by the black panthers and the silence from the DOJ about it is scary.

Your experience being beat up by girls doesn't necessarily match any other person's experience in fights. FYI
I would like to know how someone gets grass stains on their back but is supposedly attacked from behind. I would like to know how someone gets a broken nose and is seen on their back and gets attacked from behind.

You ever been in a fight for your life dumbass - I have and it isnt pretty!

Unless you were there....STFU

There are witnesses that verify what zimmerman said.

I've been.

And I think I had my nose broke..never went to the hospital for it though.

It came with 2 black eyes and a huge amount of swelling.

Almost within the hour.

Zimmerman's picture doesn't show that.

He neg you too? :lol::lol::lol: One thing I learned when I too got a broken nose....it bleeds like a son of a bitch and swells almost immediately.
Dick Suck making things up again?? Trying to push his assumptions as fact?? Say it isn't so!!! :rolleyes:

Investigator Chris Serino, of the Sanford Police Department, expressed doubt in George Zimmerman’s account of how the shooting went down, ABC News reported Tuesday.

Serino wanted Zimmerman, 28, tossed behind bars, but the state Attorney’s Office said there was not enough evidence to make an arrest, multiple sources told ABC News.

In an affidavit taken the night of the Feb. 26 killing, Serino stated he was unconvinced by Zimmerman’s version of events in which he claimed self-defense, the network reported.

Read more: Homicide detective Chris Serino says he wanted George Zimmerman slapped with manslaughter charges in shooting death of Trayvon Martin - NY Daily News

Unconvinced... but not the direct findings of the investigation that follows... plus... where is there a recommendation as stated by the troll?? This is a statement made by an article, with nothing backing it up in the published police report....

Again... sane people, open minded people, and those without a political agenda seem to be waiting for the actual and complete findings to be released.....

So what dont you believe and why? The investigator wrote an affidavit saying he thought he was guilty. What more proof do you need than the word of someone who looked at all the evidence?
You ever been in a fight for your life dumbass - I have and it isnt pretty!

Unless you were there....STFU

There are witnesses that verify what zimmerman said.

I've been.

And I think I had my nose broke..never went to the hospital for it though.

It came with 2 black eyes and a huge amount of swelling.

Almost within the hour.

Zimmerman's picture doesn't show that.

What picture???

I had all those injuries and more... I was treated at the scene and I went home after that.

I hadnt shot the perp though... otherwise I would have gone just for the records.

Zimmerman's hospital records are not available due to HIPPA laws I am sure.

This is a tragedy all the way around, but the activities by the black panthers and the silence from the DOJ about it is scary.

The picture they've been posting..I thought that came from the police..but I could be wrong.

I also bled like a stuck pig..partially because I had a few beers to many..partially because when you get hit in the nose..you bleed like a stuck pig.
Eveything (so far) adds-up-to.....he initiated contact, and ended-up gettin' his ass KICKED!!!! (....by someone 100lb-lighter-than-him...and, had to shoot-his-way-out.)​

And you assumptions got turned to fact how?? Your inside information of the investigative findings comes from where??

I swear... you trolls just don't get it

What assumptions? That Zimmerman's WHOLE DEFENSE!

He was getting his ass royally kicked. So much so he thought the kid was going to kill him.

Assumptions... you know.. those things that you make without the actual findings to back it up... I see nowhere where the investigators have released that Zimmerman did or did not get his 'ass kicked'... nor where he initiated contact or not...

Backing up shit from Mr. Shithead.... as if you were not low enough before.. you stoop even further

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